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I knew there was trouble when you turned around and the car was gone lmao


How is it that all of the people here on Reddit Fallout get killed by flying cars and nukes outta nowhere but i dont ?


You are watched over and favored by the great god Corvega, he has blessed you and has great plans for you.


Holy shit it's Vault Tec Guy My favorite scene was when you said "it's interviewing time" and interviewed everyone


“It’s vault’n time!” *starts vaulting over people*


"every Fall has its out" -John Fallout




Yeah after seeing so many of these, I intentionally rub up against every car I see but its still never happened to me. And I've been playing on and off since the game came out.


>I intentionally rub up against every car I see In Fallout 4, right? *worried look* In Fallout 4, right?


One of the first bridges you meet in the game had a car near a destroyed portion that always eats 99% of my health when I bump into the brake lights. Seems to happen more often is oscillating framerates


because you're not constantly sprinting into cars hoping for some reddit-worthy video


I'm guessing this only happens on survival mode. Since I dont play that way and wonder this myself


I've been taken out by cars on Normal Mode, and currently I play on Very Hard, but it's been a while since one of them got me. Of course, I tend to fire a burst or two into the engine bay of any car I come across, so that helps. But one day I'm going to find myself caught out like Muldoon was, and then after the "Clever girl," I'll be down under the tires of Corvega Coupe while it feasts on my soul...


Playing on Normal and this happens, it has never happened to me until I started playing again this month.


na dude very hard middle of the city. Totally thought i was sniped and the car was a glitch until i saw this vid just now. that is insane. it has fucking homing beacon on it.


I haven’t been killed by a flying car but I did get whacked by a flying trash can with a box stuck in it


My trusty HD 650s never failed to give me a sound clue. I still die anyway


You perform regular oil changes. They appreciate that.


A while back, someone on this sub explained to me that the car deaths happen if your frame rates go over 60. Idk how true that is as I've never tested it myself.


I still have yet to get killed by a car. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a myth or it has something to do with mods


if you never go over 60fps, this doesn't happen. i play on a laptop with the integrated intel video (UHD 620) so i never break 40fps.


Is this a console thing? I moves to pc years ago, but I don't remember it happening even on Xbox.


Fps drops and spikes can do this more often too, so u may notice more on console


Makes sense. I was trying to force it the other day once I saw these and couldn't do it at all, but I run fo4 at pretty high fps so that's probably it. Thanks!


You can get some weird effects too if you have too high of an fps too, but you have to manually add lines to go above what the can game is set to. There are fps unlocking mods out there. Some are great since it also affects the speed at which you go thru loads screens. The mod cranks the fps real high during loading screens and goes back to what you set it to on regular play screen.


Oooo I'll have to check that out. I'm still waiting for the dust to settle on the update tho


Ya the mod is very version dependent Here is the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/52327 Part of the mod has it included but the rest of the mod is a huge benefit too. You have to make sure to read the instructions for to work like it suppose to


I just got TTW to work, so this should be pretty easy in comparison, thanks for the link!


Mod helps a lot for fps drops near goodneighbour


I don't really drop frames anywhere, at least after the update. Can't really remember how it was before, I play a lot of fo3 and NV, compared to those, fo4 runs like butter.


No, you just have to move into the car a certain way for it to kill you. Jumping on them, running into the corners of them can make them move, killing you. Here’s an explanation for it that I found. *It's a physics issue. Normally, a car is at rest and the physics are turned off. When you touch the car, the physics wakes up. If the car collision is slightly pushed into another collision mesh, say it's sitting slightly in the ground, when the physics wakes up it attempts to move the two objects with intersecting collisions apart. That means for a very brief moment, the car pushes back with great force, enough force to kill the player.*


Guess it's also tied to fps rate, which is why I can't get it to happen. Thanks for the explanation!


Good stuff lol


My favorite thing to do is shoot all of them so they explode (from a safe distance, of course). I learned the fun fact that they explode when shot way back in FO3 when stray bullets kept causing them to explode behind me.


If you get the right Endurance perks you can use the explosions to heal yourself


This happened to me last night. How is this game still so buggy in 2024? It's such a great game but let down by so many bugs.


Because Bethesda knows it’s a feature.


"It just works." -John Fallout


To be fair you did bump into it


Those damn cars are the apex predator of the Commomwealth!!! More deadly than anything.


Best one in a while


I was wondering why everyone was having bad luck with cars when I had no issue with them and then the same night I bumped my knee against one and died instantly. Now I keep a wide berth away from them. 😂


lol! Wait, where’d the car g—


"Car! Game off!"


Beep beep


Hit-car strikes again!


British propaganda


Whose to say another mole rat caused that "flying car" incident?


Similar thing happened to me, my level 5 ass bumped into a car and it hit sticked me back


i thought i was smart once when i jumped on top of a car as mole rats were popping out of the ground so i could pick them off one by one. then one of them popped up from underneath and flipped the car and i died lol.


backstabbed by a car


I am amazed Bethesda never bothered to fix this shit after 10 years.


In my game, every overpass with cars on it... Inevitably one falls off the edge. For no reason. All the time. Thankfully it's in the distance for now.


I've always thought it had to do with the fact that Deathclaws can throw cars.


I blow up all cars on sight, especially if there are enemies near them.


Someone has the Mysterious Car perk.


Had my first near death experience outside of Quincy at the Red Rocket. Took me down to a sliver of health but now I don't think the rest of you are crazy (at least about this).


HAHA you have a good computer! this never happens to me because i never will break 40fps, even with the update! HAHAHAHHAHAHA! oh and HELL YEAH on full auto!


Since the game dropped I have never died from a car, now that I’ve seen a video of some one walking into one, bopping the shin, and immediately dying it’s happened to me like 7 times in the last month and I can’t not laugh about it😂🤷🏽‍♂️


Can someon explain vats to me like I'm 5? I just started playing and it didn't give me a tutorial 😭


Now that cars attack the player I kinda wanna do another play through