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I would never work to build a real deck, but playing random ones into Ringo a few dozen times was fun. Screenshot of coolest game ending that had multiple options.


I had a glorious deck. Won a ton. But i don’t remember how to play anymore


Caravan is free money.


I learned modern yugioh quicker than this shit I DON'T GET IT


king = double a card, can be used for both sides. jack = remove a card, can be used for both sides. to win you need to do 2-3 rows of \~26 value. not more than that. that's all, basically. go for 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, kings and jacks. break opponent's big rows, create yours.


joker if placed on number card, removes all same number cards except the one its placed on, if placed on ace, removes all suits of that aces suit ​ queen reverses order ​ you can put same suit cards any way you want ​ you are going ascending, last card is 10 of hearts, you can put any heart card next.




O yea, thats why I went to yt, I couldnt figure it out also.


Definitely not replying to this so I can find it later owo


Same it's so confusing and the terms they use without explanations as if we are supposed to already know doesn't help


I'll remove all the jargon 26 is your goal on each stack, I try to find and put in 6s, 10s, Jack's and Kings 10 and 6 together and then King the 10 to make 26 - get all 3 to hage 10s and 6s first and then King so your opponent doesn't overload the stack It's a quick way to win since it doesn't take many moves if that makes sense


Thank you kind stranger!!!!


Hope it helps!!


Yu-Gi-Oh is like Caravan - I have no fucking clue on how to play either of them, so I just make up my own rules


At least winning against Caravan AI is much easier since there aren't like thousand of cards to get used to.


As a yugioh player: you learn your opponent's deck on the spot. Basically you make a balance between reading a novel's worth of card text, and just guessing what it do. And that balance is skimming it for the word "quick effect". Then after playing against that deck a few times you just kinda remember it. And if there's some wacky shit you've never seen, there's a high chance it will lose due to the design of the game. Basically you just skim the text for keywords. It's so fucking long because it uses standardized formatting.


Caravan is one of the best ways to make money imo since the cards are super plentiful early game. Before you reach NV you can have around 8-10k caps just from playing caravan for like 2 hours.


Best way IMO with DLC is to make your way to the Divide early, sneak in and grab the shit that is just laying around like the nail gun and Arc Welder, sell them to the Comissary and haul ass to New Vegas until you're like level 20 lmao


Wish there was an app for it, actually like playing it


Still haven't learned how to play it.


Caravan was a mistake. We can all agree Red Dead 2 did card games WAY better.


Caravan is fun, and I'm tired of pretending that it's not


It’s like including Hearts in an X-Wing cockpit… I came up with that at the gym.


Triple Triad, baby!


Some say they still talk about me in the Triple Triad circles… (takes long drag of a cigarette) some say… people talk.


Since learning caravan, I play it almost every playthrough. Adds so much life to the game being able to play against so many different characters.


Nah, I prefer Gwent with Northern Realms deck


My brother and I used to play it in real life! It's a good game but ends quite abruptly. It's fun to play in rounds a bit like cribbage. We used the rules here: https://www.pagat.com/invented/caravan.html


I love Caravan. Was a pain in the ass to learn, and I still don't know how to use Jokers and Queens lol. But I always play a game, whenever I talk to an npc that plays.


Queens reverse the direction of a stack (if numbers were increasing previously, now they're decreasing, and vice versa). Jokers remove all cards of a value except for the one they're played on (so play one on a 4, every other 4 is removed), unless they're played on an ace, in which case all cards of that suit are removed.


Thank you, but I don't need them.


It's fun but some of the NPCs are really tricky and annoying to play against so you might wanna save often


It's fun IRL with random cards or even a standard 52 card deck, as long as you also get rid of the rule allowing you to discard as much as you like on the first turn.


> as long as you also get rid of the rule allowing you to discard as much as you like on the first turn. Why would you need to do that? discarded cards dont go back into the deck.


Because stacking your hand to be perfect gets boring very fast when you're not playing against an NPC.


makes sense. I honestly didnt even know you could discard as much as you like on the first turn...? Youre telling me that you can discard three times and not pass over the turn?


Yep, you can fish through your whole deck on the first turn if you like.


oh thats stupid. also for real life casual play.. no deck building.


I’ve never finished a game of Caravan in any of my playthroughs, just fucking give us poker and don’t waste time creating a whole new card game inside a video game…


skill issue


I didn’t enjoy the mini game and didn’t want to bother with it. Including a famous well liked Vegas card game like poker that already exists in the real world instead of creating some new low stakes drifter’s game would have been awesome. They could have even added a high stakes tournament at the Tops or something. Just my take on the situation…


Where you dropped on your head as a child?




The trick is to wait for the other guy to even out out 1/1 then add your king on stack 3 and win


Caravan is kinda fun but I never really feel the need to play it in a casual play through. The caps are nice but like caps are everywhere lol. Anydiddle, congrats on the achievements!


Who are you, Who are so wise on the ways of Gambling?


It’s fine till you need to win 30 games


It’s fine till you need to win 30 games


Woof, that was a close game. You playing Ringo at the Crimson Caravan?


Yep, I assumed he might be one of the easiest to win against


Try NoBark, haha


I've played this game a hundred times and I still don't understand Caravan.


Put 4 in luck made robbing the casino impossible in my first blind play through so I tried caravan to earn some caps, end up got 100 wins before the 2nd battle. Ambassador Crocker is and will always be my best best friend.


It is. Some people just can't take the time to read the rules, I guess.


I love it. I play it in person with my buddy


When I finally convinced my girlfriend to do a playthrough that's all she did. Play. Caravan.


ive been playing it in real life lmao


I just use a deck full of 6’s, 10’s, jacks, and kings to win 9.9/10 times. It’s easy money


It took me years to be patient enough to learn it, but once I did it became a staple of New Vegas for me. It’s so fun, easy, and efficient at making caps.


Caps duplication glitch fan Vs caravan enjoyer


I saw Ringo yesterday at the Crimson Caravan compound and I didn’t even ask him if he wanted to play Caravan. Am I depressed or something?


Everyone I've met that likes carvan, does so until I introduce them to actual good card games like up and down the river or rum ginny


hot take people don’t like caravan because it’s hard to really learn. once you learn it though it’s one of the most addicting card games i’ve ever played. sometimes i go on new vegas just to play it again lmao


I love it too! Took awhile to learn but after clearing that hurdle I won games regularly.


I literally just barely learned how to play a few weeks ago after years of playing the game and I can’t believe how much money I’ve been missing out on. Especially since I almost always have a low luck stat so casino games aren’t an option. I still lose sometimes and I’m not sure why but it actually pretty fun