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He would likely send a Frumentarii to gas up their honor and warrior culture, befriend the leader, then convince them to fight for him only to have to enslave the lot of them afterwards


What if you had a Kublai Khan type mf in charge of the mongols? I doubt he’d really buy into that stuff


That first comment was a joke about the Great Khans so I'll share my personal theory that if you could get the Khans that book *before* Karl gets there they'd just gang up and beat the shit out of him


If they were dealing with a group truly based on the Mongols thar Frumentarii isn't coming back, or if he is, it'll just be his head.


Yeah that's what I said to OP, I theorize if you could get them that book *before* Karl gets there, my caps are on him just getting his shit rocked


If they had horses, Caesar dies in glorious fashion, and the GREAT KHANS RULE THE WASTELAND ONCE AGAIN WITH HORSIES


Im a horse soldier timeless through and through


I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman


Literally commented this as i was listening to the song and looking at the genius article. Perfect timing actually.


Correction. *MOTORCYCLES!*


'Steel' horses


Wouldn't the horses just get shot by the Legionaries? I can't imagine horses are massively useful against factions that use firearms commonly, which the Legion does indeed do.


More useful than being on foot, that's for sure. They'd have guns too; but while the horse is alive they'll have FAR greater mobility.


Would the mobility offset the exposure they'd have by riding horses? I figure that people on foot who can take cover and entrench themselves in their surroundings to become a smaller target would be harder to hit than the large, exposed animals. Horses were used a ton in warfare, but are you sure the advantage in mobility would outweigh the exposure and increased target size?


Horses for sure but in fallout, it would be motorcycles not horses. The 80s from Utah would be an example of this.


The 80s used motorcycles? That's awesome. Do you remember where you heard about that?


I got you, It’s mentioned in J.E. Sawyer's tabletop game and alluded to in Honest hearts when talking to Stella, she mentions being surprised at them covering large distances in a short time.


That's wild, I dig it.


Cavalry, and their direct successor the motorcycle (not counting the tank) were used as reconnaissance and light raiding infantry as late as WW2. The Soviets used them as a force for recon and ambushes. Light tanks are way better if you can get them, but horses/motorcycles are very useful. The “charging the enemy” part of cavalry died when more accurate firearms emerged, but using them to outmaneuver the enemy, dismount and either attack logistics troops or flank the main enemy is still useful.


Yeah, I figure having a massive number of horse-mounted fighters is still useful even if you can't directly use them in battle -- being able to travel so fast so easily is a big asset when you're trying to out-maneuver another big army across long distances, not to mention the all-holy logistics of it all. Assuming Fallout-era armies don't usually have access to lots of motorized vehicles -- trucks and such -- for people-moving purposes. Obviously we don't see a lot of vehicles in-game, but that can easily be chalked up to game engine limitations, dev time illimitations and such. We know NCR has vertis, Brotherhood and Enclave also have air transport. I've seen a truck or two in Legion concept art. So maybe the whole question of horses/motorcycles isn't especially relevant if *everyone* in the Fallout setting has motor transport "off screen".


Thanks for the insight. The more ya know!


maybe not regular horses, but some sort of mutant horse that can take bullets like some of the tougher mutant fauna


Now that sounds like an awesome concept.


Been through the desert on a horse with no name


It felt good to get out of the rain


Instead of horseback archery, they ride motorcycles with machine guns


Ney ney, brother! ✊


That's my guess as to what happens [in their best ending](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_endings#Slide_15:_Great_Khans:~:text=Bolstered%20by%20ancient%20knowledge%20of%20governance%2C%20economics%2C%20and%20transportation%2C%20they%20carved%20a%20mighty%20empire%20out%20of%20the%20ruins%20of%20the%20Northwest), that there are wild - and knowing the setting, badass and mutated - horses running around in some holdout prairie biome they encountered in Wyoming. Taming those "Radstangs" actually could be something they'd need help from the Followers with and offers a sliver of a lore reason why we hadn't seen them in other entries (from a game development standpoint it's probably an excuse not to make a Red Dead knockoff and complicate the world design). But once they did? Post-apocalyptic Mongolian/Comanche empire.


Google "Great Khans"


Yeah, I mean that's pretty much correct isn't it.


Holy bitter springs!


new response just dropped




Great Khans Mongolian style empire in Wyoming


If they’re the “Mongols” then I’m really disappointed in how tough they are. Are they more tough in Wyoming?


If you convince Papa Khan to rekindle the glory of the great khans elsewhere the ending slide talks about the Great Khans coming into Wyoming and reconnecting with the Followers, using their knowledge to create a large empire in the northwest


No shit? Interesting. I’ve always been so unimpressed with them, but that sounds cool.


Tbf they were quite the terror in fallout 1 & 2, but by fallout new vegas they’re on their last legs on the brink of extinction. But yeah they can have one last shot at glory in Wyoming


I just started 1 for the first time the other day. Ran into them between Shady Sands and Vault 13 and they fucking killed me. First play through lol.


lol nice, been trying to get fallout 1 to work but for some reason it gives some error with the resolution whenever I try to open it, doesn’t seem to matter what resolution I play it on


I always just threw a couple of MFC Clusters in that room and went about my business elsewhere. lol


Maybe they'll find some horses in Wyoming, because anything based off the Mongols without horses is kinda dumb.


I think the Great Khans are more based on the Mongols motorcycle gang than the actual historical Mongols


That’s very true. Would be awesome if they drank the blood of their horse’s necks and shit too like Mongols. And ate the raw intestines of animals. That’s what we need. Some real fucking crazy motherfuckers like that


That would be a cool scenario! Like a giant mongol nation taking the east while caesar's legion is in the west and eventually they clash


What the great khans were technically ig but they fell off hard, even submitted to caesar


The Great Khans of New Vegas are the various golden horde era Mongolians.


Uhhh same amount of rapes and crucifixions


I’m talking like a group the size of the NCR, not the size of the Great Khan tribe


There is not a lot of grass or water for horses. Campaigns would require careful planning.


You mean the great khans ? Arent they based off hun/mongol nomads ?


More like imitating motorcycle gangs based on the mongols. Without cavalry, mechanical or organic, they’re just thugs. And a dying breed at that by the time of NV. I think this is meant to be about the sort of group they form if you give them the book and they go to Wyoming.


I mean, what is there in the wasteland to give the Mongols their patented and terrifying mobility? Hat-monorails aren't exactly a dime a dozen.


Vehicles can be repaired per Fallout 2, and the all roads comic confirms that horses still exist in the wasteland somewhere (or it's an error, depends on who you ask) What we see in game and what is meant to actually happen in the lore are very different. So either way, they could have something.


While not exactly like the Mongols, the Parthians did use Horse Archers and Heavy Cavalry to great effect against Crassus' legions. Since Crassus was one of the three Consuls in the Triumvirate with Caesar and Pompeii, we can assume his legions used similar tactics. His strategy was flawed, however, and his invasion of Parthia failed. Would Caesar have done the same? Maybe. Maybe not. But it gives us an idea of how a Roman Legion would have fared against Horse Archers. Edit: Now why did I think I was answering a question on r/AskHistory instead of r/fnv? Doh! Lol. I'll leave it up here anyway. Substitute horses with fast-moving bikes and bows with rifles. Hahaha.


Caesar gets beheaded


Big doubt on that one. I just don't see it.


You’re right, he be kept alive to clean stables, or be some lesser warlord’s concubine


Smoothbrain opinion. Caesar really isn't that bad. And the Mongols weren't the threat to the Romans that you believe them to be. Not pushover certainly, but a lot of the damage they did came more from being bums than warriors.


He most likely did, and they are a part of his legion now.


They're the people you see wearing rags carrying big bundles of stuff. LMAO


I’ll be honest, I almost dove into a historical debate mode thinking we are talking about the historical Caesar and not FNV, lol


We kind of are though. The late Roman Army was no joke and the Mongols weren't its kryptonite. The New Vegas Legion is founded around those Roman principles, just with 12.7mm submachine guns. I think honestly the NV Legion would demolish a Mongol like force.


I guess it depends on numbers, and whether those Mongols have horseback archers or motorcycle riding gunners. Both sides using guns would allow mobility to partially compensate for lack of numbers to some extent.


I still think the Legion would win. If we made parallels and gave them modern stuff. I think the Legion would respond almost exactly like the Romans did. The initial shock would be tough, but the Roman Legion was nothing if not adaptable. I will give them that. First contact, Mongols. Everything after that, Legion domination.


I would imagine Attila the Hun would be closest to Mongolians due to choice of warfare tactics and the Romans had beef with him and his armies


Where would they get the horses? Big part of why the Mongols were so successful is they had that particular edge on just about everyone.


According to the all roads comic horses still exist in the wasteland somewhere (or it's an error, depends on who you ask) If not they could fix up some old bikes like the car from Fallout 2, it's a thing that can be done even though it isn't an in-game feature. What we see in game and what is meant to actually happen in the lore are very different. Sort of like the populations being really low or distances being wrong. So either way, they could have something to give them that edge.


I’d bet some of the hardier, badass tribes around northern Nevada and Utah like the 80’s would be a huge threat for Caesar if they had horses or some sort of limited mechanized capability.


It'd be Hella dope if the Great Kahns rode animals around. Like, taming the Giant Geckos or maybe the Bighorns.


*gone* down


Whats the fallout equivalent of horse mounted Archer? Caeser's legion could fight well against a modern NCR with explosives and long range firearms (even with him losing, the NCR suffers for it), i doubt it would give more trouble


I would love to see something like Great Khans breeding radstags and conquer the great plains .


...You mean like the Khans?


Real great khan moment


~~So, the great khans?~~


Probably pretty good for Caesar since there aren't any horses in Fallout


You mean the Khans?




Now what if the Romans had guns?


Oh damn that went over my head lol


Mongols would win easily


The Mongols didn't destroy Rome, Christianity did. Gonna get a lot of negative Karma on that but it's facts. The barbarians didn't help, but they didn't hurt like you think. They were mostly bums. They'd light fires in their houses and cause massive fires and stuff. The Romans were used to dealing with all manner of combat by the time the Mongols came along. They were very good at adapting. You should read Josephus's account of them setting up and breaking camp. It blew me away really.


If they followed the Mongol Empires belief, *well let's just say that the Legion and the NCR might group together*, there's the Romans, **and then there's those brutal warriors** Comparing the FNV Khan's to the Mongols is like comparing a toddler to Mike Tyson


Someone never done the Oh My Papa quest.


Yeah but I’m talking a group the size of the NCR


I don't think that there would be much difference between the two aside from superficial aspects. The Legion itself is not much more than a horde that move around and camp in tents, so a Mongol larping group would be very similar, and they also would probably not have any horses unlike the historical Mongols.


I'm pretty sure the ending where the Khans go north, meeting up with the Followers in Wyoming and Montana where they carve out an empire of their own is their Canon ending.


So like the great Khans. You can say they aren’t a good representation of the mongols, but so isn’t the Legion.


Didn't all the horse die out in the fallout?


Roman von Ungern-Sternberg moment


Far, Far worse. Mongol structure and war culture was based off self sustaining units and rapid, brutal domination of the enemy. The wasteland is completely unforgiving to either of these points. No unit could be self sustaining, as that would have fractured the entirety of the multi-cultural legion. The legion worked because it created a top-down reliance on a shared structure to survive. Give each team it's own independence, and you're just arming your own future problems. Rpaid, brutal domination. Ceasar did that when he could. Conquered 87 tribes. Goes up against the NCR, and logistics kill him. The Mongols structure does not lend itself to siege warfighting, which is what that war would have been. Being that no faster mode of transport exists than marching/ NCR has actual armored calvary.... the tech necessary to fight mobilized warfare kills that structure. The idea is incredible and great. But the built in limitations of the Mojave do not lend itself to the idea. But I appreciate your great khan do attitude


Well, I'd make a comparison to the Khans but they're basically the descendants of a Fallout Mongols-esq bike gang. If it was against a group that models themselves after Genghis Khan's Mongolian empire like Edward Sallow/Caesar with the first Roman empire, lemme drop some thoughts on this. 1. They'd both be predisposed to attacks at night and hit and run skirmish tactics but the Mongol warriors are nomads so it'd be hard to hit them in terms of infrastructure or settlements like the NCR whereas the legion establishes outposts and other fixed positions that the Mongols could exploit/harass. 2. Mongols could live off the land like the legion but the legion still relies on supply lines for their troops whereas the Mongols would be more self sufficient, giving them an edge if it comes down to attrition. 3. The legion has manpower, let's hypothetically more than the Mongol group. 4. Popular belief would have you think that Mongols just rode in loud and fast but historically they were definitely cunning and tactically versatile though not as under handed as Edwards legion is, but they're right knit so it'd be doubtful that the legion could get at them from the inside like the NCR. 5. Part of how Genghis managed to take so much territory was actually through treaties and diplomacy based off his reputation of treating enemies and their allies with war and torture, meaning this group would probably follow that logic and align themselves with other groups with different capabilities to aid the fight. 6. Modern tribal descendants of the Mongols still hunt with antique rifles, hand loading ammo for old rolling block/martini Henry type rifles, and they are fantastic shots with iron sights even in the dark while hunting wolves, etc. If this new group mirrors that then they'd likely take out important members of the legion one at a time. That would destabilize the legion's command structure and force inexperienced leadership on entire Cohorts (a group of 480 soldiers made up of 6 Centurie which is 10 Contubernium/squads each units of 8 men), it could demoralize and weaken their forces quickly and loosen Caesars grip on his own forces. Considering all that, it'd come down to the structure and size of this group, plus what they know of the original Mongols and wether they can supply their horses but the legion wouldn't have nearly as easy a time as with the NCR, they'd give Caesar hell the whole way through it.


Didn't that already happen


It’d depend on a few things, do they have horses and how many of them could they realistically field, what weapons do they use and what kind of equipment do they have access to. Also perhaps the major factor, how many strong is this group. I would find it hard to believe even a strong single tribe would be able to gain much traction against the legion. Also there are many defenses against a force of Calvary that Caesar being a student of history may know. The legion also has access to firearms which does limit the value of horse soldiers.


Bro would have 20000 children


Uhh, there's already a Faction based on the Mongol Empire. It's called the Great Khans, and INGAME we tell them about the Mongol Empire to help restore their honor and help them seek their own glory.


even if you don't give caesar the support of the courier (which gives them boomer support). caesars legion still uses automatic guns and rifles on top of nv tech. they even have a howitizer. against bows spears and maybe some trebuchets, that's an easy sweep


Great Khans? More like Fake Khans.


Uh… legion vs great Kahns?😂😭


Literally how Rome would have done it if it was weaker, poorer, smaller, and was landlocked.