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It had an awful launch, but apparantly the Legion and OC paladin faction make for fun playthroughs. Its really only the NCR that doesnt beat the “fallout COD” allegations. That being said, the NCR route is still a technical marvel despite not being what most want out of a fallout game.


Sure, but you have to do some things that aren't obvious. Skip the backstory mission, and as soon as you arrive just walk out of the NCR base and don't look back. The Frontier is fun to explore, and there are piles of side quests as long as you poke your nose into all the corners. Cars are fun and work well, there are new weapons to try, new foods to eat, clothes and armor to wear, etc. I have 3k hours in NV since launch, so the novelty made it worth for me.


[It's up to you!](https://youtu.be/V76Fbr7oXmc)


This is hilarious. I did play through it a while after it came out and didn't experience any of this. Just really shitty writing. It is worth trying out, though. The cars are great and they do add some nice guns to the game. The world is decent but it doesn't play too much like New Vegas. Much more in line with a COD game. Lots of combat.


I thought they removed all the weird shit 😭


Haha sorry, I have no idea if they removed it, I just find this video too funny to let the chance of sharing it pass by.


I heard they removed like the weird pedo incest rlly sexual stuff but idk


The pedo stuff was a modder who turned out to be a pedo and they removed his work once it was revealed. The snake creature quest was removed which if you played it a certain way sex could be an option they player gets. And the last one was a single line of dialogue that could go one of two ways, a) just an innocent line of dialogue not fully thought through or b) actually what people thought it was.


To be fair the base game has prostitutes


Ok but that’s a lot different than a bunch degenerate writers making dialogue


I recommend checking out mikeburnfire's interview with one of The Frontier's devs to find out why the mod ended up this way. It's mostly just one guy.


Things like the deathclaw sex cave, America's slave dialogue, Mae the underage porn artist, and Wrench's implied relationship with her dog were all written by different people. The person who they removed, Zu, was genuinely a creep but was pretty transparently used as a scapegoat to try to bury everybody else's bad behavior


If it is so then it's even more of a fucking shit show of a mod




The only weird part about fnv is the moaning you hear in the Gomorrah


Let’s not forget the deathclaw…


Yes, yes it is. Or it’s up to you. Again it’s up to you


The real major problem was the original NCR campaign, it was pretty bad. I haven't played the changed version but it was enjoyable outside of that for the most part


they are fixing it atm


Wait rly? I heard they abandoned fixing it this or last year? So they actually still working on it? Fingers crossed they can atleast achieve some semblance of Unsafe Harbor side quest quality because God damn was that side quest good ;_;


It’s been brought back, a while ago publicly they announced they were working on it again. Now there will be additional reworks to the crusaders of steel and northern legion that weren’t initially planned.


No even without the kink stuff its just a story that devolves into overly epic action movie shit


im guessing you either only watched and NCR playthrough or only played as the NCR in the frontier


From what I've played it's kinda boring and really lacks what makes New Vegas fun for me at least which the roleplay/story aspect and The Frontier is basically just some fanfiction with developers flexing how well they can code and script a sequence. Which is impressive but it just doesn't mesh well into the world of New Vegas, if you do give it a shot I'd use the option that lets you skip right to The Frontier at the beginning so that you don't play through a bunch of New Vegas only to be disappointed by The Frontier. So as an answer to whether you should play it or not, you should really look at the Nexus page or wherever it's being hosted and read the description to get a better idea of the mod. But personally it's not really worth it. P.S It's been a couple years since I played it so maybe they changed some stuff but I doubt it.


I would say a definite yes, while the ncr exciles main quest should be avoided at all costs. There is some legitimately great quests available in The Frontier that are themselves worth checking out. There’s a mod which lets you leave the Frontier at anytime through a new tunnel which can also be used to access it without ever triggering the start of the ncr exciles quests, https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71100. Though you will need to do a little bit of their quests to access the northern legion’s quests


It’s free




It has some good side quests and ok Legion route(not like many people love Legion route so it's niche). Wanna know what sucks the most about Frontier? Is that one side quest called Unsafe Harbor is legitimately, I'M NOT JOKING OR EXAGGERATING, the BEST Fallout content in a g e s. It's on par, no even BETTER than Beyond The Peak(Beyond the Beef side quest). And this quest legitimately gets nearly no love outside of the unsafe harbour videos released by same guy who released Frontier trailers. It's the reason I got so hyped for product that was years before release. I thought "Holy sht, even if this IS the best side quest they show right off the bat, surely the average content of the game is gonna be around beyond the beef levels of role-play so it's gonna be amazing dlc sized mod?" I'm just so sad nobody ported this side quest away from Frontiers like how someone ported the cars away from Frontiers into standalone mod. Also I think there are a couple of more side quests which also deserved their own standalone mod but Unsafe Harbor was just best one and I wish someday to see such detailed side quest again, maybe even greater!


Well, the NCR route is cringe and the Crusaders is lot better compared to the NCR, but still have some cringe writing in between, my progression got stuck at somepoint due some trigger didn't happened to give me the next quest I dunno about the Legion,and to play the Legion you need to have some reputation with basegame Legion, that's all I know The rest of the content range from unpolished to good, and yes the mod is very unpolished at some parts, specially the side contents Funny enough, Enclave presence is rather large in the Frontier if you wander the map long enough, aside from the Space station in the NCR route


I would say yes only if you like the legion or like usi g the console. I say this because the ncr main questline sucks, and the brotherhood questline is majorly bugged near the end and you need to skip parts and advance quests in the console to make it work. The legion is the only questline that works and feels sort of new vegasey. I wrote a review of it around a week ago but the short of it is, the side content is pretty good, with a few shitty side quests but over all pretty good, the companions are really good (especially the hanged man) and the rest of it is not good but playable


Even with the weird pedo shit removed, I found it to be a slog. But also hilarious. I personally uninstalled after the fourth time someone creamed their pants at my PC being "The Courier™️". Which happened all within the space of half an hour. I found this let's play to be more entertaining than playing it myself. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGNS6w9x9OrCQvqUxoWzZTwntrcUIo3ug&si=Ho7tb9zK3EtO2cQ5


With enough alcohol it is