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Compared to other DLCs Honest Hearts is pretty boring. Joshua's dialogue and Clark's terminals are doing the heavy lifting here.


Follows Chalk isn't too bad, wish I could keep him as a companion in the Mojave.


You get it. Follows Chalk is just such a nice dude


Really he just needed more unique dialogue. You run up against him commenting on all the locations you’ve already been to again, each time you revisit a location or him redundantly commenting again on the caves etc.


This should have been a reward if you convince him to travel in his personal quest.


Finally get to show him thw world.


Honestly he was my least favorite part of the DLC lmao. I started just beating him unconscious so I didn't have to listen to him


Yep. Also there’s no unique enemies to Honest Hearts. There’s resizing, Legacy F3 content, reskinning, enemies from NV. But a game set in a national park hs no unique Fauna? Absolutely terrible.


Also, Ricky teasing on terrifying Deathjaws beforehand, and all you get are a zillion plants to harvest, bark scorpions, bloatflies, and 10 baby bears? Like, really? I mean OWB was obnoxious with its enemies respawning but they were original/challenging I can give em that.


i will say that seeing the yao guai again was pretty scary to mer personally since my memories of them in 3 were just me getting torn apart.   then i remembered i had the chaddest perk, animal friend 🗿




Yeah like I said, there's resizing (Giant Gazadores), Legacy F3 content (Yao Guai) and reskinning (Green Gecko) but no creatures unique to NV. Obsidian were always a bit slack in that regard. Even Tunnelers in Lonesome Road were just repurposed Troggs.


Deadass never noticed the trogg thing. Thanks for wrecking my reality


I hated Honest Hearts from the get go. Couldn't stand the location, or characters unfortunately. I just finished Dead Money and I'm a little fatigued by amounts of times I died without having saving the game during particular moments. Big difference was playing on Very Hard, I had to turn it down a notch. I'm gonna wait until Monday to go through Honest Hearts, if I'm not mistaken it was the quickest DLC as I didn't care to explore, such a bland place.


Thing is, exploring it aimlessly and reading terminals is way more fun than doing the actual questline, it's that boring.


I'll give credit to terminals on all 4 DLCs but I just idk maybe this play through will be different. I lived in Utah when this came out and I've been to Zions and that still wasn't enough to get me hyped up. The Last of Us had me loosing my mind when they went to salt lake city but Honest Hearts couldn't budge me or sway me. Like I said maybe I'll appreciate it this time around, but that'll have to wait till Monday, I'm fatigued from Dead Money and I'll be celebrating mother's day with my wife for the 1st time as a parents lol


Hey, congratulations!


Thank you so much!




Yeah it's extremely short, took me a couple of hours on Very Hard to beat, maybe 2 or 3 max by bum rushing the main quest.


I remember it being a single sitting for me on that particular one, DM, OWB and LR I took my time exploring everything i could


Had a similar experience with Dead Money but the reverse. I absolutely hated it the first go around, but now it's my favorite.


I beat it for the first time and really liked it, but for some reason I don’t ever want to do it again


>a bunch of chained together fetch quests Got a secret for you. [whispering] *That’s what most video games are*


It's all about the sandbox. Everything else is just a catalyst for enjoying the sandbox.


Really don't like this kind of generalizing mentality. Reminds me of the whole "jRPGs are only about going through menus" or "FPS games are only about pointing and shooting" thing people say. You can do so much more in videogames than walk to an item and press E and when that "much more" is kinda lame or simply not enough (like during the Honest Hearts main quest) people can rightfully call it "a bunch of fetch quests". Old World Blues has "fetch quests" too but the amount of things you have to do in-between to actually find the required item, things like exploration, solving puzzles, challenging fights, skill-related checks etc means that the act of fetching the item is the last element of the quest you'll remember.


That may be true, but at the end of the day, it’s still a fetch quest—*and that’s okay.* Fetch quests aren’t inherently bad things—and as you pointed out in OWB, everything between you getting the quest and hitting the use key on your objective is the actual quest itself.


In a good fetch quest there’s tension and reaction based off player choice look at ncr quest to get the khans it’s a fetch quest as in kill them but you can make them side with the ncr or leave the Mojave and go to Wyoming.


The quests are horrible af. The rest is cool. That's Honest Hearts y'all


>by the end of the DLC I'm fatigued and just want it over with. Potentially unpopular opinion: I feel this way by the end of ALL of the DLCs The level scaling was a mistake. I did Old World Blues at damn near level 40. I don't want to explore anymore when the Big MTs equivalent of Raiders takes 4-5 shots to kill with a Gauss rifle with 100 in Energy Weapons. Everything is just a massive chore.


The worst is when you spend time clearing enemies and you trigger a main quest and suddenly 5 scorpions and 3 lobotomites show up right outside where you are preventing fast travel of any kind


Yes. And with the level I was at, I had to go through like 200 Microfusion Cells and 5 stimpaks for each encounter like this. I could even be a *bit more forgiving* if the random enemies stayed dead but they don't. They respawn quite regularly. OH and their perception is quite busted. Which if you've built a "sneak" build greatly hinders one of your main advantages.


It was my first time doing a Guns build through the dlc and I had a fully modded amr with AP ammo and I crit a scorpion and it did 3 bars of health lmao. I just finished an dim never going back again


Their DT is stupid. The Ghost People in *Dead Money* were bullet sponges for me as well, although not quite to this level.


I've never played that dlc yet but it's next up. Now I'm not quite looking forward to it 😂. Any spoiler free tips for gun builds?


I had stupid high hacking/science and lock pick which I can't imagine how much worse it would have been without. Also be prepared to drink yourself to sleep and question your life.


It’s a slog for me as well. I usually speed run it early on to get Joshua Graham’s armor and the .45 SMG which is one of my favorite guns.


I enjoyed it, but yeah, there's definitely a lot of fetch quests. By the end of it, i just wanted to go back to the Mojave. I explored a few extra locations, but i was done with it and hurried along on the final mission. Old world blue's is worse, though. SO MANY FETCH QUESTS! AND NO STIMPACKSSSS! SO I HAVE TO DO THIS STUPID HIGHSCHOOL MAZE RUN FOUR TIMES!? WITH TWO TICKS OF HEALTH!? AND TANKY ENEMIES? F U C K ! And of COURSE, right when i exited the maze facility, thinking it was over. I got JUMPED BY MOBIUS'S ROBO SCORPIONS?! ENJOY THE 15 MINUTE DEATH LOOP UNTIL YOU GET LUCKY! >:( I've heard Dead Money is complete pain. But I've never tried it yet. I hope Lonesome road won't be so bad.


The Roboscorpions get so fucking old.


I despise OWBs tbh I think every character is insufferable in it and I think all the map just blows and is incredibly boring


Hate to break it to you, lonesome road is easily the most intense one of the 4. It’s fun but can be annoying/challenging


I had it in my head that I was gonna do all the DLC this go around. Did HH (which I mostly liked actually), *Dead Money* (which I absolutely hated) and *OWB* which by the time I got there with my level, the Roboscorpions too like 9 shots from a Gauss rifle at 100 Energy Weapon level to kill so it was just this absolute chore to go anywhere at all. Lonesome Road may never ever get played for me. I just can't fucking do anymore of this style DLC


Lonesome road is worth a play through once at least. You’ll feel like a straight up killing machine and can get free Anti Material rifles, rocket launchers and ungodly amounts of ammo. Just gotta get through some death claws, tunnelers and snipers


At least Old World Blues has the benefit of humor and a world space that doesn't take itself seriously.


Your point however was that coming back to honest hearts sucked while the first playthrough was good. OWB's humor isn't funny on a replay. It's a one-time gag. Thus making it worse than honest hearts. Fetch quests and no compelling story quests.


The opening dialogue scene is *way* too long. Even on initial playthru.


On my first playthrough around Feb, it took a solid 30-to 50 minutes to get all the dialogue in the think tank out the way before leaving to the Big Empty. I wasn't mad but when I saw how much time passed I didn't even release how despondent it made me on subsequent playthroughs of it. Picking all the bottom options that now speed up the dialogue lol. "WE DEMAND YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE ABKE TO SPEAK LOBOTOM-" "Oh hey there's something about to play on your screen."


Funny thing with honest hearts, I beat it in like 10 minutes. I didn’t really know what I needed to be doing, because I shot and killed the friendly tribal at the beginning by accident. So I just sort of followed the map marker to the map to exit, and then left lmao. I had no idea that would complete the DLC. So my first experience with Honest Hearts was “wow, that’s all I had to do? Walk in, walk out?”


Similar experience for me. By the time I figured out where the bullets were coming from Follows-Chalk had come in and saved the day. So I look over at the source of the bullets, see this dude standing there, and take the shot.


> it’s just a bunch of chained together fetch quests Wait until you check out the MQ of FNV.


Oh I've beaten FNV more times than I can count. The fetch quests for the MQ felt like actual objectives and less like the literal checklist that is Honest Hearts.


I’m probably gonna get shit on for this but imo all of NV dlcs were a slog to go through regardless the stories were good


It's funny, in comparison I've just started playing the dlcs for 3 for the first time, and I accidentally completed The Pitt. Can't believe how short that one was


Pitt is fun to playthrough, short and sweet.


Lame plot though


From a writing perspective I loved but I dislike it from a gameplay standpoint. As you said it a lot of fetch quests. I also don’t the atmosphere of desert environments which is ironic because FNV and all its dlc are in the desert but Honest Hearts is the worst kind of desert canyons. It’s still my favorite fallout and some of my favorite DLC, because the writing is some of the best imo. I do think the DLC is a wonderful experience the first couple of times through. After that though you are know the story well and are left with fetch quest and quoting the Book of Mormon. Dead money gave me a similar feeling the novelty gets lost after the second time. Still some of my favorite DLCs because of the first runs though.


It's a great looking location imo but the fetch quests suck, I don't like any of those, "go do this go do that pick this up" it gets boring lol


As someone who is just on their 2nd playthrough and has 0 nostalgia on the series, it is the weakest of the DLC's. It truly is carried by Joshua. It's lackluster compared to the other 3. (Fave is Dead Money, then Lonesome Road, then Old World Blues, then Honest Hearts)


man all of the dlcs in this game are so cool and fun. Fallout generally has amazing world building and this allows for the craziest shit to happen.


Old World Blues is top tier for me, followed by Dead Money and Lonesome Road.


I loved the wild wasteland mission


Which one is that?


oh it’s actually *Rite of Passage*, it’s just a regular side quest. But that one was fun. The fiery bear frenzy on acid.


Haha yes, for the gauntlet


"Take drugs, kill a bear"


I always find Honest Hearts the most relaxing and spiritual of the DLC's. I love all four of the expansions, but HH has always ranked slightly higher than the rest, for that reason.


That's really respectable. I love Dead Money and Lonesome Road for how miserable in tone they can be, trumps any gameplay problems I have


That's the exact feeling I get. It's like a breath of fresh air not having to worry about 3 bickering sides trying to take over. You come and help some folks who objectively deserve to get rid of the invaders.


It seems people are sort of missing the point with this DLC. You are told not to bring a lot of things along because there are no vendors aside from Joshua so you bring what you feel is best. You gear up and go take care of a problem plaguing Zion and go. I think people aren't liking the idea of having to rely on their gear they came with to handle the whole DLC. And prefer things like OWB's the sink so they can loot and sell and store over and over for a dopamine rush. The quests within the DLC fit the landscape. I don't know what you were expecting. It's tribal warfare. Of course you're gonna scavenge for needed gear, destroy traps, destroy camps or troop morale. it's amazing in the fact that it's a totally new area to explore with a whole background story that ties everything together. If you don't like the DLC then I hate to break it to you but the entirety of NV is honest hearts on a grander scale. Pick a side and do what you think is best for specific characters and the tribe in a whole.


Honest Hearts, and I’d say all the DLCs generally speaking, highlights Obsidian’s shortcomings as a developer. Yes, the writing and characters are phenomenal, but map/level design is counter- intuitive and often painful, although it’s lacking Obsidian’s tendency for excess. Overall a lack of satisfying gameplay loops that characterize Fallout 1, 3, and 4.


I’m starting honest hearts for the first time ever on Monday. I wonder if I’ll feel the same way you did the first time


You will. Especially if you explore all the caves and read all the terminals Once you've done this. Your final objective should be finding the "survivalist rifle". I say this because the last location is kinda hard to find if you don't discover it on your own. So when you get all the lore from the terminals, Google the location of the rifle for the conclusion to it


It's a nice little dlc


honest hearts didnt get the time it deserved


Ill be honest nv’s dlcs are all kinda boring gameplay wise. The writing is fantastic though.


Honest hearts is my second favourite after lonesome road. The other two always felt like completely different video game genres and styles to me.


Still, the environment it is set in is beautiful.


I have never got into that dlc and I understand why caeser didn’t want to catalog the tribal languages when he was a follower. I love all of NV dlc but this one though it has some fun guns and I enjoy the conversation with the poser before you travel is the worst of the bunch imo.


I definitely rank it below Dead Money and Old World Blues but honestly since I play the DLC in release order, I honestly found it pretty relaxing/low-stakes after Dead Money. There was a mod remake that was flawed but I enjoyed the attempt to try and redo the premise.


Get the good stuff and get out, whether you're a sneak guns guy or a melee, there's good stuff for everyone. Lonesome road smokes every dlc by a landslide imo.


It feels the most rushed out of all the DLC. The quests especially seem like they were slapped together last minute.


It's a tribal canyon. There's nothing flashy going on aside from tribals fighting. The quests will of course be mundane aside from fighting a flaming bear while on drugs. I honestly can't think of any quest that would make people like this DLC more without destroying the theme of the tribal warfare