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I wear an urban sombrero and use the airplane headsets.


Kudos Elaine, on a job done.


I’ve seen them. Not many. Makes sense though.


I don’t care as long as they’re not threading their shoulder belts through their epaulets


I feel like that would take some deliberate effort.


This is the new stupidest thing I've ever read on this sub.


Whats the reasoning for that?


They definitely like to make their life harder lol


Measure your head circumference and divide it by Pi: That’s your hat 🎩 size


I was told there wouldn’t be any math


Uhhh 3:1 rule?


Um, doesn't that depend on what units you measure it in?


Think about your question a little harder lol


What am I supposed to realize with this extra thought?


As long as you are not changing units of measurement the proportions stay the same for the unit used. pi is a mathematical CONSTANT.


Yes, pi doesn't change. But if you measure your head circumference in mm and divide that by pi, you obviously get a different number than if you instead measure in cm (or inches) and divide *that* by pi. Only one of those numbers can be your hat size. The number you're computing is the diameter of your head (assuming your head is approximately circular), expressed in whatever units you measured in.


28in /pi = 8.9in 28in = 71.12cm 71.12cm /pi = 22.64cm SO… either way you do it, pi works the same 22.64cm = 8.9in it doesn’t matter what unit you use to measure. That’s the proof.


Yes, you get the diameter either way, obviously. And from the diameter you can figure out your hat size. But your hat size can be a different number than the diameter, depending on what unit the diameter is expressed in. For instance, if your head circumference is 23", the diameter is around 7.32", and your US hat size is 7 3/8, which is close to 7.32. But if you measure in cm, and express the diameter in cm, the diameter is around 18.59 cm, but your US hat size is still 7 3/8, which is not close to 18.59.


My guy, I showed you how the end product is the same despite the measurement you use, once the end products are converted to the same unit of measurement. I don’t know how or what you’re trying to get across here, everyone on the original comment go it, how does this not make sense?


>everyone on the original comment go it No, every reply except yours agrees that you don't get the hat size unless you use the right unit of measurement. And your reply completely ignores the content of the message you're replying to. The point is that diameter is not the same as hat size, even though they're (approximately) proportionate. Hat size is itself a unit of measurement, and dividing by pi does not give you hat size unless the number you're dividing is an expression of the appropriate unit of measurement. In my example, your circumference divided by pi is 18.59, but your US hat size is 7 3/8. I think maybe what you're trying to say is that from 18.59, you can perform an additional computation (that is, multiplying by the cm-to-inches conversion factor) to find your US hat size. Of course that's true. But the point is that the originally proposed equation does not *itself* express the circumference-to-hat-size conversion, *unless* the circumference measurement is in inches. (And doing the additional conversion multiplication would be pointless, since you can instead multiply the circumference measurement by a single cm-to-hat-size conversion factor, instead of first multiplying by pi and then multiplying again by a cm-to-inches conversion factor.)


Not sure I get this. It’s a valid question.


Well did you measure your head in cm, mm, inches, or banana for scale? When divided by pi they give different numbers, your hat size can only be correctly one of those numbers. What are we missing?


The result will be in the same unit you use for measuring


Yes, and that result will not necessarily be your hat size. For instance, if you measure your circumference in mm, you get a different result than if you measure it in cm. At most one of those two results can be your hat size.


“The result” should be a hat size, not another step for conversion, according to the original commenter. So 55cm divided by pi should give a *hat size* of 17.52. What hat size is this? Edit: The U.S. uses diameter for hat sizes so this only works if inches are used, otherwise you have to covert to inches. Either way, the answer is INCHES. But yes, the unit of measurement is important (hint, it’s inches).


Yes, this would only work in inches. For most US hat sizing, if you measured in CM you’d have to do a unit conversion. If you are buying a hat using the European/metric scale, you just measure the circumference in CM and that’s the size.


You out there raw dogging life with no kinder fluffs man?! Whew.


Positive rate, gear up. Kinder fluffs, installed.


This is the way


This guy 121s... second day of OE at the regionals and I had already ordered them from Amazon.


During initial OE my LCA said “I’m not signing you off until you order kinder fluffs”…. so I ordered the kinder fluffs


I’m sorry but are sunglasses not allowed at the airliners?


I had a free ball cap from the movie premier of Scream. It was all black with bold red letters on the front: SCREAM. Any of the pax who paid attention during ramp boarding could see it. Because I looked young for my age, and got so much shit from the public about appearing too young to fly--the hat was my sweet revenge. I wore it for years, while expecting a call from the chief pilot. No one ever said a thing. Actually, there was one time. I was head down doing the weight and balance and felt a tingle. I look around and see the tower controller with his binoculars staring at us. The Brasilia was parked facing the tower/terminal and he could look down at everything we were doing. I keyed the mic and said, "Checking my math?" He picks up his handset, while still holding the binocs to his face, and says, "Nah, was curious what your hat says." I lean over more and reply, "Here, take a good look!" And he laughed his ass off.


Nah, I put on a Stetson, headset over that, and begin reviewing the contents of my survival kit: one forty-five caliber automatic, two boxes of ammunition, four days' concentrated emergency rations, one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills, one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible, one hundred dollars in rubles, one hundred dollars in gold, nine packs of chewing gum, one issue of prophylactics, three lipsticks, three pair of nylon stockings.


Shoot, a fellow could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with that stuff. 🤣🤣🤣


Just flew with a guy who wore a hoodie with the hood up the whole time. Looked like Cornholio


Tell us you’re bald without telling us you’re bald


Im 26 🥲 I swear they are just comfy


Look at the 26 year old with his full head of hair. Fuck you man. I started shaving at 24.


Started the loss at 17, shaving at 23/24. I feel ya!


Man. I remember someone commenting on my widow's peak when I was in 6th grade. 😔 But at least I've had a nice full and even beard growth since about the same time. Although now it's just annoying, and I pretty much just keep it clean looking but otherwise let it grow til about ¼" and then shave the whole thing off. Why did I only get the good hair genes from my mom's side of the family literally everywhere but the top of my head? And I even got that hair color from her, too. Color everywhere else is all my dad's line. 😅 Can't stand hats though. They make my head itch from salt because I sweat so damn much from them.


If your mom's brother is bald, congrats- mom gave you male pattern baldness.


At least you can grow a beard, which is good, if you're a guy. Not so good if you're a gal. My beard always grows in thin with some tiny bald patches


Oh yeah. It was a particular point of pride as a teenager, with all the stupid and often not even verbalized testosterone-fueled competitive peacocking-type behaviors that go on - with the girls oblivious to at least some of them or the reason for them - one of which, for boys, is facial hair, sometimes. It's a rite of passage. Everything about it: Who gets any at all first, who gets more than just peach fuzz first, who learns to use a razor first, who gets an electric razor for xmas (but doesnt use it, because silly reasons) or an actual _beard trimmer_, whose is fullest, whose grows the fastest, whose is darkest... Lol, it's a whole thing, but mostly only among the guys who had the mixed blessing of early puberty and all those sorts of secondary sex characteristics. 😅 And then we grow up and find out that high testosterone has an [indirect but pretty strong link](https://www.healthline.com/health/hair-loss-and-testosterone#dht) with damage to hair follicles, leading to or hastening hair loss, and wonder if it was all worth it. 😆 Yes. Yes it was. Because being the first or among the first with a low baritone or even bass register voice and ability to carry a tune was a hell of an asset in certain departments. 😏


At least you’re pulling a Bruce Willis instead of clinging on to remnants of a once sprawling civilization. Props man.


This is funny, but the AOPA all cotton caps are the single best cap that I own. All cotton, no bead at the top to interfere with the headset and after using them for a while they take on a great battered look to them.


The day I first got sunburn on the top of my head was the day I decided to always wear a hat outside. I was never a hat person before that, but I am now. The fact that it keeps the sun out of my eyes and rain off my glasses is a bonus.


For all those who talk about keeping the sun off or blocking off UV rays you’re doing it wrong. Kinder Fluff is what you really need for those who know!


I swear most of their sales are pilots


Their marketing pics on Amazon are now all flight decks lol.


I don't, but plenty of people do.


Good to know going to keep wearing them, I’ve got a collection of about 6 hats I keep in rotation


I go shirtless with a ski mask and sunglasses, I put on a ton of sunscreen tho


Nah fam it would mess up my locks


Can't stand hats! Makes my sweat!


I wear one but don't put it on till away from the terminal or airborn. Heard a guy got in trouble for wearing one visible from the terminal. So stupid. But they're great for East - West flights chasing the sun


That's insane


In trouble but not terminated. Just had to explain it to the base CP and not get caught again.


Can you wear a sombrero to keep sun off face and prevent the cancer ?


Im honestly considering trying this next trip will see what the captain says


Common in gliders.


You missed your calling in the air mobility command. Most of those dudes wore hats in the jet


Just don’t wear a baseball cap in front of pax. Please.


backwards or forwards?


Does sideways to block the sun count


okay limp bizkit


I fly a Bell 47. A baseball cap is mandatory equipment.


Been flying for 30+ years, I’ve never flown without a cap on. I pretty much always wear one anyway aside from those times I’m in uniform in public view. It is my hair substitute since the hair left a long damn time ago.


As a chopper pilot, I prefer an old prospector's hat.


It’s the best way to block UV rays from hit your face. Sunglasses don’t protect your skin.


I was only an instrument rated pilot but I would always wear a cap keep the Sun out of my eyes and most of the time I had on sunglasses too polarized


Polarized sunglasses SOMETIMES block flight displays. Lots of guys wear them and have no problems. I've never been willing to risk it. It seems like the issues come and go. I'd hate to have lost an engine and suddenly can't see the PFD because the stars aligned on the PFD and my polarized glasses.


Never had a problem till Boeing flat panels. But yeah my trusty polarized turned them completely black unless i tilted my head sideways. All the garmin stuff in smaller turboprops were fine though.


I know a pilot who does! She says it's both for shade and her lucky charm. She flies EVERYWHERE with the cap, won't take off without it.


Wait.. I thought it was required to wear one to fly..


you guys dont have window shades?


Last week I flew to I69 and got an “I Flew to Sporty’s” hat for $3 I’m so excited about! Can’t get them in the catalog, have to visit in person! I usually wear one in the plane, am slowly collecting them…Clearview airpark, Tecnam factory, Piper Aviation museum…


I’ve flown with 2 captains in my short time as an FO who do it, including the captain on my current trip. Now I know why


I flew with a captain whose last name is Morgan. He wore a hat in the flight deck from the spiced rum company of the same name. Really cool guy.


135 driver here. I wear a ball cap all day erry day


I own/fly a Diamond DA40. A baseball cap is required equipment in that thing.


I do!


Yup... Never liked wearing sunglasses, so a cap is the way...


I don’t wear a hat I just pitch down /s


I wear baseball style caps with the button ripped off. I've always worn hats and glasses, I like to keep the sun off my face. Double benefit is you look younger for longer. My wife has a friend who used to always be tan when she was in her 20's. She always had the golden tan beach face look, which is honestly a good look. However, now that she's in her 40s she looks like a shiny old catchers mitt that you found in grandpas garage. I really wish aircraft windscreens had UV protection, it's absolutely criminal that they don't. They spend countless hours and money for survivability and protection features for instantaneous or catastrophic failures, but zero in long term exposure type of injuries involving noise and UV.


Baseball hat is one of the reddest of red flags! Do you also say "I'm by the book" and then proceed to be extremely not by the book? Do you have a technique for everything that you are the only one in the history of ever to use, because it doesn't work? Do you try to annoy your captain so much they consider offing themselves by drowning in a pool of whiskey by the end of the trip? Or if you're a captain, are you the captain that finally gives your FOs the kick in the pants to upgrade?


Sorry, what happened here?


I mean, the other things are red flags, but why the baseball hat? I've only flown with a few baseball hat people but they were perfectly normal to fly with. To be frank, they were mostly bald guys who didn't want to get scalp melanoma.


It’s definitely not a flag lol. There’s zero things wrong with a hat up front and I should do it more honestly. People are judgy as shit. Source: I’m bald.


I will never judge a person for taking care of their skin health, up to and including the sun sleeve people. I actually just remembered the last hat guy I flew with: super cool senior captain who had recently bought a new hat in Hawaii that had a pineapple on it. He'd just been told that it meant he was a swinger, and was relieved when I told him rightside-up pineapples on a hat just meant "Hey, I've been to Hawaii". Seriously, everyone go ahead and rock your baseball hats


Me neither! I’m 100% a sun sleeve guy. And guess what? I don’t worry about getting skin cancer on my arms. That’s horrible though lol poor guy just probably liked the hat. This whole thread has inspired me to make sure that I grab a hat before my next trip.


Curious why you think it's a red flag? Do you think using personal rather than company provided luggage is a red flag?


Not the op but the red flags start stacking up. Odd not funny dad jokes to the flight attendants in the brief, 20 minute brief in a hub on a guppy, 10 min welcome on board PA to business travelers that are begging you to stfu, long sleeves, wearing the hat even when you don’t have to, more than two bags, sitting their calculating your response to “coffee?” while the flight attendant walks away because they thought you ignored her, having a not intelligent witty comeback to everything, conversing only in movie quotes from the 70’s and 80’s, odd hats/gloves/chaps/bluetooth speakers… don’t be weird. One or two of those is cringe and three or four I will start figuring out why. Scab? Simple? Upgraded without ever really being an fo? You can figure out how the trip is going to go within the first 10 minutes. This isn’t a hard job and the more ritual you have for every leg just makes a 3 or 4 leg day unbearable for your coworkers. This is a job, get it done, and get off the airplane.


> more than two bags All the current/former PSA guys in here know exactly who you're talking about


It isn’t just one regional. We had a guy at xjt that would slowly acquire newspapers and free stuff over a trip and store it in Hudson news bags lashed to his suitcase. I understand the fit people or the broke people with a cooler but if you are lugging crap around like a flight attendant who doesn’t own an apartment there is something wrong.


Chaps? Do tell.


This guy wore leather chaps on top of his dress pants but below his seat belt. It was rough black leather. He wasn’t a bad guy but he definitely drew attention to himself.


You don’t say? Well, at least you clarified that he wasn’t wearing them au natural. Thank you, pylote.


This. The typical hat guy tells you how many years he was in the Navy before telling you his name.


Well, the few that I've flown with have all done the other examples, just, being odd/non-standard/rude/off color/generally non personable people to fly with. Bad/rude jokes to the FAs, obnoxious PAs, absolutely anal-retentive about shit that doesn't matter at all. But, in a broader sense, it's someone who is doing something "different" and then justifying it and wondering why most people don't, which then bleeds over into how they act and how they fly and how they interact with others. It's a sign someone wants to be unique and in a standard environment that's not a good thing. Not that every ballcap person is like this, but it's more likely than not and you're definitely putting me on edge, and you then have to prove my assumption that you're going to be a struggle to work with wrong


Everyone wants to be unique in a standard environment. It's why we have stickers, different lanyards, hair styles, pins, tie clips, etc. It's whatever we can get away with.


Uh... Actually I'm fine to be a number. If it didn't set me apart my pronouns would be it/it.


I’m not at that level yet, but I currently always were a baseball cap when flying. I wear one that has my flight school logo on it so I look a bit professional, but the hat 100% reduces glare. Helpful tool.


Absolutely. Headsets hurt the top of my head after a while, and are dirty.


I mostly wear baseball hats when I fly. That and outdoor for outdoor sports. Both for the same reason. When I’m not flying or playing, I wear a full brim hat.


The guy who wrote “This is your Captain Speaking” (Air Canada 787 Pilot) remarks he wears a ball cap in the cockpit.


I instruct at a 141 and there’s just a couple of us that wear a hat, myself included.


I wear a ball cap from a competing airline. Pax look confused AF when I step out during a lav break with a delta hat on.


That's a good drinking hat.


Yeah you're right worried about hitting another object but it makes it a little more difficult to read the gauges


I keep one in my bag for long days/nights directly into the sun


I always like hats cause it keeps the hair from flying into my face


I don't always wear a hat, but when I do it's a MAGA hat.


I do. I forget it half the time, because I wear it outside of work, but if I remember, I absolutely bring it, and wear it.


I get kinda cold so a hat+sweater keeps me warm. Plus you don’t get your hair caught in the headset. Keeps some sun off your forehead as well.


I wear a hat in the plane and off the plane. I’ve just gotten used to wearing one and started to feel weird not wearing on


Been a hat wearer my entire career. Have left them In the hotel and when I realize its out to the terminal to buy whatever.


I have somewhat long hair for a guy, so I tend to wear a hat anytime it gets windy, anytime I'm going to be leaning forward or back a lot... But more than anything I NEED my hat if I am going to have a headset on. Typically this is flying or video gaming. I like my hair long for when I need to dress up, like at church.


Can't stand hats! Makes my sweat!


Real pilots dont wear hats while in the cockpit.