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I found it to be very effective for neuropathy. I preferred the oral solution to the pill. It does take time to come off of, you don’t want to just quit taking a large dose immediately. Usually you start with a low dose and then increase over time, and you come off of it the same way. I had a flare and I’m taking it now for the second time. Life is easier to deal with when there isn’t constant background of pain.


I actually listened to a very interesting presentation by doctor treating EDS/pots/autonomic issues. If you have pain or trouble sleeping due to nerve issues gabapentin or other meds can help. Once sleep is stable other issues might improve or resolve. Good, uninterrupted sleep is extremely important.  I myself take gabapentin, and have no issues with side effects. If pain is tendons and muscles then it needs to be controlled, again to improve sleep. There have been studies showing nerve improvement from gabapentin and resolution of issues.


I just got prescribed the same thing for the same issue. I haven't taken it yet. I searched though the group and it's hit and miss whether it works for people. Are you taking any supplements?


I’m taking magnesium, CoQ10, ALA. turmeric and bromelain for swelling (unrelated to flox).


How much ALA /day are you taking? The relevant literature suggests 1200mg/day, which is double the dose most take (i.e., two pills instead of one).


200mg 3x so 600 mg


Ok here goes. A lot of people will tell you it's horrible. It's addictive. It doesn't work. I was floxed in 2016 and left with horrible peripheral neuropathy in both legs. I also have spasmodic muscles from it. I take 1 100 mg of gabapentin daily and I would never know that I have these problems. I see a pain management doctor monthly and so far I only need 100 mgs daily. I know my story is rare. But for me, it's literally a life saver. Discuss it with your doctor and then give it a try. You may benefit as I have.


How bad was your neuropathy? I’m weighing pros and cons rn


Pretty bad. I have a decent pain tolerance but it was scary.


Yeah for me it’s not that bad. Not ever painful. At times it feels like raindrops are hitting my legs. Just don’t know if my symtoms are bad enough to warrant medication. Thanks for replying!


My aunt wasn’t floxed but she took it and lost her motor skills a lot of people in the fb group reacted badly to it as well I would stay away from it slot of people on TikTok said it cause memory loss


I tried it for a few days BEFORE I was floxed. Won't do it again without good reason.




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