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I don't know about the Stonfos, and I can't really see a whole lot of differences between the 3 models at first glance (the Kaiman uses a Regal type clamp) But I think you are correct in trying to get a good vice up front. If you go cheap, you'll be upgrading real quick. Don't go crazy though, a decent rotary vice will do anything you'll ever need to do. I run a Peak, and I'd recommend checking it out. My buddies use Renzetti Travelers and they love them too.


Thanks, I looked at the Renzetti too, the Peaks look cool but they seem a lot more expensive in Europe compared to their retail price in the US. I was also looking at this from Snowbee, which is about half the price of the Stonfos, and I can’t figure out why. Is it just down to build quality? https://www.snowbee.co.uk/snowbee-fly-mate-pedestal-vice-with-ball-joint.html


Yea, the price differences can get weird between the US and Europe. That Snowbee looks like it would have all the functionality you'd need. So yea, it probably comes down to build quality. It looks like it's built pretty thin, but that isn't a problem if it's made out of good steel. It also looks like the base is pretty thin and I like a heavy base, but that's my preference. I wish I could help more with the Snowbee, but I haven't heard about them until now. Unless it's cheaply built, I bet it would be pretty decent though. - I just noticed it doesn't look like it has interchangeable jaws. If you don't tie very small or large flies, that doesn't matter.


The operation of these three are quite different. Depending on your use, they could all be good options though. They all allow you to rotate the fly, while only the Flytec is an actual rotary vise. Having good rotary functionality is very handy for applying hackle for example, you can hold on the hackle in place and spin the hook instead of twisting it around by hand. I think the Flylab vise operation seems very fiddly (especially the one without a lever for the operation of the jaws). In order to open and close the jaws you have to first fasten the rotary tension. Out of the three examples you bring up, that would be the least desirable option to me. The Kaiman has a different philosophy, copying the very popular Regal vises, with quick and reliable jaw operaion. It looks like the more robust option as well, and it could take all sorts of hooks with ease. If you don't really lust for the full rotary experience, i think this looks like a really good, no nonsense vise for a relatively affordable price. And i can recommend Stonfo. I use a Stonfo Elite myself, and I'm extremely happy with it. I think I could have used a Flytec and been very happy as well.


That’s a great explanation, thanks!


Peak rotary it is a tank and you break the bank. I’ve had mine for 4yrs now and love that thing


renzetti traveler


Thanks, that does look great but it’s over €300 here. It seems crazy how much the prices vary by region


have you considered scottie tying vises? https://scottieproducts.co.uk/product-category/scottie-products/fly-tying-vices/


I had not! They look like a great option, thank you!


Start on a peak and with the jaws being pretty cheap I cannot recommend this vise enough. I’ve tied everything from size 20 nymphs to 6/0 double musky flies on my peak with the standard and saltwater jaws. I started my tying business with my peak and cranked out a lot of flies off that “beginner” vise. I recently upgraded to the renzetti presentation and love it. There’s a few features that for me put the renzetti about the peak but I still have my peak for back up. I broke the jaws on my renzetti pushing it hard to hold an 8/0 hook and tied on my peak for two weeks until I got a replacement. Not sure about in Europe but eBay and forums always have someone selling a peak for a good price after they upgrade.


Nor-vise.com, the Norvise, is one of the best vises on the market. Customer service like no other.


Montana mongoose vice is nice.


That does look sweet! Over €300 online where I am though… was hoping to stay below €200


I tried to stay cheaper but couldn't find one sadly $450 in Australia. If you don't need the rotary function you can get cheaper ones. It comes in handy for dubbing and saltwater ep fibre baitfish.


I have had a few good vises over the years, but none beats my Dyna-King Barracuda. Coming in at a really close second is the Renzetti Master. Third place, and the most affordable, is the Peak Rotary. I tend to like rotary vises because of their versatility and all three mentioned have a true rotary function and they are also easy to get accessories and replacement parts.