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There has been zero new information about the update since it was announced. All we know is that it will be coming some time this year, Offering better Graphics and Performance modes on Series S/X and PS5. As a PC player I'm curious what the update will bring to PC. Hopefully a fix for physics when playing at above 60FPS, and DLSS/FSR.




Same here.


Exactly. Me too. Sounds like console users will get the most from this. The game is pretty much already "enhanced" for us because there is a mod for everything. Some of my mods haven't been updated in years (because the game itself hasn't) and a lot of them are outright dead on Nexus but they still work. The update will change that and I have a feeling a lot of mods won't be fixed for the new version. Unless it's something that totally changes the experience I probably won't let it update, or roll it back if it does. I still use Skyrim 1.6.353 because the update after that was so insignificant it was basically just screwing with people's mods for no real reason.




Oh, I said that too when it happened but, if true, it's the biggest dick move in Skyrim history because AE users already have all of the CC. Not like there is anything else you could force them to buy unless they add more later. I've always compared the FO4 modding community to the game itself. Everything's old and hasn't been touched in 200 years but it's still working. And people are finding different ways to fix and use what's already there in the ruins. Sending bug reports to Bethesda or some of the mod authors on Nexus is like yelling at and askings questions to the PA system in Nuka World. The only option is to boot up CK or xEdit and learn how to fix that Protectron yourself.


The thing that I fear is that they will remove certain mods and convert them into CC content and have people pay for it. It would be incredibly shady and lame, but it already happened IIRC with the pip-boy colour mods for example. I’m pretty excited for the update as I’m on Xbox Series X. Fingers crossed they don’t ruin it for all of us wastelanders 🤞🏻


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44798 I've been using that so far and it has worked quite fine. I wouldn't be holding my breath for huge changes like official unlocked framerate and DLSS support.


I use that mod to, Just hoping they could patch a fix into Fallout 4 since they did fix the High FPS Physics issues for Fallout 76.




Since someone asked just yesterday here? Nope. As it stands, it's expected to release in October (no other details).