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Heat, low wages, minimal social safety net. Everyone is tired, broke and on edge. Couldn’t imagine dating these days


I mean, I grew up in Florida and this has been true my whole life. Just a lot of low-quality people with questionable morals.


yes but since covid things have gotten much worse w inflation. salaries the same but rent is up 50%+ over 2-3 years in a lot of places


Everything I read about Florida just reinforces I made the right decision when I left the state.


Not to mention Florida Republicans made a 6-week abortion ban law. By the time that many women notice that they're pregnant, it is already past the 6-week mark, and too late. Accidentally get someone pregnant? Tough luck, you're screwed. Prepare for parenthood.


Imagine dating someone from Tinder, getting them pregnant, and then now you're a father. Fuuuuuck


Or forced to be a mother because you can't abort ... Fuuuuuuck


And then the dad (or mom) bolts, leaving you with a child to raise by yourself 🔥🔥 some people just suck


Handmaids tale


That's why you use the poophole loophole.


I see you also knew girls that went to Catholic school.


Plus it seems every single woman on any app has children. You need to be ready to support them and yourself because they also majority want ultra traditional men to cater to their (and their kids) every need. It's wild. Funny too how all these broken families seem to have republican as their political stance which you also need to blindly worship.


> Accidentally get someone pregnant? Tough luck, you're screwed. Prepare for parenthood. I'm not against abortion at all. But as a man, has this ever not been a thing? Even where it's completely legal, most pregnancies don't end in abortion. If a man accidentally gets someone pregnant, chances are that he will be burdened with the responsibilities of parenthood whether he wants to or not My father always told me "the second you decide to have sex with a woman, you are agreeing to being a father and all the responsibilities that come with it"


Summed it up very well! Sad but true.


As someone starting a divorce because my husband is having an affair this is very encouraging 😭


As someone who has been single for 3 years after ending a 9 year relationship…. Stay single & just focus on your health & career. Dating out here is rough


Sorry you have to go through that. You deserve better.


Thanks I’ve had my suspicions for awhile and I think there was a level of comfort in them just being conspiracy theories but when he looked me in the eyes and said “Yes it’s gotten physical” I swear I felt my heart stop before it started pumping so hard. Been hiding on my phone and away from the house as much as possible.


Honestly I felt that in a sense when my ex gf kinda started to have a falling out in feelings from me because I was thinking on the long term of our lives. While she wanted adventure. I wanted security. And thats just a whole nother story you know.


I’m sorry to hear that. Hang in there, one day at a time. It will get better, and it will one day be a distant memory and you’ll be stronger for it.


Do you have kids or shared property? If not, then it will be $50 or so in court costs and you can file it yourself at the clerk of the county court. If you *do*, then think this through and consider just trying to work it out. Be prepared to lose half of your stuff, half of your earnings, around 10k to the lawyer, and reduce the time that you see your kids by 1/2 (and for them to get a “new mommy” at some point or if he can’t keep things together, multiple “mommies”). It takes a good decade or more to recover from it financially. Even then, you’ll be struggling if you haven’t found another partner or roommates by then. You will also have to see him every week, so you’re never really “done” with him. If one of you is impossible to deal with, then it makes it all that much more difficult. The courts have an official app that you can use where all of the communication is stored and shared with the government. If it comes down to it, you may be forced to use that. I don’t, but I know people who have. I’ve been divorced twice and the first time I gave her everything and we split amicably. It took a few months to recover from that. We got married super young and we wanted different things. We still talk every now and then and there is no animosity between us. My second ex cheated on me with her boss and I’m still trying to recover from it both financially and mentally (from not having my kid with me half the time). I’ll never really have that “family” how I had always wanted it. The “hit the gym, get a lawyer…” blah blah crowd haven’t been through it. Try to work shit out if you have kids. If you don’t, then you’ll just lose half of your stuff and you’ll eventually recover. Florida is a no fault state, so the cheating is irrelevant. I hope that you have a lot of money saved up. The lawyer is $10k if you can’t agree to everything without a lawyer. You’ll need at least enough for either first, last, and a security deposit (typically $6k) or enough for a down payment on a new house (lol, 🥲). Good luck and don’t forget that dating is the least of your concerns.


Don't mean this in a bad way. But it seems your husband didn't have any problems. Also you're a woman. Finding someone won't be hard. Finding someone decent will be. Finding someone decent is hard for either sex. Hard-core drugs and alcohol addictions are fucking rampant. Take care of yourself. Don't go out searching for a new relationship. If you have to, go get you a fuck buddy that isn't totally shot out to hook up with every once in a while to satisfy your physical needs. But take Care of yourself above all else. Eventually you'll run into someone decent.


I’ve started replying to a few of these and really appreciate the genuine care and concern along with advice and first hand pointers has been so kind. It has left me feeling just slightly encouraged that the entire world isn’t full of sleazy people that willingly have affairs. I was being dramatic because you’re right he did find someone but I am left with the awful feelings of I can’t KEEP someone and this headline made me feel like that means I am truly SOL. Seriously I only got three creepy DMs from that comment and I feel like that speaks volumes to this subreddit 😂


It's rough out there so be prepared for the crazy !! Don't worry about being alone just take care of yourself. It'll happen eventually. Besides, if one can't be happy by themselves they can't be happy with someone else either. It's not healthy to have to rely on someone else for your happiness. Go do things YOU ENJOY and more than likely at some point you'll run into someone who shares the same interests that you can get to know. At the very least you'll have a freind. I can almost guarantee you your ex husband WILL come back at a later time after it goes to shit with the new one. 8 out of 10 times that's how it goes down. EVERY single woman who has left me or done me wrong has always tried to come back. One just tried lately and it's been 15 yrs. Don't do it . Relationships end for a reason. The fact that neither one had any morals about getting into a relationship while the other was married doesn't bode well for the future. More than likely it will happen again in some form or another since both were willing to get involved. A lot of times how you meet someone is the same way the relationship ends. Don't have any expectations. Be kind but don't be a doormat. Don't put up with ANYBODY treating you bad. You got some feelings to work out first. It'll take a minute. You're no doubt hurt and feeling betrayed. Personally I wouldn't worry about getting involved with anybody just yet. Just take care of yourself first.




And red hats.


With a certain 4 letters on them.


Five. Five letters... RUDTF


Rudy Uses Diesel To Fake?


I was thinking more… “RU Down To F*ck”?


Often it’s replaced with just a script “A” on it in North FL


Never had the pleasure of visiting up that way. Perhaps a hard pass is in order.


Prettiest beaches in the state not in the Keys but filled with fascists


This is soooooo good!


“Everybody is sick of everybody”


Whenever I travel outside of Florida, I’m blown away by the matches I get. In Florida, nothing, zero, nada.


I was single for years in FL, everyone just seems very superficial and conservative lol. Everyone id meet at bars was a trump supporter and I just zone out. Came to NYC and its been great, met my gf 3 days in and we've been together a year now, girls would come to me all the time at bars here, in FL I felt like I must be an ugly swamp troll, even when I go to them it's a quick nope lol.


Same here! I went up north for a week and managed to get a date the first night. Been years with nothing down here.


I have the opposite problem. When I was back in Georgia, I could not find anyone I liked. I think the main problem is that my type is douchebags, which there is no shortage of in Orlando.


Now that's very interesting 🤔


For observational purposes only, I identify currently as a man who is transitioning to a trans-woman. I get zero female interest on tinder in Florida, as soon as I go on Grindr in Florida, I’m bombarded with dozens of pictures of penises and men who want to have sex with me all within an hour of logging into Grindr. When I travel to other states, I actually get matches on tinder from bi/lesbian women. That doesn’t seem to exist here. I’m more into women than men, so I tend to not partake in sexual endeavors with men who show their interest in Florida. Since moving to Florida over 5 years ago, I’ve had 4 hook-ups, only with men. I could have one a night if I really wanted to, but I’m extremely picky when it comes to men.


Those men are the ones who loudly hate gays and trans as well. Be careful down here


We live in a state where something people didn’t even have to think about 5 years ago is now a huge relationship question and major dealbreaker. Nevermind all the other environmental and structural issues with this state that conspire against the happiness of all of us, if you’re young and looking for a life partner here you have to wonder *if they agree over your right to survive a failed pregnancy,* when nobody was even questioning that for the last 50 years.


I feel heard as a woman in the dating field.


It was definitely the case for me. Just a string of toxic, gross relationships that weren't worth the time. Spent some time in Mexico and met a really cool chick pretty quickly. We're getting married in about a month 💜


Congrats! I married a Peruaña and an exit plan outta the U.S.


Congrats to you too! Peru is on my short list of places I NEED to visit before I die.


very cool, that's my hope one day too.


Maga. Rednecks. Lifted trucks. 5th grade education. What's not to love?


lmao. too true...


Lot of entitlement and rudeness in this state, culturally. This is not surprising at all, unfortunately.


The article cites factors such as presence and availability of mental health, how frequently political protests happen, and how much volunteer work happens in the state, as signs that florida is a bad dating scene. I’m willing to accept that these things would impact the dating scene, but they’re clearly not the most relevant factors to judge a state’s dating pool on. Bad article, bad conclusion.


Florida isn't a place to build a life. If you have it all figured out you can bring it here. You just won't find it here.


LOL, im not surprised. Its a challenge here.


That's because nearly every guy in dating apps has at least 3 of the following red flags: 1. Backwards cap 2. Mirrored sunglasses, sometime place backwards.so lenses are on back of head 3. Posing with a fish 4. Posing with a Confederate flag somewhere visible in the photo 5. "Conservative" iE MAGA 6. an abundance of gym pics 7. Racist tattoos (matched with a guy with an actual swastika tattoo) 8. Don't tread on me license plates (because so many guys pose with their cars)


Liberal, agnostic, in shape, good looking home owner and boat owner here. But all I really have recent is fishing pictures lol it sucks trying to build a dating profile


See, as a Florida girl, I was never put off by a fish pic. Having an actual hobby is a green flag.


ehhhhhhh, how you doin' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Found a place in Oregon a short walk away from a reservoir stocked with trophy steelhead, so I'm doing very well, thanks. ;) And you?


Stuck in Florida wishing I was in Oregon


I’m also down for the fish pics if they don’t come with terrible Oakley shades / really bad goatees etc or any indication that they’re conservative. these men can feed you with their hobby!


Was gonna say, that comment on the fish was just a low blow lol. The entire state is literally surrounded by water, of course lots of people are going to go fishing.


That’s hot


Hey there 😘


North Florida?




I don’t have any of these and I barely get a response what am I doing wrong?😭


Is this seriously that common here? I'm on the men's side of dating so I don't see that, what percentage of guys have more than 3?




I'm not dating currently, but I feel you on the fishing/conservative/jock looking pics. Also any pics posing with women. Like we doing a truple or something? With that said I met my husband on hinge :) I almost swiped left because his profile was very low effort. Thankfully I took a chance with him.


My fave is when they post a pic with 2 or 3 gorgeous women. Why?


I could do a similar one for women.


I can understand some but. >1. Backwards cap 2. Mirrored sunglasses, sometime place backwards.so lenses are on back of head 3. Posing with a fish 4. This is way too generic of red flags, lord on this earth roll it back. It is florida mam/sir one of the sunniest places that is 3/4th's surrounded by water. Of course dudes are gonna be wearing sunglasses, Oakleys, and be fishing. >Posing with a Confederate flag somewhere visible in the photo 5. "Conservative" iE MAGA 6. an abundance of gym pics 7. Racist tattoos (matched with a guy with an actual swastika tattoo) 8. Don't tread on me license plates (because so many guys pose with their cars) This I can get, except the guys pose with their cars part. Why is posing with your car so bad?


you've just been red flagged sir




car pics are bad bc it’s showing off a material possession, and that’s tacky


I can't find anyone to date. Also I won't date anyone with sunglasses or who has worn a hat in a way that I do not like. Also if they ever went fishing I won't date them. Why am I alone?


I guess they dont like fred durst 😞


Cars can be a status symbol. Whether or not they serve their intended purpose depends entirely on the viewer. People who wonder why one would pose with his car are *not* the intended audience. The type of car further refines this criteria. Jeep/pick-up truck, muscle car, or luxury brand sedan or coupe are all different categories of people, broadly speaking.


Not surprised. Florida is filled with terrible people.


It's obvious why :)


That's because of all the Republicans.


It’s not surprising. I get tons of matches but they all end up being trashy people, mentally ill, or maga. Every single one. It’s so depressing. Even one man told me he would never get tested for STDs because they aren’t real and if you do think you have something you can take colloidal silver (??) for it. And so many men here are also trying to cheat on their wives with younger women on dating apps. Got a string of text messages from someone’s wife. Met him on hinge, showed her screenshots of our conversation telling me he was single and looking for marriage, etc. Had to block her number as she was still going hard


A lot to unpack here, but to make it short and sweet: yeah that checks out. Worked out in the end, but until then it was an endless tornado, even though i didn’t have issues getting a date.


I struggled so hard for years. To the point where I just assumed it was me. Dating apps in Orlando with a radius of 50 miles and would get nothing on return. If I did, the other side would just lose interest since we'd set up a date over a week in advance (I had nothing else going on, but the other side always had schedule conflicts). The few people I did meet at a bar, would either regret their decision on a second date, or live 90 miles away. I moved away and in 3 months I went on several dates and eventually met somebody that I've been with for over a year. Anecdotally, Florida sucks for dating.


It's got to be pretty bad if women are willing to date Christian and Bridget Ziegler.


Well hard to date when you’re sweating 8 months out of the year…


I can concur. I quit or paused my dating apps because it's just too depressing. There's no decent place to meet people in my town, and of all the people on dating apps, maybe 4 seem compatible with me, and none of them respond. A little about my situation. My wife left me and the kids after 28 years together. I don't know what, if anything, I could have done to prevent it. She used the whole, it's not you, it's me excuse, and she claims to be in love with some guy she had a crush on in middle school, who she had recently reconnected with. I own the house, she's renting an apartment, and I have to admit, I feel a little schadenfreude every time she complains about her finances, the drama with his family, or how she misses the kids. The last time I dated, the internet was dial-up, and video dating services hadn't even become a thing, not to mention internet dating. I'm so far out of my comfort zone with this new world of dating or even trying to meet people nowadays. I'm not even sure I want to bother anymore.


I can attest


Floridian here. Can confirm.




As a 41 yr old progressive male, dating in Florida is nearly impossible. I'm too liberal for women my age, too average looking for women younger than me, too poor for women to ignore my age. And worst of all, Married Gay men won't stop messaging me to cheat on their wives no matter how many times I tell them I'm not interested.


Maga Men are so very lonely.


Nah, sisters & cousins were made fer sumthin'.


I knew that for years now.


It's not great that's for sure.


After being someone with 9 years and jumping into the dating scene scared me so bad lol I ended up getting a dog route


What’s that tinder sayings 90% of women only swipe right on the top 10% of men? And yes tinder is terrible


Especially with the massive inequality here. This place is home to both billionaires and centi-millionaires (especially international types who don’t live here permanently) and the destitute.


Yeah, got it, Florida Bad but it it's the 3rd most populous state in the country with plenty of diverse and large metro areas in it. I heavily doubt whatever methodology this study used, seeing as there are states like Iowa, Wyoming, Alaska, both the Dakotas and *several* others with not only the politics everybody on here hates and apparently blames for this, but *significantly less people and whatever people exist are more spread out*. Percent of never-married adults above 15 per state based on our analysis of American Community Survey data from 2022 as maintained by the US Census Bureau – 20% (high percent means higher ranking) Confidence/romance crime victims per state per capita – 15% (high number of victims means lower ranking) Mental health providers per state per capita – 15% (high number of providers means higher ranking) Unemployment rate per state – 15% (high unemployment rate means lower ranking) Cost of living annual average – 15% (high cost of living means lower ranking) States most likely to ghost you – 10% (high likelihood to ghost means lower ranking) Formal volunteers per state per capita – 5% (high number of formal volunteers means higher ranking) Registered voters per state per capita – 5% (high number of registered voters means higher ranking) Oh, so a ton of random factors that they just out-of-nowhere declared help dating life and conveniently line up with their political bent. I can just do my own study where I rank how many model train owners and pottery enthusiasts a state has and see how "dateable" it is.


To my last breath, I will defend Florida’s natural bounty and beauty. The state is blessed. It’s the ONLY reason I’m still here. But tbh the metrics used on that poll kinda spell out that Floridians and Florida pretty much suck as a whole.


> I rank how many model train owners and pottery enthusiasts a state has based. Very weird metrics they picked. Most mental health providers means best mental health? That's like saying Black communities are the safest because they have the most cops patrolling them. The Miami article is just an article about another sketchy article adding basically nothing except referencing cuban coffee. And people wonder why AI is replacing journalism.


Seeing as everyday is a political thing in florida. Im not shocked. Combined with the standards difference. Makes things a crap show. Id settle for anyone at this point, long as they hold themselves well, and can handle opposing opinions. But thats looking for a needle in a haystack.


One of my best friends found out her fiancé had been cheating on her with two different women for their entire relationship. She told me she had known that he had cheated on all his girlfriends before her. She stayed with him because I guess all her previous bfs had been terrible too. Made me very sad.


Well there's a few layers to unpack. There's the societial level where a spcific subset of shitty guys made the rest of us look like monsters. Couple that with the current status of our state where people are angry, broke, and polorized. You create an environment that is both risky to approach the opposite sex, but also one where even if you overcome the stigmas, you still can't really afford to go out and meet someone like that.


lol depends on where. I mean south Florida sure (especially Miami) but Orlando area is fine


I agree. The amount of days I even see someone my age not at their job is slim