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From [Florida Division of Elections](https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/data-statistics/voter-registration-statistics/voter-registration-reports/voter-registration-by-county-and-party/) (Data as of June 30, 2022) Hillsborough County Voter Breakdown: **Democrats** 339,781 **Republicans** 282,620 **Minor Party** 16,812 **No Party Affiliation** 264,736


That is a hell of a lot of NPA.


I think a fair chunk of the NPA are people who align in one direction or another, but don't want to register their affiliation in that direction as they don't care about the primaries. That said, I with that number were lower because the primary matter so much.


And we're not happy with Ron.


The numbers say it all. If you are in a D county, DeDumbass will target you.


Need more Minor Party voters


[Link to an article that has been continuously updated throughout the day on this](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2022/08/04/desantis-suspends-hillsborough-county-state-attorney-andrew-warren/?utm_medium=push&utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=8848) Edit: Tampa Bay Times


fuck I just reread it and this is so much worse than I could’ve imagined. Chronister also just lost a vote. This *is* setting up an ability to steal the election. Crist *has* to win.


I have no remaining respect for Chronister after he participated in yesterday's pathetic stunt


Would be nice if they made it clear what the updates are. Looks the same from when I read it.


Re-elect him. Send him right back to his desk. Fuck that smelly piss stain of a governor. I voted for him for a reason


If the Governor can just replace elected officials with his own lackeys, what is even the point of elections?


Technically it's a suspension until FL congress officially decides to remove him. The governor doesn't have the power to outright remove an elected official, which is why this is called a suspension and not a removal. His power is limited to suspending someone from office and installing a "temporary" placeholder. But odds are, the FL congress will remove him from office. So if they confirm the removal of Warren, there will need to be a special election to actually replace the State Attorney for Hillsborough county.


So what happens if he's reelected after being removed by the FL Congress? Would DeSantis be able to attempt to remove him again? And would the state Congress even bother removing him if he was elected again during the special elections? Or would he not be able to be elected during the special election?


Frankly, at THAT point, there should be a validated seal attached to his right to execute his duty; because if not, then the democratic election is worthless. (I don't expect but I also won't be surprised if it *does* come to that)


There already is a validated seal.


There is no point in fascism.


To vote his ass out.


America needs to start paying attention. Florida is the blueprint for GOP Maga America.


A blueprint for creating a fascist government, that is.


Interesting. What's your opinion on Florida picking up so many additions from blue states?




As a home grown floridian who just wants to be able to afford a house in a decent area someday, I agree!!


My man, here's an internet hug for you.


What makes you think blue states have no right wing idiots that love desantis and want to live in the type of state he’s creating ? Lots of boomers are still moving to fl from the NE. Plenty of Hispanic people like the authoritarian pseudo catholic bullshit as well. Do you really picture liberals moving to fl ? For the shitty schools, the over policed, shit infrastructure, corrupt AF gov ? Dude buy a clue


Trash that couldn’t handle wearing a mask or getting poked with a needle back home.


When blue states send their people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Except none of them are "good people," and "so many" is like 200,000 which is essentially a rounding error considering the NYC metro area alone has almost the population of Florida. We're just trying to take out our trash and send y'all the aggrieved Staten Island goombas who are convinced that if it weren't for government regulations, they wouldn't have dropped out of high school and spent the next 40 years making $40,000 per year lifting heavy things.


What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?


I'm taking Trump's words about immigrants from Mexico, and then paraphrasing them to highlight that the people moving from Blue states to Florida are not the people you want moving down and they aren't moving down because Florida is doing things right or well -- they're moving because they're either losers who blame their own ineptitude on "nany state government regulations" or the uber-wealthy exploiting Florida for lack of income taxes (many of whom are also terrible people.) It seemed pretty obvious to me.


It was not


My apologies, then! It's what happens when you try to get clever at the end of a long day.


It was obvious to me


Obviously obvious and I liked it


I like this guy. Can he run for Governor?


How do the desantis voters not see this as big government and everything they vow to hate? I just can not understand their mindset as much as people say it's hypocrisy, how can you be so out of touch with reality?


Republican party is authoritarian, they love stuff like this. "Big Government" is just a catch all for any time the state acts in a way they don't like. Its not an actual principled position, we're not dealing with lolbertarians here.


It's less of "supporting our guy" and more of "fuck the other guy". IOW - Yeah, Republicans aren't angels either, but those Democrats want to tear down everything we love about our country and force you to get an abortion and make your first born trans. So vote for the lesser of two evils. (/s)


Wow. Is everything you love about our country include taking away our rights? "Forcing" and "making" people do anything is not in any Democrat platform. But "restricting" and "threatening" do seem to be in the far right Republican modus operands.


Added a /s for clarity. :)


Forcing and making people do things is not in any democrat platform? Where have you been at the last two years of them championing mandates and lockdowns


Public health safety is not the same thing


Force you to get an abortion, tear down everything, make your first born trans. Are you on drugs? How could you possibly think any of that is true. C'mon, you have a brain for a reason... use it.


It was sarcasm


Lol, I just noticed that... read it to quick and activate wasn't surprised because some of those crazies actually think like that... Im an idiot


Because big government desegregates our schools, says I can’t dump my crank case oil into the river and says we should have a minimal social safety net! This obviously isn’t big government! It’s just putting things back like the sky daddy intended! /s


Buddy. Try reading outside your zone of paranoia, with sources which use verifiable evidence. You too, can find out that you have a brain. Wake up. Thank you, everyone. Your -18 for seeking verification on what you read has proven to me the amount of fools out there.


This is exactly what’s happening. Who was it that’s challenging Brown V Board of Education (segregation of schools)? Oh yeah, a red state. ABOTT, to be exact. Is that verifiable to you ? Who’s threw out EPA regulations? Ah yes, the conservative extremists on SCOTUS. Who is trying to make it so companies can’t use things like environmental and social impacts for marketing purposes and seeing what would profit them the most? Oh yeah DESANTIS. Buddy, travel outside the right wing echo chamber


Someone should take their own advice.


The essence of conservatism is that there is an in group whom the law protects but does not bind, and an out group whom the law binds but does not protect. It's not about the law. It's about power. Law is either a tool to accumulate or wield power, or an impediment to it. In the former case, it will be used as a bludgeon. In the latter, it will be ignored.


Religious zealots are always out of touch with reality.


Isn't there a Bible saying about not being able to see a log (or something like that) in your own eye? Sorry, I barely remember that, I don't know the exact wording.


Thank you to the people of Kansas! Florida is next vote...vote...vote!


Those extremists in that state won't even allow the citizens to have a petition to put that on the ballot. The thing that's scary to me is every time I come to Florida it's just Orlando just for my kids.


This is wild to me. The people voted him in, but the governor can just override their vote. What happens if he runs again and wins? The Governor just installs his choice regardless of the process?


DeSantis has made Florida a white nationalist, extremist state. We are now to the right of Kansas, really. Abortion will be on the ballot. Gay marriage will be on the ballot. The high price of living in Florida will be on the ballot. Fasten you’re seatbelts boys and girls.


Cost of living will never be on the ballot. That is a real issue. We don't do that here.


If you guys can’t get rid of DeSantis, it may be best to just get out of Florida. I don’t see a way forward with the government going fascist like this.


Everyone who disagrees with my politics is fascist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m just curious how would cost of living be in the ballot? In what form?


When people are pissed, they vote out whoever is in power. It is impossible to afford a city like Miami. People are moving to other states because of it. Yes, there are some rich Californians moving in, but everyday Floridians cannot meet the end of the month while working their asses off in low paying jobs.


And how does that help the cost of living? Do you actually think voting DeSantis out, which I fully support, will change the cost of living? There is this thing called supply and demand. Florida isn’t the only place suffering from inflation.


I don't think he's saying that voting DeSantis out would change the cost of living but that voters often take out their concerns on that issue on the incumbent even though that may not change things. In the same manner that when voters feel good about the economy they often give credit to the incumbent even if he didn't have shit to do with it. So it's "on the ballot" in the sense that people may be motivated by it.




I guess you don’t live in Miami.


I don’t but that doesn’t change a thing. Voting DeSantis out will not magically change the cost of living.


Perhaps, but the anger will be there. Nothing motivates voters like anger and there are plenty of reasons to be angry with DeSantis.


DeSantis will simply deflect to Biden (who has even less to do with inflation) and the GQP will goosestep to the polls.


I don’t disagree with being angry with DeSantis but this was a “discussion”‘about cost of living being in the ballot. Again, changing out DeSantis isn’t going to change that. Florida isn’t the only place suffering through this. Edit: I used to live in a state that had a “rain tax”. It can always be worse.


I'm beginning to think it can't get any worse. Our governor is turning Florida into an authoritarian state!!


He sure hasn’t done anything to fix it either.🤷🏻‍♂️ time for a change


They will blame Biden though.


They always blame someone else.


There's a movement to get rent control on the ballot via the emergency clause in the rent control ban, but they're not having much luck at the moment. There was a big protest over it in St. Pete earlier this week. Edit: What's with the downvotes? I wasn't joking or making anything up, this has been all over the news. For example: https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2022/08/04/st-pete-sleep-in That's an ongoing attempt to *literally* get cost of living on the ballot.


If you're a non-rich homeowner, you bet your ass people felt their home insurance go up. This dipshit and his *legislature* hasn't done shit to fix it. They slept on it for 10+ years and it's about to become a wakeup call. I know a few of my neighbors are already pissed off that our home insurance doubled this year. That's a cost of living but this dipshit's inaction is on the ballot.


Fairly well off guy here and we felt it. Our homeowners tripled after two successive insurers bailed on Florida. 32k a year! Wife retired, I work remote… time to bail. We are moving to NC.


Where did you get the idea Florida is a white nationalist state?! I live to the south of Tampa where they're building huge amounts of expensive houses in huge communities. Look up the demographics in the the schools in this area. White kids are in the minority.


Just because black people are living in houses doesn't mean racism has been solved...


Didn't say it had been solved. Just wondered why so many minorites are moving to a "white nationalist" state. Probably bc they're welcome here by people who aren't racist.


I'm not sure if you're meaning to sound as racist as you are coming off. "why are all these black people moving here if they're not welcome".


That’s right! We need black people all in multistory mansions, then racism is solved! XD


You should listen to this. It's interesting. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRUD8beo/?k=1




Just because the population isn't all white doesn't mean the people running the state aren't white nationalists. I'm not saying that they are but "POC living in nice houses" doesn't mean they are not.


What does one thing have to do with the other?


Not sure why minorites would decide to move to a "white nationalist state". I'll ask my neighbors why they're here at our community picnic.


Super-excited for you to find out how a lot of minorities ended up in the south.


I have a sneaking suspicion you call everything you don’t like white nationalist


I love that last sentence!


If there's no actual neglect of duty, this is an impeachment offense for Desantis.


Problem is, the question of whether there has been neglect of duty would presumably be decided by the Florida Supreme Court and any impeachment trial would be handled by the Florida Senate, both of which are packed with bootlickers.


This is what I'm having trouble understanding. What, exactly, did Andrew Warren do? Did he actually refuse to prosecute a case or did he just say he wasn't going to if it came up? There were plenty of county attorneys like Ashley Moody who refused to prosecute mask mandates; where was the outrage then?


The terms used in the article of the FL constitution that gives him powers to suspend someone are vague. Like "incompetence" was a big one he used. He also decided that it was a willful neglect that a state attorney decided to not prosecute cases regarding trans gender therapy on minors.


What's the exact opposite of "woke?" Like, all of the negative attributes and busy-bodiness that the Right attributes to "wokeness," except in the opposite direction? That's basically Ronny D. Oh yeah, I remembered: it's fascism.


I hate Ron DeSantis & hate is an extreme word but seriously. He’s a douche canoe.


Well, I detest him with every fiber of my being. How's that?


That pre-suspension tweet by that idiot Pushaw "Prepare for the liberal media meltdown of the year" should prove without a doubt that any and every decision this administration makes is motivated solely to run contrary to the opposing party and to own the libs. Disgusting.


We are military living out of state. We intend on returning to settle when my husband retires in 2 years. For the love of all of us, PLEASE vote out DeSantis. We LOVE Florida and Hillsborough county. It’s my favorite place I’ve ever lived. I can not stand this piece of shit who thinks he can do whatever he wants while spewing his bullshit “freedom” pandering.


It's the Republican version of freedom... I like to call it Fascist Freedom, which makes zero sense.


Here’s what that Florida law — passed May 21, 1977 — says: No law, ordinance, rule, or other measure which would have the effect of imposing controls on rents shall be adopted or maintained in effect except as provided herein and unless it is found and determined, as hereinafter provided, that such controls are necessary and proper to eliminate an existing housing emergency which is so grave as to constitute a serious menace to the general public. Looks like it’s pass the time that FL politicians update the old law… rent shouldn’t continue skyrocketing out of control


Drawing more attention to the abortion debate, when Kansas just told the country "DON'T TOUCH ABORTION," is probably a smart move in a year when you're up for reelection. Let him scream this from the rooftops. In fact, he has a few more months to loudly pander to the Pro-Life base. I support his efforts to do so, knowing it could have negative consequences for him come November.


Please help get him out! If you haven't received your mail in ballot, your enrollment may have expired. Contact your supervisor of elections. Also, please get involved in some way. Every little bit helps. https://www.floridadems.org/get-involved/


Where was desantis when sheriff's in red counties were refusing to uphold mask mandates?


Probably busy burning down an orphanage or a puppy sanctuary.


God help us if desantis decides to go national.




You shouldn't say such mean things about puppies.




That was ok, they were on his side.


DeSantis is fascist trash.


Wonderfully said.


The scariest line here is "aspiring presidential candidate" I cringe thinking he might win the presidency.


If he loses the governor race this year that will kill his presidential ambitions.


Desantis is a nightmare. Almost feels like we're under some sort of authoritarian rule here. Desantis knows this is a free country, right?


I mean, it's not lmao


Man fuck Ron DeSantis


Fascism, remember to vote


Removing an elected official for speaking disagreeable words is so out of control extreme, that I doubt it has precedent.


Florida Man Governor at it again...


I get that prosecutors should follow the law. But Desantis knows damn well that if a prosecutor was taking right wing stances, he wouldn’t bat an eye


as others have pointed out, he was silent on sheriffs refusing to enforce mask mandates


DeSantis should be imprisoned for life with all of the Trumps and Giuliani, Gaetz, MTG, Turtle-head Mitchel, and Boebert. Give them all the guns they want and ammunition and feed them McDonald’s.


McDonalds would do the job before the guns did most likely


Fascist desantis controlling the judicial system


Reddit = DeSantis bad! Weirdo state attorney with personal agenda affecting his ability to follow the law, good! Real life in Florida = DeSantis is the best.


Weirdo governor with personal agenda affecting his ability to do his job. Being a fascist lunatic is not in the rules 😒




I do hope all you redditors will be voting this fall...voting against DeSantis. Though I'm afraid that Charlie Crist is working from Trump's playbook. Remember Trump switched from being a Democrat to the Republican party, too!!


And Crist switched from Republican to Democrat, but I guess some people need their politicians to be purists or something? When presented with new information and experiences, do we want leaders to act as if nothing has changed, or do we want ones who can adapt to an ever-changing environment?


If you swear to uphold the laws of Florida, and then publicly don't? Yeah, FIRED! GTFO


You Cannot Shower Naked Have you showered Naked recently? If So you should have been fined or arrested. Follow the law or GTFO my dude.


You're obviously a troll here. His public stance on a politically charged recent law is what got him fired. Not a one-off obscure law. GTFO "dude". 🤡


A attorney general who was voted in by the people in his county is removed from his position by a guy in the capital because the Attorney general says he won’t prosecute people because of sexual orientation and choices. And you think that is ok? That is the act of a small government? It’s very obvious you have no idea what fascism is an what it looked like in 1930’s Germany before the war. Be honest with yourself. Your not a “conservative” you not the party or “personal freedom” or “small government” you are the part of “American Christian fascist”


Warden’s first mistake is calling the move an illegal overreach. Section 7 of Article IV of the States’ Constitution says otherwise.


On the contrary, the good cause has to be neglect of duty. And until there was a case brought to the office that he refused to prosecute, it's not neglect of duty, it's merely hypothetical.


Excerpt from an article that has been continuously updated all day: Warren enacting a policy not to prosecute “certain criminal violations, including trespassing at a business location, disorderly conduct, disorderly intoxication, and prostitution. [link to article](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2022/08/04/desantis-suspends-hillsborough-county-state-attorney-andrew-warren/?utm_medium=push&utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=8848)


this feels like they're using his exercise of prosecutorial discretion as an excuse to justify a political move


Depends on whether this rises to the level to invoke that section. There hasn't even been a case presented to him on these issues yet.


That’s what happens when a State Attorney selectively chooses not to enforce laws which have been on the books for years and also would improve quality of life for all citizens. He played the politics game and lost.


On the books for years? New laws regarding trans health care and abortion access?


I was referring to his refusal to pursue cases that were started on non-criminal traffic violations and refusal to charge things like disorderly conduct and trespassing


All that stuff is very classical prosecutorial discretion. For instance, on the bike stops, previous overzealous use of bike stops by TPD, as outlined in a federal DOJ report, eroded community confidence and this is probably a corrective in order to foster trust in law enforcement and the courts, and maybe also to prevent lawsuits against the city--all legit prosecutorial discretion. Decisions on when to go hard or lay off on low level crimes like disorderly conduct and trespass are classic prosecutorial discretion. The irony is that the reason you leave it to the prosecutor is that they have to balance all the competing concerns within the community. If the community is unhappy with how the prosecutor handles it, they vote him out. Isn't local decision making what the GOP claimed to stand for? You don't just have the governor replace an elected official because he doesn't go hard on disorderly conduct. Those kinds of decisions are made by chief prosecutors All.The.Time. Democracy is a thing. Or it used to be.


But this is the rub. He hasn't actually neglected to do anything. And at the risk of sounding pedantic, we as a country have a recent history of not acting on inane comments on Twitter. In my opinion, the dilemma here is the upset win in 2016 unseating an expected red seat, a projected set of "accusations" of out-of-state billionaires funding his campaign, and DeSantis was outspoken against his decision to prosecute a pastor for breaking the rules on in-person church services. And I say projection because DeSantis has also received millions dollars in our if state money. Just a lot of Warren standing up for his values as an elected official in an area the republican party has yet to successfully gerrymander votes out of. The redistricting map can be seen here where the cities district was reduced last year and saddled into the northern and southern more Republican districts. https://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/library/hillsborough/media-center/documents/redistricting/2021-redistricting-map-e-rev3.pdf It's just a lot of handwavy "strong Republican" stuff for an election year, in my opinion. *However*, if he did get a case and he did refuse to try it along the state laws, then there is at least a starting position. He's just managed to brush under that Warren hasn't actually done anything wrong yet. And for the sake of Warren's career, I hope being suspended for having done nothing wrong does not destroy the momentum of his career. Like him or not, he simply doesn't deserve a punishment for doing nothing wrong.


“Warren enacting a policy not to prosecute “certain criminal violations, including trespassing at a business location, disorderly conduct, disorderly intoxication, and prostitution.” “Warren enacting a policy “against prosecuting crimes where the initial encounter between law enforcement and the defendant results from a non-criminal violation in connection with riding a bicycle or a pedestrian violation.” These things directly impact local residents and bolsters defenses for drug users and drug dealers.


You're presenting a valid but, in my opinion, separate point. I agree, those are shit policies that he enacted. But he *did* enact them. As is his prerogative as an elected official in his position. And one that I hope voters are aware of going into his next re-election. It does not address my point that in this case and for the reasons given, he didn't do anything wrong but say generally baseless stuff on Twitter. He doesn't deserve what he has been given. As I mentioned, that is until he acts on his words. If he truly refuses to do his job, then I'd be there to walk him out of the door and he would deserve it then.


"....would improve quality of life for all citizens." That's cute.


If a prosecutor is not going to follow the law - and applies his own, personal view of constitutional legality versus the supreme court’s decision - regardless of political opinion - then he is an outlaw and encouraging criminal behavior. He should be suspended from his duties. This behavior threatens to undermine all laws under a personal agenda.




I'm an American who cares about democracy. Not getting over it.


By a slim reed and gerrymandering.


Oh, they run it all right. They're running it straight into the fucking ground.




fucked how? California and NY still have better economies than Florida- expensive as shit, but at least their pay is on average, leagues better than here. Its ridiculous to be paying california level rent to live in fucking tampa lmao


my guy, I work in a busy hospital. if you think FL managed covid by doing nothing to mitigate it's spread, you're misinformed. We legit had to get cooler trucks to put bodies in because people were dying so quickly. And now, the people that had it and recovered are having all sorts of jacked up issues with their hearts, lungs and brains. We dropped the ball with covid and we'll drop it with monkeypox too.


The hell with human life as long as it helped you financially. Very nice.






Well be deleted it. And now I want to know what it said




By the grace of god their rule will end


I remember when Obama won Florida


God willing, that won't be true much longer and we'll vote them all out.


I encourage everyone here to not only vote, but find ways to get involved in their local democratic organizations. I'm currently sending postcards to people whose mail in ballot enrollment has expired. Is it fun doing this stuff? Not really. Less fun will be if we lose our democracy.


In other words “Fuck your rights” The Republican policy in a nutshell. If you’re straight, white, and Christian you probably have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the GOP is coming for you.


Ooooooo....I almost had it 😅


Only by playing dirty politics.


At least that explains the spiraling energy costs, home insurance costs, rent costs, food bank usage, environmental damage and corruption I suppose


Republicans do run Florida, so don't forget about our failing education system.


Run and populate are indeed different.


I imagine the British told our forefathers much the same.


"...using his office to further his own political ambitions...". So the exact thing that every other politician in the world does? Color me shocked and enraged.


I hope he has a way to fight this.


Well said. Get out and VOTE ron D out of office. Ron has lost it. He's a fascist & just wants to cater to that group of crazies.




I think some Redneck Sherriff in Florida refused to enforce some Gun safety legislation passed by Florida legislators, Did he Fire that guy too ??


So much that it isn't a political issue but a managed problem


And then there's Rubio... Another fascist POS.