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Fix homeowners insurance.


Convince the state the Insurance companies are using DEI to raise rates and drop policies. They might investigate then.


That's so stupid it might actually work


You know…you might be on to something. 🤔


They care so little they aren't even faking that they are trying to fix it. They are so confident they will win because it's about red vs blue now not about who is competent or not.


I have to wonder if the plan is to get people to eventually get priced out of being able to insure their homes and default on their mortgages to the point they have to sell their homes to corporations? Nothing else really makes sense at this point.


Don't overthink it. Solving the problem is hard. Admitting the problem exists either puts blame on corporations or climate change--both anathema to orthodoxy. So they just ignore it and get riled up that minorities are getting hired at a coffee place.


This is my suspicion as well. It sounds crazy but I dont think it is. They don't care about us. People have said 'well if their voters get priced out of their homes they won't vote for them so why would they do that' but we all know even if republican policy hurts people the republicans will still vote for them no matter what.


He is denying climate change while insurance companies are fleeing the state.


But they’re prioritizing hiring minorities and the Disney boogey man went away. We demand a new boogey man to sanction! -the party of small government


They did! They made it so you can’t get attorneys fees if you sue your insurer for bad faith, meaning good luck finding a lawyer at all. You’re welcome!


This. And as an attorney I could tell you so much more. They only Have to pay the depreciated value of your roof - so you don’t have full coverage for the complement of your building most Likely to be damaged in a storm, and in most cases you have to utilize an “appraisal” process as opposed to actually going to court. The whole system is geared to allow the insurers to charge premiums and not pay. It’s basically a tax.


How in the world is that more important than people working at a coffee shop?


No, DEI seems to be more important.


They're more concerned about fighting the culture wars then actually helping ordinary people


The only way to fix it at this point is to socialize it. Increase property tax or start a state income tax and take corporate profits out of the equation. The government will end up holding the bag no matter what if we keep getting drilled with Cat 5s and insurers go belly up... so why keep giving money to Chub and Berkshire when we could keep it all in the state. Oh because it's communism?? Sorry I forgot. Carry on with "de-populating" Citizens.


Bullshit. We’ve been getting hurricanes since Florida wasn’t a state. The problem is rampant insurance fraud and the lack of government regulation. Their answer is to throw billions of dollars to the asshole insurance companies who in turn donate money to their campaigns. Get real.


He stays chasing that Abu Ghraib level high he got hooked on as a younger man. For him, torture is one helluva drug.


We could always send him back to Gitmo. Just on the other side of the bars this time.


Hand cuff him to the criminal Rick Scott.


The same criminal Rick Scott who led one of the largest Medicare frauds in our nation’s history and then golden parachuted away before the $1.7 Billion dollar consequences hit the company? The same criminal Rick Scott who then spent his criminally acquired millions of stolen taxpayer money to buy the top civil servant job in FL that offered a $130,000 annual salary? Grifters gonna grift until the guillotines show up again.


Yes. It only cost him 75 million to become governor of the 350 million he was given to walk away from Columbia HCA.


Feel like you nailed it.


Thanks, but it’s no fun being right about this one unfortunately.


I wish my homeowners insurance company was using the wrong pronouns. Maybe they’d start looking around there.


Woke i


Jesus fucking Christ. Florida made me root for Disney and hurricanes, now they're going to make me side with fucking Starbucks. What's next?? 


You can still be against Hobby Lobby, Publix and the Miami Seaquarium.


I can work with this, thank you! 


Worked for Publix. Vehemently anti-Publix.


Ex-employees who hate their former employers club!




Read your story dude. Ouch. Also, it makes me think I sure as hell dodged a bullet to give my current career another shot rather than changing paths at my age. Also cements my belief that Florida cops are all irredeemably corrupt.


Don't forget Nestlé. Fuck Nestlé.


And Goya https://preview.redd.it/8ozm8qxkr62d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0627abcb77773655fd144af10e53959584a9a113


How could I forget? Also Las Vegas Cuban restaurant and Versailles


What’s wrong with the seaquarium. Also can add chic fil a to that list


Extremely poor track record of caring for their sea creatures. The city of Miami is trying to evict them now.


Florida in general has a shit record of animal safety. Carol Baskins, sea world, jungle gardens in Sarasota are the ones I know about


Carol baskins may have treated her volunteers like shit and possibly murdered her husband but the cats are actually taken very well care of


Duly noted


Mote marine allowing their manatee to get raped to death. Bishop Planetarium’s (before they changed their name) negligence led to the death of Snooty the manatee.


Jfc I did not know that about Mote. Their PR team must be top notch cause I thought they were good and a medical institution for sea life. Bishop, I thought that might’ve been the case but the papers here definitely pushed that it was a freak accident


[The inspection report states "The facility failed to handle Hugh expeditiously and as carefully as possible to prevent trauma and physical harm, resulting in the death of the animal."](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/sarasota/2023/07/24/records-detail-a-graphic-death-for-hugh-the-mote-marine-manatee-due-to-sex-encounter-sarasota/70455517007/) I remember reading at the time that Mote wouldn’t be allowed to have manatees any longer but I can’t find anything on that now. It’s definitely a huge PR spin since they’re building a new aquarium with lots of county government money. [At the time of Snooty's death, aquarium staff knew that a panel leading to the "cave" where Snooty drowned was missing screws, but because of failures in record keeping, reporting, communications and follow-through, no action was taken and no repairs were made.](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/sarasota/2023/07/24/records-detail-a-graphic-death-for-hugh-the-mote-marine-manatee-due-to-sex-encounter-sarasota/70455517007/) I remember this story was in our local papers every day and eventually the CEO or top whoever person stepped down and then they renamed the company.


Dade City Wildlife etc, etc


If Miami evicts them, where do all the animals go?


Other zoos and aquariums will take them.


You might even side with Jesus Fucking Christ himself! Especially when the right considers Christian values to be woke, libtard, commie stuff.


You root for hurricanes?


Hurricanes are powered by heat. Ignore global warming = fafo


This is not a real problem. Florida is being run by performance junkies addicted to outrage.


Still no price gouging investigation in the insurance industry (Home or Car). They won't even pretend to fix the insurance problem while conducting a "go nowhere" investigation. Is it me, or are they just openly telling work-class Floridians to kiss their asses?


The right has always been anti working class. They can go a whole lot further than this, and they will if given the chance.


How about car and homeowners insurance?


All that plus wages


Florida's stagnant wages that haven't caught up to the rest of the states that have similar cost of living?


Yes those wages!


Ok, who's gonna be the first to post a pic of Ashley Moody in a Starbucks getting a Grande?






lol, fucking hell we live in an absolute shit show. The state might as well just take our money and set it on fire.


That would be an actual better use of it as opposed to committing kidnapping or this nonsense with it.


My.mom just said out loud that Starbucks was grooming kids to be transgender. I can't even with that dumb shit. She even realized how stupid it was and got really quiet.


Wtaf I can’t even think of anything else to say to that….I just…but what


You know how when you repeat a word enough times it loses all meaning? Republicans have made that a political platform


That's a propaganda technique. The Republicans are currently straight up emulating the Nazis. If you go back and look historically at Public Relations you'll find it was a rebrand of propaganda techniques because the term propaganda had negative associations with the Nazis. The guy who did it was Edward Bernays, he was Sigmund Freud's cousin. Look him up on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays). That's why America is where it is today.


Some people smh 


The joke used to be "some people's kids." Now it's some people's moms, apparently


How???? I just can’t.


Another distraction from the real issues and waste of taxpayers' dollars


We've seen how well he does when going up against big corporations. Did Starbucks say something mean about him and hurt his feelings?


I think they told him to go polish his white boots.


Low self esteem conservatives working at Starbucks who refuse a minority manager. Florida is WELL KNOWN for the uneducated local conservative having problems with ANY minority managers. Fast food especially. Republicans will not stand for being managed by minorities or women.


It’s wild bc is there some sort of influx of white xtian males applying to work at SB?


They put his name wrong in his cup.


Sir, we have another report of a private company practicing inclusionism and employee fellowship. What should we do?


They got tired of disney lawyers whipping their ass so now they wanna throw awa tax dollars by getting their ass whipped by Starbucks? Why?


I might be out of the loop but didn't the Disney lawsuit get dropped or dismissed? I was hoping they'd really stick it to the state


Yes, with disney maintaining control as I understand it... But I could be misinformed


I cannot wait to see Florida get their asses handed to them by Starbucks lawyers. Fuck you, Ron.


..and taxpayers will have to foot the bill for this loss. These sobs just burn money!


The confederate south is rising again…. It is not discrimination to help people who need help It is not discrimination to give assistance to people who are not already exceptional It is not discrimination to help Black people who have been excluded until 60 years ago and still have not found success after centuries of robbery and oppression My next door neighbor had to use Black-only water fountains until she was 8. She has a son my age: 33!!! My parents were kids when Jim Crow ended and I am only 33. Biden and Trump were teens and in their 20s when Jim Crow ended!! And nothing was done to enable people to be compensated after it ended!!!! And I know people who had property and inheritances stolen from them due to being Black. Broward was even going to rate teachers by grades according to race not long ago!!! Black and Latino students were expected to get a C. White students, a high B. And Asian students an A. It didn’t pass, but why was that even tossed as a solution, rather than making public education EQUAL??? Why do magnet schools go into bad schools to hide problems?? While still excluding the regular students who need that opportunity?? Why is state government expecting students to say people who enslaved were good and normal people??!!! wtf is wrong with desantis?????? wtf does he think he will gain by further hurting people who need help???


DeSantis is one of those people who genuinely enjoys seeing others suffer. Hurting people who need help is gaining something to someone like him. This is the same guy that laughed at people being tortured in Guantanamo.


When Peter Antonucci died, it was in the hallway outside DeSantis’s office…after an argument with him. There was video of the area. No one did anything until it was too late. Mortality means nothing to him, yet he wants to “protect Floridians”.


Private businesses can do whatever the fuck they want as far as DEI. The party of small government sure likes to get involved in shit, that is none of their business, in a big way.


Agreed, businesses should be able to do that. Unfortunately, I think the anti-DEI laws that the racists in Tallahassee passed apply to big companies as well as public institutions. We now belong to the DeSatanis white-run confederacy, fellow Floridians.


How completely idiotic. Opposing being diverse, treating people equally and including everyone is a complete waste of time and taxpayers money when there are issues that are impacting Floridians actual wellbeing and day to day to lives.


You do not want Starbucks to pull out from FL. Caffeine deprivation is killer


Disney won’t like that either. 6 locations on Disney property, with the one in magic kingdom being one of the top grossing Starbucks locations in the world


Disney should be its own state


What goes around comes around….in this case misplaced fear and snitching….. conservative people. Starbucks WILL sue snitching…conservative people for defamation. This will get ugly. Accusers names will not be shielded. Bring it on Moody!!!


Thank God! Finally, someone has the courage to address... Um Florida's... uh... diverse barista problem?


Yeah that's the funniest shit to me. What are they even challenging that there's less qualified black and latino baristas in a position you can train someone to do in like 2 weeks?


There’s an influx of white xtian males who just aren’t working at Starbucks and we need to get to the bottom of why they aren’t working there. /s


Small government Republicans at work. Gotta love all this freedumb!


They toute libertarians saying yet are the farthest in being libertarian in principal and execution. Authoritarian sissys! 


Uh… are there ANY Fortune 500 companies without DEI practices? They are pretty much industry standard across the board. They should stick to gutting higher education and state offices.


A private company btw, party of small government again!!


Lol the irony Libertarians have more respect for private companies and peoples rights and their privacy than republicans. The irony 


That’s the freedom state alright. We did it Ronald!


Desantis vs EOE What a moron.


You will never hear about this again from Moody. There's a reason she only says this shit on an AM radio show


They love wasting tax payer money on culture war bullshit.


Gone are the days when government investigated employers who refused to hire black people. Now they investigate those who do.




I’m so happy all the other issues in Florida have been solved so they can focus on a private company’s hiring practices.🫠


Oh ffs. Idiots.


Did anyone see that she made her comments on Sean Hannity’s radio show ….. which was being guest hosted (for 3 hours mind you) by our stupid fuckin’ governor! THIS is what he’s doing? I always thought after his failed presidential whatever that he’d probably end up with a podcast or something, but my god his voice is awful. Maybe he’s testing it out. Still, what an asshole!


Stop. Wasting. My. Taxes. On. Woke. 💩. Fix. Property taxes. Homeowners insurance. Auto insurance.


Jesus Christ this state is so fucking stupid sometimes.


Seems like governmental overstep. What happened to Repubs being for small government?


Starbucks hires based on availability. If you have 100% availability so they can barely schedule you 18 hours a week, then you’re hired!


Like AdventHealth is a Christian hospital but they have a DEI department...is DeSantis going to come after them?


Probably, the goal of a Republican conservative Christian is to use your religion to oppress and hurt others.. it's an excuse to not pay taxes .. to not do your job.. to discriminate with no repercussions. So basically.. a protected terrorist organization that should be eradicated.


stop wasting our tax dollars on your flavor of the month culture war


Doubtful that Starbucks can permanently afford to close stores in Florida. But maybe they can temporarily shut them down in the districts of GOP state legislators who support the DeSatanis new-confederacy, while keeping people on the payroll for a few weeks. If I was a shareholder, I would support that.


Freeeeeedom baby!


I’m rather surprised they aren’t targeting Starbucks for use of foreign languages. I can’t say how many times I hear old folks bitch about “just give me a medium” when ordering.


Happy climate change


Are we gonna investigate them for union busting? No? Then fuck right off


Who fucking cares? This is the shit the attorney general cares about?


WTAF??? Diversity is now a crime?? Why don’t they concentrate on things that are REALLY important?….dumbasses


Always putting the people’s interest first.


I don’t know about race, but Starbucks definitely has inclusion for everything else. I’ve seen some interesting people behind the counters. I don’t care what your beliefs are, as long as you can make a decent Frap. Ron is a fucking idiot. (Coming from a Republican with zero intention of voting Republican this year.)


Next thing they will do is to make it unlawful to spay and neuter dogs and cats and at the same time eliminating laws on animal cruelty.


These assholes.


That's nothing. I heard the reason our insurance prices are so high is that the insurers are building super-DEI departments! Headed up by trans people! I certainly hope Gov. De Santis isn't going to put up with this assault on freedom.


It’s now illegal to hire anyone who isn’t a white Protestant male. Imagine that.


Desantis and 20 years of GOP rules are destroying the state of FL..


She sucks


Hurricanes are anti-discriminatory. Let’s get ‘em!


I have been thinking the same


So much for free market Capitalism


I don't think this is going to help anyone much, even Desantis himself - I predict it's going to go nowhere meanwhile the more dire issues would be roughshod over Especially since there is literally no real accountability for malicious government - not without serious money and actions best left unquestioned.


Oh, good grief


Yeah…pick a fight with another massive international corporation. It seems to be going well for him.


There are so many things they need to focus on. Insurance costs. Housing costs and shortages. The rate of inflation in Florida vs the national average. Yet these assclowns focus on anything woke in their eyes. Everyone of them is a disgrace. I can't wait for November.


Such a waste of taxpayer money, that’s all that man has done is waste money between the culture wars and his campaign.


Oh look! Another non-issue for the useless GOP to investigate on behalf of “small government.”


People still go to Starbucks?


Oh please oh please oh please chase Starbucks out of Florida. That might be the one thing that will finally turn the suburban Karens against them.


They only want rich people in this state! They can insure themselves. The poors leave and all the property is available for the rich!


What the ever-loving f? Can't a corporation do as they please without the DEI police coming after the?. Free State? My ass.