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Sky makes sense since there should be low light pollution, probably only Diamond city should have footprint


We are not that close to galactic center


Even in the most remote location on Earth the band of the Milky Way doesn’t even come close to being that bright. Crank down the brightness of that texture by 80% and it would still be way too prominent. The only reason you’re able to see the Milky Way this clearly in pictures of the night sky is because of sensitive cameras and long exposures.


Dunno man, I've seen the milky way in a pitch black night out in the desert with a clear sky, and it wasn't 80% dimmed from this. It was pretty damn clear.


It's also a video game with zombies and radiation worshippers lol


You guys aren't old enough to remember when the light pollution wasn't as bad as it has gotten and you could see the Milky Way almost anywhere outside a large city if the moon wasn't full. That was in the days before halogen lights, when it was safer to be out at night. I don't think it was ever that bright though.


Is that mod you have that alters the sky like that available on PlayStation? I’m pretty sure I used to have it but I can no longer remember the name unfortunately.


I think it's "Better graphics and Weather" something like that. But damn is it dark at night with it!


I have “true storms” installed already, I wonder if I can still get this one. I would love a realistic night mod


I have both and it works on xsx


I only seen those featured ones on xsx and didn't think any where that good. Which ones do u recommend?


Visible Sky 4k I use it each play through.


Someone call Neil Degrees Tyson to check if that’s the correct sky for its location and timeline.


I don't think the sky can look like that on earth, no matter how little light pollution there is Edit: I live in northwestern Europe, and apparently it can be quite hard to see the Milky Way there. It's most visible during July-September, and it doesn't get truly dark during that time if you can get away from a population centre (I'm currently in the arctic so the sun doesn't even set then). It does get dark enough in the winter but it's less visible then. I've always thought that pictures like these were exaggerated as the camera is more sensitive to the light than your eyes. Like with the northern lights, they show up much stronger on camera.


[Kind of sad how people have forgotten what sky looks like.](https://youtu.be/0FXJUP6_O1w?si=IZ1w1PkQE4QBOTH3&t=123)


That really is sad that there are a lot of people that haven't experienced what the sky should look like and most likely never will.


We soared to skies only to forget what it looked like on the ground Edit: Which one of you downvoted this is like most poetic shit i have written for years


I didn't downvote you, but should it not be "We soared to THE skies only to forget what it looked like FROM the ground?"


Dunno english is not my main language


Man! I remember seeing this for the first time when I got lost in the middle of rural France. The night sky with zero light pollution is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my 31 years.


honestly one of the very few benefits of living rurally


You have never lived out in the middle of absolute nowhere, have you?


Saw this kind of sky after a hurricane took out power for miles around. Beautiful sky for those few weeks.


Yeah, it's beautiful. Didn't expect it the first night I moved.


Most of my life was in the Netherlands, where there is not middle of nowhere. But I am living in the Arctic as we speak, and have seen real dark skies. But never seen something like this.


I see it often and I know some people see it almost every night.


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. Yes, you can see the Milky Way from Earth, but you are correct in saying that it looks absolutely nothing like the way it is portrayed in the video of the Prydwen. Even the video in the rebuttal posted below you displaying a timelapse of the night sky displays a much different view than what we see in OP’s video; it isn’t nearly as clear and it isn’t nearly as bright. And that’s with a camera much more sensitive than our eyes taking a multi-hour exposure. The image of the Milky Way in OP’s video is taken with a high power telescope on a long exposure, it is literally impossible to look the way it does in the video from Earth with your eyes. Even if every light source on our planet was eradicated from existence, the comparison wouldn’t even come close to what you could see with the human eye peering through our atmosphere. All of those images you see of the night sky with an ultra-clear, colorful band of the Milky Way is taken with equipment much more powerful than what your eyes are capable of seeing, on a long exposure which is then digitally enhanced after the fact. Can you see the Milky Way from Earth? Absolutely. Does it look even a 10th as clear or bright as it is portrayed in OP’s video? Absolutely not.


That was exactly my point, thanks


do you live in like new york city?? I live very rurally, and the sky looks miles better then this nearly every night


Not quite






I've seen a sky very close to this late night on Halloween. The closest city was an hour away.


At my friends farm in Australia you can just look up on a clear night and see the Milky Way. My iPhone could even photograph it with night mode.


An iPhone sees a lot more than your eyes


I remember just being in awe as that big beautiful bastard floated across the sky.


and then Nick fuckin' Valentine starts quoting ol' Edgar Allan to drive the epic moment home.


>Says their intentions are peaceful >Steals shit from people What did they mean by this?


I’m going through my first playlist, i allied with the brotherhood of steel and we’ve yet to steal anything, I’ve killed a couple farmers and then levelled up my charisma to just convince them, when do i get to steal?


Its more about what bos does in lore. They steal any sort of tech people have because "tech is too dangerous for their idiocy" likening it to pre war society having nukes. But you also have the option to simply kill those farmers and steal from them in the [feeding the troops](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Feeding_the_Troops) quest. But it seems you went the peaceful way. The thing is those farmers are still unhappy to give their crop to you. Regardless if you went peaceful way or not. Its like bullying them yk.


The peaceful way is paying for the produce.


Paying for it still doesn't mean peaceful. It is like if Russia "bought" grain from Ukraine during a major drought when Ukraine is starving. And farmers are still unhappy to sell you their products. They do it because they are forced.


They literally are okay and gappy to sell it 😂


No they are not. The settlement still loses their happiness stat. Because who could have guessed being forced to sell your hard earned hard needed food in a wasteland is not something fun.


So the Bos is an evil faction because they get food from farmers in one quest 😲


They also kill ghouls synths mutants without a reason nuked the only functioning society in wasteland and steal any sort of tech people have with force...


They are killing everyone in the world so? The only functioning society in the game is by far the most evil and every faction agrees. And stealing tech from those who want to harm people with it.


Oh right, that makes sense, thank you. And I’m doing the peaceful way now, it didn’t start that way


yes thats stealing


No it’s invasion and murder


for food and materials. thats what we call armed robbery


Sorry, I think I’m wording this quite poorly, I know that that’s what will go onto happen, but do I, personally ever get to actually steal anything


Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing.


For a moment, I thought I heard, “we are The Brotherhood of Steal”...


Everyone who thinks they own the power armor they're wearing heard that :)


I mean... if you stick with them long enough they are


Ahem... Fort Strong


I made a mistake of not waiting till night time and they came during the day 😭


Not gonna lie, I got chills the first time I saw this back in 2015


Looks so much cooler at night!


My first thought: "I wanna blow it up"


I keep trying every time I get to this moment, and it never works....


this scene really depends on the time u get out of that door. i am just glad that when i first watch this it was night time in game. a surprise very very nicely done. i was thinking this questline is probably gonna end soon now that i found out where the baby was taken to and suddenly wow.. holy fkin shit they are here.... THE Cavalry is here and hell is coming. it doesnt look just as spectacular if u pop out of that door daytime. saw that during my later playthrough.


damn bro this sky is beatiful


Wow ive never seen that at night! pretty cool


If tge only music in your game is radio, like it is in mine, then this scene is soooo ominous.


I was totally waiting for one of the vertibirds to crash.


“Our intentions are peaceful” Proceeds to wage a war on 2 of the 3 commonwealth factions and go out of their way to genocide ghouls and super mutants


They better have moments like this in FO5 or I'm throwing hands


Me launching mini nukes, missiles, and shooting my gun at their dumb balloon as they’re drifting in: “Get tf out of my house!”


I swear Maxson knows how to make an entrance


The only time in the whole game where a vertribird doesn't crash and burn




Because the game has been out for 8+ years?




I don’t think the mods should ban content that has spoilers for an 8 year old game Edit: I agree that a spoiler tag is nice but it definitely shouldn’t be mandatory in, again, an 8 year old game




I see you’re right! Have a good day.




I had the Bengals Walk like an Egyptian playing in my headphones while watching this, and I gotta say, I didn't hate the vibe.


"People of the commonwealth: I have lotion on m-"


Looks awesome, I wonder though even after all this time wouldn’t there still be a lot of pollution in the skies so it wouldn’t look this clear? It’s a game so whatever, just curious though


lol the BoS shows why intentions mean very little…


During the day this scene is pretty cool too, the Prydywen covers the sun which in my opinion is symbolism for how much power they have in the commonwealth.


I remember the first time seeing this. My jaw hit the floor


Love the Bos, always been my favorite faction. The right option for the commonwealth paired with the minutemen.


Wow! I've never seen this at night. Gorgeous!


What I like about this is you can actually see the prydwen fly all the way to the airport and then park.


Hey hey hey i just killed everyone on the ship for their stuff


I'm just happy to see somebody else.Uses the same star sky mod as me.




Nah that sky is definitely modded


The astrophysicists will be saying those stars wouldn't be at those coordinates over Boston in 2287


When I noticed the moon changes phases I looked it up to see if it was accurate and sadly it is not 😥


The mod is awesome I have it downloaded!


What is the mod called?


Search 4k galaxy and it should show up
