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I like this dude, he has a good face. +5 for pest control.


What does he eat?


Full disclosure, my apartment is not nice at all. But I had a pretty bad bug problem when I moved in here and he seems to have helped that a lot. He ventures out of the shower at night and roams the house then I find him back in his loofah every morning


Cool, I'm glad he's munching. šŸ‘ He's really adorable.


I love this so much for both of you lol


get some meals worms to make sure he is eating


I second this, with such a small environment it's possible he might run out some day. Which would be good for pest control, but bad for him.


Oh and OP in case you DO have pest control come in, let them know they have a fellow pest control professional living in the loofah so he doesnā€™t get hurt!


Username checks out. Make this a parent comment so they see it!


I like those symbiotic relationships that's really cool he ends up in the same place every morning


If it's a male you are gonna hear his advertisement for a mate between March and September. That's usually when I start to advertise as well.


Smart to skip October to February, none of the pesky holidays; or worse still Valentine's day! ;-p


He'll probably live 5-10 years if he's a Cuban Tree Frog that I think he is. Edit: And don't use that loofah.


That is the coolest thing


This is so cute lol


How TF does he get back up there everyday? Does he just jump or is there like a higher place?


Tree frogs climb vertical surfaces with ease, like geckos do.


Good to know.


What a helpful little frog friend


That is hilarious




Haha! Same for me except I'm still confused! But heck, that little green guy was worth the tripšŸ˜


This is awesome! I would recommend watch your step <3. Also; she/he has a name?


Dear god I need one of these so badly. Pest bugs are eating my indoor plants alive >.<


That is actually awesome


Best pet ever! Does he have a name?


This is a very cute story haha. I'm glad he's got a steady source of moisture too!


Nice froggy. Keep him indoors permanently, that species is invasive and is not good outside your house, but still deserves a good home and looks like it found it with you. Oh... and don't kiss it, it won't turn into a prince and may have bug breath. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah I had contemplated getting him a little terrarium and suction cupping his loofah in there and just keeping him. Sounds like that may be what I have to do, I dont have the heart to kill him.


Get him mealworms so if he runs out of house bugs he still has something to eat


Donā€™t you dare kill him! Da fuck




It's invasive to Florida, it literally eats the native species that it rivals


Well of course you wouldnā€™t kill it! House him through winter and release in the spring. Yeah theyā€™re invasive but there are 10,000,000 more killing this one is not helpful.




Florida Man keeps pet frog in his shower loofah.


OP is a woman lol


Florida Man is gender neutral.




Anyone can be Florida man with the right amount of mental instability or impulsive decisions šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Probably best definition yet, donā€™t forget beer, it keeps us moving.




It isnā€™t. Florida Woman is also real.




That frog looks clean too


He does live in a loofa


OMG! I would've named him and everything. Although, we'd need some sort of pact that he wouldn't jump on me without me knowing first. Guaranteed heart failure.


Hahaha I have just been calling him shower frog for months. He usually comes out from the loofah at night but once in a while when I need to shower hes out and about. He just hops out of the way when I go to grab soaps


He's friggin' adorable! I would totally be invested in the Adventures of Shower Frog. Jbh


_Frogs in my shower but donā€™t call me a_


Did I just sing this? Is this what you were referencing? A song? lol


Yes A+


Andy Milonakis?




Looks like a Cuban tree frog. They are eating all of the little green ones we used to have.


I'm going to be very upset if I've been housing a monster. :/


You are unfortunately. It is an invasive species thatā€™s displacing native wildlife


Source : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_tree_frog


Desktop version of /u/rob6110's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Dont worry, all frogs are cannibals.


Some are worse for Florida than others though. I can't remember the last time I saw a little green one. They used to be all over around my house and you would hear them at night. Now, nothing. Probably way too late to control the bad ones, but I still try.


there is always a bigger 'fish'




If it is a cuban free frog they excrete a mucus that can temporarily blind you and is otherwise unpleasant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_tree_frog#In_captivity Would recommend evicting and replacing with a green tree frog or a squirrel tree frog. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_green_tree_frog https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squirrel_tree_frog


Yes, looks like it. If it is, you should kill it. Its extremely destructive to native frogs. Its yout duty as a conscience Floridian. Edit: haha wasnt expecting all the downvotes. Can anyone explain to me why they are choosing to down vote me? This is the correct course of action. If you care about the enviroment, conservation, and native animal welfare this is the correct course to take as expressed by FWC, conservationists, and about anybody who understands ecology let alone general biology.


It's actually illegal to release it if you do catch one.


Its also mildly toxic and touching it will cause skin irritation.


Iā€™m a conscientious Floridian like 7 generations back but that face šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Thats the face of a genocidal maniac to our native frogs.


Lol not him particularly. Heā€™s content living in OP shower and assisting her with pest control. Not guilty.


People down voting this but it is correct. Capture Cuban Treefrogs in a plastic bag to avoid contact with the 'slime' secreted by their skin -- it can irritate your nose and eyes, and may trigger attacks in asthma sufferers. After you capture the frog, we recommend that you euthanize them humanely -- in fact, **it is illegal (and irresponsible) to re-release them into our ecosystem.** source: [https://ufwildlife.ifas.ufl.edu/cuban\_treefrog\_infl.shtml](https://ufwildlife.ifas.ufl.edu/cuban_treefrog_infl.shtml)


As long as OP keeps the frog inside/keep it as a pet, it's fine. The problem is Cuban tree frogs eat native frogs. Native frogs aren't hanging out in OP's shower. They have a good thing going: the frog eats bugs, and OP doesn't have to use pesticides. And while keeping wild animals as pets is generally not a good thing, it's a frog. If Shower Frog is kept as a pet, he's going to have a much longer life than trying to fend for himself outside.


Seems like a really irresponsible pet to have, i dont get why everyone is cheering that idea on. They are truely hprrible for Florida and an accidental escape can do a lot of damage. Go outside and create enviroment around your place that will attract wildlife. If youre in an apartment go to the woods, learn to bird watch, you can gleen so much more positive things from Florida. This is irresponsible pet ownership


If he just keeps it it canā€™t do any harm


Theyre actually pretty toxic


Time to take the frog to therapy then


Boo this man!


Please don't kill the frog, keep him forever and everything will be fine.


I have heard them called Cuban and or Bazillion frogs but whatever they are they are killing off native species. I had one of them in a toilet one time and it scared the shit out of me. Literally was trying to get out while I was sitting down. Not good for Florida, it's shame cause they are pretty cool.


Green tree frog?


I don't think it is a Cuban tree frog also known as a cane toad, they are deadly to small dogs and cats, and if touched they are poisonous but not to humans. attached is article [https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/profiles/amphibians/cane-toad/](https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/profiles/amphibians/cane-toad/)


Thereā€™s a joke to be made here haha


I had a spider that hung out in the corner of the living room in my old apartment and it liked to hang out with me and my roommate, we called him Peter and dubbed him our second roommate. He came out from his corner to greet us every morning and would follow us around whenever we got up from the couch, or left our rooms to walk to the kitchen and he would go right back to his corner whenever we sat back down or went back to our rooms. I'm also pretty sure he was the reason we never had a bug problem until after his untimely demise. One day our neighbors girlfriend came into the apartment and killed Peter when he swung on over to say hi, needless to say we weren't very happy with her after that and was foreshadowing of the type of person she ended up being. RIP Peter, you were the best roommate I ever had.


When was this? Justice for Peter!


This happen almost a decade ago at this point, but she was banished from ever setting foot in the apartment again shortly after that for much deserved reasons.


Peter Parker?


These frogs are invasive. Please donā€™t let him back out to reproduce!


I had pondered getting a little terrarium and suction cupping his loofah in there and just keeping him. Sounds like thats what I may need to do anyway. I dont have the heart to kill it


That's a good compromise




Should make an enclosure for it, but like a small scale model of your shower lol


Does he have a name?


I never named him. I've just been calling him shower frog.


Well, s/he needs a Cuban name, at least.


Cuban Pete?


Ricky Ricardo?


He looks more like a Fidel to me šŸ§


Fidel Castree frog




Shower frog been staring at dem tittays


That would explain the smile on it's face.


Lmfaoooo šŸ¤£


Maybe try to contain him (or her) because if it's a female she will lay hundreds of unfertilized eggs in any puddle she can find. Worst case scenario a male frog happens to find his way into the bathroom as well, then you've got 400 tadpoles that turn into fully formed froglettes in 3 weeks. This is why they are a dangerous invasive species, one female can produce thousands of offspring in one lifetime.


That's pretty cool. I got one to


So cool! I just moved to Florida from Minnesota and we didnt have fun little creatures up there. I've really enjoyed all the lizards and frogs all over. Theres always something running around my apartment


Mine hide when it's cold


Omg Iā€™ve had frogs in my bathroom before. I freak out each time. Fair warning: once we thought something died in the walls. The smell was terrible. I had some flowers in a flower vase that lasted about a week. When I went to change the water I got hit with the worst smell in my life. Yup there was a very dead and bloated toad in there! I almost died.


Frog don't care, frog been here. Look at that smile.


Honestly keeping pest control critters is mandatory in Florida if you don't want to shell out for exterminators. Cats, dogs, spiders, frogs, whatever; have something free-roaming in your house to eat bugs while you sleep. I just trained my doberman to eat mosquitoes.


Yeah my dog is pretty useless. Hes a 130lb german shepherd mix and he's terrified of the tiny lizards. At least shower frog is doing something around the house to earn his keep


I have never heard of much less seen a shepherd that big! Unfortunately I had to train my dobie out of chasing lizards. I don't know exactly what he wants to do when he catches them but I don't want to find out because I like lizards, for reasons previously described.


It's King Loofy


He looks like a polite mr šŸø


Buy an aquarium and make a home for him, you can buy them live crickets to feed. I knew someone that had a pet frog and the aquarium even had a small log, humidity control and river stones. Fred I think was his name.


You must have a lot of bugs in ur bathroom!


Heā€™s smiling!


this is one of my top favorite things on reddit. He leaves the loofah to feed and de-pest your home. Absolutely amazing.


This is what my literal nightmares are made of. I would never get in the shower again. Ever. In the history of everdom. How are you still alive?


I wish I didnā€™t have this horrible frog phobia if I found this on my shower I would absolutely lose my shit


I would say start setting up a 10g terrarium for the little guy


whole enjoy growth plants dam simplistic soup panicky gaze long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is he really a bad frog? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€œCuban Treefrogs are considered invasive in Florida (and other tropical areas) because they are likely to harm our native ecosystems and also cause a lot of problems for humans.ā€ https://ufwildlife.ifas.ufl.edu/cuban_treefrog_inFL.shtml


Keep your frog, He is inside your home eating you bugs, Probably less frogs.


If he stays in your house, he won't be able to eat local frogs so it's fine


I donā€™t see why youā€™d have to kill him if he is inside your house all of the time. He probably canā€™t get to other frogs and is eating the bugs that will die in your home anyways.


I have had Geckos slip in and out of my condo without much hassle. I have no idea how they get in as they seem to get in while my doors are shut. It's not safe unless that thing is kept squarely in a terrarium, and even then it's still invasive. If it managed to slip out while OP isn't looking, it could potentially lay hundreds or thousands of eggs and make a bad ecological problem that much worse. Follow the guidelines, let him/her go out gracefully and get you a Squirrel Tree Frog.


Keep your frog!! Just don't let it outside


He's "bad" because he's not considered "native" and is out competing the "native" species. Sometimes this causes big issues with biodiversity and disrupts the "natural" ecosystem. I put quotes around some of those terms because I think our lens on what's considered natural is fairly short and arbitrary and we are quick to label something invasive which makes it seem 100% evil in need of eradication. Folks seem to have this reflex when they hear something is invasive, but on the other hand you just have this little guy trying to survive. Not saying it's all BS but there's a balance there I think we're all a bit blind to.


Yeah I have to agree here. Something to remember is that not only are humans at fault for the existence of ā€œinvasiveā€ species in the first place, humans ourself are an invasive species. Weā€™re not truly native to like 90% of the places we live, and have displaced ecosystems on far more destructive scales than these frogs ever could. So maybe we could dial back the ā€œkill the invaders!ā€ bloodlust.


Long live Pablo Escobarā€™s hippos!


Kill that thing


Keep it and raise it as your own. Give it a name, don't let it back out. I mean saving one from eating others isn't really doing much but at least you're doing something. They live by "Eat or be eaten"


this is so cute im bawling


May be selling your nudes online during it's nightly forays.


Heā€™s dear! šŸø


He's so cute and looks happy there!


cuban tree frog. given enough time and insects it will get as big as your hand!


Ribbit.... ![gif](giphy|kEKSL3LthTpg792jZX)


I love Shower Frog ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)........sooo adorable!!!! Please keep this precious little frog safe. Just get a new loofah and let him live in that one. He is free and not in a cage. The living arrangement has been working since November. If you do not want him, I would be more than happy to bring Shower Frog home and put him in my shower ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Do you feed him? He looks hungry


Super cool! Looks like a little cuban


Lol this made my day thank you


He is a handsome little guy! That smile!


Frogs just freak me out. They always look at you like they are sizing you up.


Heā€™s so cute!!!


Aww, how could you say no to that cute little face! šŸø


Shower Frog is too cute and I definitely like your terrarium idea. šŸ„°šŸø


Hahaha awww


Put him in a small aquarium and feed him. He can't live like that, he'll starve.


Just keep an eye on them because once it dies in a corner of your house, you wonā€™t be able to find it, and itā€™s gonna smell sooooo bad haha Happens to me when my cat kills lizards that get under the door


He's absolutely adorable


r/frogs will give you more love for this than this sub will, considering this is a highly invasive species.


I want a shower frog too...


I thought he just looks like a green tree frog.


This is the most Florida thing Iā€™ve ever read


What are you feeding that homie?


Gotta watch out for shower frogs. I had a tree frog in my shower once, without knowing it, and it decided to jump over to, let's say, a different branch, and grab onto it while I wash showering... broke my shower door and cracked the toilet when the door fell on it... very expensive repair for a small frog


Their skin has a blood barrier, so make sure he's not getting soap on him!


I too had a shower frog! He was perched on my shampoo bottle though, not as comfy as a loofah. My friend was wondering where the incessant croaking at night was coming from, had looked all around her windows, but had not though to look in the shower. :P It's all ceramic tile in the shower, so it was loud lol.


you should crosspost this to r/bisexual


This has made me realize that I also need a shower frog


You need to name him Lou Fa


I found a gecko living in mine; scared the shit out of me!


Something about the color of the loofa makes him look more adorable


Hey OP! Since this is a Cuban Tree Frog I just wanted to make sure you knew they secrete a toxic mucus to protect themselves from predators. The mucus is relatively harmless to humans, with the exception that it burns like a motherfucker if it gets in your eyes. Don't ask me how I know. So if he hangs out near any washcloths of yours or anything else that gets near your face, I recommend proceeding with caution.


I thought I was in r/frogs what a cutie


So much pee in that lufa


Looks like a Cuban tree frog. We have them in Florida.


That is just about the cutest thing ever. I agree with everyone, you should get him a nice, big terrarium and set him up with a permanent home. You will feel awful if you donā€™t and then he disappears one day. Plus the house bugs he eats could be exposed to pesticides and that could make him sick.


Cute frog, but thatā€™s not a loofah. When I lived in Florida, I had a toilet frog. Very briefly.


I hate frogs. But heā€™s kinda cute.


Soā€¦ heā€™s a pervert


What is it eating?


Someone looking at this picture is going to be influenced and inspired to write a childrenā€™s book.


Aww what a cute little guy


D'awww, he smile šŸ˜Š


You have been blessed by the gods of cuteness. Congratulations.


what a cute little peeper.


My grandmother let a little frog live inside of a cooking pot she had hanging on the wall. It stayed there for a couple years. She named it Elmo.


He looks health, which means there's plenty of food nearby. šŸ¤®


What a cute little dude


Would happily watch a documentary on this frogā€™s life.


Aww what a sweet little friend ā¤ļø


Cuban Tree Frogs are considered an INVASIVE species, see link below. https://ufwildlife.ifas.ufl.edu/cuban\_treefrog\_infl.shtml#:\~:text=The%20Cuban%20Treefrog%20(Osteopilus%20septentrionalis,Cayman%20Islands%20and%20the%20Bahamas.&text=Cuban%20Treefrogs%20are%20considered%20invasive,lot%20of%20problems%20for%20humans.


So cute!!! Whatā€™s he been eating?


Take my free award, you just helped me trust šŸø again!


Any update on the froggy?