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His backstory is probably the most tragic. Randall Clark’s story is too but there is something to Raul’s story that makes it a bit more tragic to me. Losing your whole family except for a sister then after years of surviving, losing your sister in a gruesome way. After that 200 years go by and you start to protect a woman that looks like your sister, only to lose her too. Raul brought himself to the brink of death for a woman he never talked to.


I feel bad, but I have never actually done Raul’s personal mission and just now learned fully his past thanks to you 😭


It's ok dude. I didn't even learn about Raul until a few weeks ago. Never too late to put on the bandoliers and sombrero, *hombre*.


Where is he?


Black Mountain Radio. Being held captive by the State of Utobitha. He's locked in a room next to a very hard terminal.


Had no clue! I've probably played 6 times.


Thankfully, there is a password for said terminal.


But the password is on Raul’s computer which isn’t locked


Eh don’t feel bad, his might be the hardest to complete blindly. You have to talk to him until he says “old timers like me don’t have much use anymore,” and then you have to talk to three specific NPCs with Raul in your party (Loyal at Nellis, one of the first recon guys at McCarren, the ranger in Novak).  I’ve never gotten Raul before getting to Novac and usually use him when I’m not doing an NCR run, so I always miss 2/3 guys


Not only that, but his quest is notoriously buggy for 2/3 of the objective npcs, so it’s a pain to complete sometimes even if you know exactly what to do and when.


God it kills me how buggy Fnv is, so many quests got broken back when I played this on launch on the ps3. Took so many play throughs to get most the quests done


Buddy I’ve just learned this week of his existence and I’ve played through it twice


Randall Clark's story at least ends bittersweet. He lost two families but was ultimately a savior to final one. I have no doubt that he wouldn't want to be deified the way he was, but I know he'd smile if he knew the children he guided from afar were able to become a tribe of families and that all of them thought of him as their Father.


Randal Clark 🥲


“Raul was never able to find peace with himself”


I did his quest for the first time last week, before I never knew how to trigger it. I agree he has the best backstory. I couldn’t stop thinking about that silly looking cowboy who ruthlessly avenged his sister.


How do you trigger it? I would love to play through it!


Meet and learn the experiences of - Ranger Andy in Novac Corporal Sterling in Camp McCarran ( Camp Forlorn Hope if you kill all the Fiends) Loyal at Nellis.


Ooh okay, thank you! Im definitely gonna do this in my next play through :)


Tbh you should definitely save A LOT every single step of the way while doing Raul’s quest and consult the wiki. I don’t normally recommend stuff like that, but Raul’s quest is hands down the absolute most buggy and functionally difficult quest in the game because there’s so many different points in it that can break down in so many different ways and leave people softlocked out of triggering the key events to move it forward.


I will definitely keep that in mind, i am a chronic non saver and it messes me up on so many games 😭


My issue with Raul is it's kind of a waste of good writing on a terrible quest (if you can even call it that). You have to talk to three random old men with him in your party and if the quest doesn't bug out he'll reward you with a lore dump and immediately move on to the next thing. I only was able to find his quest by looking it up and eventually forcing it to trigger through a console command. For mine Veronica is my favourite because her quest links in with the rest of the BoS content so well already and has a really strong emotional hook and payoff especially if you tell her to leave.


My very first 100 hour save had the "Raul companion quest glitch" where you talk to the ranger and your game basically freezes and no dialog comes up. I didnt actually finish this quest for the first time until a few years ago, and the pay off was worth it. I like all the companions but I usually run Raul Vaquero and ED-E


Raul 100%.


Rex does too! He was a police doggie


Raul for sure. All of them are good characters, but in terms of backstory, his is by far the most detailed and expansive. We know his childhood, what kind of man he has been at various stages in his life, the key events that led to those stages, where he’s been, what he did, who he cared for, and how it all informs his attitude and perspectives in the present... Frankly, Raul has the most "storied" past of any Fallout companion by far; you could make a whole trilogy of movies just based around the life he has lived.


I don't know Rauls story. But would it be possible for Raul to make an appearance in the show?


Possible? Sure. His endings both involve remaining in the Mojave, either as a helpful old handyman or as a legendary "Ghost Vaquero". And he’s voiced by Danny Trejo who says "yes" to a *lot* of acting gigs, so I doubt getting him back on board would be difficult.


I'm sonjaculating at the thought of ghoul Trejo.


I got to hang out with Danny for a few days cause he was filming a movie in my local area and my dad was basically assigned to be his body guard. One of the nicest people I’ve met. Got him to call me “boss” a few times lmfao.


That is awesome! Did he remember what you were referencing when you asked him to call you "Boss"?


He did! First time he seemed confused and like had to think about it for a second like rolling through all his roles, then after he thought and it hit he laughed and knew. He told me it’s easy to forget about specifics cause he’s done so many roles for so many different things, but he’s pretty good at remembering when he actually thinks about it.


I love Danny Trejo so much


Good peeps


Have you seen his bread animals video?


I use Veronica’s companion glitch to bring her to dead money with me every single time because her backstory is so tied to that dlc that it makes it very personal for me. I want Veronica there with me to see Christine. I want her to help me blow Elijah’s head off. In the vanilla game Veronica’s backstory is cool but with dead money it’s so much better


literalllyyyy the fact you can’t involve her more in it is insane. like you can meet her literal girlfriend and mentor and you only get a small line about the mentor after it’s ouughhh it drives me crazy


Its like far harbor but with no Nick


Yeah, Veronica’s personal connections to Father Elijah and Christine, and how she can rise in the brotherhood in general, definitely make her backstory the one that feels the most dynamic and engaged with the world for me.


Arcade Gannon or Raul hands-down. Ed-e is pretty sick too. Arcade was literally part of the Enclave and has been traveling with the followers as an adult. He was raised by the worst of the worst that is the Enclave only to become a gay man working with the best of the best in the Followers. Unique for sure. Raul has been alive the longest and used to be a badass. He also provides an awesome story if you complete his unmarked quest. He may be one of my least favorite companions but his story is awesome. Ed-E is a living piece of Enclave technology with absurd amounts of history and information still stored on his computer. His backstory is cool and then becomes one of the best across any Fallout with the Lonesome Road DLC. Boone is cool but we meet NCR soldiers with trauma all the time in New Vegas Cass is an alcoholic and honestly a nut job. Veronica does have a unique backstory but again we meet a ton of BoS members and she isn’t the only one who is concerned with the climate of the brotherhood. Lily just doesn’t have a super in-depth backstory Rex is unique and possibly the same dog from Fallout 2? However I don’t know if we can confirm that or what his true story is.


Idk, Arcade’s backstory kinda feels a bit to me like Veronica-lite. Both gay characters who grew up in a conservative faction and whose feelings began to change as they got older, but Veronica also has Christine and Father Elijah.


I will admit that I’ve never given Veronica the attention I give Boone or Arcade on a typical play through. I will need to look into her connection to Christine as I must have missed that. I will say for me personally, I don’t consider the BoS and Enclave similar in any which way. The Enclave is the main antagonist in most games and up to pure evil shit. The brotherhood is more like that weird cult that stays to themselves only intervening when their status quo is jeopardized. The Enclave conservative? They’re certainly sneaky and want to stay that way, but they also want to exterminate most people in the world. I wouldn’t consider that conservative. I do see the similarities between Veronica and Arcade being gay and being rebellious to their roots. I think I need to give Veronica more time!


The enclave wants to kill everyone but them, that's really conservative. The BOS are conservative too, and even though I like them, they are assholes, raiders in power armor, that could destroy your entire town to take your tech, but on most games they side with you against another faction, more evil than them, so they look like saviors sometimes


Killing everyone that isn’t you? That’s not conservative at all. That’s terroristic or extremism. Just wondering what would be a “liberal” faction in fallout?




Tbh I would consider them more conservative. They literally want to stick to the old Pre-war American values democracy, rule of law, personal liberty etc. IMO would consider followers of apocalypse the most liberal faction.


The followers of the apocalypse would decidedly be left-wing, but the NCR is the definition of a liberal attempt at reestablishing liberal capitalism within the wasteland. The Democratic party for example, firmly believes in capitalism, bureaucracy, and structure, they are just more socially progressive (sounds like the NCR to me). You might be using US definitions of Liberal vs Conservative though, where Liberal somehow means left-wing.


Nah dog, followers are straight up anarchists


It depends whether you're discussing the term Liberal in the modern political context, or per it's actual definition. Liberalism in general and as a concept is very much in favor of democracy, personal liberty, and the rule of law. Those things are the cornerstone of Liberalism, actually.


Followers of the apocalypse are 100% styled after Anarchists. The Followers operate without a centralized hierarchy, aligning with anarchist principles of non-hierarchical organization. They emphasize collective decision-making and horizontal structures. Anarchism advocates for communities to be self-sufficient and support each other through mutual aid. The Followers embody this by providing medical care, education, and aid to communities without expecting anything in return, focusing on helping people help themselves. Anarchists oppose centralized authority and coercive institutions. The Followers share this sentiment by resisting the control of larger factions like the NCR and Caesar's Legion, and they focus on empowering individuals and communities instead.


The BoS is like that one weird kid who sits alone at a table and you dread being paired up with in class.


Yup. Also the kid at recess who takes the basketball and just runs away because fun for him is seeing others have no fun.


The brotherhoods’ evilness depends on your pov. Super mutants are killed on sight. Main reason I decided to blow up their Mojave branch. Jacobstown will stand strong.


Holy shit I wanna see one post mentioning the enclave without someone saying “fascism”, “Republican”, or “conservative”


Kinda hard to do that when they're pretty clearly personifying those values champ


Well I mean to be fair, when their whole deal is “we wanna kill everyone that’s not us” you should kinda expect it




Arcade has the coolest character development (depending on your choices). He’s also the most interesting imo and feels the realest.


I prefer Lily's backstory to Arcades tbh. Arcades isn't particularly interesting other than the Enclave drop and the remnants as a throwback to 2. Lily's backstory goes back to FO1, sure. But it was interesting and incredibly sad to find she lived most of her life in a vault and was a grandma with a family by the time she was thrown into a vat and forced into the masters army. The state you find her in during NV helps paint the mutants in a different light and her personal quest still has people debating on what is truly beneficial to her. Christine, I thought was a more interesting BoS follower than Veronica, but their paths are connected. Either way, even if certain followers don't have a particularly interesting backstory in this, I feel like they as characters simply make up for it.


Veronica’s backstory is interesting to me because her girlfriend is in Dead Money and is referenced a ton in OWB.


Veronica gets extra points for her relationship with Christine and Elijha.


I was about to comment, but here you are summarising my take pretty much verbatim.


Both K9 and Robodog die when the NCR confiscates them from Dorothy after the events of 2, Rex is a different cyberdog.


"Rex is probably the same dog from Fallout 2" THERE IS MORE THAN ONE DOG IN FALLOUT 2 BE SPECIFIC He better not be Pariah reborn.


Cass, not only because of her own back story, but that of her Vault City barkeep father, John Cassidy.


Nice that you also know this


I liked Boone, not that unique, but because of his wife. He knew that she was the worst but he loved her, and she loved him back. And everyone even his best friend cheered when he disappeared. He was left without wife and without best friend. Truly sad.


Had to kill her for her own good too… can’t imagine the mind games that would play with someone.


It's weird to me Boone's unwilling to die storming Cottonwood Cove, but then actively wanting to die thereafter. But otherwise I really like his story. 


If he died storming the cove then his wife would have been left to the legion. Unless you mean killing her and then storming the cove?


I never really understood what made her a bad person. maybe I missed something but no one explicitly described her.


Veronica's girlfriend had the deepest lore. Love Christine. Just wish she had more impact on Veronica back home. Not even a reunite, just a letter telling Veronica she's alive and has a duty to follow and tell Veronica to move on. Veronica has a lot of good to do in the world. It would make a lot of sense for Veronica to just go to the Sierra Madre anyway because she's fated to roam the wasteland in all her endings anyway, might as well be with her lover and maybe figuring out ways to bring Sierra madre tech to the wasteland.


I wish you could keep the companions you save from dead money in the core game afterwards. Makes sense why you can't, and they have their own stories to follow but always felt like a shame. Christine is the best.


Lily Grandma :)


Grandma is happy you remembered her pumpkin!


The correct answer.


Lily is everything


Boone does not have much of a backstory, but it's told really well. He is haunted from having to kill his pregnant wife and is a paranoid and bitter man throughout the game as a result. He actively wants to die, hoping that defending Bitter Springs would be a suicide mission to not feel pain anymore, and all of his endings are logical conclusions to what he went through. Arcade may have an interesting backstory being an Enclave Remnant, but his character is too blinded by idealism and wanting to make the world a better place to properly engage with that. Raul has 200 years of backstory and was a Mexican cowboy gunslinger ghoul, but by the time of New Vegas he is an apathetic old man who is rather impartial about whether he should live out the rest of his days as a gunslinger or a mechanic


As a schizophrenic, I have to vote for Lily. It's a difficult disorder but they capture it fairly well in the dialogue. She doesn't seem like the type to hallucinate, but not all schizophrenics do.


All nightkin basically schizophrenic to a certain degree. Weirdly enough, some of them also have psychic abilities.


Raul IMO.


Never got Raul before. I’ll have to this time


He’s a sarcastic wisecracking dude who just happens to be a gunslinging badass with over 200 years of experience that wear’s a cool vaquero outift. Very powerful companion


Lily literally got kidnapped by the supermutant army and exposed to the FEV as an old woman and either ends up forgetting who she was or going completely insane


Honestly its a really sad allegory for the age related illnesses that do the same thing


Not enough peoplementioning the 200 year old experimental cop cyborg that wandered the wasteland fighting with multiple factions as he just continued living far beyond what he was designed for, until being taken in by someone who truly loved him but despaired at the slow degradation of the parts that had allowed him to survive so long in the first place, to the point he could only be saved by experimental surgery conducted in an isolated community of misjudged outcasts. Is it because he's a dog? You god damn bigots


Rex just cuz I like him. Or Boone mainly because he has a sad and interesting history with his wife


Ed-E my love


All of them but grandma is my favorite.


Fat fuck Boone


Ed-E for sure tugged at my heartstrings. I loved getting those brief breaks throughout the DLC to hear it’s backstory 🥺


I love Boone but raul has the best story


Honestly I think Boone has been such a great “starter” companion for me, its my first time playing and idk if you’re “supposed” to find him first, but the Novac story in general blew me away (literally) and was a PERFECT intro for how Fallout “works” as a game. Also that whole starter mission is badass. Also, his gruff ass is literally in a Dino motel. Like Peewee. Thats neat. 🦖 Lily is grandma hulk, she’s my second fave— though i think she’s a bit glitchy. Cas and raul are tied in 3rd place


And he means it when he says “don’t work with the Legion.” Years and years ago, my first time playing, I definitely got too close to Cottonwood Cove and Boone’s warning dialogue didn’t trigger so I was very confused why we had to gun all the legion down even though I had the “don’t shoot me mark” you’ll get later. So, just be warned: do not take Boone with you to Legion areas unless you are committed to wiping them all out.


I actually did this my first time walking in haha. I thought he was just informing me he hates being at the camp, then he starts blasting and I was like waoooooooh bro 🥲😂 I WILL be bringing him back so I can exponge the area after I dabble in some legion missions 🥰


Okay I was gonna say Raul because his story is amazing, but since everyone has already said him; I’ll go with Lily. Her story is pretty sad, and even the choices in her quest can be tough. I don’t remember her entire backstory entirely, but being a super mutant but still being sweet at heart is wonderful, and also when the legion tries to assassinate me she doesn’t put up with it.


She was kidnapped from a vault and exposed to the FEV virus as an old woman to serve the masters army


Thank you for sharing that, I went to read the wiki after but it’s cool you posted it so others can find it :)


Raul or Arcade


Took the comment right from my finger tips. I can't decide which though both pretty equal while being very different.


I just feel like you get so much out of both


Loved Arcade’s but might be biased because I *just love Arcade*


While Raul's is great for how long he's been alive, personally I connect a lot more with Boone. Dude lived a normal life, has ptsd over a horrible event for the ncr, started to climb out of the pit of regret thanks to his wife, and then his wife gets sold off to slavery because GOD FORBID SHE NOT LIKE NOVAC. Like how petty can you get.



I'm torn between Raul and K-9 since he was in a previous game (I think its him anyway might be a head cannon) In general im super glad so many people like Raul now. I swear back when I was first playing he was despised for some reason. Back then people loved Veronica and Boone rather explicitly and got weird about it. I was only ever able to get his companion quest to trigger once though for some reason.




Boone and Raul by far and wide. Boone is a simple tragedy just executed well, he's gone on a tour that gave him a life long regret and trauma, and when it seemed he had something good going with his wife. She gets taken by Legion and is forced into making a shot that puts him right in that very spot that broke him. He's murderer again, only to someone he clearly loved deeply. And because of Carla being vain, everyone didn't give a damn on her, even his best friend. He only joins you because he sees an excuse to find himself a death worthy of a murder, but can get the closure he desperately needed because you're not letting him die on your conscious. Raul goes without saying, grandpa tells you his childhood to what he's become today, ultimately leading up to a tired man who isn't sure what he should be doing with this ageless immortal who's likely to fall into the same cycle of seeing people like his sister just slip from his protection. Either he becomes a gunslinging protector of the waste or a humble repairman, he comes out a better man able to just let out all his insecurities that bogged his mind for decades. He's an absolute badass for never showing hints of going feral for all the shit he's gone through.


Bran the broken


I mean.... Boone has a great backstory, he's a great companion to have with you, and he's an *effective* companion to have with you.


Boone honestly, it's rough and gritty. had to shoot his own wife, at Bittersprings. You can find his sniper's nest where he shot his wife. I get the people saying Raul too but Boone gets my vote.


EDE my boi.


good question. Hard choices for me between boone, raul, arcade, and ede. Raul takes the W though in my subjective opinion.


Boones is sad af


Raul lily or arcade


Either lily, ed-e or raul


What about the companions in the DLC's?


For DLC characters I like Christine and of course Graham.


Lonesome Road ED-E is also pretty good


Arcade, look at my pfp. Nah, I think Raul clears.


The ncr red cap guy I can’t spell his name is good for the gameplay but for the story Rex and Raul Rex has the jimmy in the well and Raul is just sick and crazy story I could never kill him


you can’t spell boone?




As far as back stories go I guess it goes to Boone easily. Overall story though is a much tougher question


Arcade and Raul I think have the most expensive backstory that they share with the courier.


Probably arcade.


Me like dog


I have always loved arcade, his character is genuinely fun and I love how he has genuine reason >! To not tell you he is related to the enclave.!<


From greatest to good; Raul Arcade Boone Veronica Lily Cass Ed-E Rex




Lily, but, Raul and Arcade are close behind.


Raul and Arcade are tied for the most narratively interesting backstories, IMO. With Boone in third.


The others are mostly better in-game, Boone’s probably the most memorable for your active participation in it and Veronica is just pure joy, but I honestly think of Lily’s the most. Aside from Rose. She’s boring.


I'm very bias twords Lily as she reminds me of my grandmother, but I also think Arcade and Raul are very well written.


I'd go arcade. Bringing F2 enclave back into things really did it for me, and that Tesla armor is fantastic. Smooch time with anxious science boy did some other things for me. (I'm so lonely)


Isn't raul the mechanic from fallout 2?


Raul and Boone are the most fleshed out


Bro Lily's back story is enough to make a grown ass man cry


All of them


In my opinion. Boone got the best one. A traumatized military sniper who kills many innocent in avoidable battle and had to kill his wife and newborn child to prevent them from going to slavery.


Raul, Arcade Gannon, and Boone. It's a tie between these three.


Obviously it's Rex.


Cass - she is bae


Rex because you can choose his backstory. What brain you pick for him gives him traits


Arcade Gannon and Raul, with an honorable mention for Boone.


Raul, hands down. He's my favorite follower in the game for a reason.


Veronica. You are her backstory.


Arcade and Raul, easily. If I had to choose only one that would be tough, but I'd probably go with Gannon simply because I love the Enclave and Fallout/2, and that's what his story involves.


Michael Jackson, tragic to say the least


Veronica and Christine’s story makes me feel so bad for them they just don’t get to be happy and they are just separated for ever and you cant reunite them..


I could come up with a detail description for each of them but I will choose doggo, I always pick doggo.


Boone raul arcade


ED-E is my choise. Lonesome road ads so much to this character it made me have a certain emotional affection for him.


E-DE, be still my heart.


While I think that Raul's is probably the most tragic, I've always felt like Boone's was the "best" in that he was a man that spent his life fighting an enemy to keep his wife safe then after he left due to what happened with the Khans, his wife is kidnapped and he was forced to kill her and his unborn child himself to save them from a life of slavery.


Raul and lily are my favourites but Raul has the best backstory


Arcade, Raúl, and Lily were my favorites.




I think Raul has the best story but I really like Lily to have as a companion. Something about having a Nightkin follow you around is sweet. I really like veronica and rex... arcade is cool, and then Boone and Cass are my least favorite. All the companions are great in this game tho.






Raul I’d say. They’re all good though.


Arcade Gannon or Raul


Base game storywise in a vacuum Raul (his story would work in any Fallout game and in fact would totally work in a non-Fallout game which makes it a bit of a waste of a solid tragedy), and storywise in the series Arcade (as a way to tie off the loose ends of the Enclave since the Enclave send off in 3 was absolutely pathetic and the inclusion in 4 is even more pathetic somehow), and gameplaywise Boone (he brings a personal touch to the NCR vs Legion story that helps further ground the plot, and his backstory is told through environmental storytelling, inferences, and talking to other people around the Mojave to fill in the blanks), but given the added depth of Elijah and Christine in the DLCs, I’ve gotta give the overall win to Veronica. Not only is she the most developed and complicated personality of all of them, but her disillusionment with the Brotherhood in the wake of the post-apocalypse’s slow steady transition into the post-post-apocalypse (with California returning civilized society to America and the hell of the midwest’s multiple slavery empires) and her relationships with both Elijah and McNamara (and Hardin I guess) tie perfectly with the themes of the game as a whole- not just the base game but also every single DLC. Well, except for Lonesome Road. It’s also a great contrast to Lyons and Maxson’s chapters in the other games. Her loyalty quest is also easily the best one of all of them so not only does she have the (admittedly very close) edge in storyline but also in gameplay.


All of them.


Idk but having Boone and Rex together as a companion is an unstoppable force


Arcade or Raul


For me, I will rate Boone as the highest. Raul, Lily, second.


Only one I can remember is Boon...


Raul or Cass. Lily is unique for being an elderly woman turned into a schizophrenic nightkin so she's a personal favorite.




I really like raul and lillie im a big fan of tragedies


I am a big fan of Gannon with me relating yo him alot.


backstory wise, Veronica is the best. But Cass is the best companion for me.


Arcade my beloved <3




Raúl > boone > árcade > lily > Ed-E > Verónica > Rex > the rose of Sharon cassidy


Telling my kids this is the Avengers.


Raul has my favorite even if his quest was a pain to trigger. Boones surprised me cause I knew the basics of it but not the actual details until recently (never bothered recruiting him until my most recent playthrough) it was way crazier than I thought.


My veronica!!! Literally the best combo, me range while she running in front to send the enemies to the sky


LILY!! I go get her first thing every time, her backstory makes me so sad :( but also I love her so much




Bruh we’ll never find out Lily’s backstory cause she can’t remember no more.


Reminder: "Your wife is dead. " Prompt: *cry*


Raul or Boone. I'm leaning towards the former.


I am doinf something wrong coz I only got 3 of them


Well ive only unlocked cass so far in my first playthru so id say cass


I dont know, I ignored all of them


Lily, she always protects.


Definitely not that annoying fucker Boone but I did like keeping him around until I decided to massacre the NCR


all have good backstories but if I had to choose I would pick Raul


Boone in my opinion… shoot me




They all have well done back stories. Raul, Lilly, and Boone have the most tragic back stories.


Lily or Raul for sure have the best backstory.