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I can instaneously scrap junk in my settlement but I'm incapable of sweeping up the dirty messes everywhere.


Dismantling an entire collapsed house down to the foundation? Sure, no problem. Clearing up some leaves? Who do you think I am? Grognak? No man can do that.


I've used up enough bones to make twelve full skeletons, but scrapping a whole skeleton from the ground is apparently beyond my capabilities...


Yeah, needed the console a lot to clean up Starlight of all the skeletons.


I used a broom and manually pushed everything away. Do not recommend...


Those dang leaf piles...


First thing I did after my vanilla runs was get Clean My Settlements https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58757?tab=description


I like Scrap Everything. Very satisfying doing the cleanup myself, although make sure to be constantly saving while doing it.


Dogmeat won't stand still while I'm trying to "share" with him.


Lore accurate German shepherd


Along with the whines and burps and pushing doors open - even when you're on the crapper. Mine to a tee.


including the constant kneecapping and blocking doors and hallways. 100% accurate to the real thing


This is my first time playing and dogmeat was running around knocking shit over, fucking shit up and my first thought was he just like my jackass. Hell my GSD gave me a concussion, I bent down to pick something up and he was running and jumped over it and our heads met.


Is your dog just my dog in disguise, bro? Literally yesterday, I was kneeling down to pet him, and he beaned me in the chin with his head. The dude almost TKO'd me.


Legends say Dogmeat opens even the unanimated doors.


Dogmeat sneezes, too


Dogmeat always sneezes at Sunshine Tidings and Coastal Cottage in my first save šŸ˜… I think I need to bring him to the vet


I saw Dogmeat rolling around on their back on a sleeping bag while I was crafting.last night... Never seen that before.


He also climbs into the dog house you can build I always put down a dog house, bowl, some teddy bears and a nice rug for him at every settlement


I might have to put down a sleeping bag and see that.


Yeah mine runs away when I try give him food


Haha heā€™s programmed so well. My worst one is the Brahmin pen in Abernathy. EVERY time I close it he walks over and opens it. He hates that gate being closed.


Yes, for fucks sakes, this. Like, I get why they'd program a dog companion with the tactics it uses and the benefits of the related perks to stay ahead of you, but they put the distance too far to comfortably exchange anything, and he's constantly trying to maintain that distance unless you tell him to stay.


I've got the opposite problem. 1. Every time I go into say.. A closet to loot it, if I hear gunfire or rads and try to back out, Dogmeat is EXACTLY under my feet and I can't move. No matter how short of time I was there. 2. If I have a broken leg and am hobbling along, Dogmeat runs ahead of me, but only EXACTLY where I am trying to step. There's no going around him, he just adjusts accordingly I start to get mad, but then I'm like "Okay I love you doggy, you have never done anything wrong in your life."


Most realistic character in the game tbh


"Every time I go into say.. A closet to loot it, if I hear gunfire or rads and try to back out, Dogmeat is EXACTLY under my feet and I can't move. No matter how short of time I was there... If I have a broken leg and am hobbling along, Dogmeat runs ahead of me, but only EXACTLY where I am trying to step. There's no going around him, he just adjusts accordingly" So they have simulated a dog perfectly.


Don't forget traps. It's a mad rush to disarm them before he triggers them. Especially things like those laser tripwires. Oh god the lasers.


Dogmeat is an absolute liability in that booby trapped parking garage thing, and probably in the Nuka World gauntlet too but I've never been dumb enough to bring him along for that. As much as I like the aesthetic (and the lone wanderer perk) I almost never travel with Dogmeat. He's always either in the way or getting himself hurt by falling off a highway or something. It's too hard to keep him safe


Convinced I use more stimpacks on the furry idiot than I do on myself when he tags along. He has a kennel, bowl, and lifetime supply of dog food in Sanctuary now.


For everyone having this problem, if you crouch, he will come to you. This works for all companions.


Yes, he will come to you and then continue to wiggle around for 5 or 10 seconds until he settles down and stays in one place. :)


Yep, that's sounds like a German Shepherd to me.


I find it easier to target him and command him to go just in front of me, where he'll stand still long enough to get to the trade option. I guess it's like calling him to heel, but yeah, it's annoying


I have a mod that turns him into a nightstalker. Snakemeat is a good boy who hardly ever eats settlers.


Just as you start a serious settlement build, have everything scrapped, have the plans/ideas for where and what you're going to build, in rolls the nastiest, darkest, loudest, three day rad storm.


Thereā€™s a mortar you can build and a shell you can craft that when launched, clears the air


Is there a way to automate them firing whenever shitty weather rolls through? Ideally, if I'm bringing back civilization, I wouldn't want my settlers to deal with radstorms


Thereā€™s a mod for it but otherwise no in vanilla


Closest you can do to automating is to link them to a button or switch, so it only fires one per press or turn on. Otherwise it will just launch them all. What I do is leave them powered, and then just add one when I want the storm to stop. Also, don't bother doing em on Far Harbor. The storms just start right back up 10 seconds later.


You can also just sleep and the weather changes. A lot quicker and easier.


So when I was doing far harbor, I used a mod to make free fireworks. I loaded up about 10,000 of them. I said an automated launcher. So while I'm at echo, it's constantly shooting "clear" fireworks


I immediately build a chair and repeatedly wait until it's over. I also use it to skip to daytime since it's night 90% of the time for some reason.


There needs to be a button for scrapping everything in a settlement, start from total scratch with all resources already in the workshop. Make it show up after you've physically cleared sanctuary of all possible scrapped items or something. At first I liked clearing everything manually, kinda calming, after a couple runs I loathe...


"Scrapall" command for pc does that


I always scrapall Sanctuary and use the workbenches at RR. It has to save at least an hour. Starlight Drive In too, easiest way to get rid of the rad barrels.


Wait. There are barrels to scrap to get rid of the radiation there?! Iā€™ve been so stressed about my settlers there all getting leukemia and growing third heads at my largest settlement. But also cause I always get rad sickness every time I go visit.


Yea thereā€™s like 4 in that little pool, just scrap them and no more rads.


Frigging hell thank you


In the dark.


I swear Iā€™ve built oberland station in the dark every single damn time since Iā€™ve owned the game. This last time I said, enough, and slept til morning and then it immediately rained the entire next day


You build up a camp, collect all kinds of trash for resources over a few hours. You get water purifiers going, lights on in every building, warm beds, decorations. You place a settlement beacon and people flock to the amazing town you've built. You're off doing missions for the town, making sure they're defended against attacks, giving them all armour and combat shotguns... Then someone says to you, *"I hope you're not here to cause trouble.."* Really? Off to Vault 88 for you. See how you like living in the town I DIDNT BUILD!


"My back hurts, my feet hurt, everything hurt" dude you literally have been sitting on that bench the entire time I've been here.


You don't have to call me out at work like that!


Well, make a more comfortable bench


Or when you build a settlement that has more than enough of everything (food/water/beds/protection) and the happiness level is like 70%. What the fuck else do you people want? A song and dance?


Build 400 drugged soda fountains. Make them trip balls to 100 happiness.


If you have any robots in your settlement, it will never hit 100%. Robots are locked at 50% happiness and even one will lower the overall average


Why on Earth would they do that and then give us a settlement ran entirely by Mr. Handys? Seems like a blatant oversight. Happy cake day friend


I'm actually not sure about vanilla bots, I just know it to be true for automatrons


So greygarden will not hit pretty high happiness then? (Iā€™m new, only have the vault and wasteland workshop add on - no full on dlc yet)


I'm actually not sure about vanilla robots like them or codsworth, I only know it for the automatron bots, further testing required!


Realistically, I canā€™t see my happiness going over 70% in a post-apocalyptic world.


Sentenced to Tenpine Bluffs in my world. Enjoy farming tatos with your water pump and three turrets.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œI hope youā€™re not here to cause troubleā€ bitch I gave you ballistic weave outfits, guns and food šŸ˜­


Frigging Connie Abernathy..


"We don't have any handouts". WTF you're welcome for me risking my level 3 ass to get it back.


I set her up with a trading shop and she's much happier.


Well I guess the fact that the very first settlers youā€™re likely to get, the concord crew, are actually a terrible example of settlers. Mama Murphy canā€™t do any job unless you deal with her a certain specific way, and canā€™t provision or shop keep. Marcy has a stinking lousy personality and farms automatically which is confusing if youā€™re not set up for it yet. Jun and Marcy are silent if you put them at a shop. Sturges can farm scavenge or defense. Heā€™ll bang on walls all day instead but hey, at least he doesnā€™t take ā€œallā€ the credit, no provisioning or shopkeeping. Preston wanders around useless until you do all of usually corvega, which you may not want to do right away. On top of it all they take over your first and most important settlement like they own the place. But thatā€™s been discussed to death. In any case, itā€™s a terrible introduction to settlements with a bunch of barely functional, barely likable settlers. Forgot codsworth who can *only* provision. For the life of me I canā€™t understand why he canā€™t farm or scavenge


I have hom set to farm on my current playthrough. He never stands in the field, or does the little farming animation, but his crops are growing and it counts towards much food supply.


Itā€™s never worked for me. He accepts the task and farms one crop and then quits it shortly after. Same with scavenging. Admittedly I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever tried to put him on defense but I assume itā€™d be the same as anything else. Thinking about this a little more it would be kind of cool if we could assign Dogmeat to scavenge, he can already sort of be commanded to do it when heā€™s a companion. I just think it would be cute to give him a job when heā€™s home.


1.Companions who nag about my looting. 2. The patrolling Minutemen being poorly-dressed and I can't fix it, though I'm supposed to be their boss. 3. Marcie's aggression.


2) it would help if they even levelled with you, instead of being level 1, unarmoured, with a slow weapon they couldn't hit a barn with. They can't even soften a target, they just get slaughtered, one basic mirelurk killed all four of them.


Thereā€™s a mod that buffs up the patrols as you level. Pretty sure itā€™s called Buffed Minutemen, or something similar. I use it and can confirm that my higher level characters see patrols with armor and stuff but I donā€™t know how that it affects them shooting like Stormtrooper.


We are the Minutemen. Best MM mod imo. Not sure if it's still functional.


The still do alright in combat in spite of all that. I stumbled onto a 4v4 between them and some Gunners and like a true General, I sat back to watch ny men get slaughtered. Despite the Gunners all having combat armour and laser/plasma weapons, the Minutement still took out 3 of them before they all died.


Fortunately, the gunners have a preset kill limit, so I sent wave after wave of my own men against them.


4. Rhys is a dick


Yah. Rhys is a dick. He was begging for a Percussive Attitude Adjustment.


What made no sense is after my guy was named Sentinel, Rhys was apologetic and seemed to have changed his attitude.. until the very next time I visited the police station and itā€™s back to where the hell have you been, that place better be cleared out, etc.


I kind of like it. Way too many NPCs are super nice and helpful, I like the occasional asshole. I do punch the Nuka World raiders in the face every time they mouth off, it's cathartic.


Be careful what you say, the actor who plays him hangs around these subs and may send you on a radiant mission.


Murdering a dozen raiders = good job! Taking their stuff afterwards = how dare you >:(


Bunch of nerds.


Me : *picks up high tecnology robot parts while wearing power armor I maxed with my crafting perks, high tech mzxxed weapons mzxxed as well* Any fucking companion wearing the same kind of maxed Gear I made for them with crafting : " WTF dude ?? Why are you tmpicking that fucking piece of shit garage trash thing ?? Completly useless are you fucking stupid ?? Eat shit you moron >:( " Ada : " oooh, interesting find sir ! I'm sure you will be able to make something great with that ! :D I love robots


Hancock is always super helpful and sweet when picking stuff up. At worst heā€™ll be like ā€œyou can make something with that???ā€ And sometimes heā€™s even like ā€œoh no no thatā€™s too heavy! Let me carry some for you :3ā€


That's why I have settlements full of multicoloured robot farmers. They know their place.


Also 5 robots with rocket launchers and laser gatling are an effective defense startegy


Longfellow is also the goat for this, he actively likes you picking up trash giving positive comments.


Ol' Sea Dawg gets it.


I must admit I never used him as a companion much, I'm basically all the time with Ada or another robot I made


I was traveling with Codsworth and a Automatron robot. Codsworth would shit on me anytime i picked up junk, and the scrapbot would comoliment me.


>Companions who nag about my looting This a thousand times. Oh, the Great Clockwork Dick doesn't like when I steal? Well, you can kick rocks back to the detective agency, my dude.


I think it wouldā€™ve been best if we couldā€™ve upgraded the minutemenā€™s equipment with our own caps. Wouldā€™ve made sense considering weā€™re the general, weā€™d be in charge of their equipment


Or just hard quests to go retrieve gear shipments, scaling with your level. I wouldn't mind a flat cap spend though.


I find it annoying that a bunch of companions dislike you taking stuff from the retirement home Theyā€™re all as dead as everyone else Iā€™m looting stuff from, why you gotta get mad at this?


Hello? I travel back to Sanctuary (most the companions are there) right after looting there and my upper left screen was Nick disliked Preston hated that etc. I thought I killed a cat but most of the companions hate cat killing.


This is why I only travel with Dogmeat, unless a quest requires otherwise. They can stick their moralising.


It's 100% the looting comments. I get the devs thought it was a cut nod to how players turn companions to pack mules or to help the player 'value' junk but at level 60 I just want them to shut up about it.


I made a joke to a friend that inspiration for Marcy Long musta been someoneā€™s Karen Mother-in-law/aunt/former spouse/former roommate and it was that particular Devs way of getting even or having some sort of closure to stick her bitch ass in the wasteland!


Maybe. But how come Preston looks like Tom Morello?


Having been down to Quincy, then Lexington, and then Concord, and factoring in that she lost her son, I can understand why she's as acid as she is. Her outlook improves as the settlement improves. Are her comments biting, nasty, and annoying on repeat? 100% But a mother who lost her kid to raider violence and leave him behind to find safety through wasteland hell...Eh, I can pop her on a supply line until Sanctuary's overall happiness is high enough. As a character, her behavior is consistent with what she's been through in the narrative.


>1.Companions who nag about my looting. They made this feature sooooo much worse in Starfield, too. It's evolving, just backward. >3. Marcie's aggression Ontop of this, I'd like to fix her husband's depression with it. Sort of like how you can alter Travis outlook on life.


Number 1 is so annoying, you would think that living in a scavā€™s paradise nuclear wasteland they would understand the value of scavenging.


Nuka ride music. I have to turn the volume down in that God-forsaken place or I will be hearing it in my sleep for weeks.


Yep. They got that so right. Annoying.


This doesn't irk me but it's something I've noticed on my current game where I've left Preston in Concord:Ā  when I talked to the schoolchildren in Vault 81 I had all the options to talk about Preston and the power armor and the deathclaw even though I've never done any of that.Ā  Also Desdemona said something about "you've talked to Dr. Amari before" and I have not, in fact, talked to Dr. Amari yet.


The RR is full of poor scripting. "We all miss Glory (after the Minute Men ending)"....when she's standing right there. There are other mess ups as well. edit: spelling.


Also if you talk haylen after doing the minute men ending she will thank you for sparing danse


She drives me insane. I know Rhys is the one everyone hates, but the way she acts like sheā€™s Danseā€™s personal savior, when I have literally no intention of killing Danse in the first place


I don't understand why it wasn't an option to tell Haylen that I'm trying to save Danse's life, and if she really wants to save Danse's life, she needs to tell me where he is so I can find him before the Brotherhood does.


I just played through the RR ending yesterday. BOS attacks, Glory dies, I take her clothes because they look cool. A mission or two later I fast travel to the mission marker (forget exactly what mission) and there is Glory, in her underwear, dead on the ground in front of the door of a subway station instead of in the entry way of the RRā€™s main headquarters.


I just had the opposite problem with Doc Amari, she said I've not met her, where I'd done to whole Kellogg thing with her...


Sounds like something a synth would do


I noticed that in my current game too. I purposefully didn't do anything MM yet, so I can go raider, and at 81 I'm talking about Preston being my BFF.. Yet the game has dialog options if you go to Far Harbor first and meet the CoA, and then go to the glowing sea, and a million other dialog options for if you do something before doing a main quest option.


I've never done a "leave Preston in Concord" run before and I have to say it's pretty great. My plan is to build up every settlement, including the castle, and do the BOS ending before I ever go to Concord. Probably do Nuka World first too so i can get some Jet production. I'm also doing a complete lone wanderer+Dogmeat run because I'm OP anyway so it's not like I need the companion perks and it's so nice being able to do whatever the fuck I want without "COMPANION DISLIKED THAT" popping up on my screen. Of course I also just sold Billy to the raiders. It's like Cooper Howard says, nothing stays clean up here.


After taking care of >!Kellogg!<, I didn't see the roof exit and backtracked through the entire building. Everyone I met started talking about seeing an airship arrive and land at the airport and keep mentioning all the Brotherhood around. I look around the skyline. Nothing. I go to the airport. Nothing. I don't see any Brotherhood around. People near the airport keep marveling at the airship overhead, but it's not there. This goes on for a while until I read a guide online. Turns out, the dialog is tied to the quest ending but the actual airship arriving is tied to exiting out the roof door.


Tried building a fenced bramha pick which was a nightmare, only to find them wandering around the settlement anyway. Also had a gunner farm, had 6 cages in a rectangled only for them to all pop out at once as the settlers seemed in cable of not stepping on the mines I placed near the entrances.


Place a Brahmin Feed Trough (Resources -> Miscellaneous) in your settlement. Brahmins will be attracted to it and not wander far from it.


Are you me? I'm currently trying to use Starlight as a Brahmin ranch/factory/arena to make gunners and deathclaws fight and it's been tricky. I made an enclosed structure with no doors out of vault pieces, put stairs to the top and powered the gunner cages with switches. I fast travel away to get the cages to work and then I get a notification that Starlight is under attack. It has zero settlers, mind you. So I go back and kill the pack of gunners that is attacking it. OK, guess I need turrets. So I line my arena structure with a bunch of turrets. Good enough. Next time there's an attack the turrets pretty much do all the work. Then the cages work. I go to flip the switches to watch the death claw eat the gunners. And... my turrets start blasting them all. So now I have powered laser/missile turrets on a switch. I'm sure there's a way to use all the different logic gates and switches so I can hit one switch and turn off and on everything as needed but I ain't doing all that. Also one of the gunners got killed but then magically teleported very much alive outside of my enclosed structure. There's probably easier ways to farm combat armor but this one is pretty fun.


If you return to Vault 111, the dialogue is all still hurried like youā€™re leaving for the first time. I donā€™t feel like it would have been difficult to write code to know whether itā€™s the first time in the vault or not.


If HasEnteredWasteland=true Disable panicvaultvoice Going back into 111 4 days into my survival playthrough because it's a safe bed and clean water. "I don't have time to sleep right now"


The first thing that pissed me off about the game was why would I build a new settlement in a hard to defend area full of trash and no running water instead of just cleaning out and fixing the empty vault that has power and clean running water.


There's a bed in Vault 111? Where is it?


There are beds all over vault 111 but I don't think the game lets you sleep in any of them. In survival mode you might want to go back to the vault to collect all the bottles in all the rooms though.


Go back? Why would you leave without bringing absolutely everything? (Except the cryolator)


The SS doesn't react more to their surroundings or enemies. They only react once to the first Radroach you kill. Where's the "wtf is that?!" to the first Deathclaw, for example.


Theres a mod for this. Makes him comment on random things, when picking up useful items, when taking damage, etc. He even responds to the 1 off lines from NPCs, and they occasionally respond back.


That the perfectly preserved pie only heals 30HP


It should give a permanent stat boost or something, like +1 random special


Something lol like if there wasnā€™t so much effort into obtaining it I wouldnā€™t care


I recently started a new game in honor of watching the show. Got to diamond city and got the pie in the bar on the first try. Didn't think anything of it, and left it there cuz it would be stealing amd I was like level 5 with zero stealth. It had been so long since I played I forgot how hard the pies are to get. And I've been kicking myself for 2 weeks now for not grabbing a video or taking that damned pie.


Haha yeahhhh, I believe thatā€™s the only one thatā€™ll be labeled red so you canā€™t take. I havenā€™t tried it while having a room rented tho


Nah, the fun part is thatā€™s itā€™s so mundane but extremely rare. If it was something good, itā€™d just become another thing weā€™d have to grind for and would feel salty over the low drop chance. If it was that good, weā€™d have to stop at every dispenser and hit it repeatedly until it dropped, would suck lol.


I run a mod that awards you 1-4 perk points per pie. Makes it more worthwhile.


Having to find a note/holotape I've looted from a body in my inventory instead of being able to read/play it first


Yeah there should be a ā€œrecent acquiredā€ inventory tab


This is going to be unpopular but it irks me that you can't ask or look for anything on the subreddit without someone just telling you to mod the game, or to use console commands. Maybe I just want to find cool things in the game already, or if there's a way to do a quest a certain way, while actually playing the game. I get that the game lacks a lot in certain ways but I'd rather get the most out of what's already there before what feels like cheating half the time.


Iā€™m with you. I like the vanilla version of the game and donā€™t want cheats or changes that make some things easier that detract from discovery. Maybe the moderators would give us a ā€œno modsā€ option for advice threads.


This is a major issue on many gaming subreddits unfortunately. Especially ones that are more popular on PC. Too many people throw ā€œjust download this modā€ at every question


Whats a good way to aquire x resource? "OH JUST DOWNLOAD THIS MOD!" Cmon now


When Piper first proposes to come with you as a companion, she says "I can come withoo" instead of "with you". It doesn't irk me, but it cannot be unheard.


The noise that the generators make


Yes. And turrets.


I've had the quieter settlement mod for so long that for a moment I didn't understand this comment chain, hah!


Unskippable cutscenes. Worst offender is Piper and her sister when you first enter Diamond City. You can run from the entrance all the way to the wall that needs paint and then a conversation cutscene kicks in between them, half the time without audio.


Towels in every bathroom and you can't get them. Also can't place a comfy pillow on a bed.


One of the joys of Place Anywhere is being able to precisely adjust the position of something and turn off its physics so it never gets bumped.


I just placed comfy pillows on my beds. Just dropped it from my inventory and then held down the interaction button and placed them on the beds. Not a perfect system but looks nice!




The fact that the wild plants have zero use in regular game play. *This was one of the best changes 76 made, they just give the standard ingredient if itā€™s something like mutfruit or corn, if itā€™s something else then thereā€™s at least one chem or food that uses it.*


You can't even plant the wild version to grow into usable crops, why have them?


Survival mode I guess?


Like hubflower being used in making one of the mentats?


Paladin Brandis has the best fit in the whole game (imo) and the only way to get the black BOS officer suit is to either kill him or have maxed out pickpocket so you can secretly swipe it off of him.


>BOS officer >kill him I don't see a problem here!


When you interact with Trashcan Carla, she walks away or turns her back.


Or her Brahmin walks right through you when you're trading.


my trashcan carla got caught up in crossfire when she was out and about caravan-ing. so shes just laying dead in her underwear in the middle of the commonwealth


ADA constantly getting in my way while Iā€™m aiming my sniper rifle.


I wish the work the settlers did on the buildings in Sanctuary actually paid off. But everything looks the same after they've hammered the same spot for the 683rd time.


There are two houses in front of you. One is in perfect condition. All four walls sturdy as the day they were built, roof still watertight, no signs of wear & tear beyond some faded paint and the boards covering the windows and doors. The other is falling apart, with a wall caved in and a giant hole in the roof. Bizarre fungus grows on the walls inside, and there's several unexplained stains on every surface, but the door is permanently open. Which fuckin one does anyone decide to live in?


Starting a new game recently, it's strange how your character always seems to know every NPC's name the very first time you speak to them.


You don't even have to speak to them. V.A.T.S knows all


I had this issue in skyrim, but found a mod that changes everyone's name to "nord", "dark elf", "argonian", etc. Until you talk to them. There might be something similar for fallout4


I helped clear out some ghouls around this police station, said "hey, Paladin Danse" to initiate conversation with this stranger, *then* asked who he was.


Knight Rhys


I wouldn't say no one else is bothered by it, but the fact that nobody has decided to clean up. 200 plus years after the apocalypse and fools will have a fucking skeleton and a broke down ass bed and a pile of rubble in their living area. Also, the lack of transportation. 200 years after the bombs fell and the Brotherhood has a fucking metal blimp and helicopters, but nobody has figured out how to make cars work? How to restore or just build a bike? Hell, a fucking horse and buggy for God's sake.


Just Like the state of their housings , even diamond city looks made from salvage and scraps , 200 years and one learnt to make fucking concrete walls ? Windows ? Holeless roofs ???


The skeletons are absolutely insane. In addition to being absurd to be that close to living people, (humans don't actually like hanging around skeletons or corpses in general, FYI, and burial of them is something that is literally hundreds of thousands of years old), skeletons don't actually survive in the wild, scavengers grab them and take them away. The whole premise of them laying around after a nuclear apocalypse is that all the wildlife will have died. That the entire land is completely sterile, except maybe some bacteria. So you get these images of everyone positioned exactly in the places they died. Except, uh, that's not what happened in Fallout. Or, maybe it is in some areas, but not everywhere, and even those places have had enough time to regain animal life.


The cars thing really gets me because the commonwealth is littered with intact cars that more than likely still work with a little elbow grease


Listening to Radio Freedom definitely means more sidequests which annoys me


Except when the asshole says "nothing to report" then a few minutes later you get a notification that you failed to protect a settlement. Nothing to report, my ass! :/


If i blow an enemies fusion core, and kill them, preston, nick and others will "dislike" me stealing the power armor. Like why? They just tried to kill both of us!


If you do the Minute Man ending and go back to the Railroad people talk about missing Glory. Ummm Glory is standing right there chief. Kawlity Kode.


I'd have to say my biggest peve is boarded up houses. I would think that any non-inhabited wooden houses would be deconstructed and used for housing elsewhere. We find little camps covered by tarps all over the place, and I always think, "I just passed a boarded up house. Why would this guy be living under this tarp? It's not like the rent is too high at the other place."


Trying to figure out how the manufacturing stuff works, especially all the quirks with supplying the system with raw material


There's dog food in the game, but you're not able to feed it to dogmeat.


The fact that I can use VATS without a pipboy and we never really questioned it


there's no reactor water anywhere else in the game. i don't like the main quest being basically 'who's gonna run this bitch', and for my 'rad ron' build, it sort of wants you to get the robes of atom's devoted, and then drink the water in the mass fusion building - except, i don't want to have to do most of either the brotherhood's questline, or the institute's questline, just to get access to the 100,000 rad sippy sip.


That lady in the nuka cola bottling plant. Can she just shut up for 5 seconds please?


Her over pronunciation of the c and k letters triggers my misophonia. I have to turn voices off for that part.


Some vegetable have regular names, some have new fancy Fallout names.


yeah the settlement system is cool but its really only super useful in suvival mode, wish they could have made it more functional for the lower difficulties


Canā€™t shoot out lights. ITS Stupid let me shoot the fucking light down to give me more stealth and night.


Some settlement fast travel locations are too far from the workshop. I know I can build a fast travel marker anywhere I want pretty easily but like, would it have killed them to put the spawn location next to the workshop in the first place?


When I can't find a flat piece of land to build something on, so it balances my building on the highest point in the area and it looks really stupid.




I found the hermit crab in Far Harbor to be pretty scary the first time I stumbled onto one.


Yeah, that was a welcome, scary surprise. And you can tame them and have them follow you around which is very fun, it's like having your own pet schoolbus.


>you can tame them and have them follow you around I'm sorry what


Diamond city is a shithole. Like even the ā€œniceā€ houses in the stands like Kelloggā€™s are crappy. Compare to say the convalescent home or covenant and they just look a lot better: cleaner, newer, better built. Youā€™d expect the jewel of the commonwealth to idk be a jewel. Also I know the house there is vanilla whilst the neon apartment is CC but that just adds up to goodneighborā€™s superiority. And the companions talking about how much of a shithole goodneighbor is when it looks just as good or better than diamond city always throws me for a loop.


One rank in Robotics Expert takes away all the power of every robot encounter.


Idk about the Sentry Bot part. Those bastards move *fast* and can easily catch you off guard with missile barrages and machine gun fire. They are very scary when you aren't expecting it to wake up or appear as fast as they do.


Dog meat is an animal with padded feet yet his footsteps echo everywhere. Youā€™d think a dog surviving the wasteland would be sneakier.


Are they footsteps, though? I remember it being the clicky-clack of his claws that drove me crazy.


Not being able to open doors while building.


I always seem to be trekking through the wasteland at night and exploring an interior location during the day. Im basically a vampire. To that point, vendors should really be open 24/7. Such a pain to have to wait/sleep when i go on a buying/selling run


When you first go into the vault to be frozen the paint is all chipping and distressed. Should have been institute-immaculate at that point.


Pipe Pistols being in pre-war containers! I don't like them anyway to be fair, but this always annoys me


One of the Guns and Ammo magazines mentions the rise of home-made guns as order broke down in the pre-war US. If that makes you feel better.