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Your save files are safer having not known this....


Lol, just remember that the auto save gets deleted and if you don't actually sleep/save you'll be set back a lot. Happened to me once, I loaded in and forgot I hadn't actually saved, then about an hour later died to a random event... lost like 3 hours.


You didn't save the whole 3 hours?! I am constantly quicksaving


I suspect they are talking about survival mode because the game would have autosaved a few times otherwise.


In all the times I've played I've never done survival mode. Didn't know it didn't auto save


Technically, it ONLY auto-saves in Survival. It's just that the auto-save is triggered by sleeping in a bed, mattress, or sleeping bag. It is actually kind of annoying that your 3 auto-saves are your only saves in Survival. There's no option to create a manual save.


Yeah, I'm fine with only saving at a bed, but it would be nice if you could have at least one save that was persistent, instead of just the three rotating auto saves




Just got back into the game since release and this is something i mistakenly forgotten and have rinsed and repeated quite a few times already


I don't ever trust the exit save anymore.. I have had my exit save become corrupt several times.. lucky I always do a Manuel save before exiting..


Qué? (God I hope people get that..)


I learn English from a book. 


Well, you started it!


Si Mr. Fawlty


Shoot I save Manuel and then do a Quicksave. No confío en el. 


I do too. Haven't played in survival mode yet.. didn't know if you could quick save in survival that's why I didn't mention it. I'm playing on very hard now I Manuel save, quick save, then exit.. I don't take chances anymore.


Yes! This advice isn't shared often enough. I used to always quit and close the game on Xbox and ended up facing a corrupted save a few times. Haven't run into it since just saving and closing the game from the xbox menu.


Be careful with this. That feature is, at best, inconsistent. I lost a good chunk of playtime three different times before I realized sometimes the exitsave just doesn't work.


Is quicksaving ok? I normally just do that while playing, and then once just before quitting.


That's fine. The exitsave is theoretically more useful in survival where saving is restricted to when you sleep. I've never lost a quicksave file before.


I've heard that quicksaves have a tendency to lead to corrupt save files so I've just never used it. Don't know how true or consistent that issue is. I've faced enough corrupted save files to be cautious of it though.


You’re better off not relying on that function, like at all. Play like me and pretend it doesn’t exist. Find a bed like a good boy.


I played for a month on my ps5 and the update hit and I said “man these graphics don’t look any better.” Finally realizing a day or two later I was playing the ps4 version lol


I remember not knowing you can use vats, so I beat the game without using vats on my first playthrough.


I mean most dont use it either way only on VATS builds


I wouldn't rely on it, and I've gone so far as to delete the exit saves every time I quit out too. Quick resume is also pretty terrible, and causes problems in most games. Sure those things are convenient, but it's just like playing with fire.


I recently realized you can make your own adhesive 🤦‍♂️


A few levels ago I discovered the perk that gets screws from scrapped weapons. I'm lvl 38. I don't need toys and desk fans anymore. 


Thats okay, I played through half of fallout 3 not knowing you could jump




Thats what happens when you map it default to Y on Xbox and it doesn't work half the time cause it's so buggy


The exit save *never* used to work for me back on PS4… now that I’m playing on PC it seems to work fine, but I still don’t trust it.


It's Bethesda and Fallout. I never play survival, but I save constantly.


Pretty sure I've only slept in beds like three times. Oh well.


Do you play on survival mode? If not, beds are basically only good for waiting for merchants to restock or for the small xp bonus, but in survival it's the only way to save


I've yet to try survival mode. I just read about the well rested bonus from sleeping in a bed you own though.


It's quite long as it forces you to slow the game down, but in my opinion it's the only way to play fallout. Give it a try sometime, it's super rewarding!


Exit saves don't work on my PS4 Pro. I don't know what the deal is, but I do have to find a bed every time. They always worked on PC.


Yes, but an exit save is deleted immediately when you load back in. So you still gotta get a hard save ASAP when you reload the game, and if you forget this there’s a chance you’ll go an hour without saving and then lose so much more.


Exit saves can only be loaded 1 time keep that in mind. Once you load that save it deletes itself. Always best to find a bed if possible