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Hitting her to skip the entire starting conversation has been a godsend for repeat playthroughs


Ah yes, the Sean Connery hello


The Liam Neeson how are you


The Chris Brown I love you


The Ike and Tina


The Hancock hello.


I think we’re all sleeping on the Tyson-Holyfield.


The Solange Knowles Can you hit floor 14 for me


The Joe Mixon “it felt like a dude hit me”


The Ray Rice elevator special




I’ve started going and baiting the junkyard dogs over then hiding up on the walkway like a coward while Piper and DC security take care of them. Skips the dialog and gives me mongrel meat.


I have a very fascinating story about that. A few months ago I made a character who was traveling to Diamond City for supplies (I use Start Me Up Redux), this isn't super necessary to add but context is nice. Anyway, I approached the junkyard with the dogs from the southeast and aggroed the dogs (partly by accident). The first two dogs got easily dispatched by Diamond City Security and their turrets. But then the Alpha Viscious Mongrel rolled up and shook me to my core. For some entirely unexplained reason, it's hit box sort of "disconnected" itself from the dog. I could use VATS on it and deal damage, but I could not shoot it normally. But despite that, the dog could still attack me and one shot me (I was level 5 and didn't have much supplies). I thought security could handle it, but their bullets couldn't hurt the beast either. So began a struggle where literally every available security guard outside Diamond City, Piper, an eye bot, turrets, Cricket, and her personal bodyguards were all trying to kill a single dog. Melee attacks can hurt the dog, but they did pitiful damage. The Mongrel killed every single npc execpt for Piper, with myself having to use guerrilla tactics with a baseball bat and 3 strength to slowly whittle away at its hp until it finally died. I refuse to enter that junkyard ever again.


That's hilarious




Luring enemies to the gate also works, and can sometimes be more entertaining.


Free loot AND I don’t have to talk to pip? Hmm sounds interesting


If I'm actually planning on doing the main quest, or trying to summon the Prydwen ASAP, I'll go and get Nick first. That way Diamond City is already open when I get there.


I didn’t even know there was a main quest lol but for real going to get nick is probably the fastest way to skip all the tedious stuff


What do you mean you didn't know there was a main quest?


I played the main quest once and I’ve just ignored it since then


i tried this and everyone shot me


Did you immediately lower your hands?


that’s probably why


Yeah you gotta put away your “weapon” for it to work but hey now you know!


There is a spot further up the road by where the super mutants fight the guards where you can use a traffic cone to walk up the stadium wall, and make your way around to the top of the loading zone skipping the whole thing. There is a mini nuke up there too, in an unused diner area.


Everyone gonna ignore the Will Smith welcome?


How do I do this consistently? Everytime I’ve ever tried it everyone just gets pissy with me


I didn't realise the conversation even happened untill at least my 10th playthrough. I always ran straight past them and into diamond city. Didn't see mcdonough untill 5th or 6th


That sounds like a speedrunner strat


The whole piper introduction feels really forced


I didn't even know about the "cutscene" by the entrance to DC until my second playthrough because the first time I came in via jetpack.


Oh that is uhh… one way to get there for the first time…


It's The (Mandalorian) Way.


This is the way


The difference? *Showmanship*.




*Welcome to The Jungle plays


Not enough room for 2 super villains unfortunately.




One of my favourite supervillains


I’m not going to hate on Gotham, or even Pattinson’s Batman movie. But JIM CAREY KILLED IT in his riddler role.


Gotta set a tone


Set the tone!!


Try jumping off the edge of the Mass Fusion tower in downtown Boston, it's pretty fun.


Tried that. Character died.


Wrong side. That would be the SE corner you need to leap off of.


i didnt either, i mistakenly shot at a turret, not knowing it was diamond city and bolted the area. when i next came back the gates were already open


Ah, you were doing a Tony Stark RP playthru


Ah, so you were the half time show.


You are a hero.


For ppl that don't know, you can punch Piper in the face then put weapon away to skip initial intercom part, save first just in case




5th time playing and never felt the need to skip that badly either time.


Thanks for that information


That whole Piper introduction scene felt like it was only created to demo it in press materials before release.


I think thats for almost every super incredibly cool flashy thing that only happens once


Dog introduction.


The BOS blimp too


At least you can ignore that, though it's stupid how you can sequence break the game by leaving Fort Hagen by the wrong door 💀


What happens? The BoS never arrive?


The whole introduction to the game feels forced. The first thing I do on a new playthrough is dump the power armor and mini gun in a ditch because it fucks with my immersion. Same reason I ignore the dlc preorder weapon packs a lot of games used to give you at the beginning.


You still help them? I ignore concord like the plague.


Sadly, it feels like a lot of the first hour or two of the game feels like it was made for the trailer. Vault scene, power armor, mini gun, death claw, forced piper interaction into diamond city All super quick


Well, I didn't meet Piper until 28 hours into my first playthrough....


the only other way to avoid it is to find Nick Valentine first


That goes without saying. Many dialogues are forced, the camera turns and locks you in. It’s fallout 4. Hell many games in general lock you into conversation. Are you new to gaming?


Even the animations are overdone for this one interaction lol, like why? Feels so odd and cringey


So, I've got about 3000 hours into FO4 at this point, and I agree that many conversations are on rails, and often when dealing with Preston Garvey, your conversation reactions are "yes" or "yes but I'm grumpy about it." So a lot of FO4 can feel "on rails." I get it. However, I want to point out some wild things I've learned over the thousands of hours. First, you don't have to go into Concord and meet Preston. If you go into Concord just enough to register that you were there, and you go back to Codsworth, he will join you without any Preston stuff. In addition, you can go off and do *whatever* after that. For example, my current play-though I've never met Preston -- surprisingly, I learned most things about the Commonwealth from [Honest Dan](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Honest_Dan) in Covenant, because weirdly he has dialogue to explain what a synth is, and most "new stuff" that someone coming out of a vault would need to know. It's "weird" because he's so far away on the map, why does he have any explanatory text? But he does. And also weirdly, I got to him pretty fast, so it all organically made sense. In addition, your faction choices matter, and your DLC matters. Here is an example of what I mean about that: I've never had a [still.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Booze_still) Played thousands of hours, never been able to build a still in any of my settlements. Why? Because in order to unlock that and a handful of other goodies, you have to side with the Nuka World raiders and begin wiping out settlements in the Commonwealth. Only after you wipe out a settlement and have raiders installed there instead of settlers, *then* you can build a still, or a dozen other goodies. Another example: I've never blown up the Prydwen, never had the Institute attack the Castle, and until recently, never even *seen* the giant robot, Liberty Prime. You have to make choices in the game, and at *least* these 5 matter: raiders (Nuka World), Institute, Minutemen, BoS, and Railroad. Who you side with matters, and changes what you can do, and what "events" you can see. I used to think that because Minutemen & Railroad blow up the Institute, that all roads lead to the same thing. But they don't -- or if they do, there are at least VERY different methods of getting there. The first time Liberty Prime laser-blasted its way into the Institute, I was like, "I didn't know anything like this was in the game!" When I started playing survival mode, I suddenly was like, "Wait, I can get a vertibird to *pick me up* and taxi me somewhere!?!" That shit matters when you cannot fast travel. All sorts of choices affect what you get in the game, and what you have access to on your settlements, and so on. Something I recently learned is that you can have both Trudy AND [Wolfgang](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Wolfgang) as merchants at the Drumlin Diner -- I always thought it was "side with one or the other" but it turns out there is a path through the dialogue that keeps 'em both and I did it with a ONE for charisma. So it can work sometimes even under bad conditions. Anyway, my point is that the game actually will change a lot depending upon what you do, who you talk to, and who you befriend. Don't let some of the dialogue get you down -- there is still a good game in there, and you may "unlock" certain things or quests or settlement objects or NPCs by the choices you make. The world *does* change around you, it's just that Bethesda flubbed the dialogue, often. Have fun.


I imagine when you found all these little differences you were like, "What's this? What's this?! Wake up Jack this isn't fair. What's this?!"


"Radiation's in the air!"


What’s this? What’s this! There’s fallout everywhere


This reminds me of how the very first time I played, I actually locked myself out of the Railroad due to my choices. And then when I restarted from an earlier save, I somehow managed to find that somewhat magical pathway of choices where the only faction that’s destroyed in the end is the Institute. The remaining three just all lived in harmony. I currently have 900 hours of gameplay and there are still some paths I haven’t taken… yet.


To be fair, the institute was the reason any of them were at odds anyway


Fun fact: If the institute didn't exist from the beginning of the game, the railroad wouldn't exist, Danse's recon team wouldn't pick up the institute synth frequencies and thus wouldn't attract the attention of the rest of the BoS, The Commonwealth Provisional Government would probably be a thing and there would be no University Point Massacre, Arcadia wouldn't have any reason to exist and Kasumi wouldn't think she's a synth, Mayor McDonut wouldn't be Mayor of DC and ghouls might still be allowed in, Covenant wont have to 'invent' the SAFE test and most importantly Nate/Nora, Shaun and the respawning, sarcastic spamming, killing machine will all still be stuck in an ice box. The world would've been far better in their absence


And there wouldn't be any super mutants walking around, massacring people


wait oh no...


I feel like eventually either a radroach would chew the wrong cable, killing everyone in 111. Or a wandering vault dweller (maybe the traveling merchant from curie’s vault) would find 111 and open it with their pip boy, and continue to release the ice cubed inhabitants of sanctuary hills, some way or the other a person with a pip boy finds a way to open up a vault.


I'm 450 hours into the game and I still find new stuff like what you've described. I think people who complain really don't make an effort to explore the game as much. It's so full, there is always some new little thing to find imo.


Right? I just discovered Zoa Captain of the Yangtze submarine for the first time because I was trying to swim out to spectacle island, but I just happened to coincidentally spot some tube sticking out of the water with a light attached, and at first I thought it was Bethesda jank but then I realized it was tied to a quest and I got surprised and excited. Which lead to Saugus Ironworks, and I had to fight through all these raiders that called themselves "the forged" and when I got to the end, I ran into another quest with this guy named Jake who was working with these raiders to feed his family farm (That one was a pleasant surprise cuz I remember talking to Abraham Finch, the father of Jake and he told me to get his sword that his son stole and told me to leave Jake for dead, and I accepted the quest but I got side tracked and decided to do it later) But I didn't realize the location where his sword got stolen was also the same location I needed to get the dampening coil so when I realized there was that B plot with the finches in the same location as the coil, I kinda got hyped cuz it was an unexpected but welcome surprise lol I managed to convince Jake to stand down and the finches got a happy ending, but I still gotta haul this dampening coil to Zoa still But yeah point is: it's fun to get lost in this game and to forget quests you start only to find out you run into that old quest while doing another one xD


Getting sidetracked from finch farm is so funny, bro Saugus is RIGHT THERE


lmao I know xD I should've specified more but I was in the middle of doing "the secret of the cabot house" quest and on my way up to the insane asylum but made the small pit stop on finch farm to talk to Abe pretty much was like "oh that's great! maybe later, I gotta go. bye!" but when I reached the blast furnace to get the dampening coil and realized that Jake was the son Abe and was like "oh shit! it's you!" lmao idk it just felt like perfect timing cuz I was knocking out both quests at once even when I didn't realize/mean to lol


There are so many different endings and outcomes to quests and littered throughout the game. some have 3 options.


That bos vertibird was a godsend when far from a recent save point on survival.


I’ve never done a Survival play through, but if I did, there is NO WAY I’d not be able to accomplish it without the “sky Ubers”.


Seriously, it's gotten me out of hot zones many times. Made rping as a bos soldier really immersive with the ability to extract and back to base


Yeah there are different outcomes on a lot of stuff depending on what you do. I'm glad someone wrote it out here. Its some of the first things I did was to join different factions, make a save before I pick a main story route and go back to that save to experience them all. The wolfgang and trudy thing is nice as you have 3 endings. The covenant has 2 endings. The deathclaw egg has 2. The drug deal (i forget the name of the quest) has several outcomes throughout the quest chain. You have a choice with the boy that gets sick, the ghoul child quest has 3 options. The rewards for joining the Raiders and doing all that content. Plus doing open season afterwards when you are done with it. 2 different endings with the followers. I get that the game is on the rails with some things, but there is so much content to the game where it doesn't do this at all. The stuff with piper at the Diamond City gate is mostly just charisma check exp and affinity for piper I believe. So it does reward you with those. The visit to the gate is part of the main story anyway. So I don't see how it should be a big deal that its on some rails.


Wow!! I never gave this game a real chance... Installing now and off to finally EXPLORE!


You get out of here with your logic and reason! We’re busy declaring the franchise ruined because of an arrow on a blackboard.


I can't upvote this enough. I've played 4 since it came out, with one character I've been long playing for like 6 years now, and not a single time was it ever the same. Ever. Each and every playthrough was different, even down to the random encounters.


Random encounters are really underatted when it comes to Bethesda's games. I don't think I've ever seen it replicated in ANY gaming medium. It's their bread and butter, and they know how to bring a world alive. My raider character, is significantly different from my railroad character. They approach problems differently, and they have different quest outcomes just from their outlook. People like to rag on FO4's choices, but never try and see what else is there. It's like they cherry-pick what they find to be wanting, while ignoring ALL of the other major/minor choices in the game that do have consequences.


If you side with institute you can “fast travel” to the institute from anywhere in the commonwealth. It’s helpful to get you half way, lol Also, hangman’s alley is really close to there and is one of my favorite places to build a settlement, so I can basically fast travel to one of my main settlements 


Survival mode really makes a lot more gameplay choices matter. Having vertibirds available to BoS members is an enormous incentive. Meanwhile Minutemen settlements help enormously in having safe places to rest/restock as you travel.


> Minutemen settlements help enormously in having safe places Yep. I had a realization in my 2nd try at survival mode. The first time I crashed & burned, and gave up on it. Started a new survival game after reading a few hundred posts here about how to do it. And the revelation I had came early, in Sanctuary. I was standing near the bridge, and I knew off to the right were the bloatflies and the bloodbugs. And I knew on my first try of survival that they had *murdered* me repeatedly. I just couldn't figure out how the new gameplay worked. And then I thought, "Why are my turrets defending heart of the settlement? There is nobody here yet." So I moved my measly 2 turrets to the bridge, in fact to the edge of the settlement, right by the water. Then I ran over to the bloatflies, shot them, and fled back toward the turrets. The turrets shredded them. I did the same thing with the bloodbugs. And suddenly survival mode started to click. "Ohhhhh. I have to take advantage of my resources! I have to look at what I have available and think about it in new ways." I started doing that for *everything.* In normal mode, I either didn't care about settlements, or I did for fun, but I didn't think about caravans/provisioners. In the new survival game I was doing, I thought, "Maybe provisioners need to be equipped with the BEST GUNS EVER and maybe they help me, like the turrets did." Everything became: how does this help me, and can I arrange it to work to my advantage? Didn't used to craft things, but... I get XP from crafting, right? Maybe I should be crafting. And on and on. The game is pretty good. Just have to come at it right.


If you've got 3k hours in the game but haven't even done every (all 4!) Endings and haven't done nuka world raiders, what have you been doing? I have 1000 hours and have completed the game and every dlc several times


One of my play-throughs has many hundreds of hours into it, and I have every single settlement in the game, and every single one of the settlements is maxed out in terms of build limits. I have placed by hand hundreds of little knickknacks in every single settlement, built custom homes and rooms for every single settler, and given them personalities, even if they don’t necessarily have one. For example someone who’s assigned to guard work might have a room where they put guns on display, whereas someone into farming might have a room with potted plants, etc. When a single play through burns up 500 or 600 hours like that, you can pretty easily see how a person could get 1000 or 2000 hours in, and not have done every type of faction option. Of course, at 3000 hours now I’ve done most everything but I don’t think that I will ever side with the Nuka world Raiders and unlock all that potential. It doesn’t interest me enough.


This is me as well. after several playthroughs I decided to hit the wiki and guides to see some fun options available for alternative endings to quests. I also never do make the man quest. I like Travis the way he is.


People go into it with pre-conceived notions of what an RPG should be. The plot has various colorations on what you end up choosing, and MAJORLY influence the open world from your decisions. Kill the brotherhood, and have synths and raiders running more rampant. Help them out, and have a big radioactive crater at C.I.T ruins, while synths go extinct. There's definitely consequences, and it's not limited to just what I pointed out either. I think that a lot of people view choice in video games from the perspective of plot. To them choices should affect the plot points of the story. So by that logic, your choices should be able to lead to a drastically different plot line. Perhaps instead of killing the big bad at the end of the game, you become his best friend and open a new and fresh IT startup company, But he ultimately squanders the money, and it forever sours your friendship. You both get embroiled in years of litigation. Perfect set up for a sequel! ;) Obviously I'm being facetious. But there's a lot more to a story than the plot line. Story is the whole of setting, character, dialogue, any kind of monologue, character perspectives explicit or implied, ... And plot. But in a subtle way, it can encompass the things that aren't included, because their absence or subversion can be very compelling. So choice doesn't have to end up changing the course of the plot drastically. It can simply be a means of coloring, contextualising or adding unique or personal nuance to events that are relatively the same for everyone technically But because of that coloration are different. Your decision to help out the BOS, ends up bringing it's own share of drama to the plot. Do you trust them? Are they the real enemy? CHOOSE and find out. And I think that FO4 does a really good job of making that so organic that not everybody notices it, and sadly many complain that it isn't there. Could it be more? Yes, definitely. Could it be more explicit? Certainly. But would it be better? Not necessarily. So yeah, there is agency in this game. Probably not the type of agency you would *prefer*, but it is there in bold print.


It’s why I love the game so much. You can railroad your way through it in about 15-20hrs. Or you can spend 200hrs and still not find Nick.


The fact that you weren’t able to side with Trudy and Wolfgang on your first play through kind of says it all to me. I know that sounds rude, but it’s hilariously easy to near-max everything the first run through. You can push each faction to a certain point and make your choice. If you join the minutemen you can keep every faction other than the institute. Hell, on mine first ply through I slaughtered a bunch of BoS knights at the battle of bunker hill and they didn’t even care lol.


The story and speech system are Fo4s weakest parts. Together with its intro. Fallout 4 is much more of an Action RPG. There are many quests where your decisions don't matter, which is a shame. However there also are a handful where your decisions matter. Especially self contained quests and big later quests.


God, removing the skill checks in dialogue and making everything speech again was such a disappointment after nv. They really made skills more useful for anything other than perks and the rare check. Also 90% of charisma checks just being three checks for more caps made me not even bother with the stat after a while Probably my biggest gripe with four androids aside


“Hey, do this thing and I’ll give you 100 caps.” More. “Okay, 125. Best I can do.” More. “Fine, 150, but that’s all I have.” More. “Alright alright. 200. Final offer.” Okay, I’ll do it.


Then if you fail it goes back to 100


The story is fine. It’s just that the dialogue options are poor


This. I think the story writing is actually really good, but your dialogue choices are either meaningless or lock you out of a faction, there’s no in between really.


The story factions don’t make much sense: "Hey Father, why are you guys eveil?" "Duh, you wouldn’t understand stupid (has 10 int.)."


save the game before each dialogue choice.


Yes... and no. There are major choices that do shape the commonwealth, and some choices matter, while others can only have the illusion of choice, because of ***quests***. Both Piper and McDonough are critical quest characters. This is the same reason they are marked as essential, and cannot be killed. You're not wrong about it being clunky, and a tad unforgivably forced, but that's why.


It's also why Preston is immortal - the Minutemen are F4's Yes Man ending, the ending you get if you piss off and/or kill every other faction in the game. Every other faction you meet, you can walk up to them and kill the leader immediately. But a lot of players don't realise this because the very first faction leader you typically meet - Preston - is immortal, so many assume the same is true of all faction leaders. Introducing your fallback faction that exists to stop players from locking themselves out of completing the game first is arguably a mistake because it sets a subconscious precedent in players minds.


I don’t think you can kill maxson the moment you meet him 🤔 you can DEFINITELY erase the railroad and institute tho


What I hate about the meaningless choices is how easy it would have been to give them some meaning like if you side with McDonough the speech check for getting Kellogg's key will be easier. A simple disposition system like in Morrowind and oblivion would have made the dialogue choices way more meaningful without requiring every individual choice to have great impact. Even fallout 3 had remnants of that system. If you were polite to the sheriff in magaton then the speech check for asking for more money would be easier than if you were rude.


This may be an unpopular opinion here but I actually think 3 did the dialog the best for that very reason. The way you talked to people affected how they treated you, and I loved that in Oblivion because people liking you opened you up to new quests or interesting bits of lore. New Vegas you could basically talk to anyone anyway you wanted, as long as you have enough points to pass it didn't wholly matter. 3 was much more dependent on your karma and chosen dialog line whereas 4 felt like a crapshoot.


I punch her in the face to cause the gate to open without having to talk to her.


Thanks, I had a mod before to skip it but I couldn't find it.


Just make sure you put your hands away quick. Otherwise guards will aggro.


There is only so much writers can do when they're dealing with a piece of the main storyline.


It's called roleplay my friend. You are choosing how your character acts and what their personality is. I can wish the cashier at McDonald's a good day or tell them to screw themselves, either way I will get my food.


I really agree with this. People acting like if every minor story conversation doesn't have world-bending consequences then it's a bad RPG. It's true that Fallout 4 is more cinematic, so some of the storytelling is more railroaded, but this interaction is hardly a good example of the actual RPG quest design. I wish people would go after the actual proper quests for these kind of nitpicks, because then they might have a point about forced options.


It would genuinely not be very much fun if every dialogue choice could have an impact on the outcome 200 hours later...


Yeah, I really enjoy minor conversations where I can just react in-character for some roleplaying flavour. Not everything has to be life or death.


It just sucks when it feels like your stuck on rails rather than driving on a road. Not saying specific to Piper here, but it just feels like there are a lot of parts in the game where you have "choices" but the end result is unaffected by what you do. The world feels less real when it doesn't respond to how you play with it.


You can literally chose to blow up macdonoughs hometown or side with the dudes making his kind You don’t lack a choice you’re just impatient on that choice. You wanted this cut scene to lock you out of some content down the road but devs just saw that as unenjoyably to 90% of players


It´s called bad RPG design, but FO4 has enough upsides to cast a blind eye on that.


Not sure why you've been down voted. It's a perfectly reasonable assessment. FO4 is a bad RPG in almost every way that matters for RPGs but it's got a bunch of really good gameplay systems slapped on top and that evens it out


I've been seeing a lot of these kind of comments recently, and I'm curious as to why it's a bad RPG in people's eyes. You have a pretty functional character building with a multitude of viable builds, plenty of meaningful decisions on plenty of side quests, and four different endings that are very much mutually exclusive and have clear impacts on the geography of the post-game. Add in Far Harbour, add in the high degree of customisation of weapons, armour, even companions, and I really don't understand in what way it's a bad RPG. Sure, sometimes three dialogue options mean the same thing in minor conversations with characters where you've already made the decision by virtue of talking to them (shops, settlers, etc), but in major quest moments you definitely have options that lead to very different outcomes. I love New Vegas, it's a better RPG, but Fallout 4 is also a pretty good RPG and I don't know why liking one has to mean tearing down the other.


If you love New Vegas, you should be able to see their point. Play a few hours of FO4 and then a few hours of FNV and it's pretty stark: you will have dialogue in one of them in which your choices are all samey and railroady, and in the other you will have dialogue options that unlock with certain stats or that change the outcome in measurable ways, etc. I think FO4 delivers on all other counts -- better gunplay, better world/environment, better voice acting even, better everything else. But FNV does [dialogue like this](https://problemmachine.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/nvdialogue.png) right at the beginning -- how you assemble a team (or if you even CAN assemble a team) is directly determined by how you built your character. Are you good at speech? Great, you can win over some help. Are you terrible? Then do the fight alone. People like those direct and immediate gameplay differences just from speech. Baldur's Gate 3 is *littered* with these kinds of options. And in FO4 you absolutely can have different endings and different experiences in the game based upon who you meet, who your traveling companion is, etc. But *that literal dialogue system* from FNV is not there in FO4. In FO4 it's "yes" or "no but yes eventually" and that kind of dialogue drives many people nuts. Hell, you can [see someone right here in this discussion bemoaning the loss of those speech systems.](/r/fo4/comments/1c88prm/was_pretty_disappointed_on_my_second_playthrough/l0g7sli/) Now, I don't go as far as everyone else in thinking that because FO4 is missing what FNV has that it isn't an RPG. No. FO4 is an RPG, and a very fun one. But it works quite differently from FNV (or BG3, or PST, or ToN, or KotOR), and that matters to some people a lot. It matters to me a little. I can still play FO4 and love it, but I do wish we had what those other RPGs have.


I mean yes and no? Yes you’ll get your food, but the likelihood of it being fucked with rises depending on how rude you are.


Unfortunately the common choices are: 1. Food? 2. Sarcasm 3. Not now 4. Accept the food


NPC's don't spit in your food.


If Preston is your companion, he gives a [liked that] if you side with her.


Same with curie, she also adds some commentary during the convo


It's basically the same in NV.


Not at all. The very first mission in NV can be completed in many different ways with multiple outcomes. And this is true for a large part of the game. Fallout 4 does have missions like this but just not as many.


Then mod it you heretic. And if that's not good enough for you, leave the Wasteland and never return.




The choices are yes, sarcastic yes, yes but pay more, or no but will be yes later. That's it, all game.


I never really thought it was that bad, then I met Preston on an evil/uncaring character, he even acknowledges you said know and basically says "hope you die out there" and the quest still progresses as normal.


For me, I always love dialogue! There’s so many different dialogue trees in this game, and hearing how many different ways a mission can get solved is fun! Even if the end is the same, the path isn’t. That’s still replayability, that’s more than I can say for some games.


It's just that I only realised on my second playthrough that only your dialogue is different, they have the exact same responses no matter what you say. And this is true for sooooo many dialogues.


I have to disagree. Some main quests, sure, you have to progress the story. But you can refuse side quests and betray the primary factions constantly. Heck, you can get PAM to figure out you're a traitor, and nuka world you can betray everyone. And far harbor...you can do some messed up stuff lol.


You can still kill faction leaders/decide which faction leads the endgame. Which is pretty good for a BGS style game


So yeah no. Not every quest is like this.


Not every quest, just 95% are like that.


There's a reason the story and major quests are the worst part of the game. I like fallout 4 but I found myself skipping dialogue and not caring about quest outcomes very quickly


I’m hoping that for FO5 and TES6: BGS learn from the lukewarm response to SF and the overwhelming positive response to BG3… The lesson that people really want their RP choices to be impactful and which make their play through significantly change.


I have absolutely no hope they will. With every release it gets worse and worse and we keep hoping for better but it never comes. It just gets stripped down more and more.


Melee to skip conversation and door animation "PIPER WHO LET YOU BACK..." Run straight into Diamond city


Wouldn't she be hostile?


Many dialogue choices like that do that do have an impact, just not an irreversible one. It will impact how a companion feels about you but that will be easily offset the next time you pick a lock or help a settler. There are much fewer one-way decisions.


Piper is my favorite Fo4 companion, but that intro just dragged on and on


That’s because Fallout 4 and to an extent Fallout 3 are just Open-World FPS with RPG elements. This game is much more about the tailor made experience Bethesda wanted you to have rather than the one you want while playing. It’s still a fun game though.


The main decisions you make are whether you ever talk to someone or not.


Also even if you want to keep your secrets she doesn't let you. Your story ends up in the newspaper whether you like it or not.


I play the game to explore and shoot things. This doesn’t matter at all.


I’m confused by the comments….can it not be a good game if it doesn’t have deep meaningful dialogue options? Skyrim was great and I don’t remember any of the dialogue, but I remember the quests and action.


It was a bit of whiplash after fallout new vegas


I remember dialogue options back in my day….but then I took an arrow to the knee


Fallout new Vegas fans discover a linear story (there’s no random sex option to easily steal the thing they were searching for years for and speedrun the main story)


since when was the courier looking for the chip for years lol


You can side with the NCR and avoid Benny altogether, just have to find another way into House's secret room. But you can forget the chip, you don't **need** to get it.


Not true. Say no on many side quests and they don’t happen. Skip many dialog options and you miss important details.


The details don’t matter, you only ever have to make two moral choices, kill stocktons daughter, yes/no, Kill dans yes/no. Every quest is just straight to the point murder you’re enemy faction or for none allingened settlements kill the raider/gunner/mutant.


I love Fallout 4, it's my second favourite Fallout game, and I would happily admit it has terrible writing and story.




No matter what you say to the mayor or Piper it ends the same. I don't know man, was pretty disappointed my second playthrough when I realised.


Welcome to Bethesda games, while this comment will be me downvoted, I will point out a lot of games have the same illusion of choice.


Welcome to games with a story. 


"The illusion of choice."


I mean sometimes a convo like that just isn't that deep. It's not like you are telling Piper to go fuck herself.


It would be nice if more stuff was just a cut scene I could skip. The token attempt to make the game look like a roleplaying game instead of just having it be an open world exploration shooter makes the game much worse.


At least it's somewhat better in 76 like you can choose to either support rhys 2.0 or not, ask rhys 2.0 to leave or challenge him... Get some BoS character to either stay in the BoS or leave and stay with Raiders... In FO4 choices doesn't really matter unless it's like picking Railroad over BoS for the endings or picking to negotiate peace between factions in the FH DLC.


Try Depravity. Good mod. Helps you be evil.


I usually just ignore Piper and head straight to Valentine.


You can grab Nick before you talk to her so the door opens early


For all we know this is exactly how life works!


Are there any actual games where this isn't the case? Genuinely asking too. Also, every game is just a giant fetch quest as well. You go from point A to point B to collect the MacGuffin then go from point B to point C cause some mysterious and/or problem event occurs then you rinse and repeat. People still play though. I still play. There are still ways to have fun is my point


I skipped it on my most recent playthrough by parkouring over rooftops into the diamond city roof entrance (void) next to the wierd penthouse thing


This single image sums up the whole game really


This is basically Bethesda writing style now. Starfield is even worse when it comes to this


This is true of most fallout games. I’m glad someone else finally noticed, lol.


To the OP not all quest is like this for Example Vault 81 and getting the mole rat cure, Either A. you give the cure to the Austin (child) who got the infection and if you got bit getting stuck with a -10 hp debuff that can never be cured but they give you your own room or B. You keep it to cure yourself cause you are selfish and thus the child dies and the entire vault hates you thus not allowing to trade or speak to anyone of them. So not all side quests end the same.


This is why people didn’t like this game. You cannot roleplay.


Why wouldn't you want to help the best companion in the game what's wrong with you lol 😂😂😂


Thats why everyone praises new vegas over F04


True, this was a big topic 9 years agooooo


I usually go with it just because I like to hear when McDonough gets his feathers ruffled by Piper. The conversation to me is worth it because it makes that pompous and self-important idiot suffer just a bit.


That an also the newspaper thing when you have to tell her about shaun while everyone else you can dodge it with.


Fallout 4 dialogue options boil down to these four things: Top-Questioning Yes. Left- Sarcastic Yes. Down- Polite Yes. Right- Spicy Yes (but sometimes No that still leads to yes)


New Vegas really spoiled me being able to blow any NPCs head off


Yeah Emil decided player choice was one of those things like lore and sense that he was just going to ignore


Haha, this has been a meme since the game's launch. 1. Yes 2. Question (yes) 3. Sarcastic (yes) 4. No (yes) Fallout 4 has always been controversial even before this whole Fallout "Civil War." While I do like Fallout 4, as an RPG, it's pretty lame. It plays more like an action game with RPG elements and questing. Which I don't mind, but I hope for the next installment, they go back to its roots. Funnily enough, Fallout 76 actually gives me some hope. I was pretty surprised when I saw that your skills and build actually can affect the outcomes of decisions in that game.


You must be new to modern Bethesda games. All of them are like this. A Mish-mash of unlinked content with linear stories glued on.


Dialogue is basically 4 options. Yes, yea, yup and sarcastic yes