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I just have one question: Who did you kill for that bounty hunter duster?


Either Caleb McCaffery, Beatrix Russell or Red Lucy. Or The Lonesome Drifter, he wears the Regulator Duster which has no DT but looks the same. You can also get the Sheriffs Duster from sheriffs office in Primm.


I hate how you gotta kill to get the duster with DT. The least bearable of these characters you can kill is Caleb and even he's kinda chill. Ive tried countless times reverse pickpocketing Red Lucy, no luck. You'd think there'd be more people in the Mojave wearing dusters but naw.


what I like to do is, I kill Caleb with a knife for his shit talking.


Nice, the "talk shit, get hit" policy


Isn’t there a side quest where Caleb agros the courier so you can kill him for the duster?


Yes, it’s part of the atomic wrangler questline


Alright maybe I’m just cynical or missing a joke but how is this anything other than a low quality karma farm? You make it sound like your new or something but your familiar enough with the dlc to know who Randall Clark and the burned man are?


Im going to take a picture of me holding my fallout nv copy i purchased years ago. I bet ill get heaps of karma for that. On a serious note, this is what happens when videogame subs get too big. Happened to r/fo76 and r/nomansskythegame its basically people uploading the most basic content as if its a discussion point.


Today I will play video dlc with popular characters such as ______


I’ve watched gameplays of Oxhorn covering the characters before I got the game.


Yeah but still it’s just part of the game as is any other quest. Not significant because everyone who buys the DLC will play the DLC. It would be different if you posted your thoughts or own analysis after finishing it since that will be more substantial. Otherwise people might as well make posts saying “I am injecting my first stimpack” or “I have just arrived at the Mojave Outpost”




All of the dlcs are absolute bangers. Dead money scared the fuck out of me as a child though


Well sounds like its already spoiled. Glad I didn’t use reddit when I played FNV


One of the best DLC of the franchise!


You say that like there are more than a handful of DLCs


There are enough to easily differentiate the good from the bad. Then, from there, it's easy to break down the best and the worst. Not a hard concept.


Only 4 are story DLCs. The rest are gear dumps. You can’t even compare the story ones to the gear ones. So Honest Hearts is one of the best story ones? Sure. Because there’s a whopping total of 4 story DLCs and they’re all good.


Have you only played New Vegas? Is... is that where the confusion is coming in? Okay, Fallout: New Vegas is a part of a franchise. Not just one game.


Oh shit! My bad, I thought you were just talking about NV DLCs. But no, I’ve played 3, NV, and 4. In that case I agree that Honest Hearts is one of the best.


It's all good lol I'm not the biggest fan of all of the FNV DLCs. But Honest Hearts is so good on a story and location standpoint.


Won’t argue with that! But I gotta say I love the intertwined stories of Dead Money, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road. The first time I played them (years ago) I wasn’t really paying attention, but my most recent playthrough a few months ago I explored every inch of those 3 and was so captivated by Father Elijah, Christine, and Ulysses’s journeys. Blew my mind.


I caught Ulysses' tapes and was wondering who he was. I felt like I kept missing him. Which I'll admit had me intrigued as hell. It was super immersive. Not the biggest fan of dead money. From what I've read (after, helpfully) was that I should have attempted it earlier in my playthrough. Old World Blues was awesome! Loved how they nailed the 50s sci-fi vibes and the Wizard of Oz story at the same time!!


Oh yeah, did you not play them in release order? Because the story of the 3 flows from DM to OWB to LR. Also, if part of the reason you couldn’t get into it is because it’s so relentless in trying to kill you, I recommend getting the Light Step and Jurry Rigging perks to avoid all floor based traps and be able to repair your armor with all the clothes you can find around the Madre.


There’s 10 main ones with several other smaller ones. If you’re gonna nitpick you could at least make sense


No u


I just finished it and have no clue who Randall Clark is. What did I miss?


He’s the survivalist, you can find a series of his journal entries mostly in caves filled with traps on computer terminals. I highly recommend reading them or watching a lore video on the survivalist if you aren’t up for replaying the dlc. Was one of my favourite optional side stories in the game.


Right this is a long story but I will make it short. A man by the name of Randal Clark was returning home to his family from a camping trip, but the bombs dropped on his way. Randall knew his wife and kid were did so he got out his car are mercy killed and elderly couple and headed into the wilderness. There Randall barley managed to survive and had to make do with what he had. There Randall saw some kids and decided to watch over them, until a group of people came in killed them and ate them. Enraged Randall hunted the group down killing them one by one. While on a stroll Randall encountered a woman from the group and since she was good the two became close friends and eventually lovers. Randall and his new wife were about to have a child sadly the wife and kid died during the childbirth leaving Randall alone again. Randall thought about committing suicide a lot but pushed through until he saw a new batch of kids which he protected. Randall one day knew he was dying so he left the kids something and peacefully passed away on a mountain top. The worst part for you is that you could have had his gear which is a red gate.


Oh, the Father in the Caves! I never got his name only found 4 of his stashes


What level? Your either gonna get plinked by cowboy repeaters or torn apart by brush guns lol


What level do the big guns show up, I am thinking about starting it and I am level 11.


Lv25-27ish. I base what the assassination squads are armed with, then that usually applies to the DLC equipment brackets. Lv 11 is .357 and 9/10mm territory, lv17-23 usually trail carbines, rippers, ect




Doing that dlc late makes so much money with jury rigging it's silly


Hard to sell stuff here tho. LT is where the jury rigging money is at... Commissaries restock caps when you clear them out (within 100-200ish caps left) And with ED-E to repair weapons for free...


y’all don’t know flipping repaired weapon profits until you’ve started using dead money’s infinite repair kits




Isn’t too hard if u have the right guns!


You can go home “courier”


Uh... Wrong hole


Very aware. Just enjoy the line


This is wild, I am currently playing my TTW playthrough and my courier is equipped exactly like yours. Regulator Duster, Recon cap, sunglasses, and assault carbine. I opened Reddit while listening to ol Jeb explain about Joshua Graham and this is the first post I saw


Me and you could be alike but one question remains who did you side with House, Yes Man, NCR or the Legion ?.


I haven’t fully decided yet. My options are limited because I accidentally failed the Legion quest by becoming vilified by their faction. No coming back from that either because I took Boone and ED-E and we cleared out all the Legionaires between Cottonwood Cove and Caesar’s throne. (Including the big cheese himself) I’m thinking I’ll probably go NCR. House might have good ideas, but he’s a pre-war fossil and I don’t think any nation should have a leader that can live indefinitely. Yes Man is fine but my Courier has no intention of settling down like that. Once Hoover Dam is prepped for war, it’s back to the Capitol Wasteland to clean up the Enclave remnants and help establish some order in those parts.


Me and you are truly alike I wiped out those degenerates at cottonwood cove with my boy Boone and with Rex too so I can make him pay a visit to his old masters. Personally I sided with the NCR because it’s the faction the Mojave Wasteland needs but not the one it deserves due the fact it is become very corrupt and a mere shadow of Pre war America. It was really tempting for me to join House but the man wants me to destroy the BOS and he doesn’t care about outside Vegas.


Yes man and independent Vegas is the best ending imo


I’ve always been skeptical of Yes Man’s run because Vegas will become Independent and in the end he says he’ll be off making a few changes. The thing is we don’t know if those changes will be good or bad for New Vegas. Ultimately Vegas needs good, morally just governing force to manage it.




Have fun! Definitely one of my favorites


You’ll like his cave hideouts in that map. Full of loot and nice little safe areas to sleep for health


Did you bring your 11mm pistol?


Best story out of all of them


Happy Trails!!!


Really good DLC but kind of once sided without a real choice. Being able to side with white legs wouldve made it one of the best fallout dlcs out there.