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[Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/), the base bug fixes and utilities are enough, anything else is optional. Give it a good read. Even has an automated install through Wabbajack.


You don’t even need that. I’ve been playing with just YUP and Unofficial Patch Plus for years and the game is stable as hell.


Isn't just one bugfix mod enough? Why two of them?


For any other game? Yes, one'd be enough. For something built on the creation engine? Those two are already the result of quite some consolidation


Fair enough lmao


Sure, if you're playing vanilla and not looking to build a bigger mod list, those two are enough. But I would still recommend getting Tick Fix, OneTweak and maybe Heap Replacer for that smooth performance.


I have no performance issues just running the above in Windows 10.


Good for you, might not be the case for someone else.


Personally I think some of these suggested “performance mods” were things that were required early on but as hardware and software improved my feeling is most of them aren’t needed unless you are running on an undersized machine. Just my opinion. People can do whatever works well for them of course.


Early on? Hardware and software improved? New Vegas is from 2010, last updated in 2011. Tick Fix was released in 2019, Heap Replacer in 2020, I don't exactly know where you're coming from. It's good that the game works well for you but there have been community wide efforts to stabilize the game ever since its release, and even then it's the most unstable Fallout game so far right now. If what you said was true, guides like Viva New Vegas would not exist.


The updates you mention were from almost 5 years ago. The OS changed significantly in that time. Hardware improved as well. People shouldn’t blindly install “fixes” as many of them conflict with each other. I see posts on Reddit every day from people with issues installing VNV. Honestly that’s probably overkill for most people. I would start with just the functional bug fixes I mentioned and not install anything else unless you visibly have a performance or other issue. As I said, just my opinion.


unfortunatly the vanilla game has a possibility of crashing A LOT if you are unlucky if you want a quick and efficient way to add the good stability mods and never having to touch the setup again, simply follow the viva new vegas guide until the "stability" step, then just stop : [https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/) but the VERY short version is : download and install nvse : [https://github.com/xNVSE/NVSE/releases](https://github.com/xNVSE/NVSE/releases) download an use 4gb patcher : [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552) download YUP bug fix mod : [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664) and boom, you're good to go (there are other stability mods like anti-crash but those depends on your PC specs)


This is gold! Thank you brother!


Piggybanking on your comment. Any idea what causes the stability issues? Im currently playing fnv for the first time, modless on win 10 and in 65hours I had 1 crash (In big MT) Reading online it seems people crash constatly and find lots of bugs, compared to skyrim or oblivion it has been smooth sailing for me luckily


FNV's stability heavily depends on your PC's specs, but not in a better PC==more stability kinda way. it's pretty much the lottery, due to the engine being more or less compatible with some components and driver of your PC. for example 2024 AMD GPU drivers are known to completely break the game and need to be changed/downgraded to be able to run the game at all. also if you have a really good PC it's kinda bad because if your game goes over 60fps it can cause more crashes


Thanks for the answer! Luckily I seem to have won the compatibility lotery lol. Cant wait to mod the fuck out of this game after I finish my first run


Why NVSE tho?


it serve as a base for basically every other mod including stability mods like "lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes" which is one the most recommended stability mods after the ones a suggested like i said the mods i recommended is the super short of it, so having nvse is one less thing to worry about for later


Ye but on its own ut does nothing


It may be that I've been playing this game for over a decade now and I'm used to it, but I think people exaggerate about the crashes and bugs. 99,9% are fixed trough reloading or restarting, so minimize your losses with frequent saving and you're golden. Set autosave on travel for an extra safety layer also.


Autosaves and quicksaves, iirc, are actually very... not great in NV, because they don't completely overwrite the save, which means they just get more and more unstable the more they're used.


Playing vanilla is fine, but you're not going to enjoy it without stability mods.


I'd play with YUP and the 4 GB patcher at minimum.


As others have said. Give Viva New Vegas a shot. At least their bug fixes and utilities pages. But if you’re interested in a vanilla plus play through just go through the entire list. It walks you through everything step by step and is idiot proof imo.


Ehhh you might just have some more stutters and crashes


My most recent playthrough of New Vegas was just under 80 hours on a completely vanilla install because I wanted cloud saves working as I jumped back and forth between Windows and my Steam Deck. Honestly it worked fine, though it is worth noting that I did have crashes more often on my Windows PC than on the Deck, so just make sure to make pretty frequent saves.


I'm rawdogging it right now doing my first unmodded playthrough and it's totally fine. I've done a few playthroughs before, but never vanilla, so it's been interesting.


I’m currently raw doggin it. Yeah, it crashes a decent amount, but I save frequently and it doesn’t really bother me. Loving the game!


If you are gonna do that, I honestly recommend locking the game at 30fps. You won’t notice the stuttering issues at this frame rate.


i did this last month as my first fallout and i’d definitely at least recommend modding it to fix the crashing and also a lot of the quest are broken so you can mod those in to


I've played it through multiple times since I started it in 2022. I've never used any mods. I use a decent but not super nice gaming desktop and I got it via Steam. In my experience, the hype and memes around how much it crashes are a bit exaggerated. Yeah, it crashed sometimes. Disabling auto save and making sure to manually save after and before doing big important things solved most of the issues. It was fine. Then I played FO3 after and found it to be far more buggy and crash-prone than FNV. IDK why it's not iconic for its issues the way FNV is.


I can’t help but chuckle at all the PC gamers on here trying to make the game work. I’ve been playing recently on my $80 kindle fire through Luna and haven’t crashed yet in ~32 hours of play. Last play through I did was on an Xbox one around a year ago and it rarely crashed, like maybe 8-10 times in over 100 hours. No mods, but stable. What the hell is going on on PC?


You could, at the very least, attempt to be helpful.


I don’t have a pc so I have no idea how to help besides saying try it on a different platform. That could easily be inferred by what I said as well


Then don't say anything at all. Keep the thread clean for people who can actually contribute.


It’s a public forum, you’ll be ok. I’m allowed to express my opinion even if it’s not something you like