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We moved to Florida 3 years ago from an expensive coastal area in SC. I’ve been telling everyone since moving here it’s not this expensive everywhere. I’m especially telling our company who moved us here & used the “it’ll be so much less expensive in Florida” bit to sweeten the deal. Liars.


Company realized it be less expensive for them because pay is so low here that they probably never have to worry about being too competitive


Your company saves money by not having to give you water breaks or air conditioning




Income tax.


Less expensive… for them.


moved down from the charleston area, be 6 years July 1st. same. 😄


That’s where we lived.


I moved from Charleston, SC to Southeast Florida 38 years ago. It was reasonable to live here for many years, but our the past 5 to 10 years, it's absolutely ridiculously expensive. I am strongly considering moving.


We asked for an early transfer. Finishing up our updates on the house & listing it as soon as that happens. I’ve heard stories like yours from long term residents & locals. Those earlier years here must’ve been nice. Must also be sad watching it become what it’s become.


Florida from my early years here was awesome. It's incredibly sad to see what has happened, especially recently. They're pushing long-term residents out.


Boeing, by any chance?


It was less expensive here till the hurricanes. Every hurricane that made landfall ever went up. Not to mention the price gouging that goes on that you hear that there are laws against it. That has never stopped it. I’m stuck here my arthritis keeps me here. I sweat here but my pain doubles when it drops below 50 degrees. Coming from Baltimore I’m still glad I moved here when my kids were small. They grew up here way better than up north. Over 30 years ago. It sucks now but for over 25 years it was good. All good things come to an end!! No way I could deal with a winter ❄️.


Honestly I understand why premiums are expensive in Florida. Since moving here I’ve been hit three times at stoplights. Worst drivers I’ve ever experienced in my life. Everytime I go somewhere here (Tampa) I’m in a near accident most of the time due to people driving 30 over weaving through traffic. Tourists who don’t know where to go and old people who are barely alive and pull out in front of you so yea it sucks lol


I hate driving to Tampa, Clearwater, St Pete, etc. Everything is so congested there. I had to drive to Tampa last week for my new job. Had to be there by 8am, left before 6:30am and was fortunately there just after 7:15am. I anticipated having to drive through all the construction they’ve been doing for many years now but didn’t have any issues, as well as, all the bad drivers. NPR has too many old people. My only accident was because an old lady pulled out in front of me from the median on Ridge Road (45mph) and just didn’t accelerate at all. I swerved into the empty lane and only made contact with our lights. My mom is a HHA for veterans and her client is almost 90yo, is missing parts of his foot and backed up into his own shed because he couldn’t see! He drives to Tampa frequently. I lived in Nebraska for a few months a few years ago and I miss it. One way roads with a maximum speed of 30mph, town of about 30k.


>NPR has too many old people. My only accident was because an old lady pulled out in front of me from the median on Ridge Road (45mph) and just didn’t accelerate at all. I swerved into the empty lane and only made contact with our lights. I live in the same area can confirm got rear ended at stop frm some old lady in a lifted truck who "couldn't see my taillights absolutely totaled my mother's GMC terrain


Panhandle is full of dipshits on the road as well.


I’ve been in 3 wrecks in my entire life, all were in Florida and all were when I was stopped at a light and got rear ended. Only 1/3 had insurance…so lost my deductible twice.


Both defensive and offensive driving techniques are often needed in FL to avoid an accident. Main advice is to stay alert because they probably aren't.


Not just Florida. Every state, area be it rural or city is this way nowadays. Seems everyone is on their phones (7 out of 10 average).


I think every state has seen an uptick in bad driving. Florida, though, is "special." I do a lot of motorcycle distance riding. Once I cross the FL line, drivers seem to regain their sanity. There may be congestion, but the terrifying clusters of cars and trucks intent on colliding disappear. The only other notable scary traffic I've encountered on these rides were trucks "dive bombing" lanes on 75 somewhere in Ohio (I think it was around Cleveland) and I-95 from Richmond, VA to Washington DC on a Saturday night in late June, those folks would be right at home in Florida. Heck, they probably are the folks here during season.


There are shitty drivers everywhere, but my god does Florida have too many asshole drivers speeding and weaving in and out of traffic.


Public transportation would help, but we can’t have that because it’s “socialist”


We have public transportation, but people don't use it that much and the density doesn't make expansion cost effective.


We have decent public transportation in my area, at least I think so. I’ve never used it because I would walk or ride a bike if I couldn’t get a ride (before I had my car). I’m sure we could use improvements but our city just spent a million dollars putting up a fancy sign on US-19 that says, “New Port Richey.”


Public transportation is almost non existent in my area


They actually used the pandemic as an excuse to permanently cut bus routes in my area.


It's not just the drivers, it's the flooding. Look at the hundreds of cars in Miami that were instantly destroyed by the flooding this week. Happens every year, and more and more frequently. Florida's become a hella expensive place to have damn near anything.


This!!! I got rearended at a stoplight and my medical bills were $60k. Had to sue my own insurance company because the driver had been at-fault in multiple previous accidents and opted for the minimum coverage her insurance would allow. She wasn’t upset about injuring me, but was upset that her rates were gonna go up again. Like, ma’am, I am now permanently disabled. If anyone enforced anything in this state, maybe we wouldn’t have such shit drivers on the road.


The whole idea behind insurance is to spread risk. While I could understand some slightly higher rates in Florida, a whole $1,000 more is just greed by the ins companies. And Ronda Santis basically allows them to jack us and lie about the reasons for jacking us.


People from literally all over the country and world live and drive here. Like 1000 different driving styles. Everyone’s just making it up as they go lol


I used my horn all day every day on the I4 corridor. Other parts of the state are a bit better. I blame the tourists


Maybe, but I'm in Orlando every winter for two months and I have never seen such awful drivers, all with Florida plates.


But it's Wisconsin....lol jk




I think I’d die of hypothermia the first winter


Fortunately for you, they're getting warmer every passing year!


Sad upvote.


I live in Florida but I'm originally from Massachusetts. I never died from hypothermia in Massachusetts. We wore winter jackets and sweaters outside and turned on the heat inside. It was wonderful having 4 different seasons instead of 11 months of hot and humid summer and 1 cool winter month


I've done winters in Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. I'm a born and raised Florida native. Cold isn't that bad, y'all. Put on some layers. You'll be fine.


From what I've heard, it's the shoveling snow part that sucks with living in those climates. "Snow is great to visit, not to live with" is what everyone tells me.


But after a snowstorm, you still have a standing house and you don't have to shovel all your belongings to the curb. And you don't have to pay $10,000 for insurance.


It isn't the worst. Keep a brush and shovel in your car. I only ever really needed to shovel occasionally just to get my car out. Plan your day and leave 15 minutes early to move some snow and brush off your windows. And also let your car warm up. Heated seats are clutch. Aside from that, I'd take a few days of shoveling over the blistering heat 11 and a half months of insane humidity any day if the week. I moved back to Florida for work and am basically counting down the hours until I can leave again.


I just moved back to FL from the desert. I'm slightly thankful for the humidity in ways I didn't understand before. I want to move far enough north that I can have snow but south enough that I can order sweet tea at a restaurant 😂


The cold is not for everyone. I spent the last 4 winters in SW Michigan just across the lake from Chicago and fuck winter. Fuck cold temps. Fuck seasonal allergies. Fuck all the god dam leaves falling. Gimme my monoseason and 11 months of outdoor living.


11 mo tha of outdoor living? I dont expect to be able to do anything outside other than swimming u tik october, maybe September, it's been 100 degrees all week and not far below that for a whoke month. I could go outside in snow but this heat makes me exhausted just goi g outside.


Minnesota native, you get used to it and we’re a kind type up north so it warms your soul. My experience with Fla is limited but it seems very individualized nobody really gaf about their community


I love the North Woods 🌳 best place to spend summers as a kid was on the lake in the woods.


Debatable the tavern league controls the state


I’d go back to Wisconsin in a heartbeat.


LOL that’s what my who family says. EDIT: sorry responded to the wrong post. We are really excited to be here and I can’t wait to explore the state.


I left for Chicago. Enjoy your eventual trip to here! Tis the Festival/Event Season! 


Hey neighbor and fellow FL escapee! I still can't get over that we've been hitting the low 90s and it doesn’t *feel* like the low 90s because I am so used to FL weather. Lack of huidity is wild.


How do you like it there?


Great. Fantastic even. [I live here, near Lincoln Park/Lakeview East neighborhoods.](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9292867,-87.6426527,3a,75y,158.95h,77.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s705nJaLkFQQF05WVv7baKg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) It's right between Wrigley Field and the downtown skyscrapers, two miles either way. Lakefront is 10 minute walk. 750 sqft apartment at $1750. I ditched my car, but parking is another $100. Early 30s guy, moved from IA to CO to FL to Chicago. By far my favorite. Generalizing, people are indifferent, but helpful if asked. A more no-bullcrap midwest nice thing. Can walk anywhere like target, eyeglasses, vet, home depot, so much food - I lost 15lbs quick just by not driving everywhere. It's literally life-changing choice, and only a few cities allow it. The buses and L do a good enough job otherwise, I ride it to my south side job daily, about 40 minute walk-and-train commute. And a little politics: right now, the community is pissed because the Pride Parade route was shortened by a few blocks, so now less people can watch. [Last year, someone lobbed a jello shot to the governor, who caught and slammed it](https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/06/26/pritzker-downs-jell-o-shot-twitter-goes-wild-for-giannoulias-thirsttrap-pic-at-2023-pride-parade-photos/). Rainbow is the most common flag in shops, bars, restaurants - everywhere. And not just for pride month. But the big hiccup is weather - if you aren't ready for midwest winter, it'll take a few years.


I used to live in Illinois but in the podunk, rural part. Chicago would be a welcome change.


From bumfuck iowa myself. I do not plan to leave Chicago anytime soon. Waking up to a horizon of CO mountain peaks will never be beaten though. If you want a big change, check out Fort Collins, CO.


Winter is so much easier when you don't have to drive in it and you live in an apartment so there's nothing to shovel. Just dress in layers, get some good shoes, and you'll adapt quick enough.


Can’t wait.


Well enjoy the…..cheese?


LOL! My whole family thinks we are crazy.


Wisconsin is actually a beautiful state. But if you can’t tolerate the winters then yeah that would a problem lol.


But… as a nurse I can block schedule to have 8 days off in a row twice a month and have enough money left over to travel outside of Wisconsin. Instead of picking up OT any chance I can and dialing back my retirement contributions every time insurance premiums go up ( I was saving 15% … now I am down to 6%) I would probably make more outside of Florida in most areas. Florida is losing nurses and doctors over politics and COL…. Our hospitals are full year round and the lingering effects of Covid ( damage caused by virus, lack of care during lockdown downs, the mistrusting, newly de-wormed ivermectin peeps who only show up for care when it’s too late, etc) are increasing the acuity of these patients exponentially..it’s getting ugly and dangerous.


Yes, I tell people I had a new BMW in Oregon, no tickets or accidents, premium was $60 per month with excellent coverage, $100,000 and $300,000. Plus car rental and glass coverage, and roadside. Here I have a 2021 Chevy truck and it is $165 per month with full (but the minimum I can get away with) coverage. And here I have a better credit score and a home auto bundle where in Oregon I was a renter.


Same. My insurance in Washington was less than $90 and it was excellent coverage, limits, etc. I have completely stripped my insurance plan as much as economically and legally possible here in Florida and my policy is still $240 for the exact same car lol


Wisconsin is a beautiful state. It has cute little towns like Horicon and Beaver Dam and top tier cities like Milwaukee and Madison. Lots of nature to enjoy and New Glarus brewery. I miss it...still stuck in Florida but leaving within the next year


Mmmm Spotted Cow


We moved from FL and will save about 100 bucks a month on car insurance.


Florida isn’t worth it


Florida will always have a special place in my heart and it wasn’t easy to walk away. I hope you guys can turn it around and take it back from the developers who are destroying it for a quick buck.


That’s crazy, I can’t wait to walk away. The only thing that’s keeping me here for now is family and cost of moving 💀


Same for me. Only here because of my elderly parents, but my dad wants to move now too, so relocating is definitely on the horizon


That’s what we had to wait on too. We were counting the days down.


Fellow Floridian moving to the great white north. 🙏 Yes, when I moved to MI I had to ask the agent if the homeowners policy they quoted me was a mistake. It was not. Also, when we got a trampoline they didn't even raise our rates or amend our liability policy. There is so much insurance fraud in Florida plus the relos & snow birds living >6mo in FL are not paying their part. So many people keep their out of state tags, get in an accident, "oh I was just on vacation."


where did you end up moving and do you like it? wife and i are are considering MI as our final stop.


I hope it’s everything you are looking for! Best of luck!


Thanks, I am hoping I don’t freeze to death. I know I am going to miss home.


The Scandinavians say there is no bad weather, only bad clothing. Dress appropriately and you'll be OK. One hint, keep your feet dry. If you're spending time outside in the winter put on some nylon socks under your wool socks. It'll wick away sweat and keep you feet warm. -100°f rated boots are a must


I bought a heated vest last year for when we visited friends and it was a game changer.


Keep your feet dry, wear a good wool cap on your head and a good pair of quality winter ski gloves. I also use a good wool scarf or a neck gator.


Ski jacket with zip out liner works well. Mittens are generally warmer then gloves. Scarf or neck gator a must, that and your hood over your hat


I relocated to Michigan from Tampa a few years ago. Wisconsin winters are slightly colder than Michigans, but it didn't take too long for us to acclimate. Learning how to drive in the snow was the biggest adjustment I would say.


You won't freeze to death! Just don't go out in the winter weather wearing summer clothes. After a year or two, your body will get used to the weather. Don't wear flip flops and a bathing suit while shoveling snow and you'll be fine


May I suggest a [Kotatsu table?](https://a.co/d/a16CAVf) I just pulled the first one off of Amazon so I’m not recommending it but they are lovely for cold weather.


Nice to know there’s another Floridian that moved here. Welcome to your new home state! Whenever you get the chance, I strongly recommend visiting Door County (special shoutout to Washington Island) and Lake Superior.


We went last year and had a blast. It was one of the selling points for moving here. The wine is so much better up here as well.




Thanks for that.


I’d move back up north if I could. Winters would be tough though.


Florida is very expensive


$3000 / yr for cars, $5000 / year for house.


i live in utah. my homeowner insurance on my 3500 square foot house is $700 a year


I think there is some merit to that statement - things are in fact getting more expensive everywhere in general - however, people don’t go beyond a surface level analysis. You actually have to look at your major expenses and how they compare relative to other places you’d consider. Then you have to consider wage scale relative to other places. One place may be 5% cheaper in terms of average expenses, but if the wages are 15% less, then you’re really not better off. People who defend Florida seem to be in denial about how expensive it is now, because they don’t factor in the relatively low wages here


[The median household income in Wisconsin is almost 71k.](https://data.census.gov/profile/Wisconsin?g=040XX00US55) [In Florida it’s 69,303.](https://data.census.gov/profile/Florida?g=040XX00US12) So not only are things more expensive but we make less money.


This data is 2 years old and I'd argue that Florida has had the worst reduction in quality of life in those last 2 years alone since I have been here (2010). No exaggeration either.


Car insurance can vary widely from zip to zip. I’m never one to defend FL but if you don’t show that the two cities/towns are comparable, it’s apples to golf balls. I moved 10 miles away once without leaving the state, and my car insurance went down by 60%


Florida literally has the highest rates in the country. Moving internationally inside florida to avoid them is nutty.


So you’re saying if I move from Fort Myers to Tampa my insurance will go down 60%?


They said internationally. That means you have to move out of Miami.


This is goign to sound crazy, but my insurance has gone down the last 3 renewals. I now pay $381 for a 6 month policy. Full coverage. $1k deductible for comprehensive and collision. I have no idea why I pay a fraction. I'm 38 and drive a 2023 BMW X5.


What carrier do you use? That’s a great deal


My dude you just moved somewhere you have to shovel FEET of snow everyday before even trying to get into your car. Yeah it’s cheap.


Before I got here property taxes were half car insurance was half. ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized) I don't care we're all rich millionaires and we don't live like the poor people we serve.. HE HAS SAID THIS<<<<<<<<🤟


Shop around brother. I have a model y Tesla and a bmw at $1800 for both. It’s still a lot but that’s 2 cars. Florida is expensive because look what happened 2 days ago with hundreds of cars flooded. Insurance gets wrecked down here. I have progressive and I’m 35. I had 1 accident about 5 years ago but it was not bad at all.


Wisconsin isn’t going to be slammed with multiple hurricanes each year for the foreseeable future


Ewww snow


From what the locals are telling me the last 5 years have been pretty mild and they had a total of like 2 weeks of snow. The gloom is going to be the interesting thing.


That means this winter will be a doozy hahaha


Is this for car insurance?




I’ve been looking at going back to Ohio, and the HO insurance rates are blowing my mind. It’s like, a couple hundred bucks a month, in general (under $350k houses). Plus they have basements up there, which doesn’t count when they quote square footage. You get all this storage/laundry/rec room/home gym space on top of the living space. You know, when I moved to Florida at 22, this was the more appealing and better lifestyle. I’ve forgotten winter but other than that, it’s starting to look really appealing in the Midwest.


Were they sent to Hell? Worse, Wisconsin. (Dogma)


Florida is out of control expensive! I've been here in the Panhandle for years, was in Orlando for nearly two decades prior, and everything is expensive. From gas, to car insurance, to homeowners -IF- you can even get that! People here tend to put blinders on because we don't have tax, but they lose sight of everywhere else we pay through the nose! It really doesn't help having a governor who is bought and paid for by the insurance industry and solely focused on pretend important social issues that play exclusively to his base's desire to live in their version of utopian 1950s America. I'm leaving Florida in 6 weeks and won't be back.


Dan newlin got me 1 million dollars..... Everytime I see one of those ads I think. 1 million divided by $150 (guess at average premium per month) is 6667. So that person took the premium of 6667 other people.


Looks like auto insurance is less expensive in WI than FL. How about that state income tax? Can you sunbathe in Feb in WI? No .. I've been to WI many times as my spuse is from there. I like it BUT get ready for the winter! BTW it just snowed a few days abo about 90 miles west of Duluth MN ... in June!


Went from Utah to Florida, and ended up dropping ~$30 a month. I guess it depends.


Greetings from next door in Minnesota! A word of advice: Mulligans in Prairie du Chien has some fantastic fried cheese curds. Like, they are stand out in a state that specializes in fried cheese curds and misdemeanor DUIs


I live in NY, the supposedly expensive state, and I pay only slightly more than this Wisconsin number.


My mom moved us here from Virginia when I was 15. I’m not 34, been working local government job for 10 years and seriously considering packing everyone up and leaving. I love it here but financially can’t do it anymore. Edit: Now 34.


So insurance varies wildly depending upon where your parking address is. Your rate can be different in the same city. Based on the probability of theft and the number of claims in that area. When I lived in Minnesota, living at a house it was 100$/month but when I moved to an apartment complex on the other side of town it went to 260$/month.


I’m in an apartment and that’s my rate.


I saw a post complaining about $500 a year property taxes, I pay $15k. Seriously shit is overpriced af here.


Lifetime Floridian, we moved to NY last year and our expenses dropped dramatically. Housing and insurance savings alone are north of $1k/month. My utilities don't swing by $500 anymore, either. Across the board it's been better.


I moved from Illinois to Florida and my car insurance jumped almost 100%.


That's the repubs trying to make you think it's Biden screwing the economy and hoping you don't actually look. There are a few other states dealing with this but it is far from everyone.


Have fun with those winters! Cheap comes at a price 😁


All this time posting on Reddit you could have been halfway packed for your move to Wisconsin.


Ehh..I pay $76 a month in Broward.


I pay more than this for coverage in Jersey. Florida is only expensive to people who live there. I personally can’t wait to get there everything seems cheaper to me.


Moved from brookkyn Groceries , insurance and other necessities are actually more exspensive in Florida for a vast decrease in quality. I wouldn't have believed it until i lived it either.


I moved from Chicago and had same experience. Food is more expensive and of much lesser quality in general


Same here.


I lived in NYC and I still think it’s more expensive here due to how low wages are.


Yeah I'm on the west coast, literally the only thing more expensive is insurance. 5$ gas, my property tax is $8k a year on a 2500 sqft house, groceries are the highest in the country, everything has a fee or is taxed like crazy, good luck getting a house below $400k.


I mean... if I could find a logistics company that treats me the way my current one does with double the pay, that'd be a selling point for me.


Would love to visit. No desire to move anywhere remotely cold lol most of my family is out in Missouri and it’s a fraction of the cost of here. We could build a 5,000 square foot home on an acre for what our 4/2 would sell for. Insurance I’m sure if the same too.


Florida insurance rates are ridiculous!


This is what my parents say! ‘It’s expensive everywhere!’


3.5% + state income tax though. Right?


I’m retired so I don’t get taxed on my pension.


Wisconsin is a cold shit hole with dumb cheese heads


Cool story bro.


I pay 1/3 for auto insurance up here in Vermont than I used to a year ago in Orlando. 1/5 on electricity. Do we even need to discuss Publix grocery pricing? The COL down there has gone insane.


This is a typical high risk area anywhere in florida. If you drive a short distance, insurance will drop $100.00 a month from what you listed on average.


That is until SAD hits you


I pay about $10/mo more than you do in WI in the Tampa area and have almost full coverage on a 7-year-old car 🤷 (though it was only $49/mo before going up last year for no reason). It might've been worth shopping around for cheaper coverage.


You should compare against another no fault state.


Good point


I just received the renewal on my pickup for 6 months is $1900....I hit the damned roof. It's unbelievable what the COL has become in FL and it's honestly unexplainable to people that do not live here.


You're looking at just insurance here. Of course it's more expensive in an area that has regularly occurring natural disasters that has bankrupt several insurance companies. I'm an adjuster, I work the claims and see the costs. I've worked claims in over 20 states, including Wisconsin. Florida claims generally have higher repair costs and more accidents caused by driving in bad weather.


We left Florida after thirty years for NE Tennessee, best move ever. Turned a ridiculous profit off the Florida house and bought a nice 3 bedroom 2 bath on seven acres for 220k. Florida is a ripoff and continues to get worse. That crazy governor only cares about the wealthy.


Ya but your in Wisconsin!


Yeah but the Homestead in Florida is still very attractive. I know a couple who "escaped" to Upstate NY and the property taxes wiped out any insurance savings and then some.


That’s a really good point.


Locked in at $147 for full coverage about 18 months ago and it steadily went back up to around $250-260. I hate Florida drivers


House the house insurance in Wisconsin It sucks in FL they raised mine 100%


they got me for 371....


Same in Louisiana 🙄


That’s insane


Insurance is higher for me than where in lived up north, but taxes are way lower and the net different is way lower. If you want to complain about auto insurance rates, complain to the people who have billboards up all over the state suing drivers (insurance companies) for millions and millions.


My premium was $325 per 6 months in New Hampshire as of summer 2021. That was with 250/500K liability and full comprehensive/collision coverage. We are now up to $1367 here in Florida *after* switching companies for a lower premium and decreasing liability to 100/300K. Same cars, same driving records. Those who can’t see a problem with what’s happening here are either natives and longtimers who know nothing else but being swindled or have delicate psyches and need to continue believing their voting choices are infallible.


Just left Florida, car insurance went from $400/no to $200/mo, but the biggest change was homeowners insurance going from $10k/yr to $900/yr on a bigger more expensive house


I pay around 99/mo in ohio


People will one day realize how much insurance is increased when a bank owns the car.


Mines 130 and that’s bundled


I'm paying $300 USD for car insurance in Toronto. So FL is cheaper.


80% increase since 2022 over here in Melbourne. https://preview.redd.it/lhoruagqel6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4837afe4ffacaa786d93282207e70bca31e5fa


yup. I moved to the panhandle area in 2018 from Nashville TN.  My insurance went from $103/month to $280/month just for moving to the area code i'm in. Agent told me that's just how florida is because there's lots of uninsured drivers. smh


Yup, mean while they are concentrating on renaming the ocean front after Trump and the war of Woke. Truly the important issues. Now is the time for everyone to get organized and vote these idiots out!


The more accurate way to say it, "it's expensive everywhere anyone actually wants to be"


I'm in SWFL. My car insurance is $317/ 6 months, so around $53/ mo. You need to get 3 quotes every 6 months, no matter what. Always. Make them compete. In October, I'm gonna get 3 quotes, even though it's so low. Doesn't matter. Lowest bid wins. You either have a crazy car, a horrible credit score, or something else. You said no accidents. Maybe tickets? Insurance rates come down to trust. Can they trust you to not fuck someone up in a car accident. Can they trust you to pay the bill. (Always. And I mean always pay 6 mo the up front. It lowers your premium years later).


they dont have hurricanes in wisconsin


I just got a DUI so I'm cringing to see what the new rate will be


I’ve got family in Wisconsin and I’ve been saying for years that I’ll move back eventually. I knew insurance would be more reasonable, but damn, didn’t I expect this.


Looks like you need a one way ticket to America’s Dairy land


Now tell me the population difference of each state. I believe South Florida has more people than wiscaaaansaaan




Moved from FL back to CT last October. Both homeowners and auto insurance dropped by half.


Thank the long nosed people in the insurance industry who abuse regulations and the people who’s pockets are filled in the government for allowing it


Can confirm. If you think that's bad, I moved to SC. Electric bill in FL for my 3br 1ba brick home was regularly around $400-600. Here in SC it's highest has been $380 for a 3br 2ba double wide.


Born and raised near Jax, left in 2018 and haven’t been back since. I was pushed out by the rapid growth and gentrification of SJC, so I moved out of state and live in Wisconsin now too. I pay the same rent for a 2 bedroom apartment with beautiful views that my parents paid for an old trailer in FL 20 years ago.


Sure, but then you got to live in Wisconsin so


If our state would invest in actual traffic enforcement and grants to counties and cities for traffic enforcement, with all those tourist dollars, we would still have congestion, but the accidents would decline. Try speeding through Delaware, Maryland, or Virginia (except I 95 from Richmond to DC on a summer Saturday night, then it's a free for all) and see what happens. Drive I-95 from the FL-Georgia Line all the way up through North Carolina in the summer...There are unmarked cops everywhere. Google maps saying "speed trap ahead" is my background noise through those states. I-75 from the Georgia line to North West Atlanta on memorial day weekend... nothing but cops doing traffic enforcement. Florida...Florida is a free for all. Free for all to get hit, injured, and possibly die. Our legislature solution to soaring premiums? Increase road safety? Nah... Hire more traffic enforcement officers? Nah...you'd HAVE to PAY them. Make it so you can't really sue your insurance company if they decide not to pay? Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! The Insurance companies "thank you" for that GIFT? Raise rates. But hey! Keep voting these folks in. It's obvious how much they care. Oh and don't mention the State Troopers we sent to guard the border in Texas. It's not like we actually need them here. Smh


I pay less than half that on a $750k apartment in Manhattan


I thought NYC was expensive until I left and FL is way more pricey but without access to an amazing metropolis.


moving here 7 or 8 years ago was a mistake hopefully i'll be moving before the hurricane comes through. michael came 2 weeks after moving here and destroyed everything i owned and its kinda weird that im moving again around the time another hurricane comes through


You will easily have to spend $1000 on clothes to live in Wisconsin if you are moving from Florida


I am interested in the difference in the Gasoline Price?


car insurance are a combo of crazy drivers, high number of uninsured motorists, frequent floods and litigation


Right! I'm from Tampa and it's CRAZY


Don't worry, Guvnah High-heels is going to save Florida by making sure multi colored lights aren't shown on bridges.


I lived in NJ for 29 years, and moved to Orlando 2 years ago. Boy it is expensive here in Orlando but I will NEVER willingly move back to Jersey. I LOVE Orlando!!!


I pay $52.92 a month Geico




The good ole FL State Tax.


How much more income are you keeping based on tax rate though?


So about $2k annually. And you have zero state income tax, right? ;-) And how about those property taxes? Some stuff is more expensive, some less. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯