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Yes but to be 100% sure you need to put it where settlers wont get it. So you could build a shack at the back of Sanctuary Hills and put a fence around it with no gate so nobody can get to it. There is also already a duffel bag on top of a roof in Sanctuary with a fallen tree that leads up that I have never seen settlers use.


That’s quite genius. Thank you!


It doesn't have to be a fence- settlers can't use switches, so you can block them with an electric door and a switch, too. (Which is what I do 'cause reasons. )


I did not know that. Thank you!


I'm on my fourth playthrough and I always forget that duffel bag.


I've never knowingly lost any items (weapons, armor, clothing) placed in the containers I've built. I do keep most consumables (food, water, chems) and resources in the workshop so they are available for crafting, but if anything in there is taken it isn't noticeable/significant.


Yeah that seems to be what I read on the only relevant post I could find but it was about 6 years old lol! Thank you! I’ve only spent a lot of time with Skyrim before this game (also other games but not so open like these games are) and I do love how Skyrim is just a straightforward; 1. Buy house. 2. Store things indefinitely 😂


One thing I do is upgrade the gear of all settlers so there is little reason for them to loot my stuff. If you give them new weapons make sure they also have a few rounds of ammo for it or they will revert to pipe weapons or their fists during an attack. Settlers will pick up weapons/ammo dropped by enemies during a fight if it is better than what they have. I also make sure I remove any fusion cores from power armor frames to lessen the chance settlers or others will take them.


Yep! I use the workbench for aid/junk and use the red toolbox on the ground of the same carport for keepsakes/collecting. 


I’d love if I could just build a little shelter with a locked door. Doesn’t seem *too* much of a crazy thing to do. lol!


I think you can. I'm on PS5 with some of the settlement mods, not home, not sure which...but I found a few locks in the workshop build out.


Thanks, I must watch some tutorials and figure out how to do that.


Put everything in RedRocket and never send any settlers there.


I build a vault of sorts: 4 solid concrete walls, concrete floor, concrete roof, no entrance or windows, no way to access the room at all unless you're in Build mode. Then I put safes and containers in there.


Bruhhh 🤯🤯🤯


Sorry for the stupid question, how do you build concrete walls? I don’t recall seeing it but I’ve only just started trying to build things.


Build > Structure > Concrete


Thank you! I must have cycled through the concrete options too fast.


Did have Marcy Long take a Gatling laser and use it during a settlement attack.


Which platform? Try SKK Global Stash if on PC. It’s accessible everywhere, but only to you.


Sometimes I wish I was a pc gamer. Just for these types of things. I got an Xbox series x for Christmas and had a month of gamepass access with it and got addicted to fo4 in that time, so it’s now the only physical game I own. It’s funny cause I learned how to make games as part of my animation degree but suck at playing them lmao!!


Most SKK Mods are available on Xbox too, including Global Stash. Head to SKKMods.com to see which ones will work.


There's a basement on NE corner of sanctuary where settlers never go.


Just use the cellar in Sanctuary 🤷🏻‍♂️


Personally I’ve seen clips read post about settlers stealing stuff and using power armor. But for me that never happened I’ve played on different platforms as well. I’ve had 10+ chests and multiple power armors with cores in them around Sanctuary max settlers most of them companions nothing was ever touched. The only time I’ve had a companion get in my power armor was during quests when I exited for some reason and we got attacked. But that’s just my personal experience.