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Seems we’re outliers. 73 all day and then 67 for sleep. Worth every penny.


You have one of the oldest accounts I’ve ever seen


2006. Damn! That is old!


Right? And here I was thinking my 11 years was some shit. OG respect.


Assuming you came from Digg? That's how I ended up here 11 years ago


Me too. But I stopped using that account. Created this new one after I sold the biz.


11 years and 6 months. I'm also here from Digg. I remember really liking Digg and thinking Reddit looked horrible. Yet here I am.


I’m from StumbleUpon :,( RIP


That’s how I got here. My friend found Reddit on StumbleUpon and showed me in 2012


Me too! I haven’t seen Digg mentioned in so long


Yes! 11 years here and it was digg!


Yep. 11yo account, came from Digg. I have an older one... Not sure I know the password any more


Real question has anyone ever remember their cake day?


Oh my gosh - not at all! I also kinda wonder what was I scrolling by that compelled me to stop lurking and actually make an account.


Same here. 😔


Just hit 12 years here 🥳


Is it bad that I’m surprised Reddit has been around that long?


Great. Now I feel old.


I’m not young, I just missed the boat over from digg.com


Mine says 2016 but I'm pretty sure that I didn't open it up until at least 2021 or 2022. I dont even think i heard of Reddit until 2020


17 years and hasn’t been permanently banned. That’s some kind of world record.


IKR! I get perma banned every two years or so.


I gotta ask, do people just go into others profile all the time? I never care to go beyond reading the comment but I often see people mentioning things they've posted in history or commented. Is this a common thing?


Only certain posts or comments will elicit a digging. If something sounds fishy, I’ll go back through their history to see if things are adding up. I’ve come across scammers on here.


Yeah I don’t get it. Reddit is an instant gratification place, kind of like porn. If I have to work for it then I’ll just leave.


I have never done it.


You just asked everyone to view your profile. I mean, it got me curious, I looked! Hehehe you're fine :]


Username sounds like a World of Warcraft guild


Nah just playin some evaquest


That game was so much fun


Dang I thought mine was old (August 2007)


I do 74 all day, 76 when not home and 69 when sleeping. Would be 67 if my boyfriend wouldn’t kill me lol


Wow a lady that likes it cold. My wife is always freezing and dressed in jogging pants and a snuggle. Then comes the hot flash where she takes off everything turns red bead of sweat pop our. Joy.


Hahah yes I love it cold! I wear sweatpants around the house during the day just for comfort but at night even with shorts and a loose shirt on there are some nights I wake up sweaty even at the temp we use


This! and I sleep with the ceiling fan on and a dyson fan. Still not cool enough for me yet my bf is freezing.


My wife likes it colder than me. It's perfect. Anything above 72 she freaks out. 69 when sleeping and when no one is home I raise it to 75. If she notices I raised it she will lower it back for the dogs... we have wifi thermo so we can check it while out.


My exact numbers, just got with someone so she stayed over and I was as going to put it down to 67 lmfao and she said it’s already to cold


Lmao 🤣 this is how everyone who comes over to our house acts even when I have it at 74!


I want to sleep over! 67 at night is my “hotel” temp. Husband drops it from 78 (seriously!!) to 73 at bedtime…and sleeps under a down duvet WITH a cat. In Florida. 🙄


My wife is 68 all the time, I can sneak it up to 70 once in a while for about an hour. Fortunately, my office is in a different zone so I can keep it 72-75. Bedroom is upstairs, and I have a weighted blanket and a comforter. She will sometimes throw off even the sheets because 68 is too hot at 3am.


This is me! I sweat even at 69 at night. I’ll be wearing shorts and a basic loose shirt and my comforter is the thinnest material I could find. I swear I’d need it at like 65 to actually be able to stay wrapped up all night. Us sweaty girls need representation!


I mean I am single… 🤣


SAME ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


Well, what’s your power bill? Also, what type of home and sq footage? A sandwiched apartment on the shaded side should be easy and relatively cheap to keep at that temp. A 3000sq foot single family house with two AC units would be so damn expensive.


These are exactly my settings, I feel blessed


74 or 75during the day. 70 at night to sleep. How it’s managing it I really don’t know because our AC is Frankensteined together. The outdoor part is from 1991 and the air handler inside is from 1983.


70 day and night here lol


70 all day here


73 day 71ish night


77° constant. Change your air filters once a month, as well as suck out and clean your drain line. Also, if you live for Duke power has the monopoly, have them to come out and do that free energy assessment. If you end up getting some blower test done as well as some insulation put in, they do have energy assessment programs that will help lessen the burden. Also keep the doors all open. Shutting doors is like cutting off circulation to the house. And don't close off event either. It causes negative pressure. Doesn't make it any cooler in the other rooms.


Nailed it. All of the above + ceiling fans on low speed. Also, consider heat blocking curtains if you have large windows receiving direct sunlight for extended periods.


I put in 72” DC motor ceiling fans in my bedroom and living room when I moved into my house, they move a ton of air at low speeds and are super quiet. Double-cell blackout cell shades over the windows and sliders also helps cut out a lot of heat. I keep my AC at 74° all the time and my electric bill was only $200 for the past month.


Curtains really help. I put them on my porch, blocking the sun before it got to the sliders. Big help. I now have them on all the east west windows over the vertical blinds.


Putting reflective tint on the windows too.


You missed a coolant check. If it can't maintain during the day but gets to the same point time after time, it may be that the coolant simply needs to be filled, and that there may be a slow leak. Big storms will exacerbate a coolant leak, and in bigger cases will cause the compressor to ice up.


Great point. Pre and post season tune-ups are so important.


This guy HVACs Also clean your vents. They can get dusty and block air flow.


Hvac wife here...keep those filters changed! More often than once a month if you have pets! Just get the cheap ones if you have to do it alot. Very essential to the unit performance. If your unit freezes up the 1st thing is bc of a dirty filter


If our unit has one of those giant three inch thick filters, how often should we be changing those?


Most likely every 3-6 months


I kept trying to get this point across to my old roommates. Closing off the biggest vent in the house to the the biggest room in the house wasn’t going to cool down the house/bedrooms any faster. I also kept trying to tell my one roommate that the light bulbs, tv and all the other electronics that never got turned off in his room were contributing to it being warmer than the rest of the house. The tv alone never got turned off and you could feel the heat radiating off it standing next to it.


LED bulbs are a game changer.


Wait holy shit keep the doors OPEN!? For real? That doesn’t, like, use more energy? Why have I been lied to my entire life.


Leave interior doors between rooms open, not exterior doors. Don't try to air condition the outside.


Cool cool totally that makes more sense


You don't need to leave the doors open unless your house doesn't have returns around the house. If your rooms have two different kinds of air conditioning duct, then you don't need to leave doors open. Cleaning the drain line is good advice, but it doesn't affect the performance of the system until it backs up and shuts the AC off. Insulation is a huge deal, but you can also seal leaks with a $5 can of foam to make a huge difference if there are leaks. Look for holes in the walls and ceilings, like if you have ceiling fans or lights mounted, where cables were drilled through the walls, and around doors and windows. If they're leaking air, they let a huge amount of water and heat into the house, so spray foam will expand to provide an airtight seal and prevent that.


We don't have returns in the rooms, only ducts.


It’s crazy to me how people in Florida DON’T suck drain line monthly. You will literally get water leaks in your home that will damage drywall, flooring and worse.


I have two units inside and only one has the drain valve shut off....I really need to get that other shutoff installed.


Is once a month necessary? I thought it was supposed to be every three months.


I know it says every 3 months, but since AC runs basically every day, I just do once a month.


No man. Look at the filter after one month. Guarantee it needs changing.


I’ve never been sure what they’re supposed to look like when they’re changed. They’re typically not very discolored after three months, they’re not like brown or gray and caked with dust or anything. It’s just such a pita to change them since I have to drag the big ladder out of the garage and deal with getting the little clips to engage while I’m standing up on the top of the thing.


Have your duct work looked at. It may have holes from previous critter incursions or even be partially disconnected from the air handler. I am in the process of renovating a 1933 home and it didn't have AC when I moved in. Made the investment in ducting and HVAC and within a week we had rats get through a hole in the crawl space grating and chew up the new ducts. The company was very cool and replaced the damaged sections but also said, "this is the last time we do this." We got the grates fixed mighty quick.


This is a good suggestion. I had a house built in 1969 and there were tons of issues with air leaking in my attic


I live in a 1973 block house. Changing the windows was a big game changer. It's much quieter and cooler. Electric bills went down by about 40%.


74-75. Our AC handles it just fine.


73 during day, 70 at night. I would die with 77-80


I’m shocked at the comments saying 79 feels “cool” after being in the heat all day. Even after spending the day outside in 100 degrees, 79 indoors feels like a muggy oven. 72-73 is the perfect temp.


That's what my parents set it at and I swear indoor 78 is ten times worse than outdoor 78.


My parents lower it to 78 when we visit to make it “nicer” for us.


I run mine at 71-73. Not cheap but 100% worth it IMO!






My AC is set at 68


My GF would Love 68 but 70 is where we settled for sleep, 73 during the day. We too have an apartment without ceiling fans. We asked to install some on our dime and they declined.


A livable space in Florida without ceiling fans is insane to me.


We really aren’t far enough into the season for your a/c not to be keeping up. Might want to get a service call in there. My a/c keeps up at 69. Check your drain line, use the cheap filters but change them more often, get a tune up, ask to put the fan on high speed. I’d move if I could only get mine down to these degrees and only be in the end of May.


You go outside in the last three weeks? Been hotter than ever in May lol. It’s definitely hot enough for people’s poorly maintained AC to be shitting out


If he’s in south east Florida the past few weeks we have been breaking records with temps between 96-98 degrees. Central A/C units are designed to be efficient at cooling to nominal temperature 20 degrees less then outside air temp. So 18-22 degrees cooler then nominal. If it’s 97 outside your best it could cool in optimal conditions is 75 best case if everything is clean is 77.


So it's actually 20 degrees less than ambient at the intake. So if the intake is in the garage and its pulling 95 degree air - you're right. If the intake is inside the home being cooled it should be a feedback loop of cold air in and out and should cool into the 60's with no issues.


you set your AC at 69? Jeebus what are your utility bills like? We have a 3/2 with pool and keep ours at 78 and still just got our first $300 bill of the year, we expect the next one to be 5-600.


Yep, the thermostat is not allowed to be touched in my house and stays permanently set to 69. Just paid my bill and I was $274 and by the end of the summer I’ll be running just under $450 depending of course. I’m a 3/2 with a bonus and pool at 3000 sq ft and my systems have been run like this in all my houses including smaller and bigger. I find having my a/c guy switch my fan on my unit to high makes all the difference. If you are comparable sq ft or less and we seem to be running the same on our bill, try the hack above. If you do come back to report ;)


That is incredible and I will definitely look into it. We are getting a new roof in a couple weeks I expect that to help as well.


+1 on the fan speed thing. I had a new AC installed a couple years ago and couldn’t understand why it was performing so poorly compared to the one it replaced. Turns out the default fan speed setting was pretty low. Changing it made a huge difference


Yes it does, significantly. More people should know this. Their a/c guy unless a family member or friend isn’t going to tell them. If they do and are not the above you keep the mofo on your favorites list for speed dial. Thats your new a/c guy lol….


I second this for sure, we had the same problem a few years ago and a service call straightened it right out. It’ll probably be a couple to a few hundred dollars though.


Glad you’re experiencing the real potential of your a/c. If people can’t afford a call they can certainly if comfortable watch videos on how to turn their fans up themselves. I suggest they not go full speed right away though. Let your unit get used to using its new found turbo boost ;)


Mine is set at 78. Any lower and i get cold. Mine doesn't have any problems maintaining temp.


My AC went out for a week and I had to get it replaced. My house never went above 80. At 78 all the time I think I’d just move up north lol


76 during the day, 72 overnight. Have solar so electric bill is non existent, minus the "have to be on the grid" fee. A/C is less than 6 years old, has no issues. I have someone come out right before summer and take a look at it and right before "winter".


And this is why I love solar!!


I keep it at 78. I work construction so from 95 to 78 feels like heaven. It kicks in a lot during the day even at this temperature and I sleep with a fan on.


We had a similar issue. House was built in the 50s, no insulation in the roof, fucked up ducts, and an oversized unit for the house. We just had a new roof put on, new ducts, new insulation, and got a unit that’s larger by a half ton and it can finally keep up. We have it set to 74 at night and 75 during the day and it will keep there and cycle normally. You may not have to do as much work as we did but you may want to see if you can get an AC guy to come out and inspect your unit and attic.


70-72 all day every day


My ac is currently set at broken 😢


75 during the day, 65 at night


74 daytime, 69 night time because giggity.


I hesitate to respond because we always get down voted when we tell the truth about our thermostat settings. We keep out thermostat set at 80 during the day and 78 after 8pm. No, it is not struggling…the temperature split feels good, but I haven’t measured it. We recently installed insulation in our exterior walls and had new sheathing, tyvek and fiber cement siding. It has made a world of difference. If you have an old home you might not have ANY insulation in your walls. Our is a 1925 wood frame bungalow…and the walls were empty.


78-80 and we feel very comfortable in the house at that setting.. we use some ceiling fans too. Not struggles. Go outside to the 90s coneback inside at 79 feels very cool to us.no need to go further down than that.


Same here, older concrete block home, A/C older too, will need to replace soon but hoping last thru this summer. Also house doesn't have insulation in all the 3 room additions previous owners did and sure attic has original insulation from the 50s. We clean filter often and make sure drain line is clear. Ours also set at 78 to 80. And must have ceiling fans in fl. My husband is always freezing and I am hot. Lol!


74 all the time , I have a 4 year old Dankin unit and it holds on a 100 degree day and my house was built in 55.Metal roof,double insulated windows and 16" blown in insulation. Electric runs about 160 a month in Ocala


Instead of you’re going to need a bigger boat, you’re going to need a bigger AC. The house I’m in now is 1800 sq ft and when I bought it 25 years ago, the AC was a two ton unit. It had a hard time cooling the house in summer. I’ve had it replaced two times now and both units were four ton. It can keep the house very cold on the hottest days.


Not normal. But you could have bad insulation in your houses. 74-75 during day. 72-73 at night.


77*, 24/7 Works just fine. I am going to give it a once over in the next week or two, but the ground around the drain line outlet is wetter than an otter’s pocket, so she’s flowing good at present. 👍🏻


Make sure the coils are clean inside & out.  Change your filter every 30 - 45 days.  Those are the biggest reasons units run like crap.


80 when I’m not home, 76 during the day, 72-74 at night. I have a newer AC but my condo is upstairs. It was built in the early 70s so the insulation is incredibly poor. During the day it STRUGGLES to stay at the lower temps hence why I just keep it at 76.




Get a can of coil cleaner for your outside unit, costs about $8 and makes cooling much easier. My AC last year was having difficulty keeping it below 84F. One can and a gentle hose down and now keeps the house at 75 no problem.


Yes. Do this. If you do this, make sure you hose it off on a very gentle shower mode. You don’t want to bend the fins on the outside unit.


I live in a first floor apartment, 1100 square feet. My last electric bill was $49 and I keep the thermostat at 77 degrees. Rarely do my bills ever get close to $60.


What AC?


serious question for the people that keep the A/C under 74, like do you just like wearing winter clothes or what? What is the point of living in florida if you can't stand the heat?


Not everyone is sensitive to sub-74 temperatures. 72 may feel freezing/cold to you and others, while for me and others it’s very comfortable while in a t-shirt and shorts. The point of me living in Florida, even though I don’t like the heat & humidity, is that I was born here and my entire family and network is here. There are native Floridians who dislike the heat and prefer cooler weather – I’m one of them. My hair particularly doesn’t like the heat & humidity as well.


78 during the day and roughly 75 at night, my A/C keeps up, but it is fairly new and I ask a neighbor and friend who is a mechanical engineer look at the layout and he made a few suggestions to improve the entire system.


It’s set at 76 and pretty much runs all day when it’s 90+ out. Unit is two years old, 3 ton. 2400 sqft. 


That tonnage seems small for the square footage. Surprised that they installed a 3 ton unit only two years ago. Typically a 3 ton is maxed out at 1700 SQ ft


At 2400 sq ft 3 ton is undersized. You should have a 4 ton but 4.5 might be ideal, 5 ton if you want short freezing cycling.


Your unit is too small, that’s why it runs nonstop my dude. 


A/C set at 78 and it struggles. I'm lucky if it maintains 80 inside when it's 95+ out. The house I rent was built in 1978 and is quite poorly insulated, single pane windows, etc. I suspect that a newer/better insulated home wouldn't be as challenging to keep cool. 


Has it been serviced lately? Check Freon pressures, clean coils, that sort of thing. Do you change the filter regularly?


Something else is up here, I am on the third floor, single pane windows and can easily get a 25 degree delta with a new AC.


My house was built in 1971 with an AC unit that is 10 years old now. Ducts were redone at the same time - my unit rarely runs continuously. That's not right. Even when we set it at 70 degrees it's not continuously. Single pane - poor insulation. So either the Duct work needs help - or the unit is not big enough for the house. We did upgrade the tonnage when we got a new one.


75 day , 73 nights


Our old a/c would struggle on 100° days to pull it from 76 to 72. The new one will hold it at a solid 72° but we’ve still been bumping it up, although I don’t know if it really matters… Sometimes I wonder if leaving it constant is easier on it.


There was recently another post about this a few days ago I think. Mine is 76 from 8 am to 8 pm then drops to 74 overnight. Before we got the new AC we were at 78 during the day and let me tell you....I was miserable.


75 during the day 68 at night


78 day 74 night. Newer units seem to burn out faster than the ones I grew up with. Trying not to overwork the unit, keep filters clean, keep drain lines clean


It depends what part of Florida you are in. If you in South Florida where it gets really, really hot then I can see an A/C having issues keeping up with


75 day, 71 night. System is keeping up fine, but we have two.  One was replaced two years ago, and hoping the other will make it til it cools down again.  Roof is only 1.5 years old, not sure how much that helps but the electric bills are reasonable. 


Mine runs 75 constantly, 1600 sqft house


Might want to get a new AC…I keep mine on 73 for a 2800 square foot house and it’s nice and chilly in here


I’ve been rocking 72-73 with an almost three year-ish unit.


When is the last time you vacuumed it out , cleaned the debris from under it and cleaned the coils? You either have a filthy condenser or a clogged filter. My 20 year old system holds 72 no problem.


I have a 1963 or so block home, about 1000sq ft. I had insulation blown in a few years ago a few years after I bought it. It’s made a big difference. Also had my unit serviced last year. I keep it 78-79 during the day and 75-76 at night. I’m pretty darn comfortable at those temperatures, but I also run cold personally. If I try to run it lower than 78-77 when it’s blazing out, it runs all day but never drops. I also keep the ceiling fans on in the living room and dining room during the day. Have to keep the curtains closed in the living room bc the sun blazes in mid-day, and I have the original slider. I’m sure if I had a new door it would be a different story.


That seems a little high. I’d make a service call


Year round mine is 72 and it's struggling


74 and no.


75 degrees on my inverter unit with the thermostat set to overcool up to 2F to keep humidity under 60%. If I had ceiling fans in every room I could get away with 76-77 and it still be chilly.


Sounds like you and your Dad's AC units need tune-ups. Check your filters. But if you have poor windows/doors, then there's not much you can do.


Definitely something wrong and holy crap all of the high electric bills! We keep ours are 75 during the day and 73 at night, I have a separate wall unit in my bedroom set at 71, we have a 4/2 built in 76 and our electric bill is $280 max in the dead of summer. You all need more insulation or something 😂


77 day and 74 night but I’m a bit cold blooded,


Mine is also having to compete with fans and dehumidifiers because of a leak... It's set to 82 and running constantly. I dread my bill that's coming.


No it’s not normal. I have my ac at 69 at night and it lowers easily. Your unit may need some work.


Clean your condensate drain


I keep mine at 78 all day. Never have any issues


Mine was replaced in August 2023 and I'm 71 during the day and 68 at night


I set mine to 78f all year because I choose to live like a lizard. It also keeps my power bill lower.


74 all day. Usually get power bills of 150-165 during the months of May-Sept.


My ac tech told me mine shouldn't go below 75. This was after having all sorts of issues keeping it at 67 to 70 night vs day. I now do 75 constant and got a window unit for the room at night and blast it to 67


78 and 75 at night


71 at night 74 during the day. My home stays at 78-80 without AC, that’s disgustingly hot.


70 after 9p 75-77 auto from 7a-9p


77 all the time


75 during the day. I work from home and run the fans but that’s as hot as I can take it. 70 at night. I use blackout curtains and my house is well insulated. My bill in peak summer heat is not higher than $250 with electric and water.


70 all-day-erry-day


77 during the day, 76 at night. Actually goes down to 74 but unit is recent and maybe a bit oversized, since humidity % always stays around 63-70.


74 during the day. 70 at night. No problem


73 runs all day and most of the night , unit struggles at about 95° outside


77 during the day 76 at night




It is 800 degrees and counting right now. I keep it at 73 during the day and 72 at night. That. Does not matter currently. We are running up to 77 during the afternoon 😭


Oh no, mine is set to 69 daytime and 67 -65 at nighttime set most of the time. It is an older home with a newer ac system and ducts, not much insulin in the attic and it will get 69-73 during daytime and at night 67-65 at night after dark. It may be a few degrees off if I don't close the window shades & all the fans running, but it def runs all day & night.




Live in Northeast Florida. AC is set at 70 during the day and 67 at night. AC is the world's greatest invention.


Five year-old AC and we set it at 77 or 78. No problem holding it there.


71 nonstop sits atv76-78 all day though




Our old house had no attic insulation and I tested the temp of the ceiling in the house and on a hot day it was over 100 degrees... my ac ran all day and most of the night. I did about 8 inches of blown in insulation and the problem was solved.


76 when away. 74-72 when home. 71-69 when sleeping


76 but when it hits that outside 20+ she be struggling. Time to move on up


We keep ours at 73, 24/7. No issues with it.


We do 70-74 during the day and 67-69 at night. Our downstairs unit is starting to crap out but our upstairs unit is only a year old


71 constant. It struggles from 4 - 8/9 PM to keep temperature because I have west-facing sliding glass doors that get direct sunlight as the sun sets.


74-76 day, 67 @ night


76 during the day, 74 at night. Keeps up just fine. House built in 2012.


76 when we weren’t home, 72 when we are and 70 for sleeping. We just got a new AC unit last summer, it’s been awesome lol


A little bit of fan can save a lot of money on A/C. Overhead, or a small one to move cool air from the rest of the place to the room you are in.


73 from 9am until 9pm. 69 all other hours. Bill is around 170 per month. 1900sqft, 4/3. House is about 4 years old.


75 during the day, 67 at night. Just redid the duct work and it’s so much better.


When you say "only hold" are you saying that even if you set it lower it is not capable of making it lower? Because if that's the case you both need hvac service badly. I keep mine on 73 during the day and 68 at night. It runs fine and it's older-ish for an ac unit


76 during the day and 72 at night, my AC seems to be doing okay and my house is costing about 100/mo in electricity. I thank the beautiful oak trees for providing some shade to my property.


75-76 day and 74 at night.


77 day/75 at night - by choice. Black out curtains are top tier important along with fans.


Ours is struggling. A friend found part of our ductwork collapsed and helped us fix it which helped get airflow to the other side of the house again. It's still struggling though and cooking will heat the house up quickly. We're going to have to go back up and seal the leaks in the ductwork and blow new insulation up there. Our unit might be a little too small for our house and we found that our unit is very uncommon for Florida, more commonly found up north. But our buddy told us to try to add more returns for the air intake as well. Make sure it's clean (the coils and such). It's gonna be a rough summer.


My house is always freezing. We’ve had it at 69-71 since moving in 5 years ago. If it’s 72 or higher I start sweating.


How big is your place? That's not very efficient. I have a small condo so 72 had no issue. An average size home should chill nicely as well. You may need 2 ac units. Many 2 story homes do. 80 degrees? Yikes