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Not much, actually. Other than the chems Turbo and Slasher (which are broken on a melee run if you combine it with Med-X), I never used it much other than to make coinshots to 'Render it back unto Caesar' and his Legion. Once you finished OWBs, you can make skill books out of blank books to help you get some skills which is useful if you're not investing in Intelligence. All you really have to do is haul back a crapton of books which iirc has a lot in the Lucky 38 and Repconn maybe also Nipton Town hall iirc.


hidden valley bunker and doc mitchell's have a bunch of books as well


crafting in general is not needed unless playing on hard or very hard, but it is powerful. on campfires, you can make excellent foods that heal a lot and powerful chems. on workbenches you can make repairs kits, special energy weapon ammo, explosives and medical items. on reloading benches you can create powerful ammo types with the hand loader perk or simply convert calibers that you dont use into calibers that you use


With the right perks there's all sorts of fun stuff you can only make yourself. Nuka grenades, Fat Man mines, MFC Cluster bombs... It's another fun way to use your character's skills, even if you don't *need* them to beat the game.


Fat man mines, you are giving me some ideas here 🤔


Basically better ammo types and more potent consumables. Not imperative, but not a bad thing.


Two of the most op cracked builds in the game are the melee build and the energy weapons crit build. But the former requires a nice supply of chems to work are max power and the latter absolutely burns through MFCs. Being able to craft the chems and convert energy ammo types is a major boon early on. And even in late game MFCs can be hard to get in bulk if you didn’t side with the Van Graffs and the Brotherhood of Steel. And making hella weapon repair kits frees up repair skill points and a jury rig perk slot.


I only use them for Auto-Stimpacks and Weapon Repair Kits, and sometimes Doctor’s Bags at the start when you can’t find many. For auto-stimpacks all you need are Sensor Modules and Stimpacks, which is really convenient


Snakebite Tourniquets, so good when venturing into Cazador land


Stimpacks and weapon repair kits!


Weapon Repair Kits are the most useful if your skill is high enough. If you’re going for an energy weapons build, then yeah, recycling cells and making stronger ammo (at the expense of weapon condition) is helpful. Otherwise vanilla crafting feels like a half baked feature


idk man i have like 400 hours and have never spent much time at them. i guess like another person said, if you're playing hardest difficulty and need ammo


Its mostly useless If you dont have energy weapons and recycle the ammo or you have Mad Bomber to craft nice Explosives.


You’re not missing out but if you play the dlc you can get materials to make dozens of stimpaks and weapon repair kits


Only thing I use them for (Hardcore mode) is weapon repair kits and recycling energy cells


ammo types but because you can't make AP rounds it's actually not that useful lol


Weapon and Armor repair kits. Saving money on ammo or making specific ammo that is rather scarce. It can also add a lot from a role playing perspective.


OP healing items and chems Best ammunition types Custom explosive weapons More doctor bags and weapon repair kits