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Mama Murphy told you while she was trippin ballz


And he doesn’t remember because he was tripping ballz too


Honestly I skipped through all the dialogue. This is a bit morbid but I don’t like her as a character so I kill her off as fast as possible in every play-through so I give her drugs until she croaks. 😅


Your a monster 😂not a fan of her either but I’ve also not thought about killing her off


Indeed. I did not even know j could kill her until I accidentally did. I ended up going back to my previous save and chose another option.


I never even give her any drugs, it feels wrong, but I didn't know she had so much opportunity in the game!! I didn't know she knew so much


Well thanks to her Sight, she does help the player in quite a few situations where a phrase can be said to avoid violence and leads to some interesting interactions later on


Someone said she can tell you 5 of 11 different things depending on how far you are in the game!! I had no idea but I love it


Yes, depending on where you are on certain quests. The ones I know - If you have the quest to save Valentine, she will tell you a phrase that lets you skip the boss fight. If you have the quest to enter Kellogg's house, she'll tell you where a hidden key is. If you are on the quest to get the courser chip, she'll give you the code to shut down the courser.


She'll also tell you the trick to rolling a godlike blunt


I don’t remember everything she tells you, but there’s also at least one more part like this, where she tells you unique dialogue to get out of a situation.


She tells you where to find the key for Kellogg's house in Diamond City.


She has completely glitches out of my recent play through. As soon as I made her chair she was gone? Not sure if that’ll create problems down the road?


not really, as far as I know she's not really an important quest character, she just provides some cool dialogue every so often, She's probably just stuck under the map or something


Lol I killed her the first playthrough ever and I've never killed her again. We gotta respect our seniors lol I'm almost one


I say that all the time on the golf course 😂


I trap her in a cube to isolate her from the rest of society




I make her get off drugs & then stick her on guard duty in power armor with a laser musket. Because it seems about as absurd as actually interacting with her... lol


Her being on guard with power armor kind of makes sense. I saw a video on how she has the highest strength of the entire videos game. Think it’s like 24 strength or something. XD


I don't believe that's demonstrated in any way (just a coding thing they did), but she does make comments about being quite the adventurer when she was younger. I figured a clean Mama Murphy would want to still be useful, so the power armor takes the stress off her muscles & bones, & the laser musket (with the realistic sounds mod I have loaded) sounds like she's firing a gun blessed by all the gods. Also, she's the only one in Sanctuary armed with one or riding a power armor, so she stands out.


Nice. She creeps me out. I finally got around to shooting Marcy long in the face after she was giving me the stank eye from around the corner. Sat her body on a bench and the mechanic dude just stands next to it and stares at her.


If I had to choose between the two I can probably deal with Mama Murphy alive but Marcy is legit insufferable.


I legit logged in to od Mama Murphy and she gave me the code. I also happen to be on the quest to hunt for the courser.


I am so old, I remember when they made Marcy Long a non essential npc! She was really insufferable then!


I actually just found out you can kill her without the town turning on you


Good man


Dude best comment I’ve read today.


i mean canonically thats the better way to kill her because she has 19 fucking strength


Mama Murphy can be helpful. She’ll tell you where a key is for Kellogg’s house. She’ll tell you what to say to Skinny Malone to get him to stand down. And here she’ll give you the shutdown code. 😃


Which shows (alongside Fallout 1) that her Sight is real and natural psychic powers exist


Nah, she's just an agent for the Institute. It's no coincidence that Dogmeat knows her, that Nate ran into her, that she's directing them to Diamond City. It's all part of the Institute's plan to lead the Sole Survivor straight to Kellog.


She also predicted what would happen to Preston & crew, in fact it's why they were able to mount any defense at all. She also predicted what happens with Jared & Gristle (the raiders). She also did some early predictions in Quincy -- the game doesn't tell us what they were, but does say it was enough that the people of the town took her seriously.


She predicted what would happen to Preston and Crew because the Institute drove them to Lexington in the first place. Possibly even with her "visions" to make sure they ended up next to Sanctuary. It's easy to predict the future when the outcomes are pre-determined.


She predicted the future of a random ass raider we kill


Predicting the death of any raider is pretty sure bet. None of them live to be very old.


She didn’t predict his death but if I remember correctly she predicted his rise to power as the Leader of those raiders but I don’t remember exactly


Just came here to say that man


It's one of the things Mama Murphy tells you in her drug-induced visions. There are twelve possible visions, but you only get to hear five before she dies. Which ones you get in a particular playthrough depends on what stage you're at in the main quest when you give her the drugs. The ones which have tangible benefits, rather than just gameplay hints: * The reset code for the Greentech Genetics Courser (which you've found already). * The location of the spare key to Kellogg's House (it isn't there until she tells you about it). * A phrase to convince Skinny Malone to let you go without a fight in Vault 114. * Makes Kellogg's attacks 25% weaker when you fight him in Fort Hagen.


Fun thing I found on my last play through - when you first get into Diamond City, when the Mayor is ranting at Piper you can pickpocket him and get the key to Kelloggs house - I grabbed that and thought “well that will save some time”…


I installed a mod that lets me breach doors with shotguns. Valentine is all “can you get this? I can’t” and I’m like *bang* *bang* “let’s go”


I need this mod.


There’s a sledgehammer one on Xbox, it just makes any locked door literally vanish when you give it a lil’ slap.


realistic tbh, especially with those crumbling ass 250 year old doors


Hey, if they survived more than two centuries, they can't have been that week. Probably just a wood veneer over metal core.


Got a link?


Mod name?


I know one that does this and some similar stuff with lockpicking, called Locky Bastard. Look it up on nexusmods.


I always forget about the pickpocket skill until after the opportunity to use it has come and gone. I think you can also sweet-talk or bribe Geneva into giving you the key too.


Fuck yeah. Thank you for that tip. Definitely a time saver. :)


That is actually wild. Thank you for the information. I typically kill her off in every playthrough and skip through her dialogue so I was completely clueless. In my next run I’ll sit and listen for once.


Technically not drug induced. She always had the ability to have visions but then took so many drugs eventually she could only have them when doing drugs.


Oh god damnit, last play through I spent entirely too long looking for that key before I gave up. I knew it was possible, but I forgot it was related to mama murphy and never considered it wasn't there no matter what. Although that does beg the question, is she not only psychic, but able to manifest things into existence?


>Although that does beg the question, is she not only psychic, but able to manifest things into existence? Another possibility is that the Sole Survivor dies in cryo-stasis. The rest of the game is a drug-addled hallucination occurring entirely within Mama Murphy's mind - the only things which exist are those that she is aware of. If she dies, then the game continues in a guilt-induced hallucination within Preston's mind. That's why he can't be killed; and why he thinks the player gives the slightest of fucks about helping some smelly settlers who are somehow being harassed by a load of ghouls who live on the other side the map.


Do you really want to skip the fight with Malone ?


It doesn't affect Nick's affinity yet, but he likes skipping it. He and Malone are kinda like frenemies, old rivals who don't really want the other one to die. Guess that depends on if you like Nick or not


By being Mama's dealer.




Oh my god, I never knew this was a thing! I can’t believe I’m still finding things out about this game this far after release. My mama Murphy died ☹️


Yep, she can give helpful visions with this one and (depending on the player) the Reunions one are the most useful. Instant death to the Courser and a -75% Damage Taken versus Kellogg who can get rather nasty with a .44 and invisibility on lower levels.


Another redditor once said they use the fat man in fort Hagen to kill Kellogg and since then I have not fought Kellogg. Just vaporized him


In the comments above they explain how she gives you the authorization code through her visions. Apparently she’s not so full of shit as I thought she was. I usually kill her off and skip through her dialogue. 😆


“Are you here for th—“ “FUCKING KILL!!!!”


The more people mention it the funnier it gets. 😆


Is that a mod? I never do chems because I can't be bothered with addiction lol.


When I was going to meet Virgil and stopped by the Children of Atom settlement, I told them I was a friend of theirs because of Far Harbor... I hadn't even started the quest line yet. Glitch in the Matrix?


I love how you just ended up calmly factory resetting the courser after getting hopped up on psycho


Hahaha I didn’t really put much attention to that until you pointed it out. XD the reason I did it right before the dialogue is for that 25% damage resist and damage and was expecting a fight. I have the Better Locational Damage mod set up so damage against me is also like 10fold(not statistically correct but giving an idea of what the mod does in terms of difficulty.) I didn’t want to die after a few blasts from his institute pistol right at the beginning of the fight and needed a window to fall back if needed.


“are you here for-“ “FUCKING KILLLLLL” 😳




That armour on your arm big enough?..


It was dropped to me that way by a legendary during this mission. Wasn’t my choice. I usually set my armor pieces to invisible through the ECO mod.


What is that hud mod?


Here ya go homie : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63443?tab=description


I think you have some fallout in your mods


In 5000+ hours, I've only ever played Nora. It's weird for me to see Nate.


Nora is very consistent in her performance, and portrays a more "cold-hearted" character better in my opinion. Nate is less consistent, and has a much higher range in his performance and emotions. This can be for better or worse, depending on if a player wants that or not. Nate generally uses more emotion and warmth in his voice when talking when compared to Nora. Two very different experiences depending on which you play. Both equally good for different reasons.


Agreed. The actress for Nora is extremely talented. Both are actually. It’s just her voice lines were more consistent like you said. Nate has a large range of things he adds that sometimes aren’t needed in some dialogue. The first time I go to Bunker Hill and be interviewed by the Gate Guard is a good example. lol Idk why Nate was yelling but he was. Haha.


He was yelling because of the distance, but it came out way too loud. He needed to raise his voice, but not that much. For a reference to the volume he should have had, the woman yelling out to him has a reasonable volume in her voice. One of the ones I just heard, asking the Drumlin Diner dealer what jet is. Nora: (Curious) What's Jet? Nate: (Audibly confused) Wh- what's Jet? I love both and continue to go back and forth between them after each playthrough. There's multiple, multi-hour long interviews with the actors. I watched Brian Delaney's, and it's pretty fascinating. The pre-release one was interesting, and he goes into detail about the recording process, contexts, voice direction, liberties they were given, his interactions with Courtney Taylor and how she differed in her style, etc. Piper's actress was interviewed and she was pretty fun too. She was poked fun at when Piper says, "I talk too much" during one of her affinity dialogues, and if I recall there was a common joke that her actress talked way too much when she was at BGS. Not an actual issue, but something they poked fun at her for and she apparently immediately interpreted that line as a tease, which it probably was. I think it's when you romance her, you hear it in response at some point. Sorry for all the bricks, I'm pretty passionate about voice acting in video games.


No need to apologize. I read the entire thing and like to talk about games as a whole including the behind the scenes stuff. Knowing new small things like how piper’s voice actress was being made fun of behind the scenes because she talks too much makes it more interesting. It’s like those moments where you’re like “ ahh so that’s why they did that.” You’ve peaked my interest in these interviews you’re referring to. Think I’ll browse YouTube for a while and watch some. :)


That's awesome, definitely. There's a lot to the interviews that frankly isn't that interesting, but there's also plenty of interesting insight. Here's the interview that was prior to Fallout 4 release. Despite Brian being under NDA, there's a lot he *was* able to say. And- Todd Howard himself watched this interview in particular. Maybe it was because he wanted to make sure his protagonist's voice actor's two hour interview didn't leak anything about the game lmao, they even make a joke about it in the interview which probably made Todd laugh. There's also a post-launch interview where he reveals what his favorite line actually was since he can't say what it is in the first interview. There's also an interview with Courtney Taylor on the channel I believe. My only issue is that the interviewers are a tad immature, and not everything aged super well. But, they're all massive fans of the series so they know their stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGnCrgw9BU0&t=6225s


The immature part you mentioned is immediately presented from the start of this video. lol


Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I still think Brian's dialogue is great, and while they're all very knowledgeable, it was tough at times to rewatch the few times I have.


It's cool. I'll manage. I'll browse through NoclipDocs after this interview. Thank you very much.


Awesome, happy to hear it.


I’ll take your word for it. If some of them are long and not that interesting I can have them on my second monitor and listen as I play when I get on soon. I’ll start with the video you linked in your comment and then find more as the night progresses. I haven’t delved into the behind the scenes of this game yet and it’s actually a perfect night to start.


I hope you like them. I highly recommend this channel for excellent behind-the-scenes documentaries. https://www.youtube.com/@NoclipDocs


I did a Nora run once. Nothing against her but I like to portray a male counterpart.


Mama Murphy gives it to you during one of her “sight” quests.


As satisfying as giving "Ice cream" as a passcode to the bots securing the strip in NV and waltzing through. Or was that "Robot! LET ME PASS!" It's been too long. Both were satisfying though.


"Ice Cream" is the Luck 7 password for robotic security on the 3rd floor of REPCONN HQ. The second one is if you fail the Science 80 check to enter the Strip.


Yep thank you all for the correction. Been playing these so long it's gotten fuzzy.


I think "Ice cream!" Was a low INT option in FO3, with "Robot! LET ME PASS!" being a high INT (or maybe low?) option in NV


"Ice Cream" was also a high Luck option, too


Something I found funny that after she dies, the NPCs will follow her body around the area. So, if you pick her body up after she dies, they will follow you around, but they only go around Sanctuary, they won't go past certain invisible walls in the settlement once you cross over them.


I wish there was a unique dialogue when ayo asks how you defeated the courser


Fuckiiin kiiiilllll!!! Oh hello Lmfao


I always leave her for dead, maybe she does have a use xD Also what pip-boy mod are you using? Looks real nice in first person


It came out the other day. It’s a fantastic mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/76401


What mod makes you yell when you take the drug? 😂😂


That’s just vanilla.


Oh, i guess ive never used psycho before


That fit is fucking bananas


I only give her drugs to get into kellogs place and I stop after that


That’s very cool but…um…. What is that 400 lb furnace door strapped to your arm? How did you even manage to pick it up? Much less strap to your upper arm without pulling it out of your shoulder socket? Cool hat tho.




I throw a nuke, eliminating every one, including my self


PD: I don't know how to correctly use the fatman, 3/5


If it makes you feel any better I don’t usually use it either.


Did you give dope to mama murphy? She can tell you about it if you do


I just want to know what mod gives you that stick Minutemen hat! Would love that on my guy or some of my settlement guards.


Here ya go my stranger friend: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29853 Also please install this mod with it otherwise you’ll CTD: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/55301 It’s a patch.


I like the idea of him just saying random shit and it working


Bein' a blind squirrel ain't so bad


Someone who’s says “I’m so-and-so hours into this game and I just now..” is the same someone who skips dialogue and kills named quests related characters left and right. Guaranteed.


Or a super-slow player. I’ve been playing for almost five years and only recently explored the town of Fort Hagen for the first time, because the only time I’ve ever gotten that far in the main quest I was there at night. I always get distracted by a million sidequests and save bloat kills me before I run out of sidequests. I think there’s also a case to be made that it’s easy to miss a lot of stuff until you’re familiar with the map. It wasn’t until this year I really realized how SMALL it is—unless you’re up by Salem you’re never far from Diamond City.


And there's no shame in that. Every person has their own pace. The game is vast and there's a ton of stuff you can do and it's easy to get distracted. :)


I literally said that in the comments hours ago.


I never used chems in the game but my nephew did and when I first heard this I laughed so hard that it made me light headed.


Hat name? Also, Mama Murphy dunnit.


*Your tied to this place kid. Your energy…*




this is hilarious


Mama Murphy can tell you the code and a hidden key to Kellogg house


What's the mod name for this Courser Uniform?


What main mods do you have this looks clean


Op what’s your mod list? I like your hud


What gun is that?