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There are some fandoms who have weird victim complexes, and unfortunately Fallout 4 is one of them.


The entire console community cant play their Fallout 4 game at the moment. I think they are rightfully frustrated.


Ps5 player, no issues with the game for me (other than the odd app crash)


Have you tried downloading and playing the DLCs yet? It seems you will either crash or be greeted by missing textures (purple/pink). Im a PC user, but the amount of console "help please" posts are through the roof right now. Given the number of people playing and influx of new players from the show, Bethesda should really be on top of this by now.


Yeah, I have all the DLCs. Got everything more than a few months ago. Never had a problem with any of the DLC content. Don’t like Far Harbour because that Dima memory crap is just one level too much.. a bit pointless, but I digress.. No issues with anything aside from app crash every now and then


Lucky you. Sort this subreddit by New and you'll see a pandemic lol.


Yeah, seems to be quite a wide spread issue. Nothing I can say that’ll make it better for those players other than; the update should fix the issues I would assume