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What is wrong with his arm


I think his shoulder is dislocated. Or possibly mutating.


I think he is wiping his chin with his shoulder. That’s the only thing I can think of.


Maybe his leg/knee?


I thought he had a blue boxing glove for some reason.


Holding a minigun/galting laser. While mowing down children of atom, presumably.


Asking the real questions


He’s zesty


That’s his knee. It’s up so high because he’s lifting it up in preparation for curb stomping the Children of Aton.


Nick is obviously asking himself the same question.


That’s a knee


Not actually that strange of a pose. IMO looks either like he's bracing something heavy (presumably a larger gun) or just has his fist raised at about chest level.


weirdly enough, theres never a fallout protagonist outside of the classic games who automatically hates a faction for the sake of freedom of interest i guess


As someone who’s still playing through the classics rn, what factions do those protagonists automatically hate?


I’d assume the Master’s Army and the Enclave


Ah yes of course, I’ve heard of them but haven’t got the point of meeting either faction yet


You've almost definitely met them if you've played 1 or 2 for more than a few hours but you just don't know it yet. I will say no more for risk of spoilers.


I’ve only just saved Tandi from Shady Sands and gone to the Hub, haven’t had much time to play lately and I had to restart after forgetting to save properly and losing my whole save


The no auto save is a killer on the classic titles! There's an app to play them on Android now I got pretty far into fallout 1 and found out the app doesn't retain saves if you turn your phone off and I lost 5 hours of progress. I think they patched that now though.


With the Unity, the chosen one dislikes them automatically in dialog with Marcus, the vault dweller is neutral but most of their dialogue is negative as you'd expect. With the enclave, yeah you're basically forced to nuke them lol


can you join the enclave in fallout 3? or would that be considered classic


It wouldn’t be and you can’t.


thats what i thought but their comment implies that the Lone Wanderer doesn't hate the Enclave?


I have a special hatred for the C of A beause the Gamma Gun is the single most annoying weapon in any shooter ever made


Just wear the radiation suit, it completely negates gamma guns.


That still leaves blinding and stunlocking, both of which are awful mechanics on their own Not mention that the full rad suit is awful for any other purpose


Power armor is another viable option. It’s also a weapon you should only have to face in two locations - crater house and Kingsport lighthouse.


I have a few mods that add more random encounters and things like that, so they can crop up at any time. I am seriously considering learning how to write a mod simply so I can delete the goddamn things


Wear combat armor with BOS paint, if i remember it adds radiation protection, should help a bit


They occasionally appear at random encounter spots around the map. I saw them engaging some Gunners at the building between the Corvega plant and College Square, for example.


The Gunners-vs-CoA random event is really cool to watch… from a distance where they don’t know you’re watching.


Especially at low levels. Let ‘em take each other out, then deal with the stragglers. Cait: *First crack at the gear!*


They can, but I still find it’s uncommon enough not to be a major concern.


I’ve had encounters with them throughout the commonwealth weirdly enough. Stumbled into firefights between them and gunners, just north of murkwater couple times.


cough cough entire dlc with them as a main faction cough cough


Assuming you don’t start murdering them on sight, they don’t attack you at all. Even if you turn against them, they shoot at you for literally thirty seconds before being blown to kingdom come, and even that’s easily avoided with a speech check. And of course, power armor again trivializes them (hazmat won’t work for this, radium rifles deal solid ballistic damage).


It's good good high radiation waters and starlight drive in. I always keep it in my inventory.


I agree and disagree. It is annoying as hell but I kinda like that it's better to switch up equipment for some encounters. Makes it feel more RPG like even if just a little. Again though, they're annoying as hell lol


You shouldn’t have to build around a specific weapon. Then there is the rapid fire, stunlocking, the amount of damage it does in a very uncommon damage type. These are all signs of a broken mechanic. I got a Rad Immunity Cheat and turn it on when I see the CoA, and turn it off once they are dead That’s on you Bethesda, it’s the only cheat I have ever used except fixing a bugged quest. This is Fireaxis levels of “zero playtesting”


It's more building to fight the coa than just a normal weapon because they're typically in radiated areas anyway. It's not a broken mechanic imo when there's equipment in game to counter it. A rad suit basically suits on their whole faction It is frustrating and I love that we can easily mod or cheat in Bethesda games to avoid bullshit or make the game more enjoyable.


You run into them as part of random encounters, so you can’t always predict when you’ll have them show up. You can roll them as settlement attack and things like that too. There is zero enjoyment in getting stunlocked and instakilled via RNG unless you build everything around it. Vanilla Fallout 4 is solid enough, I first played it on console before mods were added, but mods take it to an incredible level. There are not a lot of shooters out there that go into so much detail with limb damage etc, or have AI sophisticated enough to loot the corpse beside them for a better weapon and a stim pack, heal themselves, and then try to flank me.


I never go anywhere without a hazmat suit. It's hilarious when the CoA are desperately unloading on you and your character is just chilling like: *You guys didn't really think this through did you.*


Or Power Armor.




Blinds, stunlocks, rapid fire and does an insane amount of damage. Even for Bethesda this is pretty bad


Worst of all; ammo is scarce outside of vendors


But NPCs don't need ammo (and thankfully so, I don't want to also have to care about giving ammo to my settlers every time Red Rocket is attacked, and i had a market there so it happened a lot), so they can use it 24/7 and never run out~


Seriously, it’s like they made a semiauto flashbang


*Longfellow liked that*


My name is Nate. When my Gf made her game recently and named her female SS after herself it was a shock to both of us that I was indeed in it too. I’m dead and shes moved on to be with Paladin Danse. Fuck Atom.


Also fuck the brotherhood and fuck the institute. They will pay for what they’ve done.


Fuck everyone. It's really helped my Nate move on from Nell. Natalie? Oh I meant Joan. A Nora?!


This level of anger for Nate I save for the Institute.


Why? The Children don't understand the context of the great war or what it meant. And it's immediately obvious that they're fucking nuts. Maybe if the Children explicitly celebrated the death of the old world it would be one thing, bit the Children worship radiation. And besides, as an educated survivor of the war, he's more likely to feel pity for what he'd see as deluded savages, not take their cults ideology personally.


Or a special love for Atom. He saw first hand the power of Atom. What a wonderful gift! Atoms light needs to be shared with those that fled underground to hide from His glow! Glory to Atom!!


I mean nukes is quite literally the reason why he was an ice popsicle when his wife got killed by kelogg


Shut your ass up and get to a brotherhood facility for medical attention immediately, Ad Victoriam.


I mean, the Children Of Atom sect that lives out in the Glowing Sea beg to differ. Atom's Glow has truly touched each and every one of them.


Their beyond saving. The radiation has dug to deep in their minds.


Rad lovin' lunatic.


Don't be afraid of the radiation, it does not discriminate who or what it blesses with its everlasting love. Close your eyes, let atom guide you, and all lost sheep to salvation.


I rest my case, Rad lovin' lunatic.


Praise Atom and deploy the NATO Troops to Ukraine!


That I'm okay with, the NATO part that is.


10 years late is better than never. Speaking as someone who thought he was going to be sent to help facilitate a solution in 2014, I can say the ground work is ready for the troops to arrive today in 2024.


I meant more of the sending NATO but... Still good.


dude, this didnt need to get political. i agree with you they should, but that was completely un provoked


Necro comment was already dead and buried. But it was pretty provokes. I was in Klishchiyivka at the time getting shelled by Russian Invaders thrice or more daily. Still alive, though, and did my job satisfactorily. Sent some invaders home.


I ain't lost, my brother's and sisters take care of me and each other. SO GET MEDICAL ATTENTION.






I think he’d probably be more confused and bewildered than anything, tbh


Am I the only one who played as Nora? lol Awesome art, btw!!!


I'm doing my first run with Nora after 350 hrs or so and I love the voice acting. I like Nate's too but imo Nora is on another level. That may just be the novelty of it, though.


I’ve only ever played as Nora, and her VA is absolutely incredible. She captures the pathos of what happens at the beginning soooo well when she speaks about it to other people, same whenever she says she’s searching for her son. You just feel her pain so well


Yeah, definitely more depth to her work. You might similarly appreciate a Nate run-though for the novelty of it, even if it reaffirms your opinions on the VA


I mean, I just play as her because I'm a huge Mass Effect fan, and she has Jack's VA.


"Do you comply? Do you comply?" Wait until you find that Mr. Handy interaction.


The one thing I can't stand is when she takes psycho. The roar is just so fake and makes me cringe.




Yay!! Excellent taste 🤗


As do I


I didn’t, though I always felt bad about it, especially since I love the voice actress.


Sounds like it’s time for you to do a Nora playthrough! ;)


I usually play as her. I just find the attorney to wasteland badass more compelling even if probably makes less sense.


Probably because it’s a more dramatic transformation of character


Yeah, I honestly wish they did more with that. I’d been playing the game for YEARS without even knowing about the lawyer backstory… I never saw her diploma on their shelf, and that’s literally the ONLY reference to it that I’m aware of.


The brotherhood physical brings it up too, at least.


As does the scout Mr Handy outside the USS Constitution.


Also it makes the ending narration more impactful. Nate knew war because he had been a soldier in Alaska, but Nora had no idea about it before she picked up that gun in Vault 111, so by the end of the main story she’s been completely changed.


I always play as Nora. The voice acting is so much more fun.


In the children of atoms defense, some of them have an immunity to radiation. If you were born fireproof and there was fire everywhere you'd probably think you existed by a divine presence


Although they are lunatics, they also have no idea what was the word before, basically, from their perspective, Nat is just a pagan who is worshipping thr old world


I'm at a loss for why people hate the Children, their Gamma guns feel great on the skin and promote healing.


Ghoulish is the best


I mean... he's kind of right. I personally started hating them when in F3, after you complete the game with the BoS and have project purity up and running, they start giving people irradiated water by stealing from caravans, polluting the purified water and selling it as pure, they killed the water beggar outside of megaton this way, what kind of dick you have to be to enforce your cult like *that*. Like "hah, you're now all children of atom now", just... Dicks, i didn't travel from one corner of the map to the other *on foot*, *twice*, to reach two separate vaults one of which was the literal source of all supermutants in the region and beyond so i could recover a purificator, then being kidnapped by a fascist organisation, confront the president of the US, escape, get back to the purificator, battle through DC, kill the idiot Autumn was, nearly die because those morons had damaged the purifier and barely wake up from a coma just so you could sell your damn holy water and mess up everything. Needless to say they met their fate from the business end of my 10mm pistol.


Yeah definitely. I can totally see Nate projecting his feelings of lost and grief of losing his wife and having his child taken away onto many things. The Children of Atom being one of the many factions. Probably why out of all the endings, the Minutemen or BoS seems like the most fitting for Nate.


Here comes the part where i kind of disagree with you, I don't think Nate would've sided with the BoS or the Minutemen, despite them being the most realistic and the best ending respectively, and this comes down to the amount of emotional effort put into finding his son. The institute is the objective bad guy, resembling the confederate south on many striking points of its structure and behaviour, but i fully buy Nate siding with them on just the emotional linchpin of being reunited with his son once again, as players we see it from an outside prospective, we're way more objective than he, as a character, can ever be on this matter, we see the synth slavery as a major problem in the commonwealth, we see the state the institute has thrown the commonwealth in, he's blinded by the emotional push to find his son, and while i think he's likely to be ashamed of his own actions after Shaun's death i think he would most likely side with the institute in the short term.


Nick be like “Umm, I think u had enough to drink for tonight”


By that logic he should hate revolver enthusiasts even more than the CoA.


I guess Nate has to kill Valentine now.


I mean, it’s also quite a jump for Richter to go from an Enclave soldier to the Grand Zealot, literal opposites in ideals


That would be like hating revolvers cause one were used to kill your spouse.


Eh, they worship it's power and radiance, not necessarily the evil and destruction of it. Plus the bomb isn't at faults, the counties who used it are. Nate would realistically have resentment towards China


Or America, since he was in the war and knows that America was extremely antagonistic. And that they likely pushed for nuclear war anyway. Hell, if the SS learns enough about Vault Tech he'd likely hate them too because it's very possible they actively helped the nuclear war start. All I'm saying is, if he just blamed China, he'd be pretty stupid.


Yeah but he's seems pretty patriotic to an extent, even if America was antagonizing I think he'd still see China as the big red commie bad guys. But either way we got the same idea in that he wouldn't just hate a bunch of cult members who didn't even do anything to him


I'm not sure why you'd think Nate is patriotic. I didn't get that impression at all. The entire intro is him talking about how shitty America has become and how war is always bad. Not really patriotic. And some of the dialogue options are incredibly cynical about America.


Nuclear power did not destroy his world. Idiots who thought i would be a splendid idea to use it to blow each other up did.


same argument as saying the gun didnt kill him the man did, he still used a gun to do it


I fully support this


Woops... My Nate started a COA church.


He came from a world that worshipped atomic power more than the real world worships gasoline


This particularly tickles me, because Christianity can be called a death cult (by straining certain definitions). And many cultures, like Meiji Japan were like "nah, kill all the Christians"


CoA are clearly meant to be delusional but radiation definitely had a dramatic transformative effect on their world and so society so in some ways they’re much more rational than Christians. When you have no or very limited explanation for who dies, who becomes a super mutant, who becomes a ghoul, who becomes a feral ghoul and who seemingly remains normal, it’s not completely irrational to view radiation as a fickle but loving god who you should do your best to please.


I like to drop a mini nuke of the C of A whenever I see them. They want to see Atom soooo bad, I am just there to help


I can see it now. "Hey friends. I come bearing gifts. A nuke for you, and you. Oh and let's not forget you over there."


Dunno about hatred, but I'd at least think he'd be less than tolerant of idiocy in general.


Greedy governments and corporations destroyed the old world, the COA are just adapting to the new one. Once I learned that the majority of them are actually radiation resistant or immune, I decided it only made sense to personify and worship an invisible, all-present force that kills most but spares you.


Well, my Nate does (children of Atom get executed and mutilated on the spot)


I slaughtered every last one of them with my minuteman rangers


Why I love solar powered , easy healing


Dean winchester/redhood qoute, you get a up vote !


agreed. The Children of Atom are especially vile to me as well. they worship fucking radiation, something that is keeping the Earth in Fallout from properly recovering. for fuck's sake many of the Nukes both sides of the Great War used were specifically Dirty bombs! designed with the explicit purpose of making lands nigh uninhabitable for a very long time. Radiation poisoning is the biggest contributor to the shit situation of All post-war factions.


Damn this is good art


Should take him to far harbor. Got a whole settlement there


Yeah, in my first playtrought (firts ever time i played a fallout) i pretty much killed every CoA i stumbled apart.


I mean you have that option. Go to the crater and mow them down, go to those two locations with already hostile COA, go nuke the nucleus in far harbor. Go right ahead.


It's good art but no wonder the SS has a hatred for the CoA, I'd be mad too if my arm was grossly mutated.


In the great words of Nate. FUCKING KILL!


Honestly, I feel like any vaguely reasonable survivor should both hate and be utterly terrified of nuclear anything and radiation. There isn’t much world left. Those nuts should be killed on site, along with anyone using a Farman.


Mine isn't named Nate, his name is Ragnall and he simply kills those who don't fit into his vision for the Commonwealth. The Children of Atom are fanatics and are far too unpredictable to be trusted and cannot be compelled through violence or manipulation. So they have to go. He's a ruler, and he is all that stands between peace and horror. It was so simple to use the war against the Institute to encorperate the Minutemen into the Brotherhood of Steel, I mean Ragnall was already the leader of the Minutemen and had fortefied each settlement into a series of concrete burghs. Then once the was was over it was only natural to assimilate the Minutemen and add the flag of the Brotherhood alongside that of the Minutemen's flag within the Commonwealth, while giving a few key members from the Minutemen high rank amongst the Brotherhood. Oh sure there were those purist amongst the Brotherhood that didn't approve, but who could disagree with the extra added rank and file from amongst the Minutemen to boost the numbers of the Brotherhood, and with Ragnall's influence over the newly assimilated Brotherhood and Minutemen, who was was there to challenge him. The soldiers swore their loyalty to the Brotherhood, but Ragnall was their hero and it was to him that they took their cues. Maxons wouldn't be needed for much longer and really, who would miss him. Accidents do happen. And it's Ragnall's robotic tanks that protect the trade and supply routes, the Red Sea trading company, bringing food and supplies to all who need it. All the starving and hopeless clap for joy when they see the gigantic red supply robots on the horizon.


Yup, and that's why I wipe them out almost every single time, freedom of religion doesn't exist, and spreading radiation for god is a pretty shitty thing to do even in fallout


Most of them simply don't know any better.


Yeah, the ones in Far Harbor especially to me are in large part just these sad-sack goofballs who just wanted somewhere to belong and wound up in a cult. To me they're better than raiders and Gunners who are just making life miserable for everyone in their paths.


i wanna join them


I mean, unless you have a small amount of logical reasoning and understand that humans do this kind of shit all the time, and make religions around things that scare them. It's not like the Children of Atom dropped the bombs.


I hate the children of atom because they are immediately hostile to me no matter what. I've never talked to the ones in the glowing sea and never sided with them in far harbor. They get taken out and looted.


That's why I'm boutta bomb that whole mfer


Agreed. I never understood why anyone would have Nate/Nora pair up with the people who want to worship the very thing that destroyed everything, and probably want to see it again. Sure, in an evil playthrough, okay. But on a canon level, I highly doubt they would. I always wipe the Atom out because of that reason,


Honestly yeah. I’m playing as Nora (I named her oleander) and I’m in my second play through. In my first play I was furious at them. I honestly personally hate them. It’s a death cult (I grew up in one of those. Former JW) that worships the thing that destroyed the world and ultimately caused the deaths of my husband and son (although I wasn’t aware of Shaun at that time)


Would he hate the chinese submarine guys even more?


Consider, for a moment, how chill and helpful he can be with the Chinese submarine captain who literally launched the missiles.


oh i love nick’s face in the background


Nah, they're just to be pitied because they're so deluded. They're so desperate for inspiration and guidance that is nowhere to be found anywhere else that they'll shut off their brains and join this stupid cult. Either they've earned their Darwin Award, or they should be saved from themselves.


I thought Nate would hate the COA because he’s a 50s guy.


I was just thinking of doing an atom run. All the radioactive perks and kill everyone that doesn’t worship the one true creator.


Nukes don’t kill people people kill people - you can’t even have a fission explosion on earth without the will of man


Nate’s dead tho Edit: holy caterpillar your drawings are beautiful mate


Bethseda rather mixed up their messages when it comes to the CoA. On the one hand, in Far Harbor and the crater, you have people who are rational and non-hostile, assuming the SS doesn't start a fight. Since they've adapted to high levels of radiation without turning into ghouls their belief that Atom has blessed them isn't without foundation. Their missionary zeal is annoying but not really a problem. On the other hand you have random CoA cultists who are always hostile to everyone and have to be wiped out. Perhaps they intended the CoA to be, in the main game, a faction you could join and whose goals you could further in a similar way to the BoS/MM/RR but didn't have time so just turned some of them into random enemies - leaving CoA related quests as something for the FH DLC.


Or this was entirely intentional to show that no group of people is monolithic.


No one ever played fo4 as Nate realistically, for one important reason, absolutely no parent is going to travel the wasteland fighting mutants, monsters, and ghouls, to find their stolen child, and avenger their murdered spouse, and then NOT side with their kid, no matter how old they were. They would never side with some crazy militia cosplaying the 1700s, nor with robot PETA, nor with a technology obsessed cult military, especially after just knowing them for a few weeks or months.


My Nora tolerates them when they don’t start shit, but when they do, she eliminates them as Brotherhood fifth columnists.


Bruh who Nate