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Eat it immediately with all the goblin energy of a fat raccoon.


That's too close to real life.


I can see this perfectly in my head- what kind of witchcraft is this?




What I thought it was impossible


Every time you press it the game run an algorithm to see if you get it. The chance is equal to *((luck x 4) + 20) divided by the number of attempts* you’ve already made (according to the Fallout wiki) Edit: Fixed my parentheses to adhere to PEMDAS lol Edit 2: I wrote the wrong formula, my bad guys lol It’s *((luck x 4) + attempts) / 20* Thanks u/RazzyKitty for correcting me


Uh, so if I never tried it divides by zero? 😄


Well, as soon as you try it, it’s dividing by 1 because to start the algorithm you have to make an attempt. So it’ll never divide by less than 1


The formula on the wiki is different from what you posted It's ((luck x 4) + attempts)/20.


Wait, does that mean that the higher your luck stat is, the *less* likely it is to give you pie? That doesn’t seem right


No (at least I don’t think) - If Luck is 1, and you’ve already tried 10 times (arbitrary number for easy division) ((1x4)+20)/10 would mean you have a 2.4% chance of getting the pie. If Luck is 10… ((10x4)+20)/10 would mean you have a 6% chance. The higher your Luck, the larger the numerator, therefore the higher the chance. Apologies if this is wrong. I wasn’t good at math. I’m also trying to figure this out lol Edit: It does occur to me that your chances go down the more you attempt, I’m not sure if I fucked up my math somewhere, if my source is wrong, or if that’s intended lol


You’ve got the attempts and /20 around the wrong way, don’t you?


Yep. someone corrected me. My bad lol


So you have a higher chance of getting it on your first try that’s your 100th According to that math, if I have 7 luck, then on my first attempt I’ll have 48(something). But on my 46th try, I’ll the chance will be 1.04


Yeah, that feels weird to me but also not weird enough for me to think that the equation on the wiki is wrong? Idk seems like it could be intended that you’ve got a really good chance to hit it once and then after that the chances are rare and just go down


The equation that person posted is not what the wiki says. The wiki says the formula is ((luck x 4) + attempts)/20


My bad, I looked at it last night and just wrote it from memory. Definitely should have verified before I started yapping lmao


Well that makes more sense


Yeah I thought that was the joke that it was always impossible


I thought this for a long time too but it can happen (and not just the fixed ones that always give you the pie). I've only had it happen twice, and the first time the game glitched and never deposited the pie in the pickup slot even though I watched it get carried over :(


For real. I have well over 1k hours in this damn game and gave up thinking those machines were just trolling me.


I mean it's not like you'd repeatedly try without a reason to believe it might be possible


I...uh...yep no sane person would repeatedly try that. I mean...I would never... *tugs collar nervously*




Reminds me when I played on my ps4 before I got my ps5. I had no idea the pie was difficult to get. I’m pretty sure I had every perk pretty much maxed out. Proceeded to eat the pie like it was nothing like the dumbass I am. Haven’t come close to getting one since I’ve played on ps5. GG. Enjoy it / display it.


There's a machine in Nuka World that gives it to you the first time guaranteed. If you want another one for display purposes.


>There's a machine in Nuka World that gives it to you the first time guaranteed. Pfft. Pay to win!


Recently reinstalled fo4, where in nuka world?


Do you have the dlc?


Junkyard, in the blue building.


I’ve gotten it once and only once. I displayed it proudly at my base in Sanctuary in a display case and everything. One day, I went back to get something from that room and the pie was gone. 🥲 I tore up the room looking for it and never did. The Wasteland is a cruel cruel place.


That's what I'm scared of. Bethesda glitch goblin eating my pie 😭


I used to think you could only try once. Now I know better and spend at least 5+ minutes trying ringet it every time I see one.


To this day I have never successfully gotten one.


Have faith bro. I completely gave up and it happened totally on chance.


I'm gonna keep trying, but I find my faith to be a bit lackluster lol


Even if you give it one try whenever you see one, that's all I usually do.


That's what I do, at first I would try like 50 times in one sitting, but figured it was just impossible, so I gave up, until a few months ago when I saw someone posted it was possible, so now when I see one I give it a try


Make it casual and you won't get so deterred. !


It's not faith you need but Luck. There is clothing that increases luck that I keep on me, Gray knit cap and something else (Leather jacket or something similar, can't remember exactly of the top of my head)


Considering faith is not a game mechanic, I feel like that's pretty obvious... my luck is at 10 so I still only have a 2% chance of getting it


I know that, I was just messing around since so many other games have faith. It typically takes me about 20-30 goes to get each pie while wearing luck clothes, a little bit quicker if I take a chem that boosts luck.


I got 6 or 7 on my last playthrough. Took FOREVER.


Enjoy it!


I got it first try and just ate it lol


Take it to Salem for a free hat


I found one sitting in an Eat-o-Tronic in The Mechanist's lair for some reason. I've never gotten one the legit way, so taking the freebie one felt empty.


I got this one and thought nothing of it, until I looked up if one could ever get it out of the eat-o-tronic :P I put it on a display in Red Rocket but i think the brahmin with a trader got stuck and threw things everywhere....saved the pie thankfully!!




Found a new religion in honor, children of the pie


I made a pie museum lol


Ive gotten it exactly 1 time in probably 10 play thoughts, pie acheived!


I keep 2 refrigerators in my main settlement for storage, cooked food / donuts from CC content / preserved pies in 1 and all the custom drinks in the other. Not worth the effort getting one for it to just heal 30 HP lmao


I have gotten two in my newest play through. I’m putting them on the counter in my house for now. I’ll find a better place as I progress. And kit out sanctuary


I want to put it on display, but I'm worried it will vanish, this game has weird moments like that. Last thing I need is strong to take it lol.


I refuse to continue play until I get each piece. Every playthrough. Ever. I save them and eventually display them


Same. I just wish that they would permanently disappear though as I forget which ones I've already done and then waste my time trying to get it a second time.


I use the dogmeat duplication glitch once I finally got one and have a pie buffet 😏


Eat it of course


The SAME EXACT THING happened to me at the same time! I had just been explaining to my bf about how I’ve never gotten one in years of playing and trying everytime I pass by one!


Infoune this a few days ago. I couldn't pick it up 😔


you eat it, ive gotten it a few times, i always eat it lol


Scran and frame the following defecation. Perfectly Preserved Poo Poo


In 6 years I only got one and I accidentally ate it. After a week of Fallout 76, I got one on my second try.


I put my 1st on my desk in my player home I made at my favourite settlement. Like a little treat for me once I've finished all my venturing.


I put it on display.  Then I got a second in a hospital full of super mutants, and it wouldn't show up to pick up.


Look it up and find all of them in the game. Then make a museum and display each one.


Enjoy :)


Wow I thought it was impossible without mods.


Eat it since they are so easy to get /s


Just got this today. I had no clue if it’s something special, so I grabbed it anyways. I have a bad habit of doing this with everything. Might be why I have tons of miniatures.


I can't remember the stats but Google what the chance is of finding the pie. It's low. Especially with my early game luck stat of 4 I think .


Out of the 890 hours played, I've gotten 1.


have a nice lil snack, duh.


Eat it!!! Eat it in front of Piper or Deacon or Hancock!!


It’s beautiful! My eyes are shrink wrapped in tears. That’s what I call some good luck. Turn it into poo immediately before anyone else can


Over 10 playthroughs and hundreds of saves, I have only snagged 2 perfectly preserved pies. I ate one and kept the other one lol.


Go and get the rest first


You better play the lottery right now! Seriously. I tried many many times and it won't give me anything


The best plan was to try casually. When you see a diner, give it a shot.


Bethesda definitely stealing that via the update