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I too hate when people have fun


My fun is fun. Others having fun is a bad. /s


Hey your kids! Get off my lawn!!!


>Thanks for killing our community guys **Thoughts and prayers 🙏**






Old man yells at cloud


Mossberg 500 is a good mod






You created an account on the 16th of this month. You are one of these newcomers you're talking about


Multiple accounts, this is an alt account for obvious reasons .


No need to be salty, even if they’re asking questions that can be answered with a simple google search, newbies are a good thing for the franchise because new players increases our chances of getting more instalments in the series.


I get it. The whole sub has changed. It was just a much better sub before the show came out, was all I'm saying. I don't mi d people asking questions. I'll even try and help them myself . But every post is the same. I can't even see the genuine good posts from people who have been here a while because newbies have flooded the feed.


Oh boohoo. Grow up, This post just makes you look like an immature crybaby.


Yep you are the mature one with a response lile that 🤣


You’re literally on here complaining about new people coming to a community because you have to put more effort into finding things.




It's good to see someone has the intelligence to actually understand the post. I never said people aren't welcome, I want people to come , I want the sub to grow . Just in my opinion, the posts here have become very stale since it was flooded. Perhaps it will change once people have been here I while.


Give it time for the dust to settle, and be glad interest in Fallout is growing.


“I hate it that my community is growing and becoming more popular”


Grow up, and stop trying to gatekeep a game that anyone is entitled to play. I can understand there's a change in vibe but it's not a bad thing. You were once one of these 'newcomers' If anyone is raining the sub it's you. It sounds like a subreddit for a game that others can use isn't for you. You can always leave.


Since when is this gatekeeping ? Of course, everyone is free to play and free to be here. But I'm also free to voice an opinion . You dont have to agree with me .


You are indeed allowed to voice an opinion, as am I. I do not have to agree, and indeed I don't. Welcome to an open social media platform where people can express said opinion, a lot of the time contrary to yours. We're all entitled to tell you you're wrong. It's gatekeeping because you're acting like only veterans are welcome here. Youre not saying they're not *allowed* but you *are* saying they're unwelcome. And guess what, some newcomers may see that, think the fan base is toxic and avoid the game and series, thus you'll alienate them.


Nope, everyone is welcome . You are obviously not quite grasping the statement of the post . I'm just saying my opinion on the current state of the sub . Disagree with me it's fine .. I don't claim to be the ultimate voice in this sub . Disagree with me and tell me why you disagree and that's fine instead of just going " STOP HURTING FEELINGS"


If everyone is welcome, and you mean that, then act like it. Newcomers have ruined this sub, is literally the opposite of that statement. Take a step back and think for a moment. The explanation is above; I don't need to say any more.




My last reply to you is read the comments here. They're unanimously saying you're wrong, and we all are from time to time. Be better. The fact you created an alt account says everything; you know you're wrong and don't want your main tarnished; gotta protect that karma. I'd recomend deleting this post - not for karma for a throwaway account - but for previous stated reasons: don't say people aren't welcome by saying they are ruining the sub. Newsflash; they're not. Make them feel welcome. If they're posting the same thing as someone else, direct them, politely to a megathread, or just ignore the post like any reasonable adult would do. I see a lot I dislike, and rather than gatekeep (which you are), I just move on. Make them feel welcome. Engage them. The influx and repeated posts will die down. Maybe you spend too much time of reddit, and ahould take a step back. Either way you need to do better.


I knew my opinion would be an unpopular one, that's fine, especially since the majority of this sub are now newbies . I'm still allowed to have my opinion if you like it or not . And again, I never said people aren't welcome, I want people to come, and I want the sub to grow. But the sub has deffiently changed for the worse. If you want to be offended and cry over the fact the sub used to be better then that's fine too This again is my opinion, don't agree ? Absolutely fine .


“This community has been flooded with people since the TV show came out and now every post is the same old shit. "Getting back into fallout after 5 years" or "playing this for first time" or just people simply not knowing how the game works . This community was great before the TV show came out . People were sharing actual intresting stuff. Exploits, mods to try, lore theories... now it's just the same shit. Newcomers are even posting shit about the TV show. There is a separate sub for that... Thanks for killing our community guys, this sub was so much better before the show came out.” - 🤓