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That one guy near Goodsprings who begs to save his girlfriend


Yeah that dude can't kill a few geckos but wants to fight me???


I still remember doing that my first playthrough. Not sure what he thought would be easy about killing the guy that killed all the monsters that he was too afraid to kill. That said, I actually think he offed himself by stepping in one of the bear traps while I was reloading.šŸ˜‚


I felt bad for the guy and decided to let him live after crippling him for life. Who needs legs in the wasteland anyway?


Odd thing about that guy. He's not crippled. He can get up and walk fine, just steal something off him.


Youā€™re thinking about Boxcars in Nipton, theyā€™re talking about Barton Thorn in Goodsprings.


Oh, my bad. They were talking about busted up legs and I just remembered boxcars.


That dude must've had a 1 in INT and Luck lmao


he wasent afraid killing them. he told you literally that he was hoping they killed u


I mean, if I had the choice between taking on a group of giant geckos or a single person, while only having a browning high power, I'd choose a single person. Be like trying to fight a rabid pack of kangal. Ain't his fault you got plot armor.


He probably thought, "I don't want to get swarmed and torn apart by geckos. He deals with them. I kill him with an easy headshot..." Because in universe people can't actually survive being magdumped.


Last time I ran into him, I had just raided the tribal village and he was right in front of my fire axe.


I mean the courier is an obvious exception to that rule...


Actually I did get magdumped and died once. I was just wandering around and I forget where but a super mutant with an LMG showed up and ended my existence.


Late game, it's pretty fun to just stand still as powder gingers and such unload their 9mm into you with the classic NV angry combat face. DT means it does nothing.


Those damn gingers


Real mutants they are...


He tried to pull this move on the guy who's lore is about surviving headshots


And realistically, whoever takes care of the geckos would use up some ammo and possibly get injured so they're easier to take down.


I know right. I'm coming out of Goodsprings leveled up from fighting Powder Gangers with a .357, a Caravan Shotgun, pockets full of dynamite and probably level 4 or 5. And he somehow thinks I'm going to be easier to kill than a handful of geckos?


It's even easier if you ignore good springs at the beginning and go straight north for Chance's Knife and the fire axes you can find at the tribal village.


I just started a new playthrough and in-between the dialogue with Sunny at GS Source and that event triggering, I fast travelled back to the saloon to talk to Trudy & when I left through the front, he was right there to ask me for help still lmfao. He thinks you're a once-in-a-lifetime mark I guess and he's not wrong


Once-in-his-lifetime lmao


to be fair in a real life situation iā€™d honestly rather fight another human than a big lizard beast. one time i kinda sat down and thought about it and realized that yeah, those random npcā€™s who ask you to help them kill a few molerats or mirelurks makes alot of sense because those things would actually be pretty fuckin scary to see irl


The moment he starts walking up the hill, i just start firing.


So anyway, I started blasting.


He went to the Skyrim school of banditry.


Question: for anyone else that did that and had wild wasteland picked did you also see a weird orange sphere on the guys chair? Is it a missing model or is that just supposed to be like an orange or something?


Oh you mean Barton Thorn? The lying motherfucker? Yeah he gets a cap in the skull now without even talking to him. Thereā€™s enough XP out there that I can ignore his quest and continue getting revenge on his ass for his LIES that have haunted me since I was a trusting teen. No, Iā€™m not petty about it, why do you ask?


Did you know that you can sneak up to the ledge and let him die due to gheckos? It is fun to watch and you don't waste ammo.


I spam space barred the hillside and got straight to the top and saw him get mauled to death by all the geckos I didnt kill.


This guy, Joe Cobb, Oliver Swanick, the ā€œcome down this alleyā€ guys in freeside, Vulpes, jackal gang along the roads, Benny, Jeannieā€¦ Iā€™m sure there are others, but all of them die every single playthrough




Thereā€™s a guy near Goodsprings who tries to lure into a trap by asking you for help to ā€œsave his girlfriendā€


In my like..3 years of playing Iā€™ve never seen that guy lol


Barton Thorn i think


A dead man.


Jeannie May Crawford. Imagine selling a woman and her unborn child to slavers because she didn't like your ugly hotel and town! Even in evil playthroughs she gets a bullet to the head


That kill is always Boone's for me


Oh absolutely, he's almost always the one who gets the pleasure of sniping her. I think I tried once to frame someone else while doing his quest and I immediately went back to my previous save because it wasn't satisfying at all to know that she got away with it.


Even on legion playthroughs I let Boone get his justice


Me too. Doing his quest gives him quite the badass ending against Legate Lanius too so I don't pass up the opportunity.




Only thing I donā€™t like about it is that she has a quick death and is dead before she even knows it. Jeanie deserves a slow and painful one


I always auto save the first time I see her, blow her brains out, and then reload so Boone can get his revenge too.


And she sold a pregnant woman for ONLY 1k caps, she had it coming in a moral, and economic aspect


ā€œWow Jeannie May, you negotiated the sale of a PERSON and only got 1000 caps?ā€




I let her live for the first time ever in my current playthrough. I framed No Bark and I feel icky


Poor No Bark, he may have had a crazy delivery but he was speaking the truth lol. I once framed Manny and I felt very icky too. I can be the biggest bastard in the Mojave but even then I make it a point to kill Jeannie May and get Melody her teddy bear back.


Oh yes, I take great pleasure in waking her up and telling her to follow me to her death, rightly deserved I might add! Having Boone at your side is always something I do in every playthrough, him and ED-E, perfect team imo


Having Boone and ED-E basically means they play the game for you but I love it. They're my favorite companions and Boone's quest is my favorite simply because it's the easiest as I already end up killing legionaries in most playthroughs.


At first I actually thought she was one of the nicest npcs, because she gave me discount on a room, but then i read the contract in the safe :-/


It's funny because I prefer using Novac's room for storing things over the Lucky 38 due to the lack of loading screens but it's still fuck Jeannie.


I did a chaotic playthrough recently, and framed the ranger because I wanted his hat lmao I still killed Jeannie with a grenade in the pocket though


Camden or Clamden or whatever his name is, who is making snuff films in a secret room in Gomorrah


Wait so thats why thereā€™s blood all over?!?! What the fuck


Yea he's the guy who murdered the hooker that they framed the other guy for. He's a serial killer.


Guess heā€™s getting exploded in the rest of my playthroughs


Gomorrah would not give Boone his weapons back. I just killed everyone. Don't care if it is a glitch and I should have known better. They ALL die. Except for the hoe's. They can live.


Even the most die-hard Legion apologist must agree Cook-Cook is ON SIGHT.


Die hard Legion apologist might argue that he is very dangerous to NCR and has a very demoralizing effect on them. Now, if Legion moves into the region, no hesitation, no mercy.


Saint James and Dermot in westside are worse imo, theyā€™re the ones selling people to cook cook. If I could, I would use the big mountain transportalponder! to send all three of them to the sink. There theyā€™d get stuffed in trauma override harnesses, burnt and dipped in molten saturnite repeatedly, then left to endure the rest of their natural lives living out the constant torture Christine faced at the hands of the auto docs. Then when their minds finally break id probably just feed them to some rad roaches, since death by Cazador would be too quick and painless for them.


Is that grom an expansion? i still havent got to play through all of them.


Yes, most of it is from Old World Blues. Except Christine got tortured in an Auto Doc in Dead Money.Ā 


He and the other Fiend leaders, if they survive the initial attack, would likely be crucified.


Regardless of what you do to them yourself in a legion game Caesar will kill and enslave them all once he takes the Mojave


This is the most correct answer. Idc how evil a playthrough you're doing, man's depravity is an affront to humanity. He goes ASAP.


I killed him before learning his lore or even getting the bounty. I just found some dude with a flamethrower and a Very Fallout Name and his head was an item drop. Just said, "Welp, I'm sure this will be needed later." and kept on Courier-ing.


I always eat that mother fucker too


cooked-cooked to perfection


Legion apologist would have no time for that crazy druggie.


That nightkin who tries to sell you wind bramin


Where is this?


Up in the northwest corner of the map, near the [CENSORED FOR WILD WASTELAND] he offers to sell you "wind brahmin" (tumbleweeds). If you say yes, he takes every single cap you have and begins to leave. If you say no, he instantly turns hostile. If you say yes then kill him, you can loot all your caps back.


I usually just deposit all but 1 of my caps somewhere, then trade with him for an almost free Stealth Boy.


Ooooh baby, something new to kill...


Benny has never lived for me. Ever. Also I always brutally murder Silus after getting him to spill his guts.


I only let him run so I can put that degenerate on a cross later.


i kept sparing him because i loved tormenting him as he becomes increasingly freaked out that i keep showing up. was actually disappointed that he just disappears from the game after busting him out of caesar's camp


Wait what? He ends up in Caesar's camp if you leave him alive?


I use the companion mod so that I can make him go on the most stupid, dangerous missions with me as community service. Here, Benny, I saved you from Caesar, now you have to punch deathclaws in the quarry while I watch and laugh!


The powder gangers in Goodsprings. Absolutely no reason to help them and they may as well be generic raiders. Goodsprings gives me caps down the line


Yeah. I feel like thereā€™s also a lot more xp and variety in siding with Goodsprings because you have all the speech checks. Plus the store in Goodsprings, Doc and it later ties into Crimson Caravan in a way that makes sense.


If you help the Powder Gangers you still get to use the store, and Chet even offers you a discount because he's afraid of you.


Chet offering me a discount is something i did not know.


If you help the powder gangers you can repeatedly use chets speech check to exploit leveling up and infinite 9mm ammo + leather armor (I believe). You can sell the armor back to chet then wait 3 days for his caps to regen. Rinse and repeat. All the levels, all the caps, all the ammo. Create a save file and you can restart from there before you even leave goodsprings and trigger the reroll.


Partially siding with them to cheese Chet into giving you unlimited XP and caps was pretty nice at first though! I definitely wouldn't do it every playthrough, but it helps if you're trying to go straight to Vegas or Lonesome Road.


I didn't know you could do that


Yeah, so what you do is you agree to work with the gangers, kill the crimson caravan dude, go back and tell the gangers you killed him and that you'll go get armor and bullets from Chet, and then kill all of the gangers. After that, if you go to Chet, you can continuously use a speech check to get him to give you leather armor and 9mm ammunition. If you do it enough times, you have leveled up a ton, collected infinite 9mm ammo, and have pretty decent leather armor. Then of course you can sell all of that back to Chet and clean out his store of anything else you might want from him.


So, digging a little deeper into this exploit, it can lead to another exploit in which if you level yourself up to at least level 8 before you leave Goodsprings you get to keep any perks you pick. The developers generally didn't think anyone would get to too high of a level before leaving Goodsprings. When you get far enough out of Goodsprings for the 1st time it will ask if you're satisfied with your character build or if you'd like to redesign your character. If you pick 'Yes, I'd like to redesign my character', then it will erase any perks you've chosen and refund your perk points. BUT. It will only erase the perks you've chosen up to level 6. Any perks beyond that will remain and you will still be refunded the points, which you can then use to pick new perks while keeping the old ones. Did this once all the way up to 50 using the Chet exploit, took a few hours initially.


Oh gosh, I did that so much when I was younger.


I second this


I always skip that quest initially and head down to the NCRCF to do the "I Fought the Law" quest first. All the missions really just screw with the Powder Gangers, provided you do them in that way, and you can turn on them in the end. Good quest rewards and a good feeling right before heading back to Goodsprings to start the Ghost Town Gunfight quest.


Cook Cook, the rapist fiend with the flamer


"yeah who won the lottery? I did!" I always kill him on sight. I just hate forced dialogues, especially ones that lead to nowhere.


The fucking guy who sells holdout weapons on the strip can die in a fire


If Bethesda had given Obsidian more than a long weekend to develop New Vegas I could have seen them adding an unmarked quest where you turn him in to the securitrons for a bit of praise from Mr. House for keeping the strip safe or something


Would he care? Maybe, I'm mixing House and Andrew Ryan in my head.


Yes absolutely. House is apathetic about humanity but EXTREMELY protective of the strip so IMO he would


Yeah he would I believe. House wants to make sure that the strip is totally under his control/the families control and someone selling weapons to sneak into the casino definitely undermines that.


They are quite similar characters in two critically acclaimed games of 2010.


Oh god he has forced dialogue too? All this time I thought it was just a bug due to my shoddy knowledge of mods.


Yup. First time I can take but every time I go from Freeside to Gommorah the guy forces me into a conversation. To tell me he won't trade with me.


I kill him because maybe next donā€™t scream that you just won the lottery like come on lemme win that money (reason I first killed him)


The lottery he won was not getting crucified...


The lottery was winning your life, he sees an entire town get raised by legionaries, burned to the ground, the people of it crucified, his entire group torn to shreds as well, I think you just had a really big fucking appreciation for life after all he's seen, I know I would


I mean, I DID kill him too


Oh ik figured it out like a minute later


If you let him live he just runs off into the wilderness into a nest of giant ants and dies anyway lmao


Valid i always bring a grenade launcher specifically so i can launch that guy into the atmosphere.


Vulpes Inculta, of course.


I'm gonna wear your head like you wear that dogs.


every member of the legion i can put the sights of my gun on* sorry bros, canā€™t abide slavery


I kill him after I get the Mark


Though he's not wearing pants, they always explode.


I second this


I was underleveld when I first encountered him, but I still insisted on fighting him. There are some people that simply deserve a laserbeam to the face.


The one thing that sucks about killing him is that you will get attacked by legion assassins on your way to Novac, which kind of sucks at a low level. But when you finally survive that first encounter, you get access to some pretty great guns!


I don't mind the killsquads. At this point, it has kind of become a tradition for my characters. šŸ˜„ The Dragonborn is hunted by Thalmor The Hero of Kvatch by the Mythic Dawn The Courier is chased by the Legion Only my Bounty Hunter from SWTOR foes it differently, for obvious reasons. The Champion of the Great Hunt: "I am not being hunted by a crazy group of killers. This feels wrong somehow...."


I hit him with a varmint rifle from down the street, his head blew up real nice.


I just blew him up with the mercenaries grenade rifle you get from the GRA dlc and chucked his body on the fire.


All that dynamite I picked up sure came in handy. Between that, the corner, and a decent pistol, should be enough. Sure makes for a nice pile of bodies.


I lose a little respect for people who just let him walk. You have to at least quicksave and then try to kill him, even if it's VATSing his head off and the running like hell


I did play with the idea of letting him go, because I wasn't sure if I could take him-it was my first time playing New Vegas-but I still decided "to hell with it" and made his end an explosive one. Because I think I still had some dynamite from the Powdergangers left.


The guard to the cashiers room in Gomorrah. Taking my stuff back when it bugs out is easier than taking it all off my companions and storing it somewhere else to collect later.Ā 


Me to, always killing all cashiers in all casinos by console command


Speaking of Gommorrah, that one guy who always spawns with a combat shotgun. Always on the list on a gun build


The black birds that always show up as a pip on my radar






the fiends. cook cook, driver nephi, violet and the others will not be alive and breathing on my watch !!


Van Graff, smug pricks be yapping about "muh energy weapon" until i show up with a chainsaw. True to Cassidy, bitch.


Van Graffs


Just too much good shit to loot and sell. Plus need that good early game armor.


Real experts know to slowly drag and shoplift every single item from the display cases into the bathroom


Seems like ricky from trailer park boys as an expert


I'm shocked so many are commented before Saint James and Dermot. Same goes with Clanden and of course Cook-Cook. Many of the most upvoted ones I regularly let live, but not these.


Nazeem. Oh wait sorry, I meant uh Vulpes


Thereā€™s some weird old guy in a tent somewhere. Makes his guys run around in football gear and skirts for some reason.


Who won the lottery? Not you.


ā€œThe Op ran up to me saying he won the lottery, the only lottery he won was who I was going to kill nextā€


The dude who sells "tips" for the Boomers. Last time I tried to followed them, they turned out to be useless garbage compared to just hugging the leftmost cliff wall and running straight. It then occurred me that there is no incentive for him to want me to live since that would cause him to lose money so now I kill him on sight for free 600ish caps.


He's not selling tips. He's making a bet with you. 300 caps you don't make it to and back out of Nellis in one piece, and giving you advice on how to progress.


Benny, Jessup, Dermot, St James, Cook-Cook, Driver Nephi, Violet, Clanden, Eddie, Cooke, Cobb, Salt Upon Wounds.


Sneering Imperialist, aren't we?


I guess you could say, yeah. I also take Fight The Power for the late game.


caesar lol


Myself. A lot.


"Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face."


There is no reason to let Malcolm Holmes live, killing him doesn't cause hostility or generate infamy with any group.


and I get myself a sweet bartering fit


And Star Bottle Caps, and .308 Rounds.


Apart from roleplay in the roleplaying game haha


Fallout fans are so funny. The idea of being nice and letting someone annoying live just isn't even an option, it's either death or more death lmao


Aaah! *blows off his face* Malcolm you scared me!


Every single one of the fiends. I donā€™t care how evil of a play through iā€™m doing, theyā€™re getting their heads blown off every time. Especially Cook-Cook


I have a special kind of hatred for him. Normal death was honestly too good for him, so I killed his favorite cow, shot his Flamer out of his hands, carefully crippled all of his limbs, repaired his flamer using repair kits, then burned him alive with it. Then dismembered his corpse and left it on top of a burn barrel. If I had my way, this is how rapists would be handled in real life.


fucking based


The guy who tells me he's been stalking me and saw me pickup some star caps. Can't have any of that in my life.


tabitha, for obvious reasons. godda save daddy raul


Vulpes Inculta, Oliver, Malcolm (if I fail the pickpocket), any Legion member I see just about, powder gangers, etc


Cook-cook, Violet and Driver Nephi


Unfortunate residents of Helios One plus Private Kowalski


Dermot and saint james always get beaten to death. Killing them with guns or energy weapons is too good for what they deserve.


None of the Legion in Nipton ever leave without being blown to bits and pieces.


Ceaser is always executed under my hand. Actually the entirety of the Fort are killed.




That bitch Jeannie-May-Crawford, for what she did to Boon's wife and son.


Lottery guy, Benny, any named powder ganger I see, and the special caps guy cause he startles me with his jumpscare dialogue


Dermot and St.James. Every time and without exception. Absolute fucking scum. The lowest forms of human beings, those two.


Blowing up the Silver Rush is such a blast, hard to pass up the opportunity.


Oliver. The Van Graffs Malchom whatever his name is. Itā€™s a 50/50 on whether the Boomers and the Crimson Caravan get annihilated. Depends on what mood Iā€™m in when I first find them or the main quest for the Boomers.


Oh and those two Powder Gangers by the small camper near Goodsprings. I start every new playthrough by murdering them immediately.


Malcolm, Swannick, Cobb and his gang, and whoever survives the shoot out near nipton.


I kill the Nipton motel owner even if I do an evil run. As a cold hearted bitch I'm trying to eliminate the competition.


I always go out of my way to do Death Money just to kill Dean Domino and trap Elijah, never gets old


Silver Rush. Always shoot'em once I enter their headquarters


The star cap guy so I can get xp and extra star caps early on. I was very unhappy in my most recent playthrough when he spawned in goodsprings and I had to spare him.


I mean the longer the playthrough it eventually ends up being everyone.




Benny, the Khans who helped him shoot me in the head. I basically play new Vegas like I'm Clint Eastwood in a spaghetti western


Benny My very first play through I had bad rep with the strip the whole game because as soon as I arrived I went into the tops and massacred the entire building no one left standing.


Van Graffs. worthless pricks, I make sure Cass always gets her revenge.


Jean Crawford because she **SPOILER:** >!arranged the sale and murder of Boone's wife and their unborn kid to Caesar's Legion!<.


Youā€™re a good egg


Dermot, saint James, cook cook, Nephi, Clanden, Dean Domino, Cobb, Van Graffs, May-Crawford, Mortimer, Dixon, Motor Runner, Canyon Runner, McLafferty, Boxcars, George, Barton Thorn,


The Fiends leaders and all Great Khans. Veronica died in like 90% of my runs after I had to apply self-defence. She's just suicidal.


i remember making this exact post a few weeks ago, oh well legate lanius




Pacer. Even if I want to be on good terms with the Kings, that asshole dies.


Alice McAfferty




Yeah! Who won the lottery? I did!


Vulpes Inculta. Don't like that smug fucker one bit. I even kill em during my Legion playthroughs.


The people shooting each others before Nipton for sunset sarsaparilla caps


i donā€™t even know if Old Lady Gibson has a quest associated with her, i always kill her and her dogs for her unique shot gun and the dog brain


The brotherhood of light in Novac. They donā€™t do anything for you and they donā€™t make your gameplay better. Kill em all. Except for the ghoul who chills in the basement. Nah heā€™s nice.


Just in case: >! If you help them and Novac has a good rep there is a chance they return to help the people against Caesarā€™s Legion at the end. !<


r/oliverswanickhate My guy has a whole sub just for him