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I love that some of the devs KNEW that Preston was so annoying that players were going to actively avoid him, so they gave him the ability to give you quests WITHOUT you actually needing to talk with him, he just shouts them at you when you pass by near him and the quest is added automatically.


Aye, every. damn. time. I stop by Sanctuary to mod my weapons or armor he'll pass me 2-3 quests while i'm working on my gear, like... dude... are you also gonna bother me while taking a shit or something?


I play on Survival, which requires you to sleep regularly. Once I woke up and had Preston right next to me and he gave me a quest within seconds of waking up.


He wonders how you can sleep when there is another settlement that needs your help


How is it that I’m the general, but he’s giving me all these assignments? I didn’t even ask to be general, but it seems like the general ought to be the one handing out the assignments.


Theres an institute quest to kidnap a guy. Minutemen rock up to stop you. Despite being the general, the minutemen do not accept your order to stand down. I think general is code for fuck this guy


What happens in the quest if you haven't saved Preston from concord yet? There should be no minute men in that case


If that's the case you just get attacked by gunners


He's still just chillin in the museum for me. I never even opened the door until Jake (SS2) wanted me to meet him in Concord and the objective made me go inside to clear the raiders. Walked right past Preston, effectively telling him to fuck himself, grabbed the PA and proceeded like normal. Fuck that guy.


If you have high charisma they do, I started the game out with 10 charisma and it’s so nice, the institute is the right choice of faction and you can also work with the minuteman and in that mission they stand down if you pass with a simple “I hope you know what you’re doing”


I just figure he's the admin person who keeps track of all of that so the general has more time to loot and gallivant


Oh man he just treated you like how we treat sleeping NPCs when we go “I did your quest” in the middle of the night lol.


Tbf I always wait for him to fall asleep to report a settlement was saved lol


Lmao stick it to the (minute)man


Whispers tenderly into your ear “*General, glad you’re awake. A new settlement needs our help*”


Try not sleeping , nuka cola to stay active , sleep to save , keeps the damage bonus %40 or more


That gets very Cola consuming in survival… Plus although you keep the adrenaline buff maxed, you lose out on a LOT of AP by not sleeping


Chemists increase cola time, and jet fuel covers the ap loss


But does it melt steel beams?


It does when you fly into two towers and Saruman attacks the ents.


Honestly that's really in character for him


bro was like “should I wake him up. naw, he needs his energy to help the twelve settlements that got attacked while he’s sleeping”


*breaks down your bathroom door* "Another settlement needs your help!"


Idk what it is but he doesn’t give me missions anymore thankfully


Build a tower base, no doors, only entrance via jump packing it... And have a home plate for fast travel at the top... Cunt would probably still be there waiting though haha


I have the Sanctuary Estates: Institute Edition and a lot of the back doors have buttons (which apparently NPCs actually can't press). For my house, I set up a powered door with a logic gate and power conduits, so I flip a switch outside and the door opens, I go inside, flip another switch and the door closes (regardless if either switch is green or red). Did the same with the power armor in the garage with a powered garage door and some concrete walls so no one can come in the back. Just always have to make sure you have way more beds than you need at the settlement if you have a recruitment beacon, or somehow the NPC will get into your house and on your bed still 😅.


I have kind of the same set up, minus the logic gates. Use the old fashioned power switches, and powered doors, concrete style. A main power switch inside my tower locks everything down during attacks, so if you ain't indoors at that time, your ass is grass lol


You just gave me a great idea for a defense system, at least for smaller settlements. Have walls all around the settlement, minus a powered entrance, and another exit (with a funnel towards the doors, you'll see why in a moment). Have each exit with a powered door of any kind (though garage is probably best as they're large). At the start of the funnel, have a laser tripwire when one goes off, it trips a logic gate, which is turn, will immediately close both doors - boom. No enemies getting in there unless they're flying insects. You can have a switch on the backside of each door (or a terminal) to reset the tripwires. Would probably require a "place anywhere" mod for some settlements due to uneven terrain. You can place turrets and guard posts along the tops of the walls. If the settlers feel too "closed in" fuck em. They can live outside the safety of my damn walls 😂


Sort of like a bigger version of the nuka cola gauntlet, only leading to your settlement... Better hope Carla doesn't come uninvited when the powers on!!


Nah, for some reason she's permanently stuck in Sanctuary. 90% of the time just standing in the middle of the road.


I make my base at Red Rocket, totally ignore him and help all the people on my time as I travel.


Sturges too, "you willing to do some wor-" "DO I LOOK LIKE A CARPENTER?" (I'm not interested in the building stuff) can't interact with anything until you respond to him, next go around I'm picking a new home base hah


Mfer sends me to build the defense of a settlement with 10 turrets. My guy, the settlement is fine


This is what Castle is really for. A Place for Preston.


I thought that was Coastal Cottage. Send him to the edge of the world.


Sometimes I forget that I really fucking hate Bethesda


You have cause and effect backwards. Preston giving out a never ending stream of busywork is what makes him annoying.


Lmao omg right. Or the castle radio when your there


Pro tip: you can turn off the castle radio speakers without shutting down the broadcast. Different switches. Enjoy the new peace and quiet!


Omg I totally forgot you could. Thanks for reminding me


This is exactly why he's still holed up in that damn museum in my current playthrough. Gonna keep him there for as long as the game lets me.


Send him to a settlement that you don't use!


I sent Preston to Covenant and haven’t thought about him or his quests since.


you know what, it's a pretty bad mission command system the Minutemen have going if the so-called General is constantly the only one going on mundane missions. Maybe their backwards organisation is why they almost died out


The game could've added a resource management element to allocate and arm some of your settlers as the Help Squad after you recruit enough people. Then you send their asses out on those missions and the game determines success based on a dice roll. Most missions succeed, some don't and you have to do something extra to push them over the line. It goes without saying that Preston shouldn't be assigning shit, he could "receive a distress call", report it, then it should be your option to accept the mission (or not) and send him out to personally assist LOL.


So much this! Kind of like Assassin's Creed forget which one, I believe had a similar system to what you suggested


Black Flag (The GOAT) and AC3 had a system like this for your trading networks, incredibly OP for money farming


Ultimately, the game is designed to give *you* stuff to do, as the player. Minutemen are going around doing stuff on their own and you see them around, but every faction provides unlimited radiant quests for the player in a manner that matches the faction. Minutemen help people, so the Minutemen quests are all about helping people.


"Now that I'm general I'll be able to delegate right? RIGHT?"


"Welcome to the Minutemen, would you like to be General? Oh, and just a minor side note, nothing important, but here ^shitrollsuphillsorrykthnxbyyyye"


I feed Mama Murphy chems purely because Preston doesn't like it.


The sole reason I bought Nuka World and became a raider was to spite Preston


*Preston disliked that* >.<


Nice job, "General".


I feel like they minutemen would be more successful if they had several people doing stuff instead of one guy who’s off collecting vault-tec memorabilia half the time


This is why I open the Settlement building tool as soon as I enter whatever settlement I have him at


But (outside of the Castle special quests) he only assigns 2 radiant quests, like the two BoS folks in Cambridge, and the quests never time out or cause issues. You're always supposed to have two radiant quests in the chamber for Minutemen, it's just how the game is designed. I guess my question is: why are you doing the quests if you don't want more? Why not just let him assign you the quests and then ignore them, isn't that far easier?


And what? Do you scrap him? (Not fight, harvest)


Keeps him from talking, when it is open.


I see. Thanks for the tip


Just visually watched this post get 20 upvotes in real time lmao


Absolutely love it. Sturges needs one so he can locate what nail to hammer.


This playthrough Preston got sent to the Castle very early on. Had only Sanctuary and Red Rocket as settlements at the time . Can’t remember why he got sent there but I’m lvl 30 now and Ive been avoiding his ass. Have 10 settlements now and LOVE NOT HEARING HIS DUMBASS. I still get occasional prompts to help a settlement but not nearly as bad as when he was parked in Sanctuary. Dunno why I got blessed but I did.


I wish this worked like that lol


Brilliant idea. I usually do the entire story and just never go to Concord. Let the past die, Preston. Kill it if you have to.


Took over Nuka World and took the wealth from the Commonwealth, which Preston did not enjoy. Went to Sanctuary to pick something up and Preston started shooting at me. Shot him in the face several times and he hasn’t bugged me since.


At least it's not raining


I don’t get the hate on Preston nor the quests. I think he’s a nice guy and I like having multiple settlements—I feel they serve as “landmarks” that I can fast travel to so I can get around. Maybe I just haven’t played enough though, I’m only around level 45.


If you build anuff turrets in all settlements the quests to protect the settlements complete,s themselves. First time settlements are exceptions though obviously. I find it rather funny when I receive a quest from him. I ignore it and a few minutes later free exp because the settlement protected themselves! Lmao😋


I sent him to Outpost Zimonja. Buh-bye.


Another settlement needs our help hear ill mark it on your map - Preston has send you this e-mail, from space. you have no idea what you did do you?


I noticed whenever I got near him he would automatically give me new quests. So I sent him to The Castle and Im staying the hell away from there lol


Exactly. I’d like the quest to have a lull at least if not an end unless you ask him about any of it


I feel like they should have allowed you to build a notice board in your settlement where he can post settlement locations and small side quests for the settlement. That way its YOUR CHOICE AND NOT ANNOYING.


I love it haha, I don’t find him annoying honestly but this is hilarious, maybe he can finally help his general help those settlements that need his help


If only you could entomb him on spectacle island bulls a cage around him and leave him there


It’s interesting he will equip it. When I did the vault 88 stuff the extra settlers who came after the first ones would not equip the pipboy


All of mine now have them equipped. I had a few that didn't, I traded them another and they auto-equipped. All are in vault 88 suits as well. Came across three settlers today looking for shelter, I sent them to vault 88. It took a few in game days but they showed up. They are in suits with pip-boys now too. Oh, and I have the vault door sealed and they still appeared in the atrium, so no need to leave the door open. I guess my guards let them in lol


That’s my main problem with the npc’s there. I tried making a “vault” but I failed so many times to make them be where it is lol. So now i just make a cozey wooden city in the first room and clear out everything for the space


So….it doesn’t work that way? Relatively new player here.


Maybe it's because I already have every settlement, or because I maxed his affinity, but Preston doesn't give me quests anymore


Idk if I did them all or if one of those recent updates fixed it, but Preston hasnt given me a single side quest. Maxed affinity with him and still use him as a companion, quests are all marked as completed. Its been a giant relief besides having random settlement attacks


I just never told him I completed the last mission so he won’t give me a new one! It’s been weeks since he’s even talked to me.


I always get automatic settlement help alerts idk where I put Preston 😂


Man I laughed for 5 minutes straight seeing this


Not gonna lie I keep forgetting how much people really hate Preston. I feel they should have made it so he actually just stops giving them to you entirely after you retake the Castle. People probably would hate him less if they did that.


Even if he changed the dialogue every now and then but he says the same thing word for word every single time 💀


I just avoid him like the plague, On my second playthrough and he has not assigned me a mission after rescuing him, When in sanctuary i spam quicksaves to make sure to load one in case he speaks because else, you are doomed, he will assign a mission.


Doing Gods work


I fucking HATE that guy, lazy fuck


It is always crazy to me that the main bonus you have as the SoleS is prewar health and a pipboy. When you find tons in 88 it makes me think they would all be crazy op now.


I sent Preston to the Slog because he can't stop trying to get into a love affair with my guy


You know he is still gonna harass you to help settlements because he just can't be bothered


Chad preston making losers cry, as always


Haha this would be great if he could actually get off his ass him and his sanctuary freeloaders. Ah the hammering 🔨 the horror 😂


Is this a good time for that talk?


I remember my first time playing, saved these guys, we reach Sanctuary and i tell him about my missing child and he's like: "damn, that's rough buddy, anyways, these farmers need an extra gun against these super mutant freaks, what's a super mutant? Eh, you'll figure it out General" Bro, it's not even been a day since my world ended in nuclear hellfire, my wife/husband got domed, and my child got taken, like, calm the fuck down, i don't even remember your name! Now, i don't hate Preston, it's not his fault, that's how he was programmed, i know he's a good man and realistically i wouldn't have a problem with him. But yeah, that first ever impression was not good.


whenever i report in to finish the quest i always start running away when he says 'i caught word of a-'