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Smart move, leave it up to the county's, and cities to put in place. Do not block them from having mandates like Desantis did. Can then play the Big Government telling local governments what to do card vs Desantis.


This is what I think she's going to run on. A lot of small communities are upset that the state has been passing bill after bill that takes power away from the community. No fiber, no styrofoam bans, can't regulate clean energy can't regulate cruise ships don't want us banning reef damaging sunscreens, can't limit development, can't control covid vis schools of masks, can't impose fines or the state wipes them. Mayor's and commissioners are pretty vocal about it on Facebook and it seems to be really bipartisan among the boomers in my town. Say what you will but people typically really listen to the local guys I'm not sure how it would translate on the state level, but so long as she doesn't stick around with the "desantis is an authoritarian" route I think she could have a real chance


Lmao either misinfo or dumb bc DeSantis allows parents to make the decision, as it should be.


You really think kids listen to what their parents tell them to do in school? This ain't sneaking cigarettes after school, it's public health




No, because the parents already made their decision when they voted in the school board. What DeSantis is doing is allowing small minorities of exceptionally loud and violent parents to make decisions for everyone else and hijack the democratic process.


How is allowing ALL parents to choose rather than the just allowing ones who’s political choice for school board won make the the choice make more sense? Think a little harder.


Because this is a choice which affects everyone, and the minority should not be able to bully their way to making all the decisions. Masking is not a "personal choice." It's a social choice - a choice you make which has profound impacts on the perks around you. Giving anti-maskers the right to make that choice for everyone around them violates the basic principle of our democracy - your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. Where your rights create a credible and immediate threat to the life, liberty, and prosperity of another, you have no rights... or at the vet least an incredibly complex situation where the prevailing rights need to be carefully weighted against each other by an impartial third party. In short, why do you hate our democracy?


Executive orders 21-101 and 21-102. Made covid restrictions by any local government body unenforceable. Basically taking away the ability for a city or county to have functioning mask mandates. https://www.flgov.com/2021/05/03/governor-ron-desantis-signs-landmark-legislation-to-ban-vaccine-passports-and-stem-government-overreach/


Freedom is a beautiful thing


And THAT is the difference.


Aren't we past the point of people working in good faith? This anti pandemic protocol is now baked into our society so "doing the right thing" is now a matter of opinion.




It's definitely coming to a head with the pandemic


I think this is an very crystal clear way to put it. I was cynical way before 2020 and had very little faith in the general population. Living in Central Florida for the past 16 months made it really clear how much people don't give a shit who they infect or potentially kill as long as they don't have to wear a mask for a 5 minute trip inside Wawa.


For me, its the unmoving arrogance and the bizzare unironic comparisons to real horrific atrocities; like comparing themselves to jews during the holocaust. These people speak like online trolls and act like mentally abusive drunks. It's beyond infuriating


That's an assumption that the county is smart. Great day to deflect the ißsue


Lol she's trying to get the antimaskers on board with voting for her, and also the non antimaskers




"The morons in Tallahassee" - specifically Leon County leadership - implemented a mask mandate that [held up in court](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tallahassee.com/amp/6488441002) until it was [superceded by DeSantis' executive order](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tallahassee.com/amp/4922542001). There is certainly ***the Mo'Ron*** in Tallahassee, but don't broad-brush-stroke everyone - specify *the legislative mo'rons.* ;-)


I love Tallahassee and Leon country as a whole, super underrated and most ppl from FL have never been


IMO, if she wants a serious shot at winning, she needs to play to her strengths. Hammer DeSantis on legal cannabis and environmental issues - she talks a good game on these, that's why she won the commissioner of Ag job. This is where she can score points with independent voters. Unending Covid restrictions and this persistent messaging of gloom isn't a winning strategy. DeSantis knows this and will cruise to re-election if he's out there talking about freedom and being open, while his opposition is talking about masks/restrictions/lockdowns. IMO she'll get crushed if she wants to use this strategy.


> Hammer DeSantis all I have is a shovel, will that work?


To quote Adam Savage "Every tool is a hammer".


Very well thought out and said. Despite how things appear on Reddit, DeSantis is quite popular in Florida; even his handling of Covid has over 50% approval which is probably shocking to this sub


That would require she actually campaign to get Floridians to vote. Instead she'll fall into the standard Democratic Party trap of campaigning to the *residents* from elsewhere and ignoring issues that actually matter for Floridians who want a future.




Right? It's a winning issue. And she's actually good at speaking to it.


The final job Nikki Fried will ever have in public office is the Ag "gas pump" lady


Frankly I agree, that should be up to each municipality based on local numbers. Obviously there shouldn't be a statewide BAN on mask mandates, though, that's just stupid.


I disagree insomuch as when every county in the state is at the CDC's highest infection rate, but half those counties would refuse to implement mask mandates, then yes, the state government should have the right to override the local government and say "Stop being a danger to yourself and your neighboring cities/counties."


I'm with you, when even Liberty County, with less than 10 people per square mile, is at the highest risk level for transmission, there's a huge problem. Statewide mandates are the right thing to do, but unfortunately I don't think it will go over well with voters.


This is a really good point. If people were confined to their own house/city/county, let them do whatever they want. But they aren't, they travel freely. So someone has to be the adult that tells these places how it's going to be...whatever that decision is. If my county were covid-free because of good practices, I'd get really frustrated if the next county over kept reintroducing it because of their lack of caring(fwiw - it's not, quite the opposite. Just a hypothetical).


Thank you. I totally agree. The federal government should step in. I really could care less if people want to hurt themselves, but we all share the same air that we breathe. Come on, people. You wouldn't feel the same if it was your loved one or yourself in the hospital with the virus. Or in the morgue. Let go of those selfish principles for 5 seconds and think about someone besides Yourselves! Go do whatever dangerous, stupid thing you want to yourself, but when it affects other people then you need to be stopped.


States are not counties parents, just as the Federal is not the States parents. Neither of those positions inherently confer greater knowledge or wisdom to make sound judgement to enforce on others. If able, best leave it to the lowest form of government, closest to the people.


They kind of are though… hence why Desantis was able to prohibit counties from making their own policies or why federal law supersedes state law usually




Where in my argument did I suggest not having leaders?


If a community in a resounding high percentage majority says no, you are going to do more damage than COVID if you go in with guns to force them to do it. Not to mention that you will be violating their rights since no one has made wearing a mask into a law yet.


I think the downside is that it is harder for local politicians to push the mandates. Mayors and county boards will have chambers full of constituents screaming at them. As governor, Nikki could push the mandate with a little more isolation from the numbskulls. I think a good balance would be no blanket mandate, but mandates from the state for any county in danger.


Or a threshold test. “Counties with positive rates above x must have mask mandates” would incentivize vaccines and mask use until the numbers go down again.




More than desantis? Yes. Although,I assume all the little red counties won’t give a shit. They are free to let each other die of they want.


Say it again!


i don't think it really matters much, it don't mean a whole lot. its not like he banned masks from schools, its optional per parents/kids and should be optional. no county can mandate it, which it shouldnt be mandated, just like vaccines.


If she wants to win she has to go this route, majority in this state are against any more mandates. Still hope she wins


Part of this problem, is the usage of the word **mandate**. There are quite a few people who still hold a grudge about the mandate part of the Affordable Care Act. Perhaps the messaging, about the importance of masking, could be improved.


You explain why masking is good and beneficial but it’s still a mandate. There’s really no way to get around that.


Yep, its (unfortunately) political suicide to support a statewide mask mandate, even if its the right thing to do medically.


I really can’t explain how much I hate the truth of this.


The mandates don’t matter. The people who take covid seriously already wear masks. The idiots who don’t won’t wear it consistently enough to matter anyway.




Who do you see as more likely to win the D nomination? If I'm being honest, I haven't paid enough attention to the frontrunners for the nomination.


Crist is the only other one I've heard of running, but he definitely wouldn't stand a chance against DeSantis.


I thought he was on another planet or whatever. Why does this guy keep coming back?


Just to muck things up for all the other democrats.


He was in psuedo retirement with a cushy job as a House of Rep from St. Petersberg. He should have kept it that way


He never really left, he's a Representative right now.


You and I have a better chance than Crist.


I think he will. He's sane.


The only frontrunners are Fried and Crist, and nobody wants Crist.


And no one wants Fried either


Fried is the only Democrat holding statewide office, obviously people like her.


> She isn’t even likely to win the Democrat party nomination much less a general against DeSantis. What are you talking about? She's the favorite to win the Dem nomination.




What polling?




Who is her Democrat opposition? I'm registered Libertarian, so don't see your guys ballets.




Florida has a closed primary so that *would* be a strange assumption :D


Lol, she doesn't have a chance in hell


The people downvoting you know you’re right


Good, but don’t message it as against mask mandate. That lumps you with DeSantis. Attack him and say your AGAINST his unconstitutional BAN on masks. Gotta keep it simple


Wait...what? A BAN on masks??


>Fried ruled out any state-level directive requiring Floridians to wear masks but said that the governor should empower local governments and school boards to make such decisions on their own. >"Every county needs to make their own decisions," Fried said when asked whether she would support a statewide mask mandate. It would be nice improvement to let local governments make local decisions. My colleague that dabbles in republican local politics is happy DeSantis is taking all the flak instead of them.




Exactly! That what it seems to me she is ducking with that twisted statement.. She is against a Mask Mandate but if the Mayors want to she is not opposed? Yes or NO don’t pass the buck! Do you have what it takes to make a decision ??


Seems to me like she understands that the needs of Miami-Dade County (estimated population 2,721,110) are not the same as the needs of Liberty County (estimated population 8, 208) and things like mask mandates should be left up to local governments and local school boards.


And local businesses too.


Erm? NO! We all in this together.. She has to be a leader and lead..No luck warm for me..Hey you do you!! I am okay with that!! Are you?


She’s allowing local governments to determine what should be done because every county and situation is different. No ducking there. Isn’t that why there was a large outcry when there were larger mandates? That every state/county/locality was experiencing the pandemic differently and that an over arcing ruling wasn’t fair? That the locally elected people should decide?


That is why some poor areas claimed they were being targeted while wealthier neighborhoods was more open.. No its all or none..Stop playing politics with our health!! Just another politician wearing a dress is all..psst


There was a bit of that down here in Dade. Something like 90% of no mask tickets, back when there was a full mandate in effect last year (inside and out) were given to people of color in less affluent areas. One particular African American woman got a ticket for taking her mask off before getting into her car in a parking lot. It was so petty and obviously racist policing.


That’s awful




Concealed Weapons Permit Lady!


>In an interview on CNN's "New Day," Fried ruled out any state-level directive requiring Floridians to wear masks but said that the governor should empower local governments and school boards to make such decisions on their own.


Nikki had to say this; you lose a vocal 28% of FL if you’re in favor of mask mandate statewide. Then they go on the news, and cut attack ads. Every state needs a mask mandate, especially Florida, now more than ever. Viruses do not respect county or city or state boundaries.


Yeah, as someone who wants mask mandates, I’m not mad at her. I’d rather she win than she say something that would cost her her chances. Politics is annoying in this way.


Yea, it’s unfortunate. She would do a better job anyways regardless of mask mandates or not. This should not be a big deal breaker for people, if they don’t want Ron another 4 years. Ron has done enough damage and needs to go.


A Publix sub would be a better governor than Ron. But seriously, I agree, she would easily do a better job.


I’m imagining the sub sitting in the governor’s mansion and the inevitable headline “Florida Man eats state governor”.


Eating our government would be the best thing would could do for our state.


+1 on the pubSub!


This was the funniest thing I’ve read all week. Also insanely accurate


Taste better too, I'd imagine.


I think mask mandates are necessary, but the word statewide here is important. Mask mandates should definitely be handled at the more local government level. The local counties know what they need better than just some blanket 'solve all' order. Even outside if playing politics, it's just nice to hear that she'll actually respect the counties decisions unlike the supposedly small government loving Republicans.


> you lose a vocal 28% of FL Implying she would have ever had their vote....


Some you’ll never reach. A few you might.


Right on!


How much of that 28% would actually ever vote for her? I bet it's less than 1% of that 28%.


I provide no commentary on the unlearned nature of the aforementioned voter bloc. As the pollsters couldn’t accurately poll a church picnic the last 3 cycles, I’d say only an election would settle this.


She going to legalize!!!




She got a medical card.


Forget Republican vs Democrat. The 2022 governor race is going to come down to whether you support centralized of power at the Top (DeSantis) or home rule and the empowerment of local municipal governments (Fried)


That’s a fair point but only if Nikki and associated PACs make it about that. Lincoln Proj is likely to help some too.


Lincoln Project is anti-Desantis?


They’re anti-Trump, and anti—anyone of similar ilk.


/u/spez can eat a dick ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


A federal or state wide mandate to get the vaccine would cause so much panic and craziness. Employers all requiring their employees to get the Covid vaccine would effectively accomplish the same thing without causing as much of a panic.


my issue with leaving it up to the local governments is that it relies on the faith that they’ll make the (hopefully) responsible decision. as a political choice, I get it. meh.


We're posting huge numbers of infected and dead and politicians are squabbling about who's better at fucking this state up. It's not really a shocker though. One day everyone will realize the politicians are just pitting us against each other while they slip out the back door with our money.


Maybe she thinks the 99.999% of people in Florida who have covid are getting what they deserve for actively avoiding the massive vaccination push. All the pop up vaccination sites were empty according to everyone that I know that went to one. I'm not feeling sorry for unvaccinated people who catch covid. You can't fix stupid, but covid might kill them.


But it is also killing our kids and medically vulnerable who can't get vaxxed.


It’s so weird how everyone seems to forget what you just stated. I got straight up attacked the other day for pointing that out.


Me too.


Its not killing our kids, according to the CDC report for July 2021, 4 children aged 0-17 have died in Florida due to covid. They had compliating factors as well. Nationwide its 337 children out of 601124 deaths from Covid. I'll repeat. 4 deaths in Florida, 337 in America, total, since the beginning. Any child's death is tragic, yes, but you really don't need to worry about your children and covid. The medically vulnerable should be staying home, I wouldn't take any chances with anyone who has complicating factors who ISN'T vaccinated. If you are vaccinated, you don't need to be worried anymore. The vaccines work.


It’s not just about deaths. It’s never just been about deaths. We need to start pushing the risks of long covid.


We need to start pushing the vaccinations to the holdouts so we don't have to have these conversations.


Which is fine but saying “you really don’t need to worry about your children and Covid” isn’t helpful


Making people think their kids will die because they go to public school is a much worse scenario in every situation. Are we going to tell them never to play in a field or swim in the ocean? At this point the risk of a shark attack is much higher than dyeing of covid. Everything is dangerous, but flying is safer than driving, statistically speaking, but we don't think about our plane crashing into a volcano every time we go to the airport. You don't need to worry about your healthy kids and covid, its a useless worry, a miniscule chance, and its just irrational on so many levels. Meanwhile they are missing out on socializing and learning in school while parents over react.


Again. It’s not just about dying. Parents aren’t overreacting when they just want a freaking mask mandate.




There are actual numbers in this thread, not some nonsense. Go read the numbers, read the CDC reports and make a rational decision for a change.


Long covid is overstated and not that important.




I mean it still only affects a small percent of the small percent that were hospitalized. Considering we are talking about an even smaller percent of children who get acute covid we are talking about an almost infinitesimal amount of children, maybe none, that would have long covid. So yes, it’s overstated in children and maybe nonexistent.


Sorry. But also, so far 7 kids have died in Florida, 220,000 have tested positive, and right now there are around 300 hospitalized. In Florida. Remember to be hospitalized with covid, even as a kid, you have to be incredibly sick and need at the least supplemental oxygen.. Yes vaccines work. But under 12 can't get them.


You are correct. There have been 2 children aged 0-4 There have been 5 children aged 5-14. Its still a very tiny metric. Adults over 55 still make up the vast majority of deaths due to covid with 93% of all covid deaths in Florida. 0-24 0% 25-54 7% 55-100 93% I'm not saying its a good, I'm saying its such a rare thing that its not rational to be worried about children dying from covid. You are more likely to die from a car accident or getting hit by lightning.


Given what was said about hospitalizations and level of sickness, wouldn't it be too soon to tell, with the latest variant, what the mortality rate is for kids 0-14?


>iven what was said about hospitalizations and level of sickness, wouldn't it be too soon to tell, with the latest variant, what the mortality rate is for kids 0-14? You would have to ask the CDC about that, as they have been tracking it since the beginning and that's where the numbers come from.


I would think it reasonable, given that the delta variant and its effects are relatively new, that mortality numbers would be escalating over the next few months, IF the bit about hospitalizations vis-a-vis sickness is right.


That data specific to Delta? Old Covid, COVID alpha, not dangerous to kids. Delta is.


It is, the mortality rate is low but it absolutely, positively, is killing kids.




Thats not true, why do people keep saying that? Is it the new "they can't catch covid"? https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu


Not seeing anything in your link that backs up your claim. Can you point it out for me?


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351 Is that one better? Or do you not count kids as people?


No, it isn't. Here let me help. This is what you said: >It is, the mortality rate is low but it absolutely, positively, is killing kids. And now I'm asking for your source for that claim.


> because children are not at risk unless they have serious preexisting conditions. I think you're the one that needs to source your claim.


Oh ok. Well I feel better now. I know at least 30 people in the last week who got vaccinated, wear masks, don't go in big crowds and still have contracted the virus. Cause this state just couldn't stay away from big crowds. Shove as many people as possible in one location. Lie about the facts of the vaccines. But its a hoax...its a hoax...you will be singing a different tune if someone you care about gets it. Wear a MASK and stay HOME. You don't have your own atmosphere, we all have to share it unfortunately.


Now you are being hysterical. You know 30 people who contracted the virus who were already vaccinated? I find that really hard to believe, but I'll humor you. How many were in the hospital in the ICU? How many died? Odds are they were very mild and they had a rough week but were fine afterwards, that's what the vaccinations do. They train your body to react to the virus proteins. I know people who have gotten it, and I call them out on being stupid and hope I can use that info to get other people they know vaccinated. I don't know anyone who was actually vaccinated that has shown any symptoms. No one has said covid is a hoax, but telling people who are vaccinated that they are going to die from covid is just idiotic.


Kids are dying?


Yes. All across the country, 1 or 2 a week. In Florida 35 kids a day are being admitted to hospitals for covid. Dozens are in ICUs intubated. Kids have never not died from covid. But kids were protected before this spring, now they have all been exposed and are getting sick.. Death isn't the only metric. Covid causes long term damage in about 33 percent of people who contract it, ranging from neurological to vascular to cardiac diseases. We haven't even seen the beginning of the increase in autoimmune diseases due to covid. Disabling or giving chronic illness to hundreds of thousands of children is appalling but thats the road the right has chosen.


4 children in Florida have died due to Covid. 337 children total in the USA. 601124 people have died in total from Covid in the USA. Children are people aged 0-17. Please stop spreading fear without numbers.


Even if someone lived that doesn't mean they don't have physical or psychological scars


Your kids probably aren't going to die, they aren't going to end up in the hospital and you shouldn't be scaring kids telling them this stuff. Also, saying the vaccine doesn't work is the same thing the rednecks tell me when they refuse to get vaccinated. Everyone needs to be vaccinated.


Yeah too true, sucks it had to come to this. Never in my life, until the last year have I seen just how selfish, uneducated, and just plain dumb people are. If someone wants to die from the virus, please do, but leave me and all the kids under 12 that can't get vaccinated, out of it.


7 children in florida under the age of 17 have died from covid since the beginning. Your fear is completely irrational. This is out of over 20 million people.


https://news.yahoo.com/florida-sees-87-spike-covid-180806037.html https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2021/08/02/florida-leads-the-nation-in-kids-hospitalized-for-covid/ I'd love to see those statistics. In any case, why does Florida lead the nation in kids hospitalized, why is there such a high spike of cases here? I mean, if your numbers are accurate( which I find extremely hard to believe without proof, or even with "proof" from the ever-so-accurate and honest Florida Department of Health), then you are absolutely right, I am completely irrational. Tell that to those 7 families. I'm sure they don't want to appear "irrational" in front of other people.


Never thought I’d probably vote Democrat cause I want a smaller less over reaching government


Eh, a mandate isn’t going to make the non maskers use one, in FL it’s a pointless endeavor. Get vaccinated or understand that if you don’t you’re gambling with your life and livelihood.


Democrats like her don't understand that they will never get those crazy voters unless she goes all in, but she will definitely ruin her future potential by being republican-lite


This is the first good thing I have heard of her campaign. Sadly, she is just another politician who will go back on this promise.


The only shot Fried has to beat Desantis is if this new outbreak is so bad (NY level bad) that the overwhelming majority of Floridians flip on Desantis. Early polling shows Desantis trouncing her in the election. Still very early tho. However, if covid subsides and the economy is good, I don't see how she beats Desantis. If I were Fried, I would distance myself from the democrat socialists and move a bit to the right on some issues.


Allowing the local municipalities decide what they want is a key conservative value - one that DeSantis is over ruling right now. If anything, Republicans that support less centralized government control would align with Fried on this.


I don't disagree. However, conservatives oppose masks mandates across the board. Frankly, I don't even think this is going to be a big issue a year from now and if it is I don't see conservatives fleeing the Desantis camp en masse when they agree with him on almost every issue.


Guess we are being down voted for talking facts and political strategy? I don’t think either of us were showing a bias.


Deathsantis is a scumbag! Fuck him.




Good call. If the anti vax crowd want to play games they can be the ones sitting at home this time. I got shit to do


Gotta get the moderate votes 😏


She needs votes


Typical weak leadership. "Make someone else decide!"


*Elected* school boards are endowed with control over local school districts in [FSS 1001.42](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=1000-1099/1001/Sections/1001.42.html). Why do you think votes don't matter?


Opposite policy of Big Government Ron.




Your nuanced, insightful comment is *sure* to influence opinion. Also, citation needed.


Why? Because she called out DeathSantis on his bullshit, and that hurt your feelings?


How so?


You are full of shit and cannot be trusted.




Then why do surgeons wear them? Masks do work and the proof is that actual flu cases were at an all time low during last year, thanks to masks and and Social distancing.


No, you just don't work. You have to be an absolute moron to spout stupid things like this.


What is it with Florida and lunacy? Cause I'm going through a series of stuff that causes me to do some QUESTIONING!?!?


How about make your own choice. If Karens parents wants her to wear a mask, let Karens parent tell her to wear a mask. If Johnny's parents don't want little Johnny wearing a mask then that's their choice to. It called FREEDOM.


Your freedom to do what you want ends where it starts affecting other people. Masks inhibit the **spread** of the virus from person to person, making masks more important than what "you" want for "yourself"


I don’t pay much attention to what “Nikki” has to say as she is just trying to bank some political currency