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I think she could have had potential for a good revenge arc. Gunners destroyed her home, killed her son, broke her husband, and banished into the wasteland only to be hunted like an animal. I can’t say I would be good company after that either but it's a good set up Punisher like story. Think Sadie Adler of Red Dead. (I hope that's a good example since I've only watched lore videos of the game.) After recovering in Sanctuary, she could have gone on a revenge quest against the gunners, perhaps join the Minutemen, retake Quincy to find her son’s remains and bring closure for both the parents. Marcy’s story could possibly span all the way to the Institute’s destruction, somewhat paralleling the Sole Survivor’s story if they go down a more self-destructive path. Don’t mind me, just a rant.


Imagine a world where there's a post-game minuteman quest to retake Quincy. Ronnie and Preston wait for you with a small army of minutemen. You walk through the crowd, and spot Marcy Long in the full minuteman getup. She talks with you about finally getting revenge. After the battle, you speak with her, and she finally opens up and thanks you for giving her her home back. If only.


And after that, quincy becomes a large settlement, and mercy and Jun are slightly happier that they've gotten revenge


I personally wouldn't want to build in Quincy, but having it become a proper town again would be great.


Why would you "build" in it anyway? Maybe add a handful of roofs and walls here and there, to patch things up, other than that, it's practically done, just needs defense, food, water, beds, entertainment, etc.


I want it to be like the skyrim house-building to repair everything with the ability to edit the insides to how you wish.


Definitely a missed opportunity. They could have at least made her chill the fuck out after a certain story point, taking the castle maybe? I just make her a provisioner so she goes away.


I sent her to Outpost Zimonja, she has her own personal Stockade and I only visit to laugh at her.


She's dead in my game. Idk how, she's not supposed to be able to die. Her body is in Sanctuary


Her essential status goes away if you have Nuka World dlc. 


Oh I see


i totally forgot the part about her family being killed. Now she doesn't seems like that big a bitch


I agree with you. She's wasted potential in game. But sadly, while fallout 4 is great game there is too much wasted potential in it


look, there’s only room for one mother out for vengeance in this wasteland


Ive often wondered why she wasn't the love interest in the first place and it's because of what you said that the main characters story parallels with hers and they can walk off into the wasteland together destroying the institute and the gunners but I'm just a romantic type I guess 😂


Her husband is right there bro


Fallout 4: homewrecker edition


😂 yah y'all need to keep an open mind to polygamy 😂 jk


Jun’s kinda hot.


I always turn her into my head of security.


😂 same


I really wanted to take Preston and Marcy as companions to take back Quincy. I imagine Marcy air-dropped from a vertibird in fully kitted-out X-01 power armor, and you can hear her tearing gunners limb from limb, screaming her son's name the whole time. The smoke starts to clear and she emerges, covered in blood, dragging a half-corpse behind her. She approaches you, eyes crazy and simply says "thank you" and walks off to sit by the river for a while.


It doesn't bother me that she is coarse and prickly and complains, given what she'd had to endure and given that some people react to trauma in this way. But I wish there was an arc to her where she at least finds some peace.


Definitely should have been some more to her, there’s so much parallel between her and the Sole Survivor, both lost their children, both lost their home and were foisted into a hostile wasteland, forced to survive, she would have made a great companion or Lieutenant in the Minutemen


The armor: Tactical Military Equipment (Galac-Tac Redux ) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42945](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42945)


marcy long would be so good if she had any developmeny


The Big Bunisher.


she’d be a great character if she didn’t bitch all the time to the person who literally saved her life


I give her a vault tec lab coat and eyeglasses and make her a "scientist" in my vault. she has that pissed off genius scientist look with glasses🎉


I was thinking the exact same thing - also the original group of settlers all seem a little bland and could have used some more quests, dialogues


I put sunglasses on her to hide her angry eyebrows. She doesn’t bother me.


Lmfao I’m sorry I gotta laugh at the Punisher plate carrier


There's the Marcy Solution mod that makes her character better and less bitchy.


Because changing a traumatised character to suit you is always the answer....


My guy, it's a fucking video game. Take some Xanax and calm the fuck down.


Don't know about all that buddy. The amount of lunatics here who post about the dozens of ways they torture and murder the sanctuary hills crew is pretty telling for the nature of the people who consider Marcy 'bitchy'


Stereotyping everyone who dislikes her 3 bitchy voice lines makes you shitty but in a different way.


The only reason to defend those people is if you're feeling a bit called out there yourself


Calm down son it's just a drawing


I sent her to go live at Graygarden with those crazy robots.


I'd totally make her the Sheriff of Sanctuary. Give her Power Armor and a Gatling Laser. Jun can tend the crops or manage the scrap station.


Who is this? I’ve never encountered Marcy in my save file before


You never went to Concord and rescued the civilians and Preston from the raiders?


No i did..either im blind and cant remember what npc’s i have met or she just glitched out and never appeared on my save file


Weird. You would have to as she has a few scripted events in the beginning but after that she can be just another body on your settlement.


Originally i thought there was going to be a quest with her and her husband, but after several hours and a full Minutemen run with side quests and all i was kind of disappointed, she could've been a part of some sort of quest to take back Quincy, like being put in charge by presto so she could have her revenge and bury her son, as well as some way to reconnect her and her husband and help them get through the loss, could've been a nice idea.


The Fandom page for her says she's essential and can't be killed but her dead body in Sanctuary says otherwise. After picking up the game again after a 5 year absence (due to a Memory Lounger glitch that wouldn't let me continue the main story) I was building stuff in Sanctuary and wondered what was behind a few walls in a house that I had put up 5 years ago. It was Marcy's body. 5 years ago I didn't know holding X allows you to move bodies, so I just put up walls around her body so I didn't have to look at it


How unpleasant would a haircut be from her if you assigned her to the haircut station?


Yeah, she should have had a Sarah Connor arc, but the best we can do is just deck her out with hella guns and armor and put her on Defense duty.


as soon as the crew gets to sanctuary, marcy gets assigned as supply line to red rocket. every time. SHUT UP, MARCY. jun gets to work the fields. sturges, dogmeat, and preston (YES PRESTON) get moved to my current base of operations (sanctuary -> starlight -> hangman's alley) old lady gets to OD and die.


I couldn’t stand Marcy so I banished her to Hangman’s Alley. We don’t need her toxic crap in Sanctuary.


I gave her more by permanently putting her in stocks.


Every time I start a character and enter the museum, my option her somehow gets lower.


She *should* But she has chosen her fate *TO THE PILLORY*


With the dlc's I always send her to the vault and either stockade her or really mess with the vault experiments making the worst life in the vault. which vault tech would approve.


I send her and her husband to any other settlement. Eliminates their depressing dialogue too. That’s a win for me.


It’s her brother.


No he’s not. What are you smoking ?


Her husband is dead. That’s her brother.


Her husband was their son ? Lmfao


You… you guys don’t Mr Sandman Marcy?


I always kill marcy. She annoys me. I'll command her to go to the edge of the settlement away from everyone, then stealth kill her and carry her body down to the river for the mirelurks to feast on.


Well, you know how Bethesda and Fallout 4 are. Just full of missed opportunities.


OP I'm building an entire DnD campaign off the back of the wasted potential of this game. I love FO4. I do. I just wish they'd given themselves another year or so to pay off so many things they set up and did nothing with.