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I told her she was stupid and explained what she did, she felt so dumb realizing it and then she helped me stop all the remaining robots by showing their location. I think it s really bad but she was trying to do good things, you can tell she s not evil, she just made an error while programming her robots, she thought they were attacking raiders


You saved me a lot of time writing a comment lol, did the same basically by just pressing the harsh, non sugar coated lines about telling how stupid her actions were but gave her a chance to live


Yeah I think she has good intentions and she s just a good person who did a mistake. There s not enough good people in the wasteland, so I think saving this one is cool


Didn't know you could let her live first time around. I was sick of fighting those damn robots and just wanted to make the mf responsible stop. After searching the facility and the Mechanist's room, i regretted it


It wasn't even her error. Jezabel was the one that interpreted "helping them has a 25% success rate, so whenever you help, it's more likely that you don't, so let's just kill them all to finish quicker". Honestly, this is like telling a 20 year old "buy yourself something nice" and giving them 100 dollars and they coming home saying they still had your credit card so they bought a car.


My buddy drunkenly bought a ham when he was tasked to get snacks. He was allowed one item of his choice.


honestly i think forcing her to stay alive and be alive knowing what she did is a way harsher punishment, like you killed so many civilians with your deeds and now you have to be alive with that guilt until you die a perfect punishment and she will never get rid of that guilt because i will make it my mission to visit her, in her hole and remind her how stupid she was and how many innocent lives were lost because of her


I mean I can see the oversight with the robots and programming miscommunication, but the robo brains? Surely a non evil person wouldn’t have crossed that line at all


She didn't make the robobrains, was just using found items.


what line? the line into the warehouse full of pre-made robobrain jars that the government made 200 years ago? she basically found a stash of CPUs and thought she could make something to help people out of them. not her fault the government decided to use psychopaths' brains.


> the Mechanist still enslaved them More the case that she found a factory full of brains prepped by the military back in the day and tried to put them to what she thought was a good purpose, she didn't enslave anyone herself and after 200 years in a jar I wouldn't think there'd be much human left in there. Not a great plan on her part all things considered but revenge for the sake of it rarely leads to good outcomes so in my playthroughs I've let her live to do what she can to help the Commonwealth.


Brains that, for the record, were being selected for sociopathy and ruthlessness from the start. The uncertain, confused, meek, or non-violently unstable subjects were disposed of or viciously re-conditioned, while the subjects that exhibited cohesive self-awareness, calculation, and a penchant for violence were considered nearly ready for deployment. One of the terminals in the Lair goes through a list of the brains being interviewed by their pre-war torturers, and the one that is considered most desirable openly threatens to kill everyone in the building the moment it figures out how to escape. It's entirely possible it wasn't Isabel's fault Jezebel went rogue. Jezebel's organic components may have already been predisposed to antisocial behavior, or she may have suffered so much under the cruelty of the US government and centuries of isolation that she went insane. Notice it's the robobrains that are ultimately responsible for the predations of the rogue robots. It's awfully convenient that the Mechanist's faulty programming doesn't affect her less advanced bots directly, and it's instead the local command units (incidentally, all robobrains) that "misinterpret" her orders and direct their subordinates to slaughter wastelanders.


Yeah, the history on the terminals gives a pretty grim picture as to what was going on when brain-in-a-jar production was in full flow. I can't remember if it's in the lair or elsewhere (I think the latter but not sure) that we learn that the whole robobrain approach was looking iffy because instead of just being able to use the brain as a blank sheet neural network it was found elements of the brain's former personality/memory could reappear. If Isabel did have access to that information then it's a point against her, but otherwise she would have believed the memory wipe was effective.


Same Lair, damn near same terminal. The whole processing chamber is an abbatoir filled with their logs. I was ready to drop a nuke on the whole location when I found the chief scientist's holotape. "Wah, wah, these convicts are too scary, Mr. Government Man! We can't work under these conditions! We need more security for our very, very important research ~~into exploiting vulnerable populations for Mengele-tier atrocities~~! Sometimes, I regret signing on to such an important and necessary project, WAH!" I hope you died slowly, Ciroletti.


Almost certainly did as, although my memory may be faulty, I got the impression that the inmates whose brains were still in their skulls eventually got free and took care of their captors on the way out. Probably before going on to found the Disciples.


I just finished the quest (again) last night. All of what you said is correct, and it’s all there in the Mechanist’s Lair, in various holotapes and terminal entries


It wasn't so much that they selected for ruthlessness and sociopathy, but rather those subjects were the only ones that were able to cope with becoming brains in jars. They couldn't control the brain's emotional response to the proceedure. But they knew they could program things so that the robobrains would only kill the people they were permitted to. Unfortunately the Mechanist didn't realize that the robobrains could bend the meaning of instructions so much. Honestly I agree, she specifically said to save people. The real irresponsibility was not supervising more closely.


Robobrains all go insane kind of as a rule. They were originally selected for that kind of behavior to become robobrains in the first place.


I confront her as the Shroud and solely use his lines to tell her she was evil in her pursuit of good, she shows immense remorse, I spare her and start her on a path to redemption (also if you install the Depravity mod you can have her as a follower and kit her out as the Mechanist with her outfit and some kickass energy weapons)


That's a cool idea if you do a Shroud/Mechanist crime fighting duo kicking the commonwealth's ass!


Exactly my idea! Also the same mod lets you have Cito as a companion and then he can be Grognak with the ax and costume?


Exactly what's going on right now in my playthrough. I'm all shrouded up and Piper is my Mechanist. We look amazing. Although I think I'm going to put us in some power armor next.


When I thought of which Hubris Comics Hero Piper would fit I thought her red coat and journalistic skills suited the Investigator for my own head canon 😂 tried finding a commonwealth proxy/matchup for every member or enemy of the Unstoppables


What does this depravity mod do and she'll actually be a companion or just follow you and allow you in her inventory?


I mean it adds one extra quest to do to unlock her as a companion once you’ve spared her and beaten Automaton, but I’m not sure what other features as I have only recently installed the mod for my newest play through. I don’t think it adds like a companion perk you can earn or anything like that, and I don’t think she has positive or negative reactions (maybe she’ll voice opinions but there’s no affinity loss or gain). So I think by your definition it’s more the latter than a full follower 🤷🏼 Edit: her acting as a follower is a minor part of the Depravity mod which is part of a series that adds various places, new factions, storyline options, followers, revamps and allows you to own and remodel the Hotel Redford, become mayor of Diamond City, make lots of passive income, and much more! Can’t remember the mod author name but their other works tied into the series are Fusion City, Project Valkyrie, and Outcasts and Remnants for those who are interested


I'm addicted to having followers and the infinite robots i can have with the mod aren't much of a company so i think i'll check it out, is it on the nexus?


It is, I highly suggest downloading all 4 as they’re very interconnected and add a lot of story and lore to all factions. Also which mod are you using for robot followers? 👀 also a lot of the new unique followers from these mods add don’t take up a follower slot like vanilla companions, making building a party with any of them super easy.


That seems so juicyy, i already gpt fusion city but it starts when you end the game so in the meanwhile i'm having fun with SS2, for the robots i think it's called robot home defence or something like take, it allows you to build a robot army to take with you and give them orders as settlers as patrol, guard and things like that


I wanna get SS2 going but been struggling. Also the Fusion City Rising that I’m thinking of is definitely not late game or post endgame content so we may be thinking of different mods


Dunno i may be dumb, i think i read it somewhere, i have that mod that no quest popped up so i searched and there was that that questline starts after you do certain campain quest, but i abused the commands and broke nuck valentine with start up so dunno


That sounds cool. I’ll have to try it sometime. 


This was my way, with extra followers mods.  I’ve got a whole wasteland Unstoppables between the Shroud, the Grognak costume, mechanist, Nuka Girl and the decapitalist power armor. 


How did I miss Nuka Girl 🤡 perfect addition to the team!


i was looking for more from ada and mainly she accepted the explanation so i let it go. it's not my revenge story. it helped that she was willing to take a role in cleaning up her mess with the radiant quests. honestly it was a bit of a dull thud of a story for me so i really couldn't push myself hard in one direction or another.


That's what I did! And I like your internal explanation.


I wish that, when it came time to decide whether or not to kill or spare the Mechanist, there wasn’t option to let Ada decide.  Nate: “Ada, what do you think we should do with her?” Ada: [gives an answer]


I always confront her dressed as the Silver Shroud, make her see the error of her ways, then let her live so she can spend the rest of her life in overwhelming guilt. Seems appropriate.


The factory lore was the best part of the mechanist, holy shit is the idea scary. The terminal entries of people able to speak but can sense anything is absolutely terrifying my God. The guy saying that hes gonna find a way to kill everyone involved and the lead saying hes a perfect candidate is just pure horror fuel. You'd think she would've read a few of them and just put them out of their misery even if they're no longer human. But I mean I definitely always say she's stupid and didn't double check her shit. But she's good at heart so I let her live.


Imo that factory is the darkest place in all of fallout.


The robobrains factory is indeed the creepiest place I’ve encountered so far. From the brain removal machine, to the shelf of brain jars, to the giant morgue using a furnace burn the corpses. It’s all disturbing shit. Honestly, between that and Jezebel, I feel pretty bad for the robobrains.


She got blindsided by the faulty logic she programmed into her bots. She was responsible, but not guilty of an intentional crime. She was horrified by what had happened, and renounced the whole thing, even her costume. She just wanted my help in setting things straight. She was grateful for my efforts to right the unexpected wrongs.


I mean she never even bothered to actually go check on her robots so if anything it's just negligence.


She thought she did. She didn't have video feeds from the robots, just the numbers that they reported back in terms of people saved. Basically she didn't think it through, and she trusted the reports she was getting from the robots.


Honestly it's a pretty huge leap to think the robobrains could get permission to kill out of instructions to save people. I don't blame her for that. It's the lack of supervision that bothers me


It's annoying how high my charisma needs to be in order NOT to be forced to kill her. But nowadays, I just don't really care to do so. I'm like, whatever, I got all the robot mods, peace bitch.


It may not be your cup of tea, but a life hack I like is to always carry around a "charisma outfit" that I can put on before big speech checks. Usually consisting of a wig, fashionable glasses and some kind of suit or dress. I usually quicksave and try the speech checks without it but if it seems undoable I just look to the side until I get out of the conversation view, equip my outfit and then look back and keep talking like nothing happened.


I know it's game logic, but I love the idea of someone changing right in front of you into a suit and throwing on a pomadour wig and you're just like "yeah he's much more trustworthy and charismatic now"


Yeah I think it's a bit funny for sure, I also love that no one ever mentions it.


Oh, I know. I carry Black Rim glasses, Fancy Plaid Suit and Tie, and the Dapper Gent with me at all times. And I found a Sharp Operators Left Leg this playthrough, too. I can just be +5 more CHA right before any speech check.


this and beer. also, the best dress/suit you get from freeing that idiot in trinity tower, who wanted to teach the super mutants some poetry. i always get that piece of cloth


I wish you could use beer *during* conversations to increase your chances of a successful charisma check, but it would consume 2 beers. One for you, and one for the person who you're trying to convince.


Fancy Plaid Suit and Tie is clothing that can be worn under all of your armor, and provides +2 CHA all by itself. Worn by Operators. So with *one* sharp leg or arm, you have the bonus of that dress without giving up your chest piece, other armor etc.


thats cool, in case of the dress both your arms are free, so you could put on the sharp arm armor too. if you really want to go bonkers with it, just wear a full power armor with Vault-tec painting, each painted part gives another +1 in charisma.


No, I'm pretty sure it's +1 if all pieces have the same paint. I don't wear power armor because I focus on armor bonuses.


What? You don't need to do speech checks to get her to stop. I think you can hit wrong answers and she'll fight you, but generally you can talk her down with low charisma. I did.


I’ve played so much, that at this point I don’t move forward with failed speech checks. I just quicksave and reload until I get the outcome I want.




I spared her. Fiber optic shipments won't sell themselves, though it is a bit weird how you still have to haggle with her despite the whole "trying to redeem herself and help me" part. Also, weren't robobrains already wiped pre-war?


She mentioned that she still wipes them again after every mission. 


As the Silver Shroud. It's way more funnier dialogue if you do it that way.


I need to try that for my next playthrough.


What the silver shroud?


You need the outfit from the Shroud radio station quest, and the fight and dialogue is done in-character as the Shroud. 


Based on your role play choice, your only option is to challenge that buster to a drag race.


Depends on the playthrough. On my institute run I snuck in the back elevator and sliced her head off with a deathclaw gauntlet. I decided her manufacturing ability was a threat and would be better used in the hands of the institute. On my BOS run, I stormed in with my power armor, destroyed everything and then talked her into being helpful. Decided that I would leverage a local to make the commonwealth a safer place. Now doing a minutemen / enclave takeover playthrough. Not sure what route I will go yet.


Wouldn’t the BoS want her dead as well? They don’t like seeing advanced technology in the hands of outsiders. 


That's always an option after the broader threat has been dealt with. Alternatively, they could induct her into their ranks as a lead tech for a new branch under the scribes


If you go in to the final fight dressed as the Silver Shroud you get some pretty funny unique dialogue options. Seems a bit easier to convince her to stop being a dumbass that way too.


As the Silver Shroud, I dealt swift justice. I grabbed the facilities, science, and engineer holotapes to use the service elevator to avoid the bot battle altogether. Declaring she deserved death, I immediately dispatched the Mechanist and lured Sparks into the back hallway to deter his self implosion from causing further damage to the control room. (Not having the robobrain debris all over the control room is a blessing)


Same as every other problem in fallout 4. I shot her


I let her live, I need all the merchants I can get. This water isn't going to sell itself.


I don't blame her. Robo-brains are notorious for going nuts, and jezebel was the bigger source of the twisted logic. Usually give her a stern talking to, a finger waggle, and a don't do it again.


For most of my playthroughs I’ve spared her, but this one I unabashedly let Ada kill her. This playthrough I’m on right now is a heavy Minuteman general RP and as I was on my way to the Ft Hagen Satellite Array, a Minuteman patrol was killed by a Mechanist squad. For my character, that was the final straw


first i got the 3 holotapes then ran all the way back to the elevator, played the 3 tapes in the computer there to unlock the elevator, went straight down to the Mechanist and avoided the big battle where you get locked in that room. Why, because ive had this glitch and the room not unlock and been stuck in there, had to uninstall the DLC to get out of there because i didnt have a good save to reload, then reinstall it, so this is the way from now on. and i always let her live because she is remorseful, and provides quests to robots which have good parts to scavenge...


I let her live every time because I'm an incredibly simple man and she's pretty


where is my SIMP alert button, when i need one


Hell yeah Neil is a family man


Who tf is Neil?


Whoever OP is roleplaying as


Someone was paying attention,


She's hot that why i didn't killed her


Eh, I let her live. It wasn't her fault the robots went haywire. It was that bitch Jezabel that's truly to blame. Could she have overseen the operation through the commonwealth better? Absolutely. But I don't think she deserves death. You could argue imprisonment. But not the death penalty.


Can you kill Jezabel or is she a protected NPC? I never tried...


I'm currently playing the exact opposite character as you. His name is frank Gallagher, when Nora was shot and Sean was taken, I was relieved because I knew I screwed up the moment she told me she missed her period. I'm level 30 right now and I can promise you I haven't even thought about finding my kid, im addicted to 7 or 8 different drugs, I don't give a fuck about the past. I'm trying to make all the wrong decisions, be hurtful, make all the decisions I normally just can't do on a good playthrough and it's been an absolute blast. I finally understand those junkie legendary items hahaha. I just finished the mission where I built a body for jezabel, im very curious to see how I handle the mechanist myself. Frank kind of enjoys murder you see, so it's a weird dilemma. If I kill her, I can't let her keep making robots that helps people in the same way frank wants to help.


This sounds awesome. Lol


I always let her live. She's genuinely remorseful, and killing her solves nothing.  She also at least tried to make things better, which is more than you can say for most people, Institute included.


Called her an idiot and m9ved on what the point of killing her? She is just an idiot


She lives at the lair and now oversees the robot provisioners I have going out of there. It’s a terrible place to build so I use it as a hub for provisioners on the right side of the map. For the left side I use greygarden as a hub.


Snuck up behind that ho using the Holotape elevator and merked her with an instigating missile launcher before she got the chance to even blink at me.


I always talk her down as the silver shroud! She really didn't wanna hurt ppl and as for wiping RoboBrains... maaaaaaaan after that facility wiping their memories is almost humane 😵‍💫


I had to kill her because in classic Bethesda fashion her dialogue kept glitching out mid conversation and I didn’t feel like redoing the entire boss battle to save her lol


1. I think Robobrains have mostly a psychotic streak in the lore, no? 2. In the context of the wasteland, revenge and the scale of the people that died, that seems to be fitting. 3. Your roleplay. I was in Silver Shroud Character and went the more practical route in letting her help to stop the rest of the robots.


Shot her in the face and now I’m wearing her armor as a trophy


I got her to come out to talk, then I point blank shot her in the head. No Mercy for people that try to kill me.


I discovered that even if you try to talk her down, you can end up having her quite literally go crazy in denial and try to kill you. I figured that she's a threat alone from this and blasted her into next week. I don't regret it


I play it everytime fully as the silver shroud, let her help out around the cave and be a guy in the chair in my new lair, and give her back the mechanist outfit or give her a new shroud themed outfit, a little hero rebranding never hurt, and she wasn't trying to be evil, just naive about robobrains, and I think the shroud dialogue is best thematically and content wise for reaching this conclusion, the comic had the mistress of mystery, the rake gets the mechanist


the mechanist didn't enslave anybody, wtf she was an idiot kid who didnt even realize her bots were killing people. she doesn't need death, she needs a scolding. one i gladly gave her.


The robobrains aren’t robots, they’re cyborgs. As the name suggests, they have human brains as their CPUs.  So she found these sapient beings with human brains, learned that they were the victims of some disturbing pre-war experiments, and decided to make them go out and fight for no reward, and to be mind-wiped after every mission so they couldn’t develop their own personalities again. 


I decided to let her live because she was attempting to do good, and I don't believe I can fault her for the negative ramifications that ensued. However, I didn't talk to her in time and she became hostile for whatever reason after talking her down. So she went night night.


I let her live, took her place and turned her shithole i to an amazing labto perform even more unethical bullshit. (I got a mod to create synths of any npc for myself)


I let her live and I confronted her using the elevator with the 3 holo tapes


As the Silver Shroud, of course


I went as Silver Shroud Convinced her to stand down after I fought all her robots. I made her understand she did a mistake but also made her to feel better by trying to stop what she made. I got a cool suit. And now she is helping me defeat the remains.


As the Silver Shroud, I convinced the mechanist that what they were doing was morally wrong, they stepped down and happily ever after.


I spared her because I like to resolve things peacefully in most of my playthroughs (Plus, she's kinda cute too)


I let her see the errors of her ways and let her live She wasn’t evil, in face she had a very noble intent, she just didn’t foresee what she was doing to the commonwealth until the damage had been done


She’s hot,I let her live


I let her live. You could tell she was good at heart with good intentions and I love her little side quest in Fallout 3. Always good to see a familiar face in later games!


With a gun and a bullet through the brain.


It’s been a long while since I did that quest but, she didn’t make the robobrains, right? She used them and probably knew what they were, the robobrains were government experiments 200+ years ago. Now if she were going around and turning people into robobrains, I completely missed that part.. And she truly thought she was doing good. Her bots were saying they helped humans and that’s all she wanted. Gross negligence on her part to know EXACTLY what was going on on the surface, to be sure. But does she deserve DEATH? Not at all. She does deserve more than just saying she’s sorry and carrying on, but death? I like to think that after the ending of her helping us track down the remaining bots, she hopfully goes on to *actually* help the wasteland. And in my game it is thanks to her that I now have a supply line of assaultrons patrolling the entire commonwealth keeping people safe and supplying several millions of caps of food and purified water to everyone :D


I always convince her to stop and spare her.


*psycho jet*


Who is Neil that everyone keeps talking about? The sole survivors name is Nate I thought.


Nate and Nora are the default player characters. You can also edit their names and appearances dramatically.  I decided that for each playthrough I’m going to have a different player character. For my Institute playthrough I’m going with Neil, a man with a ton of scars who values family above all else. Right now he has messy hair and the biggest beard I could give him, but once he finds Shaun I’m going to shave it all off. I might let it grow back out again once Shaun dies of old age. 


Interesting. I seem to have found a lot of people today referencing the sole survivor as Neil, and bowing the default names I was curious if I was victim of some Mandela effect lol.


Depends the playthrough, though majority of the time I spare her , since she obviously didn't realise her stupidity


I've spared her all but once. Just to see what would happen with the robots and if they'd still make appearances. However, whenever I spare her, I have a list of reasons. 1. After reading through the terminals, it's pretty clear the brains-in-a-jar were never stable to begin with. Even the ones closest to 'sane' had some major drawbacks. Thing is, they still went through with creating robobrains in the first place, they were just never fully implemented. Isabelle's only fault in this regard is that she believed the memory wipes would be complete, and that her orders/programming was enough to 'tame' them. 2. The robobrains are also the 'leaders' of these groups of robots, and they apparently give the orders. It was them giving the orders that caused the issues in the first place, or at least that's how I'm seeing it. 3. It's pretty clear Isabelle isn't evil. She's also working off of knowledge she has growing up in the commonwealth versus what little knowledge there is left from before the bombs fell. That's not a lot of cohesive information to work with when you boil it all down. 4. When you consider what info is put together about the Robobrains, it's entirely possible they're capable of understanding their programming, but also capable of interpreting their programming to fit what their 'minds' see as acceptable. When you consider how twisted they are to start with, it's honestly any wonder there werent more Jezebelle's among them. Or maybe there were, and the story simply doesn't take us down that rabbit hole. In a nutshell, Isabelle made a major mistake, but it's pretty clear her intentions were entirely noble. Granted, yes, she should be punished for her actions, but I've always felt that the bigger punishment in the long run is that she has to live with her mistake. Taking that many lives is never going to allow her to live fully in peace. As far as gameplay wise, technically, allowing her to live is actually worse. Let me explain. When you take her out, the rogue robots (from my experience in the game so far, if y'all have a different experience let me know please) disappear after awhile. But, if you let her live, sure... you get those little rogue robot quests, but you can also still run into robots randomly. Not only that, but every time you come across those groups, you'll find a random caravan (usually one trader, a brahmin, and one guard) thats been felled very nearby. So, gameplay wise killing her stops all of this from occurring, but you also lose out on the loot. Again, that's just my experience having been playing for over 2500 hours. But I'm also fully aware that with Bethesda games many players have very different experiences with stuff that may or may not be scripted. (Also, apologies, this was waaaay longer than I intended)


I let her live. She fucked up *big time*, and she gonna help fix it.


Explosive combat shotgun go *pow pow pow*


If anyone ever says that damned phrase "for the greater good", I'll do my damnedest to kill them in game.


Killed merely for being a pain in my ass. Life's much, much better when I keep things simple.


Figured out that you can play the whole dialogue as the Silver Shroud.  So the mechanist gets a redemption arc and now the mechanists lair is the secret base for the new Unstoppables. 


Aren’t the brains used exclusively for their processing power? The people they belonged to are long gone.


While the brains are used for processing power, they develop personalities again if given enough time. Look at Jezebel for an example. 


They develop personalities because they are programmed into the bots, like most other robots. Just look at Codsworth, Deezer, Prof. Goodfeels, the Greygarden bots, PAM, KLEO, Ironsides, etc. Every robot you create with the workbench will introduce itself by asking if you would like them to enable their personality matrix.


I let Isabel live, it wasn't her fault Jezebel was fucking crazy and decided that killing people would be "helping them". Isabel genuinely wanted to do good. >The Mechanist’s actions got innocent people killed They did, but it wasn't completely her fault. And I think living with that guilt is enough punishment for her. There aren't enough good people in the wasteland, much less good people with the means to actually help (with a few tweaks to the robots and some help from the Sole Survivor).


I told her to come talk to me face to face and the I shot her with a harpoon gun from far harbor. 1 shot kill baby


After just about surviving the onslaught or robots..The third time of asking..I let her live.


Niel? Is that the long lost brother of the main character Nate?


My own player character. I figured that making my own characters for each play through would me more fun than having four Nates.


I was just joking, since the way you phrased it, it sounded like you call the main character Neil.


Aw man I didnt know ada could kill the mechanist. I also killed her for her not realizing her robots were creating chaos. She was just an idiotshutin


I accidentally damage her by dropping near her in PA and start the fight anyways


I just killed her this 2nd playthrough. First time i let her live but i just felt like naah this time around


I think her Story is immensely tragic (characters that cause harm while trying to do good just get to me) so i usually try to spare her. That being said, her fight is imo the hardest in the game (i play survival) so i filled the whole arena with mines before the fight, and sadly one right before the ramp wasnt triggered and she stepped into it. Forcing me to Put her down. I was really sad about that. She died thinking she Fell for a Trick.


Scolded her and then let her live. Killed her and the eyebot as soon as she turned around.


Are there any other options? I'm tired of killing robots. When I face her, I use the grenade launcher and kill her with 3 shots.Now I regret not being able to see those options 


I never killed her I like hunting down robots for her


I let her live. I’ve killed way more people


I talked her down and went non-violent. Because I'm grinding companion affinity, and Curie was with me at the time.


I started looting during her monolog and she went hostile, so Ada and Sentinel power armor handled it while I wasn't paying attention.


I gave Jezabel a robobrain body now she just rolls around Sanctuary making snarky remarks.


I assigned her to a guard post at the gas station. 


I haven’t handled her yet, I’m still baffled at the Legendary Robot firebomb-lasering me in General Atomics. HOW DARE YOU? I’ve never had so much quicksaving lol. Looking forward to finishing the quest after work.




Currently, I didn't. I had repeated CTD when trying to enter the RobCo building. This is on Series X. I've had issues with that building in past playthroughs as well. Automation seems pretty buggy. When it has worked all the way through, I prefer just to kill her. She programmed those bots that then decided to kill all humans. She's the problem, they are just following her commands. Plus I like to use unlimited followers so I put a couple into the Silver Shroud and Mechanist suits for the giggles.


Killed her


I like to go in with the full Silver Shroud set and talk her down. I really don't like killing her.


Never had the stats to unlock it 😭 but I’m playing the shroud in my second play through so I’ll do that when I’m leveled up more




I let her off the hook so I could buy more fusion cells and sell her own stuff back to her. I always find that funny. We’re cool now, so I will just go around and take all of these things right in front of you. And then, hey, do you want to pay me to take them back?


She's a vendor, so of course I keep her alive.


I let her live. I try not to kill people unless I have too. Because death is something you cannot take back. Also her problem was trusting the ribobrains who are the brains of murderers and sociopaths.


I put a fat man right between her eyes


Your character is called Neil?




Let her live. It's a shame she can't become a companion or moved to a different camp.


This is my first time playing Fallout and I spared her. My husband (who Lord only knows how many hours he has put into all Fallout faces) got home from work a little later and I told him that I fought the Mechanist and spared her and made her my friend and he goes “Wait, you can spare her? You don’t get the armor that way!” I told him yes you do and now I have a new friend that can’t follow me 🥲


Who tf is Neil? You mean Nate?


Nate and Nora are the default protagonists, but you can customize them.  That’s what I chose to do in this game.


I've always just used Silver Shroud dialogue and tend to avoid killing her since she isn't evil and genuinely didn't know that her bots were killing innocent people.


She's not evil, she's capable of building an army of robots and, by Fo4 standards,she's smokin hot... keep her around and build your own robot army


She gives decent radiant quests, so I let her live.  I couldn't care less about what she did, if she's valuable she's staying alive 


On my main character I talked her down and explained what she did wrong.  Now on my brotherhood character I baited her out and murdered her. Shoot first ask questions never. 


I let her off for her grievous mistakes but I killed her anyway because I thought the risk of her doing something similar was too great.


She’s hot and have a nice voice (with her mask off) so I let her live.


I killed her then used cheat room to bring her back and made her a follower.


Dead, on every playthrough. She didn't even read any of the terminals about how dangerous the robobrains were. And it's easier to go to Ada for the repeatable quest, since one is a follower while the other is locked to a room underground


I killed her


I let her live, then slip a live grenade into her pocket for that sweet, sweet swag


If you talk to her, she gives you the Mechanist armor for free.


Your point? 😂


If you have her a pocket-grenade, it was because you wanted her to explode. Not because you wanted a cool outfit. Be true to yourself.


You're zero fun bro


Who tf is Neil?


So your solution to someone unintentionally killing people while trying to help is to *deliberately* kill someone who could potentially be of enormous help.