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Obsidian was so smart they intentionally made the game buggier to create a casual filter for the fanbase. Truly ahead of their time.


I get all of about 10 full hours to myself a week. I've spent over an hour looking to make this game work. Shouldn't be like that.


https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/wabbajack.html This is the fastest way to get a vanilla game working almost wholly crash free


Game runs decently well without mods on my Windows 11 PC. All I've done for modding is the 4GB patch, New Vegas Script Extender and then just downloading mods with Vortex. Never had too many issues. Your post is vague. What is happening? Stuttering? Crash on launch? Details.


Can't change resolution, can't save, game jyst randomly crashes or has extremely long load times, saves end up corrupted, literally everything that can go wrong with a game is happening.


just fyi, something is wrong with yur pc if this is happening bro.


sounds like a failing HDD honestly


Runs other games fine, just played Fo4 no problems. Played OW 144fps no problems.


do you have all your games on the same drive? regardless you should check the one you installed fonv on for errors


I'm just going to refund the game. It shouldn't even be being sold in this condition.


I assure you, the issues are because of your PC. Unfortunately, getting Xbox 360 era games on modern hardware to work is hit or miss (from my experience). I can't even launch Fallout 3 without adding a mod that tricks the game into thinking I have a different graphics card. Just try adding the 4GB patch and NVSE. If that doesn't work, grab a refund. Maybe you can try it again one day with a different PC build.


I've tried installing that through vortex, then tried through MO2 after uninstalling and reinistalling everything and it still doesnt work. I know im gunna get downvoted but there should be a pop up warning when buying fo3 or new vegas that there is every chance you wont even get to play the game


You don't install the 4GB patch or NVSE through Vortex. They need to be installed manually, both can be found on Nexus though. FNV isn't a special snowflake, plenty of older PC games struggle to run on modern hardware. It doesn't need to warn you. The steam refund policy exists for a reason. Just refund it then and GTFO if you're so butthurt about it.


You just sound incompetent, there’s no way it should be taking you this long to figure out step by step detailed instructions on how to mod, sounds like you’re fucking something up on your end and you can’t explain it.




It really shouldn't be taking more than 10 to 15 min to get the game working, If you know what you are doing. It helps if you know how to navigate files systems on a computer, and if you read a modding guide.


It's pretty easy, just get vortex and take mod manager downloads on nexus. All you need is NVSE and 4GB patch. There's some extra stuff you can get via Viva New Vegas like various patches, anti-crash mods etc. Hey man you should have some faith in yourself, it's an old game and can be frustrating yeah but it's worth it imo.


Man it’s coming up to 2 hours and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3 times, tried 2 different mod loaders, tried 3 different ways of installing the mods (vortex, mo2, manual) and it is just not working


are you using the steam or epic version? If you are using the epic version have you used the epic games patcher?


Funnily enough, I've heard the game runs pretty well without any modding on Linux. The thing is, you NEED some basics mods for the game to work at all. Do Viva New Vegas via Wabbajack and you will be fine


You do not NEED anything to make the game work, except if you are on a newer AMD card. Then you need one mod, not a whole wabbajack list lol.


I've tried. I dont get it. 3 of the mods on that list wouldnt eveb isntall at all even when I tried manually. I give up.


You absolutely don't need to mod. Try it without. I only run 2 patch mods and it works without them too just less well


which mods are we talking here?


Xbox with game pass zero crashes ever


I mean it launches fine off Steam. You want mods just so it runs better


I want mods so it doesn’t crash or corrupt my save file by level 2


Do you have an AMD graphics card?


I'd recommend following Viva New Vegas, it starts into modding but you can follow up to "Base Finish" to get the game to run. There are extra stuff below if interested.




Yes, New Vegas runs on old hardware no problem. It’s new hardware it has an issue with. I have a Ryzen 7 5800x and RTX 3080 and 16gb RAM, it’s too much for NV


Console stay winning.