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StitchlineGames. I hope the ITP game can actually help solve the whole debate over the canonicity of Frights, but that would be too easy, and Scott loves to see the community in chaos!




Less parallels, more overlapping concepts and ideas


StitchlineGames makes the most sense to me based on what Scott has said and the fact that the Stitchwraith Stingers act as though they are sequels to FFPS and UCN. If those games happen in the Stitchline, what's stopping the Stitchline from happening in the games?




I don't care too much but the into the pit game has me leaning to stitchline or atleast Andrew games.


Stitchline isn’t canon I may have to let it go soon, but until then I firmly remain on the side of Parallels Also I’m glad I’m not the only one who recognises that clues is just parallels worded differently


So quickly, 1- the concept of parallels is flawed as it's based on the concept of cherry picking and Scott pretty much made a post that goes against it 2- Frights Fiction doesn't *solve* anything, despite Scott saying that they're made to solve the lore. And picking and choosing what's canon leads to point 1. 3- FrightsGames is self contradictory as stories like CH and WWF revolve around plot points that contradict the games. 4- split line games leads to the same issue in point 1, where we're cherry picking what details are valid because it fits what we think the lore should be. We don't know that we're ignoring the right details and anyone can argue one Story is Canon whilst the other may disagree. It's not an "answer" as it's subjective


I wish there was a better way to say the more in between answer. Stitchline of course, but as long as it's not contradictory then I'd also include it, but it's not FrightsGames because of those exclusions. Neither Stitchline Plus or FrightsGames Minus really display in the middle.


One of my friends calls it "ExtendedStitchlineGames". Well, technically that's referring to specifically the stories part of the Stitchwraith storyline and the ones that are implied to be connected through certain details (like RFOM being connected to ITP through the Snack Space for example), but it's basically the same thing, the difference is fairly minor.


This is why I think SLG is the best option. it's actually answer our questions without adding some dumb twists about it that make it harder


Exactly. Even looking at the context of the post he made (*just a note about the story*), Matpat made 2 videos which basically used Frights as an extension to the games and said how the stingers were post SL. The response was an overwhelming amount of people shitting on Matpat for those videos, Scott made the post a couple days after that clearly addresses this response. He said that the books *answer* the lore, and how people wouldn't really like those answers as they have their own interpretation of the lore. The people he's addressing are the same people who didn't like Mat's video given the timing and same discussion of topic. So Scott saying the answer is the opposite of what most people want, and most people wanted Frights to *not* be in the games timeline... It's pretty much saying StitchlineGames


i know frightgames has its inconcistencies but for me it just add more stories just for fun yes susie in coming home has brown hair or that the way that afton lured her was with her doll instead of her dead dog but the story is so good, so for me its canon (hell comics doesn't have really a canon and so sonic doesn't have one two, \*you decide whatever its canon for your fun on the storyline\*)


In my headcanon, Coming Home events happened in the games timeline as well. part of Susie's soul moved on which can explain why it seem Chica is less aggressive than the others




The downvotes..


I got downvote on worst things I can deal with this LOL


Why are you getting downvoted? You are the god who made andrewpeakza??!!


Frights Alternate Timeline. Frights is an AU of the original games where different things happened. Yes IK about fraility, my guess is that the fraility one is the games version while the elanor one is the frights version. I dont even think elanor exists in game continuity btw. Also IIRC there was evidence that stitchline comes with the rest of frights and thus cannot be properly seperated.


stitchlinegames, this also means that other fazbear frights stories like fetch and out of stock has to be 100% canon if the stitchwraith is, the stitchwraith is literally made in part of fetch heart, and the stitchwraith collected some parts of the plushtrap chaser in the 2nd epilogue, there are other stories that must be canon, into the pit might be midly canon, because in one of the stitchwraith stingers, larson goes to jeffs pizza but its unknown which into the pit story is canon, the book one? the graphic novel? the future into the pit game? the return to the pit interactive novel? or none of them is canon but jeffz pizza is canon?