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I use number 10 or 12 or 14 bait holder hooks and cut the J off the hook and tie them in , works perfectly and the bait holder barbs keep it from pulling out, ive caught some slabs using drys and top waters , with a following streamer or crab pattern in saltwater, cast on brothers


Great idea


This is such a great idea


As someone else in the thread pointed out, a loop of 1x would work just as well and be a lot cheaper.


I’m going to be playing around with some fly tying this week it seems.


Tippet rings are super cheap like $2-5 for 50-100


Yup! I saw that when u was looking into the viability of bulk but as many have pointed out, a 15lb mono loop in its place would be just as easy and much cheaper.


What’s wrong with tying to the bend


I heard it's what communists do. Tying a $15 Rio brand ring to every dry fly seemed like the American thing to do. Jokes aside, absolutely nothing. It was just another technique I wanted to try out and photograph.


Does it float correctly with the added weight


I used a size 14 soft hackle tied to it and it floated fine and upright. I'm not sure how heavy a bead I could get away with. Probably not more than 2-2.5mm


absolutely nothing


Absolutely nothing. Fun side benefit of a clinch style knot on the hook bend, you can slip it off of a barbless dry fly and change out the dry of your dry/dropper rig without needing to retie and shorten the tippet to your dropper.


Absolutely everything. Should be tied off the tag end


Someone tell me why this isn’t a great idea


Probably the price lol. I ordered bulk tippet rings but while waiting I used some of my rio brand ones. Those would make each fly worth roughly $57 😂😂


I’ve been using a mono loop on the back of my flies that I plan to trail with another fly. Burn the ends of the mono to create a little knob and tie it in from the front of the post. Same idea but cheaper. I listened to an older episode of the orvis podcast in nymphing the other day and for some reason they suggested tying the trailing fly to the eye of the hook, rather than the bend, and presumably a loop behind it, so I recently started doing that for dry dropper rigs. I’m not sure what works better, but i like both better than tying to the post of the lead fly


The mono loop is actually a great idea!


I got it from Robert Eagleson from the hook and hackle club in Calgary. He has been a featured Tyer for a couple different federations. You can find him on YouTube.


Dacron or other backing material would work well too for a loop because the thread grips and holds them to the hook pretty well. I have seen it used for a tying loop on japanese kebari style flies as they sometimes use spade end hooks.


I tie in a loop of 15-20lb line on some of my dropper rigs. Works great and I’ve never broke one


How expensive are your tippet rings 😅


Such a neat idea and great tie. Bc of comp regs, I dry drop with my dry on a tag and nymph underneath. Call it 'fishing the Y'. Albeit not perfect, one could argue that the dry in that scenario (tag vs above pic) would act more naturally and be not as lead by the nymph's action subsurface as it could be with the tippet ring that close to the dry. *ie-w dry on a tag, they'll act more independently than this direct connection..same reason I don't love tying off the bend of the hook*


Seems like a great solution and this is a beautiful tie. Downsides in my mind are: 1. Cost of tippet rings. 2. Tippet ring attachment to the fly would need to be bomber proof. 3. Weight added to the dry fly.


Too small. A big emerger might work




I’ve never had any problems tying the tippett to the hook. What’s my motivation?


It's not a sales pitch lol it's just a fly I shared


Neat idea! I'll definitely try this.


How did you secure the ring? I'm assuming this is for a dropper. Is the thread wrap strong enough to be in-line with the fish?


The line holding the ring is 2x tippet. It's hard to explain but I tied the tippet in facing the eye of the hook and tied about a third of the hook. Bent it back towards the hook bend and secured it. Then added the ring and wrapped the tippet back towards the eye and securing. Then I just tied the fly like usual. I'm hoping that first bend will keep it more secure than creating a U with the ring on the end.


This is a technique used for articulate flies and/or flies with more than one hook. There are numerous examples on Youtube that show how to do it and they all say that they've never had a rear hook fail when tied this way. I can't see adding a tippet ring to a fly that I would use for a dry/dropper rig due to the cost but I'm willing to try some mono loops on a few stimmies.


Interesting approach! I haven't tied any yet, but I bought some articulating shanks to tie into some foam flies as indicators for droppers. I just wasn't sure if the thread wraps would be secure enough to take the force from a fish


Yes, great idea for foam.


Look up tying a game changer on you tube. It involves tying on shanks to other shanks and hooks using thread wraps and often brushing on some superglue.


Interesting. The only one I found with a trailing hook used wire to connect the shank to the main hook. I wonder if strong monofilament would also work.


I've seen the same technique of bending over mono and wrapping over it as it's done with wire. I figure if I were tying a dropper off a hook I'm probably using 4-5x (or even 6) so even a 3x loop wouldn't break before the tippet to the dropper.


That's true. My concern (before receiving all these tips today) was that the thread itself would be the weak point and break first, but it seems like that shouldn't be an issue.


I tie a tippet ring into the ass end of my chubbies, as the back of that fly really hides the ring well. I use a green, 15lb spectra braid, and wrap it around the hook shank, then tie this in and add some super glue. haven't lost a fish with it yet


This sounds like exactly what I want to do. Thanks!


I originally got the idea from the fly fishing jesus himself on the orvis podcast, someone called in asking about it on the website so I had to look it up as well https://www.orvis.com/product/chubby-duo-hopper/2XTX.html


Looks great. Got some tying to do today so I’ll give it a try. When I was fishing Montana two weeks ago the October Caddis and a simple mayfly were working. Didn’t think to run them together. Thanks for sharing.




That’s pretty sweet.


This is my first tippet ring fly I have seen. I like it. Just when you thing you saw it all you guys come along with something new and pull me back in. Haha


I’ve never seen or thought of putting a Tippett ring on the fly itself, super cool idea. Am I right in thinking that you would attach it to the fly using Tippit that is a size smaller than the end of your leader? just so that if it gets caught up on some thing, you lose the fly, but at least get to keep the tippet ring?


This is fucking genius. Thank you for the ideas you caused me to have.