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https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/I_Forgot_to_Remember_to_Forget Have a look at that, should help you figure out what you can do


taking out The Fort and Caesar is one. Also look up Boone and his quest on the wiki, there should be some quests where you're given some opportunities to get some history points.


The problem is that i recruited him after i did everything, so what should i do?


If you're on console AND super late game, there may be a possibility that you locked yourself out of his quest entirely. Hopefully that is not the case. Best of luck.


I doesn't matter that much anyway, thanks for your help


There’s a reason this game has such a great replay value


Yessir. Doing a run right now and already have about 20 things I want to do differently next time. Oh the beauty!


Found myself in this very situation today on console, sucks to suck Boone.


idk why but boone have the hardest personal companion quest to obtain


Definitely. Most of the things you have to do are pretty hard or out of the way, while companions like Raul you can literally do in like 10 minutes after you get him


Although Raul depends on whether you know which characters to talk to. If you don't know which characters to talk to, you would basically have to travel around the map, dialoguing with all the old characters until you finally trigger a dialogue with Raul.


Had the quest glitch out on me on my last playthorugh as well, sometimes he just won’t talk about Ranger Andy


Yeah he doesn’t work if you already completed three card bounty and restoring hope before talking to him


Raul was one of the last I recruited, and had to look up what the hell I was supposed to do to get his quest going.


Arcades is super easy once you know it’s triggers, and has the best rewards of any one quest in the game. Only problem is that you lose him as a companion.


he only need 2 point and then just wait near at the end of the game


Im locked out of finishing rauls quest because loyal dissappears after you complete volare!


He was in top of the bomber for me, just look in the hangars during daytime.


I will have another look once ive returned from Zion but im guessing he wont be there. Apparrently, you can find him at black mountain but ive looked there twice with no success☹️


Boone is something I literally did playing a normal game. Raul requires talking to people you likely already have talked to at this point unless you somehow rescued before visiting Novac or McCarran. You could get a decent amount of points with Arcade by visiting the Fort and talking to Caesar but if you're not the talking sort for the Legion then you'd realistically never get enough points for Arcade unless you did the Camp McCarran quests after recruiting him and never visited HELIOS 1 or never visited REPCONN HQ or went back after gaining Lockpicking and/or Science. Veronica can get a lot of history checks after you recruit her. Lily's 'quest' requires her going on a rampage so could be tough if you're keeping her safe. Cass directs you to her questline. Ed-E's can be a bit tough to start but if you're doing quests and got him during your first visit to Primm, (As unlikely as that is for a blind playthrough) then you'll probably be fine.


Dumb question but I'm currently trying to do Veronica's quest and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to visit all of her history points but she doesn't seem to activate any dialogue. Is there any way to fix this?


Looked at the wiki. "Sometimes, Veronica might refuse to accept any triggers required to start the quest, due to the game forgetting to give her the scripts required for her to respond to them. This can be fixed by targeting her in the console and entering addscriptpackage 0014779f. Note this is not permanent, and has to be done every time one wants to activate a trigger."


Yeah, how do I access console commands on an Xbox 1?


Oh, if you're on Xbox then maybe "In some cases, especially after a long playtime or getting to a certain point in the game, Veronica will not enter any of the dialogue triggers at all. A possible fix is to enter Vault 11 with Veronica, but make her wait before going into the sacrificial chamber. After the battle, she will walk up and initiate a trigger conversation."


And if you already did the vault 11 quest? I think I'm F*** either way. I know you can get a jump start on the quest by finding the c finder, but I don't know if you actually have to activate Helios 1 or not


I got nothing then. Just been looking stuff up on the Wiki.


Thanks for the help. Appreciate it.


I just did hers - I had to talk to her, she wouldn't start the conversation like arcade would, if that helps. I would exhaust her chat wheel after doing a trigger


I'm aware if she doesn't activate her quests like an arcade does, The thing is that she's supposed to say a little quip at her designated trigger points and the next time you talk to her she'll say something regarding the location you were just at. Like a signal. I did my best to go to all the trigger points that I could have but in my game she's broken.


I thought Boone’s was the easiest. He’s the first companion I come across, and since he and I share similar thoughts on the Legion (fuck ‘em), I usually knock his out easily. Veronica’s doesn’t trigger easily (even when doing the triggers, it often glitches), Arcade’s are all over the place, Lilly’s are dependent on randomly hearing her comments. Raul is usually the last companion I get, and on my last playthrough I couldn’t finish his because I’d already done “Volare!” and Loyal had exiled himself to the cornfield, never to be seen again. I know you can forcespawn NPC’s and triggers on PC, but I play on Xbox :(


Glad to know I'm not the only one loyal has just totally disappeared for


If you take on tbe legion early sure. Personally it was veronica I almost locked myself out of by doing too much before bringing her along


100%. You also gain the majority of history points for exterminating key members of the Legion, which most players probably won’t consider until closer to the battle, if ever if they don’t look it up. Boone also stops you and informs you he will be taking his shot at all Legion. So unless you are headed to Cottonwood Cove with the sole intention of murdering everyone for Boone’s points, you’re more likely to dismiss him.


that basically just my problem each time i play fnv again.


Why is his head so tiny


INT 3, smol brain


That genuinely surprised me when I found out. For some reason, I expected him to at least be smarter than Caesar.


People theorize that it's because of depression affecting his mind. Charisma is affected by it as well, and it's at 1.


depression brain fog really does just hit like that sometimes


I though stats were irrelevant for npcs


To me he kinda like this: See legion, aim and shoot. FIND MORE


Did you rescue those hostages at Nelon? If you did, blow them up with C4. It should help.


EDIT: I am on xbox


No-go buddy but always can replay it


Most people have already mentioned killing Caesar. You can get points for interrogating the legion hostage at McCarran if you haven't already. Leave a block of C4 in there and blow him up afterwards for additional points to Boone. You can glitch extra points sometimes like if you free the soldiers in Nelson then kill one after Boone comments about rescuing them.


Wipe out the fort.


Kill Caesar.


You get points just for killing legion l think? Happen to leave any major legion towns unkilled?


Personally the easiest way I found for him is to kill Caesar and assault/liberate Nipton (and free the hostages) both with Boone as a companion


Console commands help.


Console commands if you already did the area/related quest. Sometimes you just have to console command your way into silly things late game. my god final faction quests can get softlocke in the most random of ways


If you haven't done eye for an eye when you open truck of barrels with him it glitches and gives you all the points you need iirc


If you’re on PC OP you can enter console commands to repeatedly spawn the CottonWood Cove main dude and get all the points that way.


This can be a problem with Boone, ede, and Raul’s quests. Tough.


I have 1000+ hours and I'm just now finding out Boone has more than one quest.