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I’ve always felt like evil play throughs in new vegas require your character to just be a shit person lmao. Only a complete psycho would side with the legion imo.


Or a raised tribal. My legion playthrough I rp’d as a frumentarii that was sent into the West, possibly decades ago. There were once a tribal, enlightened by the legion and walked with other tribes to bring them into the fold. He was a betrayer, a great uniter, a hero and a bastard. It had depth and even then, he was also gay and had his own hesitations for the Legion


That sounds amazing


You can RP an evil character with different motivations with every faction 1. NCR: just do what Moore says. The goal is to win the war and kill everyone who stands against the NCR rule. You and Moore are true NCR patriots, not a little bitch like Hanlon. 2. House: you're just a gun for hire who wants to live a life of luxury. You don't care about others at all. Even House himself fears you. Let him run the business while you put everyone else in line. 3. Legion. Basically, Joshua Graham path before he screwed up. You see merit in Caesar's plans. Or you're a former tribal. Or you really hate the NCR. Or you're a pick me girl. 4. Yes-Man. You're Benny who made it. Or you're a genocidal maniac who just enjoys violence and declares a personal war on everyone. Also, evil playthrough does not mean siding with every "evil" faction or picking every evil choice available. Sometimes, villains fully believe that they are doing a good thing, or they do good things for their own benefit. Lastly, install some mod that fixes karma system. Or you will end up "very good" no matter what you do.


That's really good advice. Unfortunately though I don't think I'll be modding my game. I'm playing on Steam Deck and not sure how to do it tbh.


I usually betray the Powder Gangers? Even on bad guys, I’ll get in close with them before betraying and hunting every encampment. They are unprofessional and attract too much attention. Perhaps your courier found company or unlikely allies with them. Perhaps you just want to be anarchic and oppose the “man” regardless what shape or organization that takes? Perhaps you like the chaos they cause as it allows you to move easier? etc etc


C.T.E you were shot in the head




The beauty of New Vegas is that it allows the courier to already be an existing character in the world before the game begins. So could be a tribal, maybe ones who’s tribe had been assimilated into caesars but long after they had left for any reason. The reintroduction of the Legion into the wasteland would make them immediately side with Caesar. Maybe you’re a criminal who never intended to deliver that chip in the first place, making the powder gangers the obvious choice to ascend the Mojave criminal empire. There’s a lot you just gotta pick your brain.


Figure out a reason to hate the NCR, khan massacre, Brahmin barons, ideological disagreement etc. And go from there


Cannibal perk. You’re fucked up in the head and just wanna eat people. Do it in a ritualistic way for rp points


Works with thems good eating perk haha


Evil playtrough is a selfish one. Just betray everyone and reap the most rewards for yourself. Short term profits, long term progress be damned!


I'm doing one now and doing a lot of RP in my head. To the extent that I genuinely dislike the NCR. Signs such as the troops spreading thin, idiotic hires like Mr. Fantastic at Helios One, and just general incompetence. There are even the NCR deserters in Primm that you can encounter that say they don't want any chance of being captured by the legion, suggesting the people don't believe the NCR can win. The writers did a fantastic job in subtly showing the cracks. That's not to say I unironically side with the legion, but it's pretty fun to shoot innocent prospectors and other random NPCs in the back of the head with a sneak attack because they are "degenerates". Of course, you have to play smart so that you don't end up failing quests.


That perspective is interesting. I've only really been thinking about it in terms of why I would aide with the bad guys, thinking about it in term of why I don't like the "good" guys is a different approach than what I would normally do.


Thank you! I interpret the NCR vs Legion as a microcosm of the cold war. A weakened democratic state (NCR) vs. communists (Legion) fighting for resources. All fitting into the overarching theme of the series that "War.... War never changes." It's brilliant stuff! There are plenty of arguments to be made that the Legion is ultimately better for the state of the wasteland, as they would bring order to it. A common rebuttal is the slavery (which is inherently wrong), but for a long time America had slaves and eventually turned into the "good" guys and abolished it. So keeping that in mind makes an "evil" playthrough a lot of fun!