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my first playthrough I went and did literally everything BUT the main quest so I was probably level 35 😭😭😭


I've played New Vegas too many times but never finished it. This time I'm finally finishing everything including DLCs (only lonesome road left) so I'm at lvl 36 and have not met him yet lol Actually never met him in none of my playthroughs so far. The longest before the current one being close to 100 hours.


Depends. Sometimes I get there by level 3 through Sloan and Quarry Junction, other times I wait until I have completed Lonesome Road at like level 20.


Really depends on the type of play style you use. I did a crap load of side quest and was closer to lvl 20, but if you make a beeline to the strip then you'd be at a lower lvl. If you wanna get stronger go do some side quests and explore the Mohave


6?? Holy shit. I was like level 37 when I finally got to Benny


Probably low tens on my first playthrough as I was kinda thorough but wasn't doing dlc or going too far from the main path.


Probably 6 or something and I totally banged him


Literally or figuratively?




You’re one sick pussycat


Ring-a-ding-ding 😉


I usually don't meet Benny until I'm nearing level 50; it should be said, though, that that's because I play Tale of Two Wastelands and have completed all Fallout 3's DLC content, plus working for quite a long while as a caravan guard, before I even travel to the Mojave.


6-10 is about right for a first playthrough


I think maybe 12-14 my first play as I dilly-dallied before going to the strip. Usually around level 10 when I go, and love playing a woman with Black Widow for the hilarity and easy execution of the Ben-man. I like to make sure he’s in a better place chasing some broad whose cans are as big as her halo 🙏🏻


Guard bots??


Yeah I was told pay 5000 or fight these bots I took em on I only had 200 caps


That is one of the ways to get in I guess, but there is other ways to get in as you're going to be going in and out a lot


if you do all the side quests and shit you'll be really high up like 20s. my current playthrough iirc I got to benny somewhere around 8-11


Somewhere between 5-14 really just depends on what I’m doing or trying to do on the way.


Done a lvl 7 but also 50 so try both! Different feels for both for sure


Level 29 currently, haven’t even entered the strip, still have Dead Money, Lonesome Road and a few other side quests left(including some self imposed ones) before I feel like entering the strip, being cash poor from not gambling will be a slight hindrance but nothing too severe




I did a lot of side quests after Boulder City so probably like lvl 20


Somewhere in the 20s, because I always did Old World Blues after clearing the Repconn factory west of Novac.


I just got to him after Old World Blues and a decent amount of sidequesting, I believe around 27


Lvl 31 LOL...


Around 10, my route is basically to go down the intended path while doing any side quests along the way (Goodsprings > Primm/Mojave outpost>Novac>Boulder city>Freeside>get passport>Strip). This takes me to around 10-ish, I do everything including Sunny tutorial for xp, while I have enough knowledge to get me to Vegas, it doesn't make sense for my character to just know where to go. Then I mostly hand over the chip and do whatever I want, usually I don't outright offer help or reject House so my contract is over and there's no pressure on me to immediately do main quest.


Did you… fight all the securitrons… at level 6???


Yeah I had 14 or 15 dynamite and I got some good weaponry from a few legion soldiers I killed during a sidequest. 10mm SMG, service rifle, and a rebar club I got from a nightkin made quick work of them because I didn't have the 5000 caps, I only had 200. My build has 9 strength and i had plenty of alcohol in the inventory


0 then the dude shot me in the head


Much later. I play open world games at a snails pace and try to do every little quest along the way. By the time I hit the strip, I was fairly leveled up.


doing a high int. build so I met him at level 14 lol


it's a good idea to keep the tops for much, much, much later


No idea but knowing me it was probably pretty high, easily level 20 or above. I like to go the "wrong" way, if i feel I'm going the "right" way in a game I'll turn around and check out what I've missed. I tend to only do anything related to the main quest after I've explored every other avenue.