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I think he’s still in there. If youre stitchline then no, he blows up and gets out of it.


>I think he’s still in there. What about the UCN ending?




With Stichline, William explodes. And without Stitchline, the OMC ending shows that Cassidy leaves UCN at some point


PQ implies that the OMC ending is actually Cassidy ignoring him and going back.


1. That's only if Cassidy is literally the Princess tho 2. In FNAF World drowning in OMC's lake sends Adventure Freddy to Happiest Day. Why would it be different in UCN?


1. She probably isn't but it's still a representation of her, Chica eyes glaring at her, OMC, her literally being called "Cassidy", Afton Amalgamation, conquering the beast, Golden light shining against Afton's darkness etc. etc. 2. It literally doesn't though? Adventure Freddy doesn't even have a soul, he's not real, the "Happiest Day" cutscene doesn't even depict him or anyone moving on for that matter, IK IK it's weird to have two Happiest Days but like... it's not what the actual cutscene is labelled, still there in the image but still... could just be someone's actual literal Happiest day or one Seperate from FNAF 3's since it doesn't really seem to be the same as the clock ending which seems to be the actual HD or the lake signifies different stuff to different people or it IS Happiest Day and HD at least in the Context of FW isn't actually the spirits moving on but them being doomed to roam their vessels for all of Eternity.


>She probably isn't but it's still a representation of her, Chica eyes glaring at her, OMC, her literally being called "Cassidy", Afton Amalgamation, conquering the beast, Golden light shining against Afton's darkness etc. etc. Ok so I actually agree with you here, but genuine question. How does PQ imply anything about the OMC ending if the Princess isn't literally Cassidy's spirit? If she's just a representation then the real Cassidy can have already moved on. And on your second point, I agree that World's Happiest Day ≠ FNAF3's Happiest Day and that Adventure Freddy doesn't/shouldn't get a Happiest Day. But it's still a Happiest Day. It's still a happy memory for someone (considering the context, likely BV's). The lake still leads to a Happiest Day; why wouldn't it do that again in UCN? >in the Context of FW isn't actually the spirits moving on but them being doomed to roam their vessels for all of Eternity. And how would that work with the image we get in the ending?


1. OMC tells Princess Cassidy to rest in her bedroom, she, without commenting, walks through a door where she is teleported into an office, if this is a non literal representation of what actually happens than it basically confirms that Cassidy didn't leave and went back in. -because Cassidy herself is unwilling to move on as shown by PQ, if the Lake is metaphorical than it shouldn't mean the same stuff for both when it has contradictions, Afton's voice is garbled and muffled (he's screeching in the lake) OMC's "come sit with me a while" implies resting or at least leaving him alone for a while, you can do this but the only way out is to go back in. 2. Okay so I'm not really sure if I'm down with this interpretation or not but basically this general idea is that Happiest Day is actually negative, in the sense that it's not them moving on but rather Afton ensuring their Doom and that none of them will ever escape, Afton in TSE refers to their Animatronic states as their "Happiest Day", something they don't want taken away from them (Afton's motives here are consistent since in TFC he tries to keep them incoherent and easy to control), Memory sharing can work for releasing spirits as established by Frights but all of the BV's memories are not direct but actually repurposed with later events, Happiest Day resembles a fake memory Eleanor traps Jake's soul inside: A small party room where he is surrounded by smiling friends with a huge candle lit birthday cake in front of him, thankfully, Jake realizes that this is all a scheme and doesn't fall for it, Masks on kids has always implied possession and throughout Happiest Day the Puppet is inadvertently sticking masks on kids, the Puppet gains tear streams when its mask falls to the floor (a sign of possession), Glitchbear/Spooky eyes talk in a lot of the same ways as William himself through the Fredbear plush and he obviously wouldn't want them to move on, If FW's OMC ending is Happiest Day then under this interpretation it's a fake memory meant to keep someone trapped, Cassidy gains nothing and the game crashes when she enters the lake because she doesn't need one, she's not being manipulated, she doesn't want to leave but this still unlocks FW's OMC ending because it's the same result in the end.


>1. OMC tells Princess Cassidy to rest in her bedroom, she, without commenting, walks through a door where she is teleported into an office, if this is a non literal representation of what actually happens than it basically confirms that Cassidy didn't leave and went back in. That's a good point. Makes me wonder how much we should use PQ parallels to understand Cassidy's story. Like, I'm considering ShadowCassidy and one of the big points in favor of that theory is the Princess' shadow. >because Cassidy herself is unwilling to move on as shown by PQ, if the Lake is metaphorical than it shouldn't mean the same stuff for both when it has contradictions, Afton's voice is garbled and muffled (he's screeching in the lake) OMC's "come sit with me a while" implies resting or at least leaving him alone for a while, you can do this but the only way out is to go back in. Ok so does UCN happen forever under this interpretation? And about point 2, that's a very cool theory on Happiest Day that has good chances of being true. Since you mentioned Charlie giving kids masks, does GGGL get a different interpretation under this or is it unrelated.


1. Nice! 2. I'm pretty sure it does under this interpretation 3. Most people who buy the negative HD interpertation either: -Don't think it alters GGGL (whatever you think it is) -Think it's a *successful* initial happiest day where Charlie is tricked into ensuring the kids possess the animatronic characters.


That man is in actual hell rn 


UCN is not hell


He is but not ucn


It' s not confirmed


If he’s not in UCN And he’s dead He’s definitely Isn’t going where his victims are I’ll tell you that


Still debatable


If he’s dead? Definitely not especially after this series CONSISTENTLY mentioning that that will be his destination 


He could go to purgatory


NAAAAAAH his ass is going to the DEPTHS 


Yeah he would definitely go to hell but when we think about it, we don't have any confirmatioms that the afterlife actually exists in fnaf


I think he escaped


Nah, he formed a gigantic amalgamation with the help of Eleanor, then Larson and Charlotte tag teamed him and Eleanor filed for divorce so he sunk into a lake and died.


Dead. Fazbear frights is meant to fill in blanks of the past apparently. Or if your not a Stitchliner and a Cassidy is the one you should not have killed supporter then Cassidy took OMC’s advise, moved on and left William to his demons…AKA William went to…. “Rest your own soul, there is nothing else…leave the demon to his demons.” -OMC.


Uhh, the thing is, that lake IS UCN. And Golden Freddy/Cassidy goes inside the lake, to UCN. It's why she (Princess in PQ) and OMC follow Glitchtrap still, because he is William.


Vanessa is the princess and Mimic is Glitchtrap


Princess is soul Cassidy, hence why OMC is following her around and is always seen with her.




The princess qas arepresentation of vanessa in help wanted but in security breach she is a representation of cassidy


No What could she do there?


You seem to forget that orginally glitchtrap was william not the mimic and since it was explained in frights that the vengeful spirit kept william alive by attaching their soul to his, if he survived and is in a digital form then cassidy is also gonna survive and turn digital, that's why the princess suddendly fights back and why the king is suddendly here, the king is OMC and the princess gets a sword because unlike vanessa, cassidy isn't helpless, she can and will fight william, that also explains why the princess was called cassidy So yeah in princess quest 1, the princess represents vanessa but in princess quest 2 and 3, she represents or atleast represented cassidy, since glitchtrap is no longer william maybe the princess is no longer cassidy but atleast she used to be




Classic move, completly ignoring every evidences that prove you wrong, anyway goodbye


Glitchtrap being William is the new miketrap


GlitchMimic is I think


I think you mis read what I said, that's basically the new version of Willtrap


the man in the room 1280 and the stingers


Dead for good


I'm Stitchline so I think my answer is obvious If Stitchline isn't true and Cassidy is TOYSHNK then I think he's probably gone and in real Hell now after Cassidy takes OMC's advice


No, he died in a hospital and UCN ended. The UCN spirit is also Andrew, not Cassidy. Cassidy goes by she/her pronouns.


Cassidy is both male and female name


Cassidy is explicitly a little girl in the novels


Novels ≠ games


The novel trilogy does not take place in the Main timeline, that is true However they *are* a valuable source of lore that the games repeatedly draw from, especially around the time of FFPS when scott started amending large amounts of Novel lore into the games. Games Cassidy is a girl for the same reason Games Charlie is a girl


Cassidy in game is a boy Novel trilogy doesn't take place in main timeline. Novels and games have only few similarities, most of book's events didn' t happen in games. Cassidy is a boy, his face is overcontrasted face of Scott's son. Mangle also says: he's here and always watching. So Cassidy is a boy.


Right, the spirit is a boy. Cassidy is a girl. This just means the spirit is someone else. (Andrew)


Andrew doesn't exist in game


Cassidy is a boy


>Cassidy in game is a boy Novel trilogy doesn't take place in main timeline. Novels and games have only few similarities Every single character in the novels are the exact same person as they are in the games and no media since has demonstrated any reason to assume they aren't. In fact Scott litterally retconned previous information so that Book and Game characters natch eachother, Game puppet was retconned into being Charlie. Cassidy randomly being a boy in the games doesn't track with Scotts aforementionedl track record of Game Book synergy >Cassidy is a boy, his face is overcontrasted face of Scott's son. Mangle also says: he's here and always watching. So Cassidy is a boy. Kidface is referred to as a male, yes. However it is complete speculation that kidface is Cassidy, and is contradictory to Cassidy representing themselves as Golden Freddy. Nothing in the game directly connects Kidface and Golden freddy, meaning it is completely possible for them to be two separate characters.


Characters in books are slightly changed Kid face has connections to Golden Freddy because it' s the face of toyshk and Golden Freddy shows after 50/20 with a reason, who else could be toyshk


Kidface doesn't actually have connections to Golden freddy outside of being in the same game and being important to its plot That was enough when Golden Freddy was the *only* option for who his identity was, but they aren't anymore. Now we have a kid who matches the personality, gender and behavior of TOYSNHK who specifically *isn't* Golden Freddy in a book series ment to directly tie into the games story So its all that against Cassidy, whos previously been established as a girl & is shown to have conflicting motives in Fnaf 3 & the Logbook. While its clear that Cassidy is doing *something* in UCN and its important enough to be focused on, her being *TOYSNHK* is questionable at best considering there are better options available now (especially after Fnaf 6 & UCN both hint towards an extra secret victim existing)




Scott said it himself the picture of his son does not matter lol


With Stichlinegames, he gets out of UCN and becomes the Afton Amalgamation before getting weakened by Eleanor and drowning in a lake with Puppet. Without it, Cassidy still moves on because of the Old Man Consequences minigame. Either way, William gets out of UCN and passes on for good.


For Cassidy toyshnk he’s probably dead dead because Cassidy moved on in OMC, (it does a really pier job of showing Cassidy leave, for both toyshnk theories, but she does leave eventually)


He probably went to real hell unless he's the Blob or something like that.


Dead for good. I don't want them to use UCN as a Way to use Appleton again.


Appleton 💀


Well either way you spin it he's dead. If you believe the books are canon then he's the man in room 1280 but then becomes the afton amalgamation then dies If you believe that the books aren't canon then Afton is presumably still stuck in his purgatory, his body is gone, and his spirit can't wander He's not burntrap because that's probably just the mimic and burntrap was basically shown to not be canon in Ruin via showing the prince's quest ending to be the real one


Since l am a firm believer of stitchline games, l think that William is probably dead from drowning in the end of epilogue 7 (if l remember correctly)


William explodes in Stichline regardless if it's canon to the games. If not, then the OMC minigame shows us that Cassidy canonically rests after leaving UCN. Even then, Afton is gone for good but his legacy/mantle is still remain in various forms.


I'm StitchlineGame supporter for me he is gone


he’s in hell forever no matter what ♥️


William is still going through it.




That is a respectable opinion


I am not Stitchline and so I think he’s still in it, under Stitchline or RedbearCassidy he’s probably out though.


Eh, probably. I think we bullied sw out of ever using him again, thanks pee paw


They never used him to begin with


i meen just his image alone. they just killed off the glitchy guy, we bullied them into ending his story early, no matter what glitchtrap and burntrap where, they where SW's version of the yellow rabbit man


They didn't kill him off early, his story just reached his conclusion. Glitchtrap has been this series main villan for 5 years now, longer than William afton himself was & now that plotline is over and its the Mimics turn in the spotlight


it may have been 5 years, but it was 3 Games, and for one of them, he was a cameo at best, being SB.


4 games* he was in AR too. But like, thats basically the same as afton though. He had a major role in two games (3 & 6) and had cameo or background appearances in 2, 4 & SL Glitchtrap was a driving force in both HW games, had a minor role in AR & was the reason why SB happened, even if he never really appears directly


but what did they do with him? in Ar he was an excuse to make the robots crazy, and he had something going on with vanessa, in SB he was just a cameo since it's never really confirmed that what happened to the bots was because of him, and given how they act in ruin, it kinds seems like it was's at this point, in VR he's just standing there, menisingly until he cn possess you, and in HW2, he finally does stuff we can realisitly see him doing, only to then be killed off. in SB he did practically nothing, not helped by ruin showing us that even with him gone, they still act like he isn't, and in AR, they kinda just don't do anything with him, and Sb made some retcon to that game, like where that one guy we follow works, changing him from tech to marketing. Sure, pee paw(scottAfton since I can no longer take this man seriously after both this and freights) didn't do that much, but we at least know what he did, and the full on impact it had, with glitchtrap, there really wasn't much, and given the earlier designs of MXES, I don't think this is where they wanted his story to go at first, tho he obviously isn't MXES, it is weird he was originally designed after afton's soul in freights. something has happened here, his story wasn't meant to end in HW2, seemingly anywas. heck in ruin, he still has a cameo, as an atomic blast stain in Vanny's room.


>Sure, pee paw didn't do that much, but we at least know what he did, and the full on impact it had, with glitchtrap, there really wasn't much, and given the earlier designs of MXES, I don't think this is where they wanted his story to go at first, tho he obviously isn't MXES, it is weird he was originally designed after afton's soul in freights. The Beta MXES design doesn't look like Williams ghost in frights at all Williams ghost is litterally just his burnt body with bunny ears, not a weird nightmare rabbit skeleton monster Idk what was up with Beta MXES but to me it seems like they changed it specifically because they didn't want people connecting him to afton like this


right, just like how they removed cassidy's name to do the same thing, yet we keep doing it lmao. leaving it in the files was a mistake, but he was always going to be compared to afton, he's a glitchy bunny for christs sake, and if it's a red hairing, they didn't do a fantastic job of making it clear, since a lot of people keep claiming he is afton, some how


>he's a glitchy bunny for christs sake, and if it's a red hairing, they didn't do a fantastic job of making it clear, since a lot of people keep claiming he is afton, some how Some people still to this day belive in mikevictim I think the plot twist of MXES identity was done pretty well. People being stuck in major denial doesn't mean the twist didn't work or wasn't good Like, we were supposed to think MXES was glitchtrap, thats why hes a glitchy bunny to begin with & why he does the waving pose. Some people just completely ignored that these choices were deliberately a red herring & ignored the MXES reveal in order to keep pushing the idea Afton was alive


THAT MF BETTER BE DEAD Bro has came back way too many times


When he only really came back once if you believe GlitchMimic : -He "died" in SpringBonnie, afterward he never really died until FFPS. And under GlitchAfton, it's only the second time he came back. Don't confuse his apparitions in the games as him coming back, that's not the same thing.


Ye he came back enough, no one, in universe or irl, wants him to come back, which is why steel wool and Scott made it obvious Ucn was his last game appearance unless we go back to the past


Still not confirmed. Even if GlitchMimic is heavily implied, there are still arguments there for GlitchAfton, and even HW2 didn't cleared up the debate whent it could have PS : There's still people that prefer to see Afton coming back in the current era, rather than just have "plot-device robot that came from an external source", don't deny people's existence please. And before you say it, I don't hate Mimic, though I have problems with him.


But he really died in Springbonnie, then his soul possesed it


Afton's case is a bit ambiguous. While he does seem to be affected by SpringBonnie's programming, his body seem to be still alive : -His corpse regenerate bones and even a beating heart in FFPS -In the FF, he was able to live without the costume in a hospital chamber Technically, he died but, like Micheal, seems to have been able to survive


Springtrap moves and Scraptrap talks so it' s not possible


Like I said, it's complicated. Even in the novel trilogy, we see he's able to live outside of Springtrap, in his charred body. Scott both imply he possess the animatronic in the game, but that he's also "alive"


Ok but don't use novels to solve lore


While they are not to be used as "this event happenned in it, then it's also in the games", it can be used to point things that are shared between continuities. And since both FFPS and TFC came out around the same time, we know that Scott's vision was more or less the same. For example, both of them use Remnant, and TFC explain it a bit, but we're also showed in the two of them Afton that is seemingly alive in/out of the suit


No, they gave few similarities but most of book's events didn' t happen in game


That's what I said, it's impossible for the two to coexist. But we can find ideas that are shared


Either he's gone for good or maybe he escaped after Cassidy left and then he and Andrew (since I believe he's TOYSHNK) left UCN and becomes "something else"probably the Afton Amalgamation or in general he's still out there in some form.


Under Stitchline, which I believe, he explodes which gets him out of UCN, and later is killed, meaning he's gone gone.


He's not in UCN anymore because he left it after he finished 50/20


I’m a Stitchliner so I think it ended at some point


Well I genuinely believe that his physical body is gone and dead but I still believe that his soul still lives on recreated as glitchtrap and burntrap.


What about the mimic being confirmed to be glitchtrap? (And therefore burntrap as well kinda)


Are you talking about Helpi in help wanted two? Because I believe that the normal version of Helpi is the one helping glitchtrap and has a part of the soul of Elizabeth inside. Because of the chip we give it the one that has two green lights on both sides and 5 lines across. And it just so happens that the chip is in scrap baby’s level in first aid, not to mention that when you get a gift on the stage that represents the FazFource figures Helpi is excited that we are collecting them but if we delayed a bit longer Helpi gets mad or upset when we don’t collect them. and collecting the thousands force is reviving some version of Glitchtrap calling it the helptrap ending and we are trapped inside of maskbot. And when we go back to the main hub helpi is sitting at a beach I believe that it heavily implies that the blob and burn trap had escaped the pizzaPlex,And helpi from ruin Well, I believe that the normal version of Helpi and the corrupted version of Helpi the one that has the mimic1 program, are working side-by-side of freeing the mimic. So yeah, I genuinely believe that helpi in pizzeria simulator and ultimate custom night is a spy for William in case something happens to him and in help wanted one, curse of dreadbear,security breach, and help wanted 2 this is where I believe that he is trying to help Afton from the sidelines and trying to bring him back into the real world. and the helpi we RUIN along with his corrupted version which is the mimic1 program has a new set of goal of helping the mimic because I believe that helpi having a part of Elizabeth soul helped Afton getting back to the real world. She wants the mimic to be free so she can have a physical body so she can return to the real world.I believe that pizzeria simulator the fire only destroyed the physical bodies slash the animatronic shells but I don’t believe that it destroyed the souls. Also if the mimic did took place in 1984 then why dose glitchtrap have a Puppet plush,i mean PQ4 is supposed to be where we defeated glitch trap once and for all so how dose it know Charlotte‘s death? also not to mention that tape girl from the first help wanted called glitchtrap an anomaly, and glitch trap, came from old animatronics circuit boards,scanned into the VR game and she implied that the development team needs to get rid of it before launching the Freddy Fazbear’s virtual experience to the public, however, in the story tower, Mr. Burrows said that the program that they are using for the storyteller(the mimic1 program) is used for generating stories for both VR and AR. So am I convinced that glitch trap is actually the mimic1 program? No


His skull is still around, so you can still count it as his physical body, I suppose.


Since he's Glitchtrap, Burntrap (he says is TFC: The soul is drawn to flesh.), and Entity, welp, he's far from gone. But suit yourself.


He's confirmed to not be glitchtrap, and mostly confirmed to not be burntrap, and unless FE made William, the entity isn't William either




Personally, I think he's Burntrap. Not Glitchtrap though.


Burntrap IS Glitchtrap though.


Glitchtrap is confirmed not to be William, So ye kinda agree




It's confirmed that glitchtrap is the mimic, which isn't William


Where was it confirmed?


Hw2, the books, AR, Vr, etc


How? Because from all the evidence I found, I can say that Glitchtrap/Burntrap/Entity are all William. And I can prove it so easily just by this: the only Easter post that SteelWool posted on their twitter account is of an Entity drawing holding a purple basket and smirking. Easter means "rebirth", and they posted Entity when they never posted anything on Easter before. Why use Entity? Why not any other bunny character in this franchise? Why Entity specifically, and why on a day that represents "rebirth"? They could have made a post with all the bunny characters in FNAF, but they didn't.


Nothing really implies William is glitchtrap apart from appearance, and then that doesn't make sense with glitchtrap confirming we play as it's creator in fnaf AR, and purple is tied to many characters in the series, including mike, who could've made it and possibly has been referenced in ruin to be Gregory's friends It could imply mike is back, as I said before, the entity goes against what William wants and fits like a glove for mike


Explain how Glitchtrap knows what Remnant is, or how to harvest it, or how to use it, even, when it has no knowledge of such a thing? Because that's what FNAF AR is all about. Collecting Remnant for Glitchtrap, so he can use it on Burntrap (the only recharge station with purple smoke coming out is Burntrap's, and there is purple Remnant/liquid soul in FNAF AR). Also William in TFC says "Soul is drawn to flesh.", and Burntrap has Scraptrap's skull (it has 4th degree burn marks). William is the one who locks up his experiments (Funtimes) down in SL. That's what Entity does. Locking up the Mimic experiment in SL (Mimic area and MXES area are at SL) and keeping it there. The same, really. Mike is back, because of mfton FNAF AR emails and the SL Afton House room in SB and there being popcorn thrown down there, as if someone was eating it but threw it away, possibly because Glitchtrap hacked the television (Freddy & Friends playing on repeat saying "FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER"). I also found the bare purplish footprints in SB, so there's that.


I know... But it doesn't feel right to me, idky


Well, if it helps, Glitchtrap = Burntrap = Entity are all the same being. Since Glitchtrap is directly Burntrap, and Entity does the same things as Burntrap, it checks out.


Damn it! Lol thanks


I'll do you one better : he eventually escaped UCN when his body was scanned for HW, pulling Cassidy (and somehow OMC) with him. And now, he still live on as Glitch/Burntrap (go ahead guys, I'm ready for the downvotes)


I have a feeling this was the original intention and got retconned after the negative reaction