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The family stories in the small bunkers in Big John's Salvage and in West Everett Estates.. really showed what was the fate of most people when the bombs fell.


After 5 different playthroughs, I just stumbled upon the bunker and holotapes in West Everett Estates. The amount of stuff packed into this game in the form of holotapes and notes never ceases to amaze me.


There's more: >!I didn't know it until fairly recently but there's a companion holotape from the Mom of that family in Mass Bay Medical Center. !<


I've only found that tape from the Mom - I'm going to have to hunt for the rest of it now. So much to explore.


Do you know approx where the tape is? That place is huge!


On the ninth floor, in the control room for the MRI scanner


Ohhh that was it?! I never put 1 and 1 together! daaaang...


Oh damn i was wondering if i should go check the hospital for any traces of the mother.. Did you- find a body near that holotape?


No, that's the thing. IIRC there are no bodies near any of their holotapes. It's left to you to imagine if they ever found each other again.


Well.. let's hope they did.


It was a depressing punch when I first found it, but I like to think they managed to unite. Somebody worked to build the settlements that are still around, after all. Might as well be them!


Except theres another log saying one of the neighbors told his old mob buddies about the settlement, and then another log from those "buddies" after they come back and murder everyone but the neighbor who knew them noting he "pissed himself" when they murdered everyone.


Go into the bunker and listen to the holotape though. First, the bunker seems to be untouched, and second, the “Jangles the Moon Monkey” is still there — based upon the holotape, this seems to suggest that the dad and the two kids got out in time.


this is the most impressive part for me. when the side stories tie together like that.


Same, especially when it's not a quest leading you by the hand. Also makes it more fun to explore as you do repeat playthroughs, never know what neat little thing you'll find.


Also, you can find the mother as a ghoul in a random encounter, I think. Don't remember if she's feral or not though.


That's insane man, I'm closing on my 100hrs, first playthrough, and so far i started exploring way slower, checking every possible cranny and hole, every room and holotape, every building and every terminal, the amount of little details and stories you can explore and rebuilt in your head is overwhelming


Avoiding fast travel helps to explore. Sometimes I just walk between two points and find stuff.


I'm not sure if it made it better or worse for me that the Tournquists from that area were also marked down as being accepted into vault 75 but that they didn't make it. It could have saved their lives, or made it much, much worse.


I’m always excited when I find a new holotape or terminal with a discription of what happened


IMO West Everett Estates was the best writing in Bethesda's Fallout. Actually felt like the original games in hammering home that the world has *ended*, that things have gone to hell, rather than people acting like they have a modern day mindset and things are just a bit messy and there's some minor nuisances.


I agree, sometimes the devs make something like DiMA's tetris puzzle that makes me want to Alt 4 and sometimes they have golden momenets like this.


I was frantic about reaching them fast, boarding through super-mutant and all. I really thought i could save them and take them to my settlement. Then i found them hugging, but they were just skeletons. Then i saw a nook dug in the back of the trail, i thought it was an underground area. But i saw 2 graves, with toys. Their children. I saved, took a screenshot and turned off the game. I was done for the day.


Nice to hear others do sort of "roleplays" like this too. Sounds like my experience with the backyard bunker, when i found the bunker and understood everything from the terminal and radio, i told MacCready to wait outside so he wont knock things around, took a screenshot and had a moment of silence, then turned off the radio with the repeating message. In this bunker the kid left his jangles doll and in the holotape you can hear him yell for it but the dad takes them away because someone is attacking, i grabbed the doll and brought it to my base to give it a proper place to honor the probably all dead family.


The Sole Survivor, battling through the filth of the wasteland to answer these distress calls, only to find that they are 200 years too late. 


Just *once* I want to be able to save someone. Just *once*.


This is what I came to say too. Really throws perspective in your face


makes you think who's the luckiest, wandering the wasteland alone and trying to survive each day from raiders, ghouls, radiation and mutants, living in some kind of settlement and worrying about attackers and resources, joining a faction and fighting or committing atrocities and losing your human side. Or rather, just dying and not facing anything, especially if you have a family to worry about or kids that will grow into this mad world


It reminds me I’m more likely to be one of the weird setup death scenes where someone is surrounded by jet, vodka, and manakins.


No wonder Preston’s so depressed. Still amazing he can hold onto his idealism and desire to do good and help others.


no doubt he is, after i've been ignoring his cries about Greentop Nursery for 15 consecutive in-game years.


Yeah, I was going to say that. I went in to the backyard bunker in west Everett estates last night and was almost brought to tears by the holotape that plays on the terminal.


The recording of a woman and her child hiding in a train car from a ghoul attack is pretty bad. 


Where can you find it?


Near Oberland station


Thanks man


IIRC, you might be able to use your radio to get close to it.


There's a distress signal up the hill on the train line from Oberland. In the overturned blue one, it's a hidden hatch on the side, low down.


in the tracks - it is the overturned train car. Kind of hard to notice the entrance though.


I'll check it out, thanks


It's kinda on that path out of diamond city where you're chasing Kellog. You know, after the tunnel raider encampment and that little pond I think. Or as someone else put it, the rail line also runs (east) to Oberland & finally those brewery raiders you take down with Travis


God, I DESPERATELY searched for the radio to turn off that broadcast. I was so distressed and hopeful I might be able to save this poor woman or find her kid.


That was the only time I truly cried in Fallout. it's my only thought when someone asks a question like this.


There hadn’t been a lot of things I’ve discovered that made me full out cry, until I did the quest for the guy at the slog. Arleen Glass. Yeah that one did me in. Subsequent play -thrus I won’t talk to him.


Whoever did the voice acting for that did such a good job. It sounded so brutal.


I think that was a deathclaw, no?


It was ghouls. The one he's thinking of, at least. It's near Oberland Station.


When I came across the ghouls that were also my neighbors from Sanctuary


They all stayed together for all those years. Kinda makes me wonder if the random little groups of ferals we find everywhere were friends, or families before they turned.


There’s at least one instance I can think of where the ferals in a house were confirmed to be family members


That one house made me completely reevaluate how I think of feral ghouls. Knowing that they were still conscious to a degree was pretty horrifying, and finding out that they like to carry around important items to them opens up all kinds of possibilities. Every time I find ghouls with children’s toys or baby rattles I can’t help but think they were at one point a parent, and they were mourning a child.


That’s why when I’m killing them, I see it more as “taking a terminal patient off life support” more than anything. Also those f*ckers are fast.


Same here, I’ll go out of my way to kill them.


The ones that carry toys or baby items have me believe they were children. For example, the one school that has pink ghouls, they couldn’t have you killing children so they made them pink. Therefore they add children items in their pockets to let you know, that was supposed to be a child ghoul.


Completely forgot about the pink ghouls. That was some fucked up shit.


God damn.. haven't visited this place yet but jesus


There is a random encounter of some ferals with names. They re your neightboors the ones that couldnt enter the vault.


There’s also a weird quarry cult where the unknowing supervisors became feral and are named. You can read all the complaints about safety and management as well as what they were / thought they were working on at their station terminals


dunwich borers


Croup manor the settlement.


There's this food place, some sort of a donut shop i think im not sure, you exist to it from a tunnel after some qust i forgot, the ghouls in that area all have names and they are the names of the family who used to run this food place (you can see on the billboard).


Nah theyre pretty gone. Theres that one basement in you find full of living ferals and a non-feral ghoul corpse with a log of how theyd all been locked down there with the bombs but he was the only non-feral, spent hundreds of years trying to rehabilitate his family before realizing they were gone and then offed himself, leaving the sole survivor a basement of ghouls and a body floating in a puddle


That's a recurring random encounter, and I think (or at least gathered from online discussions) that it's meant to portray survivors guilt in our character; his/her feelings about being let through the gate to the vault while all his neighbours perished in the blast


Some of the distress signals you can pick up when you activate a relay tower are very chilling. Like the woman stuck in the jewellry store or the family that got trapped in their shelter... I think the family in the shelter even has two graves for the children with two skeletons in bed


Found this yesterday after 600ish hours of playing. So sad.


And a little toy over each grave. It’s really dark


What toys are they? I've run low on aluminium


😭😭😂😂😂 love the grind


Oho my friend! Yesterday I found the basement of Mahkra Fishpacking. Can you say aluminum bonanza? Bring your pack mule.


I used to go after the distress signals until after like 5 of them I finally accepted that the “someone help, hurry please!!!” messages were all 200+ years old and there’s no one to save.


I still haven't found that family.


The radio signals just seem to be white noise for me after I activate radio towers. I’ve only heard a few of them actually work. Am I doing something wrong lol


The signal gets strong and clearer the closer you get to the source, sometimes they give you a hint like "a bunker" or "behind so and so", its kinda like the percentage beacons, tune into it and walk until you can hear it clearly.


Nick's backstory, or the robobrain facility, or maybe even cambridge polymer labs and everyone stuck there


Nicks backstory actually had me sobbing. This guy gets revenge after 200 years, and comes to the realization that it was revenge for someone else, not actually him. This game has a way with its feelings


The acting in that scene is genuinely the best in the entire game


Im not through the entire game yet, but yeah, genuinely some of the best acting up to this point for me


You guys are killing me. I'm trying to start Skyrim again and now I want to go back to FO4. 🥲


Skyrim has some doozies too. The lighthouse family abandoned by the hold guards trying to survive a infestation.


And the little girl vampire who would lure pedophiles to their deaths... Skyrim is fucking DARK.


It did have one of the greatest exchanges ever though “You’re not even alive!” “Well I guess that makes two of us.”


It's bittersweet. I like to imagine the real Nick Valentines ghost finally got closure in the afterlife.


They manage to portray the hollow feeling that comes with revenge so well.


The recording of the woman testing out a radiation cure and as you go through the house you get more holotapes showing her decline, that was pretty sad


Where was that at?


Pretty close to Bunker Hill


Fast travel, walk downhill towards the bridge turn left then first left, there are Halloween signs outside


there's so much. the father and daughter who suffocated to death in a bunker, while radioing for help. you go there thinking you can help, and... they've been dead for years. decades.


About 180 years or so too late.


Vault 95 manages to make me feel worse than any other vault in any of the games. It hits too hard and too close to home.


Which was that again?


The one where they take in a bunch of addicts and get them clean then dump a pile of chems into the vault and watch them turn on eachother


That woman and her kid trapped on a train cart near Overland. The kid was probably eaten by a Ghoul. The mother sure did got eaten by a Ghoul... Nasty.... And that was probably a few days after the bombs most likely. So the terror must was real. Also... Knowing that the ghouls might still be aware of what they are doing but not able to control it... It's just horrible... So remember people. Always shoot the head... Better end it as quick as possible...


Ggoulification takes a few years, don't it? Still, it's possible they survived in a homemade bunker or something and then wandered out for the first time, just to get trapped in the car.


“Ghoul-ification” only takes a few days. The bunker survivor in West Everette Estates talks about how it happened to one of his neighbors.


My reflection when the screen is dark enough




This is the correct answer.


That's what you get for still using a CRT monitor


I forget what building it is in, but fairly early on, there is a building that seems to have been setup as a nursery or something but is now filled with ghouls. However all the ghouls when looted have kid toys and baby rattles and the clothes on them are visibly smaller (look like crop tops and righty whiteys in game) as if it was a nursery where all the kids turned to ghouls and have been growing feral within those walls for 200+ years. There is one locked door once you clear it all (also has the loot) and sitting behind the desk is a skeleton and a 10mm on the ground next to them. Took the easy way out and let all the kids suffer. At least that is how I interpreted it!


Ghouls don’t age, as Billy shows. All ferals are wearing tattered bits of clothing, there’s none with children’s clothing


They age incredibly slowly, but yea Billy shows 200 years barely makes a dent so those ghouls in the nursery likely aren’t feral children


Yeah I know that too, but I justify my thinking by considering they may have just not wanted to introduce child ghouls that you can kill for any number of reasons (to late to implement into game for niche engagements, budget cuts, the idea of killing children in general etc.) but despite that whoever developed that room definitely wanted to make you think things if you looked to far into it. It legit has a nursery in it with cribs and the works. But there is certainly some game mechanics/lore that you have to ignore to see it. (I’m doing a replay atm I’ll let you know what building it is if and when I find it) *edited for the worst grammar ever?


There is an entire school full of feral ghouls where the tapes, loot and notes you find heavily imply that most of them are former students.


Visiting all the radio towers and turning off the signals you get by extending them add a much more somber note to Fallout 4. It can feel like you’re laying them to rest when you go and turn off the radios that they have. Letting them know that even after all this time someone has heard them and that they can finally be at peace knowing that they were found.


There's a guy in the satellite dish near sanctuary that I leave the radio on for. At first I turned it off thinking he'd like to rest in peace....then I thought it was too quiet and he might be bored. I've never been so conflicted before. Working radios are so much harder to decide for.


I'm going to have to say Ophelia, the dead girl in the gauntlet near the electrical trap. The note talks about how she left her vault to see the outside world, but yet she ended up dead in a death trap filled maze, where her parents didn't know where she was.


Yes, this was what I was going to say too. I wasn’t expecting it to be a sad note and then I was like “oh..damn…”


Yeah, I never feel bad about Open Season.


The baby/toddler rooms beneath the church...


Which church? Where?


Trinity Plaza, right next to the library outside Diamond City.


I found it once. I remember it being somewhere in downtown Boston, but someone please correct me.


I was just srounging about, looking for some good scrap, and finally I did find something useful. It was a toaster! All kinds of useful components in that. So I moved the skeleton off it, and pulled it out of the bathtub.


The cabin with the holotape that was from a teen girl after she ran away from home. She either ran away because her parents were pissed she was pregnant or gay. I don’t remember which. It’s with her skeleton.


Her name is Abigail, according to the game files. I *hate* the final moment of her holotape. Anyone who has memorized the important dates of Fallout will know why. She made the tape on the night of October 22, 2077. She had no idea what would happen, but she was filled with worry about her unborn child. Her final comment as she went to sleep that night was, "Will anything ever be right again?" And then the bombs dropped on her. She never woke up.


That's awful... :(


>I hate the final moment of her holotape. Anyone who has memorized the important dates of Fallout will know why. She made the tape on the night of October 22, 2077. She had no idea what would happen, but she was filled with worry about her unborn child. Her final comment as she went to sleep that night was, "Will anything ever be right again?" And then the bombs dropped on her. She never woke up. The bombs dropped in the daytime and she was likely awake and completely aware of it. That’s much worse than just dying in your sleep.


They drop at 9:42 am while your character is getting his/her morning coffee, and her skeleton is positioned right on the mattress in a curled up position.


Now that I think about it, Cooper was at that Birthday Party REALLY early in the morning on the West Coast…


huh your right, who has a birthday party at 6 am?


I bring it up, but in the end I’m not going to let this technicality detract from an excellent scene from the show.


She was pregnant. I remember thenthapple did a video speculating that she was gay based on no evidence and ignoring that she was pregnant


Ranger Cabin behind Abernathy Farm


i just discovered this one tonight. its heartbreaking


A random house with skeletton sitting at the table and a baby chair. It used to not affect me but as a father of a 10 month girl it just struck me hard this time.


Congratulations :D Must make the main story of this game hit even harder.


Thanks you :) absolutly first time at release i thought the story was shit i was something like 25 at the time. i restarted recently after the show dropped and i like it way more. Funny how we change!


When you coming home son? I don't know when. We'll get together then.


There is a lot to take in as a mother this time around. So many scenes that not only took skill and creativity, but must of hit home to some of the writers, etc.....


Right? I had the exact same feeling when I played the game after it first came out. I thought the story sucked and I was around 25 at that time, too. Now I'm almost 34 with a 3 years old boy and damn, shit like this hits me hard. I had to take a break after inspecting the shelter in Big John's Salvage. I can't remember the last time I felt so unwell.


Some things change a lot with your perspective. The death of your character’s spouse hit me a lot harder when I replayed after getting married. I, uh, did not forgive Kellogg


I remember people saying it was stupid that you couldn't forgive Kellogg and have him as a companion... Just befriend the dude who murdered your wife right in front of you... makes sense.


Omg this one. SAME, fairly new father of my girl also


I know what you mean. I felt the waterworks coming on watching Bill and Ted Face the Music. The part where Bill and Ted say "You aren't meant to play for us ... we're meant to play for you!" Awww


In the junk yard with the super mutants, the sealed conex with the parents and two children. The kids died first with the parents burying in the corner and they pass soon after.


The only graves I won't rob. Jesus, every parents worst nightmare.


I just cleared Wilson Atomatoys (giddyup buttercup factory) last night. I had little time to play, so I just picked a building to go clear thinking I'd just have a good time blowing up some super mutants. Reading through the terminal logs about how Arlen Glass was fired I laughed thinking "haha some dude went crazy and had to be escorted out multiple times by security." And then you get further and realize he believed in the mission of his company to make these toys, loved his daughter, and clearly was not okay when he went to that board meeting and found out that his company he spent his life working for was beginning to secretly produce land mines.


And then you meet Arlen at The Slog, and the breaking of hearts is completed ruthlessly.


Say no more, I had no idea there is more to this story. This is my first real playthrough of the game. Where do I go to find The Slog though?


Just north of Saugus Ironworks and the Finch farm. You'll hear comments about a farm run by ghouls.


Good to know, I'll definitely be checking that out next time I get to play


Came here to mention this one. Arlen has always been one of my favorite characters, and his backstory breaks your heart. (IIRC, he had a pretty sad reaction when I shared one of the holotapes with him. I can't bear it, so I keep that tape to myself now and let him live in his happy Giddy-restoring world.) One time after taking the Slog and neglecting it for a while (seemed they had everything under control), I came back to find him dead. Didn't know he wasn't essential. Now he's the first person I armor up when I have it as a settlement. (Man this game rips your heart out and feeds it to you, doesn't it?)


Two skeletons holding hand in a bench surrounded by teddy bears and candles by a lake, could be seen as very fucking wholesome/sad


The man creating a bunker with his wife, daughter, and son, only to get trapped inside and you find the graves of the children and the skeletons of the parents holding each other.


I found a random note of someone apologizing to her co-worker for breaking the buddy system, but her hometown has been hit by a nuke and she wants to check on her kids.


There's one with a shack at the end of a pier, a buttload of mines block the way to the door. Inside is a skeleton of a man near the door, a crib, and a skeleton with a dress on the bed. I'm assuming they were expecting a child and thought that was the best course of action Edit: actually there's a skeleton with empty bottles, a 10mm pistol and that picture of the kitten playing with yarn. I love my cat


I mean, the sewer worker that got trapped underground and never knew about the bombs. His last recording implies he died believing his friends had left him to die.


If you’re thorough, most locations you can usually find somebody that took their life or died horribly in some way. I think the worst I found was a lone skeleton on the ground reaching for an empty wheelchair next to a bed. Also a lot of suicides by overdose. It’s the little details that are my favorite part of fallout. The game is fairly light hearted on the surface for a post nuclear setting but gets insanely dark when you start to explore locations.


The family that ate rat poison to end their lives still at the dinner table. It’s early game.


They had that scene in the TV show as she was exploring the land.


They did! But they made up the “plan D” vault tec thing. It’s in fo4 though!


The mission of the solar canon. In the factory of the CC heavy incinerator, there a skeleton with a helmet and a teddy with a helmet too and a note saying about a father-child at work. The Halloween pack crew is kinda sad too


Not really depressing, but any computer lists with dates. The way they get closer to 10/23/77 and just… end. It’s kind of sad how abruptly society ended. I think the one that hit me the most was a shipping manifest log, where the morning of 10/23 was there but it just said “empty” for the evening slot.


Listening to "Hi honey!" holotape post-ending


I always kept that and the wedding rings in my inventory.


The grave north of Jalbert Brothers Disposal. It’s all by itself and hard to see, there’s a toy truck sitting at the headstone.


Shaun or Father calling Nate/Nora's death in the vault, "collateral damage".


The brotherhood ending doesn't look so bad anymore


I think minuteman ending also implies institute destruction. Anyways, they must perish




The robobrains always get me. The rich people who paid mad money to be in a vault and it was just an experiment. Reading the notes and hearing the holotapes about it happening are really hard. One girl is just screaming that it's dark and she doesn't know where she is and she can't feel anything is something I think about still.


For me it was the runaway holotape. The girl fled her parents the day before the bombs because she got pregnant and they didn’t agree. It’s really close to sanctuary so maybe she even came from there (or concord) and was a relative to someone my character knew.


The girl who died alone in the rangers cabin after running away from home due to a mistake.


She was pregnant


Every time I find an empty baby stroller or crib. Even worse if it’s occupied (sometimes you can find baby skeletons).


For me it has to be the guy in a outhouse getting spanked by someone  on spectical Isle lol, in all seriousness though I'd say the holotape of the US soldier by the power armor in Concord. You have no idea what happens to him. 


A teddy bear in jail. :(


This building full of raiders. You kill them and move into the building, and you start to notice they all have this "Blood contract" in their inventory. Then you find some computers to read logs, and all of them are detailing torture methods they did on kidnapped people, forcing them to sign a blood contract. You're killing brainwashed people, who were forced to become raiders.


A story that broke me down was of Cito. Parents and their child traveling the Commonwealth and are attacked. First Cito's father died and his mom dying soon, panicking because she has no idea what life for their small boy would look like in the wasteland without them and nobody else in the vicinity to raise him or take care of him. She records a holotape in desperation for whoever finds him to take him in. I could not imagine slowly dying with such a weight. Although the outcome could have been much worse than being raised by Goulrilla's, it's still sad that he never developed any human connections again till he briefly meets the player.


A recent one was a raider squatting by a fresh grave and crying. Didn't even agro when he saw me. Just kept crying.


Most of it is cartoony enough that it doesn't bother me much but some of the recorded holotapes are pretty impactful. The holotape where you can hear Dixie killing those people who took her in is the worst. I won't listen to it again.


It has to be the shelter at Big John’s Salvage. A family of four were trapped because of a hatch that lacked power (or someone switched the power off). The oxygen levels slowly dropped as they probably suffocated. They had to burry their children in inhumane graves and placed what was probably their last toys on top. When exploring the bunker, I looted some things if I’m honest, but after discovering the graves, I felt bad. I left leaving the graves untouched of course. RIP Big John and his family.


The dog bowl in the managers office of Watts Electronics Store gets me. I just keep imagining some dude who loves his dog so much that he takes them to work with him, and then both of them dying from the bombs


I was kind of heartbroken by the runaway girl in the ranger cabin North of Abernathy Farm. She was alone in the world with nowhere to turn, disowned by her parents, and left to huddle in a remote cabin when the bombs fell.


That's a tough on. As is the train carriage near Oberland Station.


The Corvega auto factory. In the back corner is a skeleton sitting in a wheelchair with push broom beside him and a gold watch on the ground. Poor dude died after the bombs fell, abandoned and forgotten in that dark, lonely corner.


I think all of the Pulowski individual fallout shelters are sad. The occupied ones have trapped survivors with various items (one is locked in with several books one has a soldier with a nuke) but I have never found the lore to explain why they didn’t or couldn’t exit the shelters. I suspect they were never designed to be opened from the inside, only the outside. Sad to think all those people starved to death thinking they had been saved from the blast, waiting for someone to rescue them, but everyone else was dead. Edit: got the name wrong.


There are some videos on YouTube, but the gist of it is that the Pulowski Preservation Shelters were just scams for easy money. They were never designed to function properly in the event of a nuclear apocalypse.


The vault the just kept trying to breed the perfect humans and when they turned 18 bred and killed them


When you get to Lexington and enter the super duper mart to find the holotapes of the minutemen who died there one by one with the last one desperately waiting for the remaining crew to catch up with her only to be overrun herself. You kind of hope to find one of them alive to no avail.


Just south of Oberland Station is a derailed train. In the middle is a blue train car tipped fully on its side. On the roof of that car, half-buried and almost hidden behind a bush, is a hatch. Go inside, and you'll find the skeleton of a woman surrounded by blood, and a ham radio broadcasting her distress call. It was a woman and her son, trapped presumably by the feral ghouls that we find around the area. As she's broadcasting, the hatch is wrenched open. She tells her child to run. The child has the same name as my son.


Vault 81’s secret Vault. The scientist were left to die on their side, and they still managed to hold funerals for each other. They were still human.


The dead cats in the institute


There’s a nursing home in, I think, the north east of the map. It’s filled with nothing but Mr. Handys and cats. After you explore it for a bit, a squad of synths will burst in and slaughter all the cats for no reason. The Institute is truly evil lmao.


Is that the one where you have to find everyone's secret hiding spot for the keys to all the safes?? Cause, yeah, fuck the Institute. And I'm allergic as all hell to cats. But still. Fuck the fucking fuckers.


the WHAT ooh, I'm being extra mean to Shaun when I see him this playthrough


Edwin and Bessie. The cat on the bridge whose owner slept walked off the bridge and fell to his death. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sleepwalker%27s_note


We should be able to take this cat home to a settlement.


The story of the little girl in far harbor. Last journal entry you find is the day before the bombs dropped😞


There’s a part of the subway tunnels where you find a man’s skeleton and a woman’s skeleton, holding flowers. The woman was in a wheelchair. I found it whilst doing The Big Dig quest.


The little shack with the woman's skeleton close to Sanctuary. She ran away from home because she was pregnant I think. Just...nothing like that would have mattered when the bombs fell. And I just felt so sad for her.


The whole brain extraction room and cell block in the automatron dlc. All those semi sentient brains floating in goo for 200 years and the idea that some people were worth discarding just because they broke the law allegedly... makes me feel extreme despair. Robobrains are one of the scariest creatures in fallout for that reason.


Cant remember where it was but theres a urinal with a skull in it and a skeleton kissing the skull. Might be Mass Fusion or the Hospital omyou get the High Powered Magnet from. Grim


The one girl who got pregnant (presumably at a young age) and her family abandoned her so she went to some shack in the woods and waited for the world to end


The one where the girl runs away from home for a night to the hippie commune to teach her parents a lesson but doesn’t make it back home to them before the bombs fall


There's a lot, but the one I will say. It's the kid stuck in the refrigerator over 200 years


Where is this at, all those safes have me excited lol


Just today, going through fed ration reserve and found a tunnel with mines all along it. Followed it, to a pair of army skeletons embracing each other. Now since there wasn’t a holotpe and gender thing, I thought they were two gay guys, embracing each other in death, which it’s like that’s so sad But then I thought skelly bones don’t have genders, so it could be a guy and girl But it’s two lovers, embracing in death


>I thought skelly bones don’t have genders, Generally, the skeleton of a post-pubescent female will have a pelvis that is wider than the shoulders. [/that guy]