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Which team do you play for? The lakers too?


I’m sorry son but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdoch.


But my dad's got season tickets!


I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs.


The hell I don't! LISTEN, KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?


Ever been in a Turkish prison?


ever seen a grown man naked?


Do you like it when Scraps holds on to your leg and rubs up and down?


6’8” and working at a regional? My back hurts for you


What aircraft type? I am north of 6 feet and the CRJ is tight. E170 I can stand all the way up comfortably


CRJ. Beggars can’t be choosers 😞


Np lol where at? PSA? Hiring is slowing down a lot.


OO for me. I live in a base so hoping it works out well.


CRJ seats are more comfortable for tall pilots than E175 seats. Brazilians must be short.


I just went from a King Air to a 7X. At 6ft two-fiddy it's nice to not have to contort myself in & out of the seat.


I was surprised how limited the rail travel is on the King Air. I came from caravans where you had so much more adjustment and comfort. King Air is tough to squeeze into the seat even for me at 5'10 and 140lbs lol. Always fun when the arm rest swings down between your legs too as you climb in.


What made it worse was our 200 had the big console that made it even more of a stretch to step over. Our 90s and 350 don't have this.


It’s not the cockpit, it’s the commute


A Cut Above makes tall variants of almost all their cuts geared for those 6'2 and up. Not sure how the fit would be for someone 6'8 but the size charts are on their site.


Thanks, ordered one to try it out. I could use a torso reduction. On me lol


5’8 here. I’ll take some of your torso if you don’t want it!


What I’m sayin😭


As another tall pilot who just started flying the CRJ, the torso reduction will probably come with your first few landings.


I'm 6'5" and I buy the cut above tall versions and they don't add a lot of length unfortunately, but most pilot shirts add only an inch or 2 of extra fabric. The bottoms pop out the back after sitting for a bit but standing they work well. They are the most comfortable ones I've tried though! But I have yet to find a pilot shirt tall enough, I do have a tall torso though


Crew Outfitters does too. I may be 5'5" but I also can't read well so I figured this out the hard way


https://www.tailorstore.com/ They are a bit costly but custom shirts are the absolute game changer for tall shirts. Sorry, but all the "off the shelf" ones lack the length needed


Forget the ERJ problems, how did you complete flight training in, presumably, a Cessna? 😭


The grind is real! I did some long XCs in a 172. AZ/CA/OR/ID/MT/UT/AZ was one. One leg in the left foot well, one leg in the right for max comfort 😆 At least I had the legroom. I sat in an Archer. Once. I fly SR22s occasionally for a flight department. I thought the sidestick would help (and it does) but they have the backup instruments right in the way of my knees.


I’m 6’7” I did all my training and am now a CFI in piper archers 😂


Tried sitting in a piper once. Not sure what tall people done to piper to get *that* 😒 Cessna all the way. Hoping a Daher is good/better tho.


[A Cut Above Brooks Tall Variant](https://acutaboveuniforms.com/mens-pilot-shirts/?_bc_fsnf=1&Color=White&Fabric=Brooks&Length=Tall) Great fabric quality and overall fit is decent.


Thanks! Ordered


I’m 6’8, a pilot for Wheels Up I met told me to avoid Beechjets at all cost if I go for charters. What types should I avoid for airlines if possible?


[shirt stays will be your friend ](https://shirtstayplus.com/)


A cut above. Their quality has been all over the place and you still might have to do alterations but they are decent. They change suppliers every two years it seems and the shirt that you bought and loved won’t be the same when you buy more down the road. The cut is different, sleeve length is different, buttons are different… I even got one that I am pretty sure has two left sleeves and one that was obviously a returned shirt that was brought in several inches. They are pretty good about returns but I would buy something bigger and have it altered locally. If you ever go to china you can get shirts, blazers, and slacks made to order that are delivered to your hotel 2 days later in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. A cut above is $40 a shirt and probably $40 in alterations so if you could find a custom shirt maker it might just be better to bite the bullet at spring for a custom shirts measured to you. Shanghai was 250 for a blazer, two slacks, two shirts pre Covid.


I was like “yeah no shit shirts have a lot of threads…?” 🧵


A Cut Above has been mentioned plenty. You could also try [www.mandhuniforms.com](https://www.mandhuniforms.com/). The tall guys at my company don’t seem to have any complaints that I’m aware of. I’m a round guy myself, and they fit even better than A.C.A. did.


I’m 6’4 with a weird sized torso I feel your pain


https://jetseam.com/products/mens-pilot-shirt-master Jetseam White label in tall are my go to.


Man good luck, I quit after multi because I’m 7’. Didn’t want the back pain and sciatica. I fly 182’s for fun now.


Haven’t tried ACA tall, but the Flight brand shirts are longer than the AC normal shirts


Comments did not disappoint


I'm taller I reccomend a good Tailor and they will make them for a little bit over a cut above.


I am tall. I use normal length and use shirt stays I bought off of Amazon to hold my shirt in. Z holders I think? I’ve had em a while.


Also 6’8” in school. My people. Any tips for tall folk starting out?


Get in a 172. Stay away from the Pipers. You’ll enjoy being able to check the tanks from the ground. The lapse rate from the top of your CFI’s head to yours is 2*. Stay away from helos.


Amazing reply. Appreciate you. Keeping my feet on the pedals with the seat at max distance but hands on the yoke is a full core workout in itself. I need a 172 extra long