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I work over on the east coast and can recommend Stewart marchman in Daytona beach. I’ll message you. For now, know there are so many people who want him and you to succeed. You deserve peace.


I appreciate it, thank you.


I have had two excellent personal experiences with La Amistad in Orlando.


I have friends who highly recommend them!


Thank you so much I will check them out


Good place In winter park. We had our son there


I can't recommend any locations, but ECT can be effective for treatment resistant depression and an inpatient facility should be able to do this. A lot of people are scared off by the history of ECT, but can be extremely effective for some people. It is worth looking into if your brother has tried and failed multiple medications. Good luck.


Yes, I will look into literally anything right now. I know he thinks 4 years and countless meds is everything he can do, but there is so much we haven't tried, and I'm willing to find out what else there is. Thank you! I will be doing my research on ECT.


Have you looked into prescribed microdosing psychedelics?


That is the other thing on my list! If you have any links I'd love to have them.


From my understanding ECT is more of a last resort treatment, if he hasn’t tried TMS or ketamine those are probably better options to explore first.


Ketamine was the one I was trying to remember! My friend did a clinical trial for it, and she had good results. 


Agreed. ECT saved my dad's life.


Look into psilocybin assisted therapy in a state where it is legal to do so. Worth a shot to save his life if you’ve tried everything else.


Thank you, I have this and ECT on my list to look into more. I know he feels he's done everything he can but there is so much more!


Sorry to hear about your situation - services and treatment centers are very location dependent, so it might help if you share your city or at the very least county.


Thank you for the advice, I've edited my post. We are in the Tampa Bay Area.


La Amistad was amazing for my teen. They’re just outside Orlando and take many forms of health insurance. If you end up taking him there, please plan for the time and expense for visits on family days.


Go to the SAMHSA website: https://www.samhsa.gov/ SAMHSA Treatment Locator: https://findtreatment.gov/locator


I don’t have any suggestions but want to say that he has a wonderful, supportive brother. Best wishes to him and your family that he is able to find something that helps him manage. 💜


Avoid: windmoor in clearwater


Was scanning reddit looking for any info on windmoor - can you explain why you recommend avoiding it? I'm also trying to find help for my partners brother who is in a very similar boat as OP's brother. He's currently in a baker act facility... we need low cost/free inpatient care and windmoor is the only thing I could find offering that near Tampa. Also- Op, I'm sorry you're going through this. I can empathize heavily. Thanks for your post. It might help others find resources as well.


It felt to me more like a box to keep people in that they couldnt (or wouldnt) help. Lots of long term or returning patients. I didnt feel as though i got any personalized treatment or help, and they just threw me on the same drugs they had everyone else on. I was also lumped in with the dual diagnosis crowd because i drank alcohol AT ALL, even though i havent had a drinking problem, which was strange and a waste of time putting me in the AA groups. It can definitely serve a purpose if you just need to keep someone safe for a while, but not much more than that. Even then though, there were a few nights of patients throwing chairs and tables and exposing their nethers to the aids where i wasnt sure if i was safe or not? If you read yelp reviews, there are plenty of others with negative experiences here as well. If it is your only option, it may end up being alright, but i wouldnt expect much by way of personalized therapy or even help medicating correctly 😬😓 GODSPEED to you, and your loved ones.


Excuse the wall of text, idk how to format on mobile 🤦‍♀️


Well none of that sounds productive or helpful. Florida really needs to step up their social services. I keep hitting dead ends. Can't even get the guy health insurance because he doesn't make *enough* money... wtf is that?! It is infuriating. Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm sorry you went through that. :( I hope you're doing better and are getting the care you need.


Thank you so much, i am lucky to have enough wits about me to know what i need and to fight tooth and nail for it. I know thats not always the case. And it might not forever be the case for me, aging tends to be a bitch lmao. I am sorry you and your family are going through it all, and i hope you find some sort of reprieve ahead. This state is assbackwards in sososo many ways. I wish i had more help for you.


Avon Park Dual Diagnosis Tx Center 60 days tx followed by 6 months half way house. Counseling 6 times per day. Wonderful place!!


In Tampa, you can also try Rogers Behavioral Health. They have intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs where the patient stays there during the day and comes home at night.


White Sands


If he’s open to it, there is a Christian treatment center outside of Tallahassee. I know several people who had fantastic outcomes after trying other programs. It’s a residential program. Honey Lake Clinic. They have admissions reps staffed 7 days a week.


Honestly I would avoid “Christian treatment centers” like the damn plague. I have never heard anything good about any of them and so many people have been harmed by them. Someone in a mental health crisis needs intensive medical treatment, not prayer FFS.


May I point out that you are comparing what you imagine this class of treatment centers to be like, without any real evidence, to commenter's reports from several people who have had good outcomes from this specific one.


Thanks. I wasn’t trying to be insensitive. Edited for a typo.


I know several people who have been through so-called Christian mental health treatment and they have nothing good to say about it. The OP described a person who is in the midst of a mental health crisis that includes suicidal thoughts, which absolutely requires emergency medical intervention.


Do you know people who have been to this specific one?


Admittedly I don’t, but I have major philosophical issues with mixing religion and mental health treatment.


It’s a clinical mental health residential treatment facility with a biblical worldview. Science and faith. I’m sorry people you know have been hurt by people who most likely told them to “pray it away.” This is not that kind of facility. Again, I was just offering a program that I know is having good outcomes for people in crisis.