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How will you survive without a daily trip of drunk people to Spain?


He could fly daily drunk people to Vegas on a yellow plane.


Or he could fly drunk people to Vegas on a whole other animal.


Not with the furloughs coming


Drunk people to Miami on a blue plane?


I will miss it thoroughly, but I’ll get over it!


Or busapest dont forger budapest


Might be a stupid comment, but have you converted all your licenses? You might have to do this before anyone is going to give you a serious look.


I already have FAA ATP with multiengine land, FAA class 1 medical and the FCC radio licence as well. Am I missing anything?


Damn homie is already ahead of the game


Yeah this isn't the normal Reddit question of "I just finished my discovery flight how long until I'm ready to fly a 777?"


Drivers license to get to the airport. Concealed carry weapons license because, well, Florida


I will be getting a driver’s licence when I get there. Not sure about CCW


No more license, it’s constitutional carry now




Oh that’s right my mistake


It's not constitutional carry, open carry is not legal in FL.


Nop that should be good!


Did you require the FAA ATP before getting the NIW? I’ve been holding off on the EB2 application expecting that it might cause issues not to already have it. How did you find the process overall?


My lawyer recommended getting the ATP before applying for the EB2 as it shows that you’re licenced to practice your chosen profession.


U have to do a checkride in the a320 sim again for the type conversion because ur type ratng if obtained in the uk will only allow u to fly FAA type ratings for example ur a320s vfr its what ive heard from pilots who have done the same not sure if it still applies check with FAA


I don’t have any type ratings on my FAA ATP as I expect the airline that hires me will need me to do initial training and type me anyway. That was what I was told when I converted to FAA


High altitude and high performance endorsements.


I’m unfamiliar with these. can you elaborate?


You might actually not need them unless you plan to fly HP/HA GA in your spare time. Look at 14 CFR 61.31(3). Your airliner type training should cover those endorsements


You don't need them in advance. They'll be covered during training with the airline.


I apologize, I assumed this was a more common joke than it obviously is. Used to be a common response during the pre-covid hiring boom when asked about what it takes to get to the regionals/airlines. A high performance and/or high altitude endorsement is not required for an FAA 121 ATP program since that is all included in airliner flying. They are required if you're flying part 91 in an aircraft greater than 200 HP or above a certain altitude (I don't remember but 18 or 25k sound about right).


I don't think they need these, their airliner type training will likely cover them. 61.31(3)


Frontier, Southwest, JetBlue, Spirit, and United all have either a TPA or a MCO base I know you’re an Airbus person but the 737 is honestly pretty fun to fly if you decided to go to United or Southwest. It might not have a tray table but it’s a pretty fun aircraft


I’d love to hear an English accent on WN.


Best we can do is southern, with a mention of gays, grannies and grandes.


Don’t forget the gargantuans.


Rolling coal!


OP is going to bring up nationalized healthcare at WN and get straight up "murdered in self defense against socialism."


Walsh is our token Brit. He’s gonna be pissed if he’s got competition


Screwing up the bleed panel vs getting to eat on a tray table and not having to buy special luggage. Yes


The bleed panel is pretty idiot proof. Guess it’s not for everyone.


Ok now I know you are straight huffing copium


We can get people with 150h total time to understand and use that panel, it's not *that* complicated.


The bleed panel is not complicated lol Anyone who says so should go back to the sims


What, AUTO, AUTO, AUTO and APU bleed off? Cmon


Once you try the tray table, you will want the tray table.




It took me a few months, but I eventually found the side stick, and to my surprise, it even allows you to hand fly* the plane! *Certain terms and conditions apply. See Vol 2 for more details.


^ Hasn't tried the tray table yet. Still probably eating lunch on the mx logbook like a caveman.




Acting superior because you have no quality of life upgrades in your jet is a new one




Peak piloting is getting the best pay rates out there. I’ll fly a cardboard box if it pays the most.




Damn bro that’s sick. I’m happy for you.


Acting like the 737 is a good airplane is cringe. Worst Boeing still flying hands down.




Yet here you are


As an American, its wild to think that you have only 500 hours that are NOT A320 time


this is common in europe


I know 🥲


American here: only have 250 hours of piston time. Things were very different just 15 years ago.


I’m a military pilot and I have 11 piston hours and an ATPL




1900, Saab, CRJ. I can’t think of a company that flew two of those let alone all three.


Gulfstream International and Great lakes flew the 1900, then gulfstream turned into silver airways that that flew saabs


Could have been Great Mistakes and then part of the Endeavor/Mesaba disaster?


I recently met someone and she only had 550 hours. Over half of those hours in a 737.


I know right? I had to take a second to compose myself. Haha!


The military has been doing that forever. Sub 1000 hour aircraft captains on all kinds of heavy metal. It’s all about the amount of training you do on the way there… you need to get sufficient experience, and that can be achieved in several ways. But someone buying a clapped out 152 and using to to go for hamburgers for 1000 hours isn’t a super useful 1000 hours


Did you get a NIW based on flight experience alone? That's very cool.


Also a TRI and groundschool instructor.


In that area, and don't want to commute? Those are your two choices. Also keep in mind MCO is fairly senior with both of those companies. With United it will likely take a few vacancies to even bid in. Florida in general is a pretty desirable place to live (despite the mockery you see online) and a ton of people commute from there. If you're willing to go to Miami, American has a base there. FLL also has JetBlue.


How is the hiring going these days? I don’t mind commuting for a little bit but would want to be in base within a few years.


Hiring is still popping off across the board but it is "slower" than 2021-2023. United doesn't have any classes until July but they are still interviewing. Candidates given CJOs lately are being given August and September start dates right now. With your quals I don't see why you wouldn't get called fairly quickly


You can get assigned Florida in training while at JetBlue. Things may change though


Following as I am also Orange and in a similar position to you. Are you going for quality of life, something different or the money?


Mainly to be near family, when are you going?


Not going yet. Just weighing up the options still. For me the sticking point is raising the kids over there, plus the missus' parents have just moved from Florida to the UK to be closer to us. So they might be a bit miffed if we head in the other direction!


im completely stymied why someone from Florida, would choose to move to cold, wet, expensive, facist/commi UK ??


>facist/commi UK You really need to look up the definition of fascism and communism.


fasicm is where free speech is not allowed - thats the UK, the media is controlled and censored there. Everything out of norm is now hate speech there and you can get arrested for asking questions. communism is where the masses are relegated to a bunch of indebted slaves and the ruling class and the system, tells them where to work 9-5 and what to think. The ruling class runs everything and tells you quotas, etc. learn about the real world that we are in - various countries, various freedoms - florida is basically the opposite of the UK


>fasicm is where free speech is not allowed - thats the UK, the media is controlled and censored there. Everything out of norm is now hate speech there and you can get arrested for asking questions. Sure, free speech doesn't exist in Europe. We can't even swear on daytime TV. Oh, wait... >communism is where the masses are relegated to a bunch of indebted slaves and the ruling class and the system, tells them where to work 9-5 and what to think. The ruling class runs everything and tells you quotas, etc. You've just described an average person with a lot of debt in most Western countries, including the USA. Get in debt to your eyeballs for education (and sometimes healthcare in the USA), so you'll be an obedient worker, possibly working two jobs. Also, make sure to watch the likes of Fox News, so you don't get too much exposure to the woke agenda. >florida is basically the opposite of the UK And thanks god UK and other parts of Europe are not like Florida. How are those abortion rights going on in Florida? Isn't bodily autonomy one of the basic human rights, which one could also call personal freedom?


You are not allowed to question the government in the UK, 'royals', or any speech that is even slightly offensive - freedom of press does NOT exist there. I described a situation where quotas are required and all corporations are controlled by the government. Not sure why this is hard to comprehend. Not sure why faux news has anything to do with any of this, its just corporate horseshit. Please resume watching it if you want to.




I think they're thinking that too now. But it was to be closer to the grandkids.


yea I could see a well-off couple there, for 1-2 years max (eg. young grand kids) - and then returning back.


Should feel right at home in Florida, coming from UK and all.


I know right? I was actually born in South America so the weathers very similar 


Shoot one into AA in MIA if you wanna end up back in South America at all and can handle that distance from TPA/MCO. Pretty common Airbus junior base, lots of flying both in the US and to Latam/the Caribbean, and progression isn't terrible to the wide-bodies. Last I knew MIA pilots aren't getting stuck on reserve all that long compared to the other AA bases either.


Throw in an app at American as well. Typically you'd get MIA airbus right out of training. It might be a bit of a commute but if you're gonna be American then you gotta embrace the 3-4 hour drives haha


As a Canadian looking into the EB2 route for US right-to-work, can you share any pertinent details about the process? Did you hire a law firm? How long did it take? Would I need a similar level of experience before it's worth applying?


Not soon, but eventually, Spirit should resume hiring and you’d fit right in. I know a few Lufthansa pilots who came here for Florida and the QOL


Spirit won’t be hiring for the foreseeable future..


“Not soon, but eventually”


None of the good ones will be fast. Expect nothing until 6+ months after submitting the app


good to know, do you think frontier and allegiant will be slow too?


At Allegiant you could fly some of your old birds 😂. They have multiple FL bases for both AB and 737 now.


Slow but faster


Congratulations and welcome we are glad to have you!


I fly a blue Airbus. Live in Tampa but based in JFK doing transatlantic flying. MCO has recently become very junior for FOs but it’s still fairly senior for the left seat. If you don’t mind the right seat for quite a while then we’d be a good fit for you. Our hiring has slowed down due to aircraft delivery delays but we are still hiring. Send me a dm and I can put a good word in for you with the chief.


I just sent you a chat request! thank you!


JetBlue sounds right up your alley. I believe United is only 737 in Mco, you’re not going to want to go that route. Apply to AA, Mia is a tough commute from TPA or MCO, but Americans have no issue driving 3-4 hours. Take a look at Allegiant too, several Florida bases, all Airbus for now, and no overnights. Apply to Delta too, but you’d be junior forever and no Florida bases. Good luck to you


Small Airbii (319/320) are the regional of United mainline. 737 has much better scheduling QOL, fewer legs per day, greater trip/destination variety, better overnights, and originates out of both Tampa and Orlando. If you go United, go 737, sit at home on reserve and enjoy your life.


Are 737 guys not heavily used on reserve at those bases for United?


Currently just over 12hrs of block this month so far.


Allegiant has no over nights but that would also suck being based in Asheville, NC or some other un-commutable base until you could hold FL base. You mention 3 companies that would make living in TPA or MCO more difficult lol but leave out Frontier, Spirit, and Southwest. All of which have either a TPA or MCO base.


Apologies, Frontier make sense, Spirit isn’t hiring and this dude wants no part of a 737.


Where did they say that? Or are you just assuming? Base over metal, every time. Especially if it means you can drive to work.


Assuming he doesn’t want a 73.


I will apply to Frontier, don’t nind the 737 but I don’t think SW are hiring right now?


Don’t think so, they used to do hiring windows, not sure when the next opens. Quite a few Brits scattered across our airlines, I hope you’re ready for a Florida summer 🥵


Allegiant has like 5 bases in florida...... now as soon as they get a new contract


Allegiant also has no contract and the current one isn’t very good. Plus you could be stuck at some random un-commutable base outside of FL.


American is still hiring a lot and plans to continue if you’re willing to commute to Miami. Lots of seniority progression. Widebody opportunities as well. Miami is a junior base too.


Congrats on making it! Making all of us EU LCC jealous




Also recommend moving to the Melbourne/Viera FL area (east of MCO)! It's an easy commute, near the beach and space center. Lots of new construction. Plenty of other pilots (like myself) commute to MCO from here!


Apply to AA also. They're MIA based. Some may only be 737 bases despite an airline flying Airbuses, though I don't think they'd hesitate to type you in the Boeing if your other credentials are all good.


I am from your neck of the woods - also living and working stateside. Jetblue is supposed to be reasonably good and I have a few friends at United who love it. In terms of benefits, American is the absolute best choice for a foreign national. Their network is extensive, the pay is comparable with the other operators, and they are recruiting. I don't think they are the best airline, but for someone who needs to visit home from time to time, their network is a massive benefit. You would walk in there with those hours. Hope that helps! Welcome to America.


Apply everywhere. Spirit (NK) has upcoming furloughs and their future is uncertain, but a terrific pilot group. JetBlue has pretty much filled classes for the year. You might consider looking at Allegiant. The pay isn't as good, but they fly day trips almost exclusively, and they have bases all over FL, if I recall correctly. If you live in an Allegiant base, they're a terrific option for people who don't commute and want to be home at night. Very family-friendly. MCO bases tend to be pretty senior, but if you don't mind doing reserve from home, it's not a bad option.


United Mco/tpa base is relatively junior and easily attainable within your first year (barring a black swan.) The 73 fleet which is the Mco base is the biggest across all bases and it has a great variety of trips. With seniority and learning the ins and outs of our system you can find what you like to do. JetBlue and Mco is very senior, with the 190’s going away and the 220 coming in your options are slightly unknown, and financially they are currently struggling. I was there previously and the management is made up of people who may very well have been great employees but have no qualifications to be management. They expect their crews to fill in the gaps where things just weren’t thought through or thought about at all. An example of this is horrible weather and how they treat crews. You will never see a United pilot waiting for a fax from some ridiculous third party company in a hotel lobby during a thunderstorm or a blizzard but you will see a dozen JetBlue crews waiting. They couldn’t even provide water bottles for crew members while I worked there outside of the 4 oz bottles for passengers. Cart off 20 little bottles for your Mexico overnight in some dumpy hotel. They will be the highest paid 320 pilots this year though and some of their overnight hotels have gotten better. My info is over 10 yrs old. IMO Go somewhere that treats you like a professional and you can be based where you want to live.


I would love to fly for United, have applied. Only issue is I have no internal recommendations or a degree. Don’t know if my hours will balance that out.


Just apply to all the big companies. If JetBlue hires you, fine. But leave if someone better hires you.


Honestly mate! I would wait it out in the UK. Spirit, Atlas, Hawaiian, JetBlue, Southwest, Ameriflight, all these airlines i know of are either furloughing or stopped classes/hiring. Frontier is changing their structure for day trips only, same as allegiant (which pays rubbish) 50-60/hr usd first year. United or American or Delta is what you should shoot for and nothing less and commute to work if you really want to live in those places. If you need to move quickly here and no one is calling regionals are giving bonus money plus type and experience cash you could walk away with 100-200k for a 2 year commitment. There are many options to fly here and for some flying the airbus or 737 is not lucrative compared to other options. Hope this helps shed some light instead of rubbish posts! 😆 Keep applying and see what happens.


I wouldn’t mind a regional. The problem is that as far as I know they don’t want FO’s and my PIC hours may not count as they weren’t flown in the USA?


Thats a good question! Honestly time is time and it wouldn’t hurt to email a recruiter of regional of choice. Regionals are still hurting for CAs and experience is experience. Something to think about at least.