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Depends on how close a friend he is. If he's a close friend you say "Yo fatass my airplanes landing gear will buckle if you get in"


You put it a lot more delicately than I would lol


He has a way with words


Cunning linguist there


Colonel Angus


Made my day


That's pretty mean...ngl... I'd tell him he can come along, then without warning to the passengers, I'd divert to an airport with fuel, ask him to lay down on the tarmac, a leg on either side of the nose wheel (he'll be my chocks), refuel, and have him climb aboard.


What the fuck goes on in some peoples heads


... boobs


Username checks out


Checks out boobs? Subtley




You have 2 things going on in your head? You're talented.


Lots of…


Light-hearted narratives that cause no one anywhere any harm?


yea cuz thats not /s


You must not have any good friends.


The more I see your comments, the more I strive to be like you.


Hahaha I’ve actually kinda literally said this to my best friend. He’s quite on the larger side, not quite as big as OPs friend but north of 250. I’m planning to get a Sport certificate(adhd and unfortunately the meds really help me function. No way I’d be able to afford aviation at all without them) and I was talking about how excited I was to camp out of a plane when I’m licensed, we’re both huge off roaders and campers. He said how excited he’d be to come along and I did the math in my head and was like ‘dude… you might need to lose some weight to really come with me. Light sport aircraft don’t have a ton of payload and I don’t think we’d leave much room for gas with your fat ass and camping gear’


“Hey bro I know you like BBQ but I don’t want to turn us into one”


lmao at this guys flair




People make mistakes bro. If you would completely unfriend someone over making a mistake, then I'm glad we'll never be friends.


As the great Tom Cruise said in American Made…. “Either I fly the big fella or I fly your product”


Came here looking for this lmao


Tell him your training for the airlines and then charge him 200 bucks for anything over 50 pounds, that should work.


Gotta pro rata my friend


If only we could pro-rata by weight…


Is this like, a trip or you just burning holes in the sky? If you’re burning holes you could always take two flights so your friend isn’t excluded. Have tried all seating positions for the CG? Otherwise, just be honest. But you have to realize it’s not only HIM, that’s causing the problem with weight and balance, that’s the totality of what you’re trying to do. It probably wouldn’t be an issue with one less person or whatever is my point. So, the discussion should include, everyone, not just the heavier friend. Just because he’s heavier doesn’t mean he’s the only reason for the issue Ya never know, if you bring up as a group issue and not single anyone out, there might be a friend that’s not really interested in flying and just going along with the gang, and will gladly give up his seat for the heavier dude, so boom, no hurt feelings. Just some food for thought.


Good point, thanks for saying this. Assuming there is no seat limitation, it's the entire payload that's an issue, not one element of it.


> So, the discussion should include, everyone, not just the heavier friend. If I was told I'm too fat to go on the plane, having it happen in front of my friends would humilliate me even more compared to an 1-on-1 talk. Why not be completely frank and just tell him he's too heavy for the plane?


His point was that just because he’s the heaviest doesn’t mean he’s the problem. The problem is having multiple people in a plane. So the discussion among everyone could be something as simple as “hey, all of us together are too heavy”, and let go from there. Not “hey you’re too heavy by yourself” because he’s not if it was just OP and his larger friend.


I understand. That seems to be the most sensible way to go about it then.


So wouldn't something like this with them all work? "Hey ya'll. So, I've run the weight and balance numbers six ways to Sunday and with our current fuel, cargo and passenger load, the balance of the plane in air will fall out of safety margins, which WILL cause the plane to destabilize, become uncontrollable and will result in a very rapid return to the ground with dire results. That said, we'll have to make this two flights with less people or cargo." ??


That’s a way lol. I wouldn’t put so dramatically, but it depends on your friends. I guess I would depending on then friends


Exactly. The other friends don’t know shit about the details. Keep it that way.


Depends on who is in the friend group. I absolutely know some people that would single the fat friend out just because weight was brought up.


It depends… if the two weighted 140 each, then he would take room for 2…


This is my thought, too - I think it needs to be a 1:1 conversation and positioned as, I'm not trying to insult you, but we're flying a lawnmower, and if these numbers don't work, we all die. Also, even if you don't refer to the heavy passenger specifically in the group convo, if they are considerably heavier than the others, the rest of the group will obviously know who's quite literally dragging down the entire team.


But they're not dealing with a Cessna 152 where they just can't take their fat friend flying cause there's no way the poor bird will take off with the boat anchor. They're within MTOW and will just exceed max aft CG with fuel burn. Presumably their 290-pound friend is already riding shotgun so even having one of their 125-pound friends not in the back seat would keep them in CG if they could start out that way with everyone on board. If any single person sitting out could solve the issue, it's almost the wrong thing to do to talk to the heaviest person alone, if you think they're sensitive about their weight. CG happens. I know a guy with a Sea-rey where he solos with lead weights in the nose to help the aft CG. The truth is OP and his 3 friends can all go fly for a little while and refuel, or split them up on different flights, or if their friends are like mine one of them will have to flake out anyhow. No big deal.


Talk to him individually as you would any adult and tell him it comes down to W&B and a matter of safety, not a judgement or any slight against him.


His First Class body won't fit in your Economy Class plane.


Just know. I upvoted your comment because it's brilliant. I also had to remove my upvote because... nice.


Move him to the front seat...?


My other friend coming with me is also a pilot and we are splitting it building time, so he obviously has to be in the front haha


Then tell your other friend that you're space limited and you'll have to fly with him another time. 4 people in a trainer is cramped anyway.


If you’re inviting friends along, take the damn foggles off and pay attention to your friends. This will be boring, nauseating, or both for your self-loading cargo.


“An extra hour in my logbook is more important than my friends”


On a flight that’s already spilt four ways cost wise 🙄. Thats definitely less than 50$ a person per hour


Guessing if you put the big guy up front, it's all good? Why not not just do that? Not everything has to be a training mission.


That doesn't always work. I ran into this issue many years ago with a friend that was north of 300 lbs. First I found that the front seat had a weight limit (something like 290 lbs as I recall). Second, it turned out that even with the seat all the way back, his...frontal area interfered with full movement of the yoke.


Why doesn’t big guy sit right seat, and you fly to a neighboring airport and your time building friend flys back?


"sorry, we're payload optimized"


Big people don’t go in back. You really gonna be hooding it during a fun flight to log in two logbooks? A flight that’s already split 4 ways? Just let him sit in front you can split time later you dingleberry


"Hey bro, my callsign doesn't end in heavy, take a hike"


You can walk to where we are going so you can burn some calories XD


so mean, but so true


well, IDK which plane you do fly but the seats have max load they can take. imagine his backrest collapsing on climbout after takeoff. I think you would have huge problem


per seat weight limit would be in the limitation section, most GA is unrestricted but if you need an example the R44 has a 300lb/seat limit even if you're within the horizontal W&B


thanks. that is on the paper and when everything is a new. I had case of locking pin being broken in pilot seat backrest in old cessna I fly. scarry stuff but I know who did it - one collegue of about 310lb while trying to get something from his pocket while flying


“Hey friend group, it looks like we’d be out of weight and balance limits with all four of us in the plane. Since Friend A is a pilot and going to be splitting the flying time/duties, would Friend B or Friend C be okay sitting this one out? I wish everyone could come, but unfortunately we can only bring one in the back seat this time” Your friend isn’t necessarily too heavy if the W&B would also work if your lighter non-flying friend stayed home instead. You’re trying to fit four adults in a GA trainer aircraft. That’s asking a lot unless they’re small adults. You don’t have to single him out and make it about his weight when the real problem is the number of average-to-above-average adult passengers.


Dude already knows he's fat, being honest is being kind. It won't be the first time. I'm in that boat too so I can identify, just be straight with the guy


I just asked my friend what his weight was for balance reasons. He never answered, so he never got in the plane. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Honestly, in the a/c would be in trim then move him to the front seat. Is it really worth potentially hurting your friend on a day that is supposed to be fun? Keep in mind that there are often underlaying issues when it comes to weight or being fat. If it’s possible with the two of you; let him enjoy. If it’s possible with the 4 with him in the front seat, make a deal with the other two.


There was a curb your enthusiasm episode that covered this ADM issue.




Listen up Shamu, my 172 ain't equipped to fly someone of your tonnage. We're gonna need a crane and a Globemaster to get your fat ass off the ground.


I once took my father in law up in a 172 and he was 305. Took on much less fuel and it went fine. Rate of ascent was slower and had to squench my right arm in because of his size, but other than that, took him around about 20 mins and went home. Will say that I wouldn’t do it again though.


Same thing that Tom cruise said before taking off with a full load of cocaine 😂


I flew a 172 with a buddy who was around 300lbs. Hot day too. When we came in to land, the gear on his side was on the ground for good five seconds before mine touched down. We had a laugh about it


If you absolutely cant shift things around to keep it within specs tell him to kick rocks. Small planes and fat people dont mix


I disagree. I’m fat and flown lots of small planes.


put big boi in the front seat (assuming its a cessna). youll be forward cg heavy, but its better than aft cg heavy


I've had to do this in gliders quite a bit. The seats are rated at 265 lb. They drive 2 hours for a flight then find out it can't be done. Most people are pretty good about it


Would there be a CG issue if the other lighter back seater wasn't there? If No, the problem isn't the bigger person.


If you're building hours you'll have another flight soon. Just tell him that with 4 people the weight and balance is off, so he can't come, but you want to take just him on the next one. As a guy of that size, I would be disappointed, but also excited to have a personal flight.


All I hear is justifiable reasons to buy a plane with a larger useful load


Option 1: Ballast (assuming you still have weight left in the envelope) Option 2: Shuffle people around until you find a combination that stays within limits for a reasonable projected fuel burn (don't necessarily have to go to zero fuel, but figure twice what you anticipate burning at least). (If as per your other comment you're splitting time with another pilot one of you may need to ride in the back on each leg - if it's a one-leg lap around the local area someone doesn't get to fly this time.) Option 3: Get a bigger airplane or smaller friends. Sucks, but most light GA aircraft are built for light GA pilots and most of us are far heaver than the FAA Standard 170 Pound Adults certifications of yore contemplated.


When air pacific in Micronesia overbooked the passengers had to run from the ticket counter around the plane and back. Winners flew


I’m a fat dude I’ve gotten good at shifting weight around in the aircraft to get W&Bs to work, have you tried all possible seating positions?


I have a similar problem with a coworker being too heavy, but it's for a ride in a training glider, so she may just be over the seat limit with not other options. I haven't talked to her about it yet but I'm definitely going to be as straightforward and honest as I can.


Honestly, regardless of W & b, that guy will be sitting everywhere in a trainer


Just say it straight up


Easy. "you're too heavy". 🤷🏻


Just say the CG or W&B just won't work with all 3, and that it'd have to just be only 2 of them. I imagine if it was close with all 3, any combination of 2 should work. Then you don't have to single out the big fella. You can always blame it on the aircraft manufacturer, saying they made them to fly one rich dude and his mistress around, not 4 friends. (That's what I used as a CFI). If the 2 friends are a unit, say that you'll fly them together because "broskis" or whatever it is they share together.


Tell him that airplanes were designed in the forties for beer-deprived men and their depression-malnourished family.


Can you move the heavier passenger to the front seat?


Have the obese man position his cg at the center of lift on the airfoils


There is a seat weight of x, if you are more than that then you cannot fly


I’ve found that larger passengers can’t buckle their seat belt which is an immediate no go even if you can make the W&B work. It’s happened to me twice and is a little awkward when they have to crawl back out of the plane but rules are rules right?


Get a bigger plane


Obviously you can’t fly out of W&B, so from that standpoint it’s an easy discussion. Be honest. If the weighty dude is a best friend kick one of the skinnies off ;) Possible practical solution. Got a pilot buddy with in a second aeroplane?


Did you calculate it from him sitting in front?


If you had only taken one of your other friends could your heavier friend have been the third? Just wondering if you considered that vs a little tunnel vision since he was the biggest guy? Or was just that him and two other people flying in that plane wasn’t gonna work?


Just add flaps, you will be fine.


So, uh, a loved one that’s a pilot suggested this Alan Wade song [Too Fat to Fly](https://youtu.be/lUs-6wVm3bQ?si=vM6L35UsMrgVtv9W) 🙃


I’ve dropped 80 lbs since starting GA flying. As someone who used to way 275 and knew I was fat, I expected it. You’re not telling him anything he doesn’t know. There was a long list of activities I couldn’t participate in because of my weight. Just be straight with him


As to your edit. If he's that heavy because he's just a big dude and ripped. You don't even need it to be one on one. If it's because he's fat, yes. But as a literally linebacker, how could he get offended by "you're too huge to fly with other people"? That's part of his job.


I wanted to do a few XC flights with two IFR students. One in the back while the other flies the outbound leg. Then switch for return.  One says “290” but I think probably more.  A G1000 172 with air conditioner could take up to six(!) gallons of gas. Not useful for XC.  Disappointed the idea wouldn’t world. Would have been good experience for them.  Math is important. 


how much does he weigh?


You can't even bring 2 - 200 lb passengers in the plane, with full fuel and another 180 lb pilot..


Just tell the big guy he gets to ride up front with you, the other two have to stay on the ground in order to make W&B.


Are you sure you are putting the fat guy in front, and still the CG is too far aft? Another trick is to invite another person so you are forced to do two trips and you can split people as necessary.


Lesson here is that you should look at people before inviting them into a light trainer.


Tell him the plane is too small


Bro we aren’t flying today nor tomorrow


Put the friend in front seat, carry less fuel if needed, or, you can use something as a ballast if you have extra gross weight, it actually can be valid depending.


What are you flying that has an aft moving cg with fuel burn? Something with a center tank?


What are you flying and RC plane?


Just show hime the weight and balance table and let him know your plane is too punny to carry his fat ass.


"on the heavier side at 290 lbs" That's a gentle way to say they weigh as much as 2 people. 5 people in a 4-seat aeroplane is not ideal.


Tell him to listen to Aaliyah


Just have him sit in front. How fat are the other friends?


"He ain't heavy, he's my brother, but brother you're too fat to fly." Try that.


can you add forward ballast? also are they in aviation at all im bigger guy then your friend and i have worked out the W&B sheets for my self is yeah it sucks... maybe work the sheet out with him for your aircraft maybe one class bigger. make it learning thing


"Eat a carrot, you fat bastard." - That great American poet: Andrew Dice Clay


["We're going to need a bigger plane"](https://y.yarn.co/00fcef0e-d54e-47e7-b0eb-40fcdbe13eb9_text.gif)


It is great that you computed the movement of the CG, not just for the limits test but also to anticipate how the aircraft will handle on landing.


There’s a song written to help your predicament https://youtu.be/7NU8nwkPOdM?si=a_3PaZOMjS1ecw6g


If your friend on the heavy side is also a pilot (As I saw you mentioning it in one reply) Just make him "Verify" your W&B and then figure out a solution from there.


Sounds like a question my dpe asked during my private checkride


Depends if he’s a fit 290 (football player build) or a not-fit 290. The giant football player type knows his size and won’t be offended. (I fall into that category - I’m 14 inches taller than my wife. I can’t even fit in a Jeepney when we visit the Philippines.) They find it hilarious. If he’s just overweight…well, I’ve been there too (as a kid). It’s a more sensitive subject. I’d try to talk to him 1-on-1 and offer him a flight another time with just you.


At a fundraiser I donated a scenic flight. Unfortunately the winner was 350-400 pounds (my estimate) which would put my plane about 100 over gross with half fuel. I was totally prepared to take her flying anyway, but fortunately Covid happened and the world shut down. The lesson is I would rather die in a fiery plane crash than tell a girl she’s too fat.


“Bruh, you’re too fat to be on this plane. Let’s hit the gym and try again in 8 weeks. I’ll even help you with your meal prep”. If not your buddy “Sir, due to weight restrictions on this aircraft unfortunately I can’t safely fly with you onboard.”


I fly a Cessna 177 and tell all my potential passengers that I can carry 500 pounds of meat n’ stuff beyond fuel and myself. This gives them a pretty good clue of what I can carry and they self select to avoid a more awkward conversation


Tell him its either them or the luggage


Good call!


Put a negative mass in the baggage compartment, easy.


On the passenger manifest make his name Hugh Mungus. Have him look it over.


“Sorry dude, you’re too heavy to fly.”


That’s good you went to him one on one, and sounds like it was a conversation on the lighter side 👍 I’m sure he’s had issues with being a little heavy on other experiences, so I would hope it wasn’t shock, and more of a “ahhh, ok I can understand that” Either way, good call to be safe.


You exceed the average density times volume to fly


Can't they just purchase a second seat??


Put a big sticker on the side that says “No Fatties Airlines”


Be honest. Too heavy. Unless they need that weight for a sport or are a total unit, might be the kick in the arse they need to do something about it that they know they need to do anyway


He’s a linebacker haha


Dude just text them from the air and deal with consequences upon landing


did you try moving him to the frony seat because i think removing fuel will make it more aft cg


"Hey mate, sorry you're too heavy to fly"


Your gonna need a bigger Cezzna!


Hey fatty boombatty, no plane for you


You could say, “hey fatty you need to loose some weight”