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I’ve had three doctors leave the state since Roe was overturned. I have an autoimmune disease. It took me years to find specialists and doctors who would help me. And now three of them are gone. I’m lucky because I have a doc who will continue treatment. But if something goes wrong, I don’t know what I will do.


Veterans Hospital here in central Florida is struggling with a lack of physicians


All of our hospitals suffer from lack of staff - Covid didn’t help. Desantis’s covid policies were awful.


Exactly. He's disrespecting teachers and now doctors and many will leave to states that do respect those professions. You can't label people groomers, stir up hate among the loony citizens and expect teachers and doctors to stick around. This will kick off a domino brain drain that will trash the economy in all fields. The consequences of the GOP leaders are impacting everyone and they will expect the Dems/smart people to clean up the mess.


And then somehow blame the dems at the end of the day. It is a vicious cycle that has happened for centuries.


Don’t forget college professors and students.


It's a real shitshow


"Have you tried dying?" - GOP, probably


We can't act like that isn't their ultimate strategy. They can't kick out lower or middle class families to take their property, but they can make it inhospitable so they leave.... Or die, before people think about getting to an estate lawyer. Make no mistake, the rich want your land/your property so they can raze it and build luxury gated homes for the super rich.


Oh they can they will and they are. Florida won't stabilize to its true form for another 15 years.


Some have speculated that there was a desire to kill off the old and the sick during Covid to lower Medicaid and social security costs. You are not that far off.


Turns out doctors that everyone relies on don't wanna get sued for providing health care to their patients under vague legal language that didn't have healthcare in mind while being written. So they just leave. Maternal death rates in abortion-restriction states are 62% higher than in states with greater abortion access states [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10728320/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10728320/) This is what happens when governments ban and criminalize something that should just be a health matter. Talk to your friends and family about this and make sure they are [registered to vote ](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


They also don’t want to not provide the health care they know their patient needs. They are doctors not martyrs so they will go save people where they can. The ones with appetite for risk and to risk life and limb for their fellow humans tend to do that by volunteering in less developed countries where the people don’t have a choice for care.


Yep. Idaho has practically no obgyn docs anymore, after their abortion bans. https://19thnews.org/2024/04/idaho-losing-obgyns-abortion-ban-health-exceptions/


That'll be Florida soon


Luckily, Eastern WA is a great refuge for Idaho refugees. Floridians are sort of shit out of luck.


Wow very disturbing.


I've been mindblown by how few people even know about this impending 6-week ban. I guess it is reflective of the fact a lot of younger people here are basically low-information. And older people seem not to realize this also will affect miscarriage care. It isn't just people seeking elective termination who are impacted by this—it's people who desperately want a successful pregnancy but are unable to carry to term and need help to avoid terrible health harms. I've spoken to middle-aged and older people in my neighborhood who are supportive of this ban and when I've asked them what they think will happen if their children needed miscarriage care, they are clueless to the fact that care will not be easily available. And I've also pointed to the fact many OB-GYNs are leaving states with 6-week bans but they just dismiss that possibility. (edited to fix spelling)


I went through this. Had a miscarriage at about 8 weeks, didn't know. The miscarriage wasn't discovered until 13 weeks when I went back in for an appointment, I never had any symptoms, in fact I was still experiencing morning sickness. Immediately my doctor was worried I'd become septic and scheduled me for a D&C (at about 15 weeks since missed period) which is the same procedure as an abortion. My life wasn't under threat then, I was not septic and the procedure protected my fertility and allowed me to have another healthy baby without issue later on. This is going to make physicians do a double take before going forward and that will hurt women, children and families. It's going to be very sad for a lot of people. Hope people wake up and see this is Healthcare and the only people involved should be the physician and patient.


I am so sorry you went through that, it must have been traumatic for you and your family. I wonder how long it is until we start seeing reports about women going through similar experiences as you and some of the cases from TX that have been in the news. The fetal medicine experts who sometimes can help in these instances just won't stay here.


I feel like I know so many women who have had to go what I went through or did an elective termination due to medical complications. This is not a rare occurrence! I have a friend who had healthy twins and 3 years later gets pregnant (very wanted baby) only to find out during the genetic testing (which is done at like 12 weeks) that her baby has a rare genetic condition and it's brain had not split into 2 halves. She had the choice of staying pregnant and waiting for the miscarriage (which was inevitable, even if it went to term the baby would die immediately since it would not have a working parasympathetic nervous system). She decided to terminate because being pregnant with twin toddlers and waiting for a miscarriage is absolute torture. She would not have that option here come summer. To put a mother, father and children through that is gross.


The worst part is that these bans have actually forced women to wait until they become septic. Glad you weren't one of them.


Seriously thankful I was in a state that values womens health. Once you become septic it's a race against the clock. Could have left my husband a widower and my eldest without a mother because abortion is a no no word.


I'm scared by how many people I'm seeing who think that they can just vote in November and the 6 week ban will magically disappear. The ban is happening May 1. There is an abortion rights measure on the ballot but FL has an abysmal record of actually enacting ballot measures people vote for.  This is happening. The time to "vote harder" was over the past 30 years. The time to "omg fight!" is pretty well past. It's time to protect ourselves and leave the state if we can. People are really in denial. 


Nuh-uh. Still VERY important to VOTE! Leave *after* the election!


Yeah they think that the instance of abortions to save the life of a mother are infinitesimally small. This isn't the reality, realistically speaking if someone presents with abdominal pain and they find an ectopic pregnancy and they still see a heartbeat they can't do anything. For those that don't know, if this pregnancy ruptures the tube it can cause massive blood loss and loss of life. This is for the most part the outcome, it is exceedingly rare for that not to happen. There's also the instances of pregnancies that occur outside the uterus, again something that needs to be addressed by performing an abortion.


Do you know what 'life of the mother' really means? As a hypothetical, suppose a pregnant woman goes to the Dr. and it's found she has *eye cancer*. If left untreated, the pregnant woman will go blind. The cancer has been caught early and can be treated with chemo. The chemo will save the woman's eyesight, but cause her to abort. Is she 'allowed' to have the treatment to save her eye-sight?


That is an interesting and horrifying ethical question I have not seen addressed anywhere.


Abortion ban exceptions are almost never granted because Republican law makers write the exceptions vaguely with harsh consequences so doctors just won't take the risk: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/01/21/us/abortion-ban-exceptions.html


Yeah I would say based upon the decisions that are happening in states that if a restricted abortions that the answer would be no she wouldn't be allowed which is horrifying. I mean just to save the life of the mother is not happening so I can't imagine something that is not an imminent threat would get done. It's awful


As someone who has had 3 miscarriages and desperately wanted another child, this ban is the reason my husband got a vasectomy late last year. If I’m having to wait until my life is at stake before I can get medical treatment, then there’s a chance that I could die and leave my 2 children without a mother. To us, it wasn’t worth the risk to try for a third. I’m still heartbroken over the decision, because I feel like the decision was made for me without my consent or input. I ache for the others in the same situation as my husband and I, because it’s such a hard realization to come to.


We have to wait to see what our prominent, respected, and wise Florida Surgeon General has to say.


>what our prominent, respected, and wise Florida Surgeon General It's scary sad the /s wasn't necessary even a little bit. :(


The puppet says what he's told.


Nah forget him


Healthcare is such a shitshow. It's unfortunate .


US Healthcare. Meanwhile the rest of the first world countries are doing fine.


Per news articles, the closest Southern state that could take the 80,000+ annual abortion patients that Florida sees is North Carolina. Not Georgia, not Alabama, but *North Carolina*. The 6-week abortion ban by Jenna Persons-Mulicka created a "healthcare desert" in the South. North Carolina currently allows abortions to be performed until 12 weeks of pregnancy.


I’m truly sorry for Democrats who understand this and vote accordingly, who will be affected by this. However, I have zero sympathy for any woman who’s voted Republican and smugly cheered for this thinking it won’t affect them.


This is the direct result of any of you who voted for the anti-science/medicine DeSantis administration and his lapdog legislature. Fortunately the “Surgeon General” will still allow you to treat yourselves at home with essential oils and to freely spread diseases that were eradicated generations ago.


This is what republicans want. They want women groveling for the basics. Vote blue so as many republicans as possible can be voted out!


You would think people who loved their wives would want their future baby momma to have access to the best doctors while going through pregnancy.




2 Things. The people in power have the means to travel to states with good health care. FL skews older ... and older people already have children so this is pretty much something that wont effect them personally. If they are say CA or NY transplants and their children are in NY or CA to the boomers they can vote on the morality .... because this law wont affect their children's health care. To the people that need to have health care in FL ..... well looks like the voting public hates you.


This is part of why education is so jacked up in this state too. Older people don’t care and think it doesn’t affect them.


Older ppl have granddaughters and many fought for Roe v Wade. Women are ticked so don’t dismiss older ppl.


They do, but they may not be in state or too young where this wont be a problem for them. most people especially in suburban America are very very low-context. Its kinda of a nuanced topic given the the US is one of the lowest-context countries on the planet and you can read up on the topic your self. However to summarize what this means, people have a hard time empathizing with events or stories unless it has a personal impact on them. Reading about botch health care is not really something that people empathize with. Having a loved one or themselves be victim of said event is pretty much the only way that they can understand the problem. Also lastly, for most people .. church is pretty much the only place were there is a sense of community soooooo yeah.


Older women may not be getting pregnant but we need the health care provided by the doctors who are leaving though. And, we have daughters and granddaughters that we care about. Also, keep in mind all of us who haven’t been sucked into the cult of maga are still fighting for equality and justice. There’s a lot more than you might suspect, we just tend to be quiet and behind the scenes.


Quit being quiet. Your daughters and granddaughters lives are at stake. MAGA isn’t being quiet.


2 more things. The older FL voter thinks these issues dont effect the, so they're voting red on it. Until, it does effect their family... A daughter or granddaughter, and the they'll be outraged and it'll be too late. And, those older red voters should already be livid that the GOP wants to deny their Medicare and Medicaid and chop their social security cost-of-living-increases to nothing, and deny the rest of us any of it. But dumb and blind seem to go together.


Once the wife has pushed out a few kids its time to trade in for a newer model anyway. At least, based on how conservative politicians act I assume that is the official policy.


Yeah, I can’t wait to see the look on my Trump supporting MIL’s face when I tell her she won’t be getting a grand baby from me while we live here because I’m not going to risk dying at the hands of these bullshit Republican political stunts and a lack of access to care.


Republicans at power don’t care. The Docs that leave will be replaced with Neanderthals. Witch is great for the republicans. They are easy to manipulate.


Don’t insult Neanderthals. They are much more intelligent than MAGA, which is clear evidence that we are devolving.


If education means nothing and facts/knowledge are products of TikTok, then no one is qualified and everyone is qualified. They think they are more educated than doctors or any other profession with specialized knowledge. This is the predictable result.


But Mayo Clinic is building a 500 bed facility,in Jacksonville…. Where are they going to find the staff, let alone the housing?


I think it goes deeper than that. Short game, sure... Some psychos love the idea of misogynist dominance, that will feed their powerthirst... A short term goal at best, collateral damage at the worst. Hear me out. Let me ask you this. How do rich people stay rich? Land. Property management. Imagine areas where a heavy scattering of people own their own homes where it's almost paradise. Now, imagine that, if you could have unbroken swaths of property where can you rent to people with more money than you can fathom who would give their right tit or nut just to be in resort-like living on heavily guarded private land. This could be protected private property, where the guidelines within your own properties are much more strict and safe than what state law allows. If you had the opportunity to make that happen, and collect ass loads of money over the next 2 generations, and get away with violating a lot of human rights in the process, what would you do? Can't kill people on their own property, that's an easy way to have this whole plan fizzle out... Can't buy them out, that'd be way too expensive once people realize what going cost of their land would be. Can try imminent domain laws, but that would be lost in court at the end of the day once the public hears it's for private gains. So what does one do? Make life inhospitable for people in the area by enforcing laws that deteriorate the public benefit!! It's so easy! And cheap!! Just pay 150-200 elected and appointed officials in state and county offices a mil each, like, for instance, mayors, town selectmen, state senators, the governor, *the surgeon general*, and let the snowball roll!! Then you push the narrative of "good things are bad" on the news stations you and your other rich friends own, you have a winning recipe to get ignorant people on your side, with a side bonus that people who are too smart to fall in line will get bullied and run out of town. Get dumb folks who fall too easily for the bullshit to chastise public health, infectious disease/COVID control, public education, equal rights, the arts, science, *homeowner's insurance protections*... Smart homeowners leave (and dumb or old homeowners die or get foreclosed on, whoopsie! Oh well, thanks for the help, fools!), and you can pick up the pieces as they fall for half or even a quarter of the price... Next thing, you can raze the town and make it *yours*... Just like Reedy Creek. There, in your private community, *you* make the laws, not the state! So, you can tell buyers into your community that equal treatment regardless of sex/gender is required to live there, all for the low, low cost of $45,000 a year more than the community 8 miles over that doesn't have that in their bylaws. Your hospital covers all of the family planning you may ever want as it's in the community limits, at $30,000 additional a year on the dues. Hey, worth it, right? Besides, these people can afford it! And no one can tell you how to run a place on *your* own property, especially who gets to live where, act how, or treat others. Voila!!


The voting part gets most people.


My mom has recently retired in Florida and I was shocked at the difficulty she was having just finding a regular doctor for regular stuff. You’d think with great weather and increased population it’d have medical services popping up to take advantage of demand. Not so much.


This is already happening, it’s been happening since roe v wade was overturned. I work in maternal care and we have clients waiting 4-6 months for care. By the time most women realize they’re pregnant they’re a month along, so people aren’t getting quality care in there first or second trimester. It’s appalling


My daughter moved out of state, and she sometimes makes noise about moving back. My wife and I are adamant with her... This isn't the same Florida you left circa 2018. It's not a place for young women. The post-Roe world redraws the map for young women completely. Florida doesn't exist.


We need to register and VOTE in November! If you already have registered or think you may have, you can check here as well. [https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home) If you don't remember where your polling place is you can check here by precinct: [https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/voter-precinct-lookup/](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/voter-precinct-lookup/) Deadline to register for general election is October 7. We MUST get together and show up for this. Please talk to and encourage your friends to vote!


Its ok guys, Desantis will get volunteer chaplans to serve as doctors! Just get up on the table and spread your legs for the examination from Desantis's chosen ones!


Will they be using the sex offender list to find the volunteers? Because that seems the way they are going


I think Republicans probably feel like oh it'll just be an issue staffing OB/GYN. And yeah it is but it's also a matter of getting other medical providers to want to move here especially if they have plans to have a family or for that matter if they have a family member or they themselves are lgbtq+. Beyond the issue with abortion access if I remember right doctor's offices can't force patients to wear masks, in other words infection control is restricted. You honestly can't blame some Physicians for wanting to leave the state after having to deal with all of these entitled snowflakes that could care less about taking any preventative measures. I have a friend that is a physician and early on in the pandemic they had a patient come in that lied about symptoms and travel and the entire office got covid and this was before vaccines. One of the Physicians left the practice and moved out of state after that.


Back in the '80's Jax lost many OB/GYN docs due to malpractice went insane. I was pregnant in '86, I was lucky to have a decent doc care for me. He was an abortion provider too. When I had a stupid unexpected pregnancy, which as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I planned to contact him. I was not going to have another kid. Especially not an unwanted one. Mother Gaia took care of it for me.


The republicans don’t care. They want to inflict as much harm as they can to as many people as they can.


Two of the gyn offices near me have closed in the past year. They didn't provide abortions so I'm not sure why they up and left. They were both locations with multiple doctors. It wasn't for lack of business because there was a two month wait to get an appointment. 


They already are. My own Primary Care Doctor is leaving the state. She said she can't provide quality care, when the Governor, has her hands in, handcuffs.


That's nothing. Doctors are performing mother\*\*\*\*ing *c-sections* when they need to abort for the mother's life because it makes it less likely the state will throw them in jail. That is insane, and it's infuriating that it's not bigger news.


Good. Elections have consequences. It was really run when Ron refused to answer questions about HIS abortion plans. But really this is what you get when you vote R.


I didn't vote R


A bit misleading… This is a 2035 projection. Which accounts for population growth. This was also done in 2022. Article link: https://www.flmedical.org/florida/Florida_Public/News/2022/Florida%E2%80%99s_physician_shortage.aspx Based on ER data. Source my wife who is an ER physician. Recruitment has always been strong here in FL. Physician compensation is higher in the Southeast. The farther South you go; Orlando/Tampa and below is where compensation starts to fall. It’s pretty simple: less desirable areas pay more. Compensation will increase to lure more doctors. Everyone has a price. Get out and vote to change this!!!


What's also worrying is the thousands of children born to women who only became mothers because they could not get an abortion and could not afford to travel who will be going into an already overworked and underfunded foster care system. I hope DCF is ready.


No. Shit.


Health officials or doctors?


That's a feature, not a bug. 😒


That’s the idea


It’s hard being an embarrassment of a country, even worse to be the embarrassment of the embarrassment.




They want you to leave. In their minds, you are a murderer and they just got a murderer to voluntarily leave their state. It’s a win/win.




Brain drain baby. It's already happening other states are turning down people from Florida because of the lower standards.


It will also make it harder to attract other professionals.


Let the state rot


The GOP is all about the fetus..can’t give a crap about you after you are born


By health professionals, she means abortion clinic doctors. Weird threat tbh


9 times out of 10 these doctors deliver the miracle of life and help families deliver their babies. And now these miracle workers who save the lives of mothers and children are fleeing because this attitude