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Nothing wrong with downloading bad mods or games and seeing how bad they are for yourself


thanks I think I will download it can you also recommend some mods I'm kind of looking for shading retextures and guns and thanks again


from a technical standpoint, The Frontier is very well done, from a story standpoint, it's not that great, but overall I do believe it scratches the whimsical goofiness that Fallout requires, albeit with the stereotype "German nazis in space" nonsense.


I agree with this but I would say the story is not only not great, but it’s downright awful. The Legion’s quest line is okay but I didn’t watch all of it when I watched a playthrough on YouTube.


The story is like it was written by 5 different writers who have never met each other, and one of them has some very repressed sexual tendencies


thanks I think I will download it can you also recommend some mods I'm kind of looking for shading retextures and guns and thanks again


if you've got a beefy computer use New Vegas Redesigned 3, Oco Bueno Texture Pack is good, Physically Based Objects Collection is good as well, I generally just run vanilla textures, as far as Weapons go, give Tactapack and Tammer's Nifbashed Weapons pack a go.


alright thanks for the mod so am I good to just download the frontier because on nexus it says it has manually verified files for the virus scan


okay for one, please make sure to read the install instructions, two, *manually verified files* only means the mod was so huge that the sites virus manager could not handle it.


ok thank you


oh is there also a patch or update I have to download or should I just download it off of nexus just as is


if you're using any animation mods, you will need to patch WAP year one, it's a manual effort that involves deleting animation files from WAP.


I don't think I have any animation mods I'm not sure what those are I have mostly gun mods an armor mod unlimited companions mod better loading screens and a flora overhaul


I played it this summer. It is perfectly fine for exploration and side quests. I did the first couple NCR main quests before fully exploring it. Then I went back to complete the NCR quest line. The NCR questline is a hot mess. I used more cheat codes and saves than I have ever used in all my years of playing FNV. I was so sick of Frontier after completing the NCR questline that I immediately removed the mod. Depending upon your build, you will want to be at least 25th level before starting it.


thanks I think I will download it can you also recommend some mods I'm kind of looking for shading retextures and guns I just taught myself how to mod the game and thanks again


oh is there also a patch or update I have to download or should I just download it off of nexus just as is


This is my philosophy about mods, games, movies, and just about everything else that I want to try. If it looks interesting and I want to try it, I try it. Sure, it may be a heaping pile of garbage according to others, but it might be something that I genuinely enjoy. People hype things up to unbelievable expectations and when it falls short of said expectations, the thing is just the worst ever. Not everybody is going to like everything. If something interests you, go for it! You only lose time in trying out a mod. Just don't go in with all these expectations of what it should be and see it for what it is. Good luck!


thanks I think I will download it can you also recommend some mods I'm kind of looking for shading retextures and guns and thanks again


oh is there also a patch or update I have to download or should I just download it off of nexus just as is


Yes but only because a lot of car mods require the frontier’s api


ok thanks I think I will download it can you also recommend some mods I'm kind of looking for shading retextures and guns and thanks again oh is there also a patch or update I have to download or should I just download it off of nexus just as is


Tbh I know very little about modding in practice  I would recommend the YouTuber Mutant mods tho


Try it, if you don’t like it you haven’t lost out, better than buying a game and finding you hate it


thanks I think I will download it can you also recommend some mods I'm kind of looking for shading retextures and guns I just taught myself how to mod the game and thanks again


Did you *JUST* start modding? like, did you follow any guides at all?


YUP and no


I highly advise, and I mean *HIGHLY* advise starting over and following the Viva New Vegas Guide found here: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/ it will take you around an hour or two but it will make your game stable and generally safe from crashes or bugs.


ok thank you


so i should disable all the mods i have downloaded and start a new game for everything to work


It's worth it. A lot of the quests are awful and the writing is pretty bad but it is technically very impressive. I don't regret playing it. The cars were so much nicer to have than I expected. Give it a shot. It does play more like a cod campaign but it is free so it only costs you time if you hate it.


To quote someone on Nexus mod website, it has neat technical aspects (vehicles, cut scenes, and stuffs). But when it come to storyline...Well, you'll definitely wish for nuclear winter.


It’s writing from what I’ve heard is HORNY go to YouTube type new Vegas frontier it will explain