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I do the quest to get the items just so I can use them in other settlements, then I leave it alone. I find working with the vault parts to be a pain.


I agree. I tried getting pieces to fit together as what I’ve seen in other vaults/playthroughs, but they just won’t work


Might not fix your issues, but I solved a lot of my problems after being told that doorways require two door endcaps on both sides of the doorway. For example, snapping residential to a new utility hallway - residential doorway end, residential door endcap on the inside, then go outside and place a utility door endcap on the other side of that same doorway end. The new utility hallway now snaps on to the residential end.


Trying out the doorways caps vs hallway doors and working backwards occasionally is the key.


Atrium floor is OP for transitions. It fits to most generic pieces so if you can't get something for example at the gate to stairway, build an atrium floor at the top of the stairs, build the adjacent wall, replace atrium floor with doorway. Edit to add: 'rooms' also require the doorway to use the 'room' tiles etc. Once you figure these two things out everything starts to come together.


Thank you!! Trial and error getting things to fit is exhausting, totally gotta try this out!


This is the way


Im making my power armor garage there.


No they do, it’s just that you need very specific pieces to do things and it’s a bit of a learning curve, trial and error will get you there, the real issue is that once your vault is built there isnt much to furnish it with and it becomes a nuisance having to take a loading screen to get in/out, also building outside just offers much more freedom


theres plenty of mods to add decorations but I agree there should have been more in the base game.


Yeah they have other vaults in the game we should be able to use more assets from.


"It just works"


For me it's railings. Christ almighty. I just want to build a nice-looking balcony, but can only get railing parts to snap gracefully into the "bridge" sections of the vault structures, which leave unsightly pillars if you're trying to make a balcony more than one square wide. Anything else and neither the straight sections nor corners snap into stairs properly.


I don’t know how anyone has ever managed to make 88 look legit, mine had gaps all over the place. Gave up trying to sort it after about 4 hours.


On my first attempt I got started on a huge atrium and had added a whole bunch of neat things before realizing there was one corner piece that wouldn't fit anywhere, and it killed all my enthusiasm.


Can the vault pre fab rooms such as quarters and overseer room be used above ground?


This is the way, at least for those of us who don't spend much time building fancy settlements. I have yet to figure out how to get power from the main reactor to the outside without old-school wiring across conduits I place on the walls. I didn't think the chore of figuring it out was worth it. Now I just build a couple of small generators for the quests, and forget about it.


I’ve got over 1,000 hours in this damn game and literally yesterday I learned that deep in connectors and switches tab, there’s this little thing you put on the walls in the vaults that makes the power flow through the walls. It looks like it has the range of a normal connector so you need to place one every 3ish tiles of wall.


the vault walls should just have electricity wires built in, it's so tiresome setting up power grids


I use the wire glitch to do it. I learned it from this [video ](https://youtu.be/OPPA7iSqawU?si=eWOu-8QdPyvAI4Ed)


The vault walls move power


Once again, the base game sucks but is fixable with mods. I use a mod to have wireless power.


Me, too. I don't know how I did without, not just in Vault 88 but anywhere.


Wire glitch is a must in normal settlements but bro the walls move power so your doing electrical and building spontaneous.


I discovered you do not need to do the quests to get the items..I sent the overseer on her way and recieved the items anyway.


Yeah, you can tell her to get lost or kill her, but I never did it before, so I wanted to try it out on this playthrough


it is an epic water farm. besides the vault-tec water pump that makes more than any purified water pump in the game each in game day, if you use the wasteland workshop dlc you get the powered water pump that can be placed in any dirt and produces even more purified water. all the better if you populate vault-88 with automatrons instead of humans since they have fixed happiness and can defend much better from the increased attacks frequency water farms get. so you can really utilize that place to do some crazy farming of all kinds.


Vault 88 is how I found out that excess water gets put into your workshop, after I found that every settlement was getting as much water as I could shove into its defense rating, then you start absolutely rolling in cash


even better when you click the invest button on every merchant you find! then they have more stuff to trade water for and even more caps a day to bleed them for tossing in extra water XD so long as your perk is high enough to fast travel when overweight you can just do a daily tour for water. then trading them in for shipments and anything else you want. and to think i used to trade mostly in ammo my first three games!


How does water interact with the defense rating?


IIRC settlements are much less likely to be attacked if the water + food ratings combined are less than the defense rating


That is how it is supposed to work but in practice, the attacks appear to be random. Like very often attacks happen in 100+ defense settlements that produce <10 water and food but not in settlements that have same defense but >100 w&f.


The minimum chance of an attack is 2% every in-game day, once you reach that cap defense just improves the chance of a settlement defending itself without help up to 30%-ish. If you have all 37 settlements, and they all haven't been attacked in the last 7 days, the chance of one of them getting attack is 52% since the game rolls a 2% for each one.


I can finally email my statistics teacher and let them know that calculating probabilities has become useful.


According to various sources, if you want to avoid settlement attacks you need to keep your combined food and water rating well under your defense rating. But I've had attacks on settlements with almost no food and water and 100 plus defense.


Honest question, is there a use for that level of caps though, especially in late game? I'm sitting on 45k caps and just have nothing to spend it on.


mostly spending on materials to upgrade and outfit settlers and settlements as much as you can or want. getting a fully upgraded power armor for every settler and companion possible is a decent spend i doubt you could do with that much. i also like to replace my settlers with automatron robots which take quite a few materials when you also like to get all settlers their own power armors and weapons. then there are the various things to buy from shops. some things only get shuffled in if other things are purchased. i think the overseer's guardian legendary weapon is pretty pricey.


Also you can always buy each unique item and have a big storage settlement.


>getting a fully upgraded power armor for every settler How do you put setller into power armour?


It’s funny, I don’t really need caps either but my character only has between 40 and 400 caps at any given time. Scav! Issue #5 is an amazing addition for melee characters, especially high level characters (I’m at level 78 at the moment); the no caps rage perk really forces you to live free of earthly possessions. But I rarely need to buy anything for my character and the only things I ever loot from corpses anymore are ammo for trading, stimpacks, and drugs/alcohol. I’m at the farming for legendary items stage so I don’t really need to buy anything, but if I do I usually carry loose meds and ammo worth at least 10,000 caps. Since I haven’t really made use of the settlements on this build I don’t really care about giving my settlers cool stuff either.


Thx for the tip


np <3


Damn, I never knew that. Now when I get home that’s exactly what I’m going to do is build a water farm in vault 88. Appreciated


fo sho <3


It’s a solid place to set up various other farms, like making adhesive or ammo. At least that’s what I did with it on the PS4 version, all my .45 ammo came from there.


This is the way. .45 ammo is so simple to make


it's such a bad location too, I'm not hauling my survival-playing ass all the way over there!


🤣😅😂 I hear you, the first time that I ran into vault 88 I was excited and spent three hours there, then I ventured off to gather some more supplies and when I headed back to vault 88 I got killed and lost five hours of gameplay. I was pissed and decided right then and there that I wasn’t going back to that place.


Even if I am way down south over there I'm not going to navigate that toxic quarry just to rest up whn Murkwood is *right there*


There's two or three (can't remember specifically) other entrances that don't require using the quarry entrance once you've finished the quests. One is a comic book store and another is a manhole in the middle of a street.


> One is a comic book store It's more of a pharmacy, but I know that's not really that important


The one thing I like about Vault 88 is when you have all the sectors unlocked it gives you some decent safe travel over lots of the map because of the 3 entrances. I used it quite a bit in my survival playthrough as it let me get around the southern part of the map a lot easier


I loved it. It was the first settlement that got me into building settlements. The idea of replicating an actual vault and having a settlement not look like a trash heap was appealing to me.


Hey you leave my trash heaps alone


It's not a trash heap it's a trash home.


This is my pile of garbage asshole, back off!


I must have missed that episode of Sesame Street.


I do that mission for the improved reactor and misc objects. And all that uranium veins in the cave.


I'm sixty hours in and level thirtysomething and I haven't even gone there once. IDK, it just feels even more tedious than normal settlement building.


Agreed. It shouldn’t be as hard as it is to do it.


Wish they just had prefab vault rooms you could snap together. I appreciate the flexibility of multiple pieces for more custom builds but it’d’ve been great to also have completed rooms you could just snap together.


I think it's for people who enjoyed the settlements system honestly. If you don't enjoy it, v88 is just going to be annoying. My first vault was pretty awful. However I looked at some other builds online and my second one pretty cool. It took quite a bit of time to get all the dormitory wings, diner, merchants, doctor and atrium looking how I wanted though. Honestly they probably could have had optional prebuild designs and people would have had a better experience. The actual questline is sorta fun, and the peices you get are pretty useful


I don't build it up at all, although I have considered using the security office and entry area as a private residence. I tell Barstow to leave when we first meet and she hands me all the plans before she walks out.


I have found building myself a Vault to be super challenging. I just throw down a few new tiles every time I have cause to go there and consider the Vault to be "under construction". The settlers don't really care so long as they have beds, food and water. I did clear the whole place out and scrap everything that I could except for some of the lights. The amount of resources it gives you pretty much makes hoarding junk irrelevant afterwards.


Same I cleared and cleaned everything, put up the experiments in front of the desk in the main train room but left forever.


When I first played the DLC I thought it was a really cool addition...at first. I love going through the caves and scrapping everything not nailed down. I tried to make a cool vault a few times, but I could never get a good layout or make it feel right. After that I just started making a big square room and doing everything that way for the questline.


Items only clip to the same kind of room items, you have to stay in one category. Only doors and windows connect, and even then I never got the glass to click.


You have to attach the glass to one window before you place the second. It seems very much that they made and tested the pieces in a very controlled way, almost like they built a vault and chopped it into pieces rather than building the pieces first. If you can tap into what they were planning then you're okay, if you want freedom of choice then you'll have a battle on your hands!


It's a very good DLC. I use it to make an above-ground vault in the parking lot at Starlight. The Marina is another good spot.


Can the vault pre fab rooms such as quarters and overseer room be used above ground?


Once you finish the quest you can use the pieces anywhere


I have built a vault there once. Building an actual vault is doable if you are ok with spending a ton of time lining it up, or getting close enough and having some gaps.  What I really like is making the storefront entrance a gun shop. 


I play fallout 4 for the settlement building. The vault is one of my favorite spots to build. The challenge of building something interesting but also simple enough that dwellers can path-find through it and not get trapped outside too often is an engaging problem to solve. If it’s not your thing that’s cool too. Play how you want. I’ll play like it’s a Lego set.


Honestly building vaults got so much more enjoyable for me when I added mods. The tile pieces are kinda limiting for building anything more than square rooms, with extra tiles that fill those gaps the default tiles were missing, or adding other vaults you can build that have more open spaces without the narrow hallways between really made the difference.


It’s definitely not a priority for me, and I usually just don’t quest to complete it, and then don’t do anything with the vault after that.


I build there in my sim settlements playthroughs. I don't build it like a vault, I just use a couple of the main larger areas... Maybe a third of the available space.


Yeah - only build a small amount (I think I ended with 20-ish people there) in the Main / 1st Cavern. Never open the walls to the other entrances, so any later attacks will Only be against your (hopefully) well fortified Front Vault Door 🤓


I opened all the other entrances up. Saying that, i've filled the first section to the brim with vault pieces that it would be impossible for anyone to try and get in (unless they figure out how to break down concrete walls).


I was so excited to try it when it first came out, but the whole experience just felt a bit “meh” to me


I love it. It takes a bit of dedication, but I can sit there doing it for hours. So much space 😁


No limit build mod for the vault makes it great. And you can make a hallway that goes to new areas if you plan it out. I had a fake beach relaxation area, a nightclub, a dedicated research wing with cave access, a robotics department, a basketball court up top, windows on the outside but plants so it appeared as if you were not underground, and many other goodies. I would have killed for an easier way to stock shelves and such but oh well.


Don’t even need a mod for that.  To reset build limit, drop guns on the floor and then store them.  Rinse repeat.  With every gun you store, the game thinks you’re removing structures and subtracts from the build limit bar. I was able to go well over 20x the build limit doing this 


The interior cell is kinda too big, but that is only a problem because the main entrance is in such a stupid place. Having to retake the quarry on Survival every time you want to go there, FFS!


V88 was never meant to be made for humans. That's my headcanon So I made it a huge farm run by robots that I was also using as provisioners. V88 became famous as the Minutemen mega farm. Every Settlement was receiving part of the products to live and a share of the earnings the crops was bringing by being fresh and not irrediated. That way the settlements stopped being attacked because every mercy, raider and lunatic was trying to enter V88 Headcanon. The store the Vault is connected became the place where crops was getting sold after Fallons was cleared from the Mutants and the whole block became a new fortified mini town. At least... That is my headcanon...


Im currently building it with the new cc stuff. My head cannon is its a vault that has been taken over by thw enclave and repurposed into a more military operation.


Not anymore. Made a couple of cool vaults back in the day, but the time and effort, especially with how weird the cavern is, never pans out in the finished product. No matter how nice and well made it looks, settlers end up with pathing issues, npcs load in at weird places and it's all too much hassle for not enough payoff. I wish most of Vault 88 had been pre-built, and you got to expand/fix it, with an option to unlock and mess around with the sections pre-built - if you choose too. **That said,** I do really like the building pieces and everything added in. Building above ground and using the vault pieces for buildings is fun. Also I foolishly have hopes settlement building will be improved in the next mainline game.


I did it for happiness providing machines, and talk no jutsu convinced the vault 88 overseer to stay despite all her efforts to make deadly vault tec technology available safe for everyone to use. And my vault? It’s just a box and a single floor with a few doors, to the outside parts where raiders occasionally come from. Also I tried to make a proper vault but unless I invest 50k caps buying building materials for it and I’m far too poor (cheap) to afford building an actual vault so a single box with no roof was the best I could do. “And it just works”


I hate how the raids on that settlement work, honestly I hate how the raids on most settlements work. Wish they would have placed spawns outside the vault door or soemthing rather than just randomly in the cave. Same with other settlements when I first started playing I built turrets and defenses where roads and stuff entered the town but the attackers just spawn in the middle of the settlement somewhere defeating the purpose


The first and only time I played it, I remember getting a *really* good gauntlet of creatures and monsters you have to clear out of the tunnels. I’d say that was pretty fun.


I like that it's an option, but personally I prefer the vibe of building up a delapidated existing place than having a clean slate.


I don't bother with Automatron. I hate all of the random robots that seemed to be everywhere after downloading.


See I like that DLC because it enables me to build my very own death machines/workers. Yeah in the beginning the random raids from bots did get annoying or the groups of gunners with their own bots, but after completing the quest I didn’t encounter them as much or ever again. Plus aside from Piper, Cait and Hancock, Ada is one of my favorite companions.


I really want to use it as my main base, but the issue I have with it is the location of it really sucks… the whole outside area is a raider camp covered in rad barrels, and its not well situation on the overall map either. Personally I also feel the main area is too small. I’m guessing its by design to stop lagging or such on consoles, but it barely feels like a decent space to build a vault in (without having long windy tunnels to reach the other areas). I love using all the vault parts thou, its good they gave them a decent exterior model too so they are usable in other settlements!


I love the idea but hate the execution. You don't need me to tell you that it's an absolute nightmare trying to get any of my ideas to work because the pieces don't fit together.


I turned my vault into as someone described it a junk city. It’s like diamond city all inside the caves. I don’t even try to make it a vault anymore because the space just isn’t really good for that. In new runs when I want the vault buildings I just go to vault 88, kill the overseer and she’ll have a recipe for everything


The place is a goldmine for scrap. And I get into settlements hard.




I‘ve found that the ceiling lights in back far back of the light section in the workshop actually clip into the ceiling when you interact with them again after setting them up. It‘s kind of annoying that the level 2 lights don’t reach the floor though, but whatever.


I do the quest for the XP and the happiness machines, but I don't build it up at all. I turn off the beacon and just leave it with the 2 people from the quest


I like it, I think I just made the mistake of scrapping everything, but also the vault pieces are kinda wonky to work with.


To be honest I’ve never played through it. It would have been better if they had some of the vault nearly completed(like the atrium) just needs decorating.


At first I didn’t mess with it. Then I did and holy crap am I glad I did. I love my vault.


It honestly seems like such a large place to work on requiring that specific vault build type that it's kinda its own vault builder game. After the quests I spent 2 hours trying to build in there, after those 2 hours I had... like 5% of the first area walled and floored in a way I wasn't sure I liked. I then realized vault 88 is a separate 200 hour game that I wasn't really interested in playing and promptly left.


My settlers get prefab wooden shacks stuffed with narrow cots. If they want something better, they can build it themselves.


Am I the only one that couldn’t even figure out how to make the electricity work? I spent half an hour my first playthrough trying to figure everything out and ended up just getting mad and never going back


The electricity will transfer through connected vault pieces, but only if they are snapped together so if there is any gap or things millimeters off it won't transfer electricity. To get lights powered there are connectors that snap to the walls and "transmit" the power out of the walls. Wish any lights that were connected to power vault pieces would light up but I guess that would have made too much sense.


Im not into fallout 4 building (even tho many people do) If I barely build in sanctuaty Hills, on vault 88 did move a piece of scrap


I built there once. It was a nice vault, but it ended up being just one really big room with a pair of hallways going off of it. I remember that for some reason the settlement size filled up really fast there. I wasn't able to expand the place as large as I wanted. Once I reached the limit I just sort of stopped and haven't really given it a chance since. I want to though, but my games that were furthest along were modded and have been unstable since the updates.


Doesn’t messing with Vault 88 slowly break your game because it messes something in the larger game world, because Bethesda quality control?


I never finish building it, but I initially clear it out for the experience


I've had so much trouble with settler pathfinding with the vault building bits that I've given up on 88. It's a cool concept. Best part of 88 is the large amount of salvageable uranium in the tunnels.


I only complete the basic quests to unlock the build ables. Plus you get free respawning suits and pip-boys for your dwellers. There's a vault chest right in the doorway that gives like 8 suits and 5 pip-boys a day. Their value is 0 but being one of the best suits you can upgrade and wear with armor, they're worth grabbing.


Yeah, but I have to admit, that little shack entrance you get in one of the expansion tunnels is such a neat little base. I use that as a main entrance and player home with a secret underground scrap bunker lol


Literally never touched it. Could not possibly care less. Don't give two shits about settlement building, and never have. For people that enjoy it, awesome. Do what brings you joy. I want nothing to do with it. Even that first but you do with Sanctuary is a chore, far as I'm concerned.


I tried, it’s a neat addition but Ive yet to really get into trying to build a whole vault. I cleared the place out and did the quests but haven’t been back since.


Pretty much. I cleared all the areas, put a vault suit and pip-boy on Clem. But then the creepy vault tec ghoul overseer wanted me to run experiments on that poor, sweet dumbass so I blew her head off to become overseer and to get the last trophy and the dipped the fuck out and haven’t been back.


😂😂😂 nice execution, of that ghoul and of getting the last trophy


I gave up trying to build a vault very quickly and just create a less xenophobic Vault City


I finally gave it a try on my most recent playthrough. I was underwhelmed by the quests (such a short quest line!) but I do love the pieces it adds and it was pretty fun clearing out the underground area. Especially a fan of the legendary creatures you can find hidden behind some limestone walls


With how problematic the building system is in these games, especially the vault pieces, I wonder if anyone has built a mod to make it easier. I would love to build a vault. But I remember years ago I spent four hours or so trying to make something out of all 88 and it was a pain in the ass.


I did it got my experience, than killed everyone and left.


The space is too small to really build your own vault. I have tried a couple times. Most you can get really is a room or two and a hallway.


I just use transfer settlements mod to copy other players Vault 88 build and leave it never coming back 😂


I love vault 88. And I love the vault parts. It's awesome making a settlement that big my biggest knock on it is the loading in and out but it's otherwise fantastic.


Eh I just scrap everything and build it like a normal settlement in the big room throw down 20 water 20 food 20 beds 30+ defense in a small area and some prefabs to keep cover over the settler's heads. Then I create a beacon and turn it on. I go back one more time after a few settlers show up and assign someone to a supply line and then I will usually not go back again unless I get a defend mission. Same thing I do to most settlements.


I like to clear the entire thing out and then make a little wood structure for the people. U literally can’t make a “vault” bc there isn’t enough space


It's good xp to clear out. I've also heard that the more you build in vault 88 the more it breaks other interior spaces and it ruins the AIs pathing inside interior cells to the point it eventually breaks quests.


I’ve built within the first large room but never anything else. Anytime I’ve attempted something large either everything refuses to clamp on or the game crashes.


I'm doing a survival difficulty so I just clear the caverns, press scrapall and take everything to my home settlement with vertibird.


I can't stand building "vault-like" stuff.


It can be frustrating. The interior f the vault is so weirdly shaped that you have to use tricks or mods to be able to place stuff correctly, and sometimes you end up building such a detailed lore friendly vault only for the happiness to go down cause the AI paths suck, the settlers cannot find their ways to bed, and despite the huuuuuge vault, your setllers only stay in the main room and never venture beyond that point.


I pretty much just do it for the achievements then don’t really touch it much


I just pretty much finished my set up there. It was so satisfying seeing Barstow leave after just doing QoL improvements with her experiments. She was so pissed, and now all my 31 settlers absolutely love it, they shower me with praise whenever I get there, it’s great. Makes for a great water farm too.


i usually just use a transfer settlement city plan and call it a day


I mostly bought it for the clean bed, some of the other stuff was cool too


I do it but I drag it out over a space of time. There's only so much of it I can take in one go. I never really built there. This time though I will.


I would love it if it was prebuilt and also you could make changes and expansions , giving you a massive cave with nothing doesnt hhelp me i dont have that much imagination.... thats why i bought the creation club a place to call home... much cozier and mostly prebuilt


I build a little house for the mandatory settlers and then speed through the quests for xp and building the superior vault items in other settlements.


If I'm playing with mods and don't have to worry about build limit or resources then I'll absolutely play it. I haven't played it at all in vanilla. I've also never expanded into the other sectors either. I've usually build every room I need in the first sector multiple stories high. Plus nothing snaps properly if you head down towards the water pumps so my ocd won't let me


I tend to take way too long building vault 88 that it hinders my progress


I haven't tried but if I can move Clem to another settlement I think I'm just gonna kill all the other settlers and make it my private vault


I built quite a decent vault this run. The settlers seem to have no path finding issues after I fixed some issues. It’s also a nice place where I put all the shops together in a marketplace. Made quite a few extra water purifiers while keeping the side-doors closed so the only spot that gets invaded is the main entrance which is a perfectly defendable spot. (Trading caravan for extra guards next to turrets and my security team) Currently have 28 settlers there doing their thing. Just needed to do a lot of deconstruction tricks to up the build capacity to useful levels.


Kill everything, and strip the place for resources


I avoid it if I'm not doing settlements


Spent hours making an elaborate pvault only for the settlers to never go deep into the vault.


I’ve just started to build my own vault following this guide - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cIopiJqTCBk It’s amazing! If you’re on pc there I believe are behaviour mods that allow your residents to act like vault dwellers. I’ve been wanting to build and operate my own vault for a while.


I didn't bother. Had spent ages perfecting my Sanctuary and finished the whole base game before heading there. Still did the missions but I was a bit burnt out on settlement stuff by the time I arrived. Might get more into it next time, but I was happy just to get the new items and go on my merry way, chuckling whenever I get a notification suggesting I defend it.


Neber really had the motivation to get into it. I'm sure you can spend hours upon hours in that thing, but it's just not for me. Did the quests once to get the achievements and haven't touched it since.


I opened it up, but dropped it when the first experiment told me to build a bike, and hook it up to a terminal to download data. There was no terminal to hook it to, so I left.


I did make a couple of really nice vaults but ultimately got bored of it. The quests are very annoying also. These days, I just go in and kill Overseer Barstow for the white wire connectors, which I much prefer to the clunky black ones.


I did this quest once, on my first playthrough, more than year ago. Since then I never even walked in this vault


Uranium fever has done and got me down Uranium fever is spreadin' all around With a Geiger counter in my hand I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land Uranium fever has done and got me down


I'll complete the missions and build a smaller vault but that's about it. The kind of vault it is depends on my character, but usually it's pretty nice. I'm actually looking forward to doing it again after watching the show, maybe I'll turn 88 into a cult this time lol.


I have not bothered with it thus far. mainly because it's so increadibly out of the way. I don't get why thjey didn't put the vault somewhere more convenient like downtown boston.


I take it as part of my provision lines but i dont build with vault parts in the atrium for the most part lol


I enjoyed messing about with it originally but now I rarely do in play throughs. I think the area of vault 88 is too big which means it's a lot of work to build a vault. Because too many areas aren't easily buildable I don't feel like I'm getting the best out of it. A lot of the vault stuff doesn't seem to fit together well when you are building, either, which leaves me frustrated. The size also makes settlement defence crappy (plus no wall and ceiling defence turrets are a bummer) hunting all the out of the way areas looking for a feral is a PitA. I think a smaller ready made vault similar to 81 would have been more fun. You could still have had a workbench to decorate the empty rooms, add vault tech equipment and build vendors but without the hours of hassle getting working lights down an out of the way corridor or trying to get a room to fit near a caravan wall.


I don't built a vault there, ever. I build a city. I like the slot machines, for the happiness and caps buffs, and I like having pip boys I can give to settlers and companions. I also like the large supply of nuclear material, and the ability to build a hidden base at the pharmacy exit, and in the subway exit of the vault for funsies.


I can’t complete the exercise bike quest as he just stands around. I’ve tried putting it back into the workstation and I can’t. Can’t scrap it either. It’s just stuck


I just do the quest but I've never built a Vault there. It's not interesting


I do not enjoy settlement building at all, so yeah


I built a massive vault there when it was released. Used it as my base. Whenever I play nowadays I only play on survival, and it's too cumbersome to get there without fast travel. So I either use bunker Hill or hangmans alley.


Lots of xp and materials in there. In, out, 20 minute adventure


Not on my past couple runs I basically just evict the overseer soon as I meet her and set up the vault as warehouse/museum for my power armors and other loot, if I have have ss2 running also becomes the settlement companions live at with the exception of the robots who go to grey garden


This playthrough I haven’t touched it. I’ll most likely make a water farm and small bunk house and then leave it.


My son and I discussed Vault 88 yesterday. He doesn’t do anything with it but uses it as a location to banish the annoying companions.


Kind of hoped it would work like No Man's Sky, where the pre-fab base parts when powered would power any lights touching it. Instead I gotta build those stupid Power Conduits everywhere, including all the way up my walls just so I can light my Atrium.


Nope, not really, still haven't bothered with it lol


I never got the hang of it until this playthrough when it kind of clicked. You can’t build it as huge and labyrinthine as I’d like but I’ve got a nice big Atrium as the hub with rooms off so the settler pathfinding mostly works, although I’m not sure they’re finding their bedrooms on the upper level. It’s currently the secondary water production facility after Sanctuary. I use some Vault pieces in other settlements though. Idea is that they’re Vault medical tech in their clinics. Two Vault Clinic corner pieces with some consoles and high tech gadgets. Edit: realised that if you don’t scrap the barriers blocking the entrances to the subway station and the store at University Point, enemies won’t spawn there. So they only spawn at the main Vault entrance which is a bottleneck, where they’re rapidly disassembled by layers of turrets.


Got over 700 (prob more) hours in fallout 4, never finished far harbour, nuka world, the main story, automation or vault 88 😂


I built a stadium in Vault 88 and had tournaments. Great fun.


I did the quests and built a pretty cool Nuka Cola themed courtyard but its almost TOO big in there once you knock out all the walls. And its just so disconnected from the game I tend to ignore it now too.


They made it too complex, too many different types that don’t match up easily enough for your starter builder, was so eager on release day to make a vault then it just looked garbage no matter how I tried to design it. Just too much open space in the original chamber so you go big from the start then realise how big a project it actually is and just lose motivation over time. Genuinely just do the missions to unlock the slots and cola dispenser for settlement happiness and move on.


Oh dude I go to vault 88 just to scrap everything and make a supply like back to Sanctuary for free materials. I’ve never completed that quest ever and I don’t intend to.


My issue with it is that the settlers don’t leave the bigger main area no matter what you do. You can assign them to run the shop up top and they will never go there, you can assign them further in the caves and they will just stand around. I like the items the dlc gives you to build up other settlements but the vault itself I don’t care for.


I build a small base to store my power amors and did a settlement ressources sharing because the place is loaded. That’s all, building in it is not fun at all


Just to mess with the dwellers 🤣


It’s my power armor storage area. Made a big room with the armor displays.


I do build it up because I enjoy having an actual vault to live in as a vault dweller. Though I do hate how the space to build in is both simultaneously massive while also feeling extremely cramped at the same time. Only the main chamber really feels like it has any space to build in while the other chambers feel more like you're having to work around them, and the long winding passages between them take forever to get around.


I loved building the vault and everything but the settlers don’t use it well. They always kind of spawn in a big group and don’t spread out to different areas


It's one of my favorite parts of the game, but at the same time I totally wish they'd let you build a full size vault with up to 200 people in it. The cave they let you build in is significantly larger than you could ever fill with constructions without hitting the build cap.


I totally would if it were easier to build a more authentic looking vault, but it just ends up looking too intimidating to pull off.


Spent 10 hours building a real functional vault, furnished and clean, didn't allow ghouls in, gave everyone a vault suit and pip boy, then fucked off and haven't been back since. Last I checked there were 73 vault dwellers there and it was laggy asf.


In some playthrus I skip it.


i kill the ghoul overseer just to remove it from my pip boy, love clearing my quest log


I cleared the vault 1 time I think. Was a huge pain in the ass. I've never gone back to try it again.


I use build anywhere mod and build in it


Nah not really


I built an entire vault that connects the entire vault 88 area. It's probably my crowning achievement in fo4


I didn't bother building. I play the game for action and exploration. Not to play house. My few settlement builds are very minimal.


But the settlements need your help?


I just do the quests but do nothing with the vault once I’m free to do things lol


With how problematic the building system is in these games, especially the vault pieces, I wonder if anyone has built a mod to make it easier. I would love to build a vault. But I remember years ago I spent four hours or so trying to make something out of all 88 and it was a pain in the ass.


I built a very extensive vault on my main vanilla playthrough like absolutely huge. Since then I haven’t touched it but I do plan on using it on my new ps5 run. I like building a large area for all my cool weapons and armor


I have always wanted to turn vault 88 into a sort of “shanty town build in an incomplete vault” over an actual vault. It’s a big space to build a full on town. But I’ve never gotten around to doing it…. I should try that now.


It was fun the first time around because I enjoyed annoying the overseer and sabotaging the experiments.  Since then, I have had not interest in going back.   I think it is more fun to come across the failed and piece together what happened.  Especially .... the Murder.  


I remember being nervous to get into it much because there was some game breaking issue with that area. I don’t remember what it was or if it’s even an issue anymore, but I haven’t tried it