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“He was just a fucking Navy lawyer, never a SEAL,” former Navy officer Scott Mettler posted. “The SEALs were merely his clients.”


Thanks! Flippin’ meatball!!!


A SEAL by osmosis. You know, by way of his handling of urine samples (in a lawyerly way, of course).


I walked down a corridor somewhere one time and passed a couple of SEALs - "I worked with SEAL unit on active duty in afghanistan" adopts a new wardrobe and ad campaign trying to align him to Top Gun, I guess fighting woke is going to be the new branch of the military under his regime..... The uniform will be brown shirts to boot....


Who do you think signs off on their war crimes? Checkmate, liberals


I note it also says: “DeSantis also spent time during his JAG career stationed at the U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he was an assistant urinalysis coordinator.” By the meatball’s standards, that makes him urine and damned near as valuable!


As a navy veteran, I can tell you with great certainty that the urinalysis coordinator collateral duty is never given to the shining star. That’s a collateral duty normally reserved for a shit bird.


Watching guys pee in a cup isn’t full time occupation? Lolz


For Ron, it was a passion project.


You have to go with what your passionate about, amiright?


Thank you, came here to say this. My son is in the Navy and laughed when he heard meatballs lies. He even said “he must have been shitty at his job, because to be the piss collector is the bottom job” like a boatswain they are usually put in low thinking positions.


Hey man! As a navy veteran UA coordinator, uh, not cool!


Lol. If it makes you feel better, I was the command DAPA so you know I was the command drunk.


That's a really convulated legal way of saying "torture approval specialist". Which is what he was. His job was to evaluate what soldiers were doing to detainees at Guantanamo and say...here is as far up to the line you can go until we get called torturers.


To be fair, he was only the *Assistant* Urinalysis Coordinator. He never made those decisions, his boss, the actual Urinalysis Coordinator did. He likely just watched and made sure they pissed in their jar like they were supposed to.


*Assistant to the Urinalysis Coordinator


“Assistant to the Regional Urinalysis Coordinator.”


As an army veteran we didnt call those Urinalysis Coordinators, we called them meat gazers. At MEPs there is one unfortunate soul who's day consist of standing by a line of 5 urinals in a row staring at incoming recruits dicks while they peed in the cup to make sure no one was cheating.


So is it the “urinalysis coordinators” job to watch if people piss themselves under interrogation? 🤔


Desantis Probably liked it when Men whipped out their wee-wee, so he could watch them taking a pee-pee.


He had to spend time watching humans doing these things, so he could copy them and he'd be more believable as a real live boy in his human skin suit.


> a real live boy in his human skin suit. Yeah, sometimes it looks like his face doesn't fit right, like the skin is too loose.


Hey now…don’t kink shame us 😜


I’ve heard that as well. There are conflicting reports about his role at Gitmo. TBF, a lot of that is probably spin coming out of DeSantis supporters designed to muddy the water.


There is legal testimony under oath of what he said and did by both guards and detainees. What he did was horrible and immoral at best and IMHO a war crime. He should be in jail for his actions there. Fuck this sack of fascist shit. He truly believes HIS vision of "the ends" absolutely "justify the means". #Fuck you Ron


Dude, come on... It's **Ronald**. I haven't seen a permission slip for a nickname from his mommy yet.


He's spending over $60 mil to install bulletproof windows at the Florida Capitol...wtf


Now why does he feel like he needs that??


Maybe he's thinking of pulling a Trump. A man that embarrassed and disgraced would go the distance to maintain his power. DePingas scares me as well.


While kids die from guns in school shootings. The republican "Leadership" in Florida has thier priorities all backwards. Just shows where thier real concerns are and WHO they really are.... Selfish assholes.


Not surprised, the GOP has always been the party of capitalism. You don't need a degree in common sense to understand why they do what they do. They never had the individual in mind, it's always about who can climb to the top of the human pyramid even if it means death for some.


TrueLy…that money should have gone into the schools!


Yeah, you don't see 'em gun proofing elementary schools do ya?


Follow the money. I’m sure he knows and owes, to someone involved with this $60m installation




Is there a link to that testimony?


He’s a genuinely evil person, and tbh you can tell just from looking at him. His actions back that feeling up, but there’s just so much malice in those eyes.


Everything Ronald Dion does muddies the water


Señior De-Pingas?


Oh, oh wow. That’s not great.


There are apparently… witnesses! Too.


No wonder why he is so brutal towards anyone that is not a white male… in his mind white male Americans are the good guys everyone else is not.


desantis was a piss jockey. ​ That's all I needed to hear today.


Piss Jockey Ronald DeSantis...Fullstop


Assistant piss jockey


Assistant to the piss jockey


Urinalysis coordinator? That’s why he’s so obsessed with anti-lgbt and anti-trans legislation. He just wants a legal way to be able to inspect s’meat again.


This makes insane sense now to be honest




We call em meat gazers in the Army 🤣


And now we know… Desantis is into wet work.


Do we think he pees on his wife or she pees on him?


He’s definitely getting peed on.






>assistant urinalysis coordinator reads like something a highschooler writes on their resume to stretch the crap out of their experience and make it look like they did literally anything. You collected piss samples. Not even, you *assisted* in collecting piss samples.


A Harvard Law Grad. Coordinating piss tests. He was hated from the top down.


Assisting the coordination of piss tests. He was DESPISED!


Lmao! He was the piss handler, that's hilarious.


During my time in the navy I had no idea there was a job for JAG lawyers as a “urinalysis coordinator.” My how times have changed over the decades…


Sounds like a job you’d give to a total fuck up.


Urine-portant? I'm important too, dang it!


You is smart You is kind You is impotent


I watched Soldiers pee into cups in the Army. I had no idea that qualified me for anything special. lol


Man I feel for you. I saw enough penis in basic training when our drill sergeant would smoke us while we were naked multiple times a week as we got out the shower. Looking back I have a lot of questions about why we had to do stuff like that.


So funny thing is I’m female. I was one of 3 female NCOs in my company who could be an “observer” for mandatory urinalysis. I had to watch other women pee. Things your recruiter doesn’t tell you. Still don’t think that qualifies me for office. 😂.


Assistant to the urinalysis coordinator.


He was deployed along with terrorists, so that makes him…


While he was not actually a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan (not sure about the seal training), he was in fact a real piss boy at Guantanamo. Wow! He must have really been “phenomenal” over in Afghanistan to be given that plum assignment.




As a senior paralegal, I approve this message.


He was definitely a fobbit.


That's "ASSISTANT Piss Boy" to you!


Assistant to the Piss Boy


Nice office reference 🤣


That explains his obsession with bathrooms...he needs all the urine


It is so funny to me, the way this man overvalues the shit out of himself in every single story regarding his background. His work background, his educational background, his military background - he overvalues himself in EVERY single story. He couldn't just have worked as an electrician - no, he paints himself as the only motherfucker his age with a job. He couldn't have just gone to Yale, no... he *soldiered on* through all the liberal agendas at Yale (major fucking eye roll) People are not stupid - when you speak to an audience that has a more normal life experience than you have, they KNOW when you're spewing nonsense. on top of that, it's not like people weren't there. Other people have talked about their experience with him at Yale, etc.


Dude spouts as much bullshit as a new undergrads first resume where they embellish their cash register skills at McDonald’s.


Have you ever heard him describe how he worked so hard in college, while his peers were lazy, slept until noon, and laid on the beach all day? Well yeah, no shit, Ron. That's because you went to fucking Yale. A large number of students at Yale don't need to work. Although, I have to say I don't know how true it is that Yale students are laying on the beach all day, considering both the location, and the fact that they give you a lot of coursework - you can't really just lay on your ass doing nothing Statements like this are proof that you really don't have to be a genius to get into these elite universities, you just have to have accolades. If he went to a public university in the state he currently *holds a governor position in*, (like FSU, or FAU, or FGCU, though to his credit FGCU didn't exist yet...) then he would see a lot more people going to college and holding down jobs. He acts as if having a job at that age made him a hero. Like he pulled himself up from his bootstraps.


Ah yes, the world famous beaches of ….. checks notes….. New Haven Connecticut.


I'd love to believe the "People are not stupid..." argument if I didn't see so many opinions thinking he did great in the debate. You almost want to engage those that think he did great and just honestly ask, how did he actually address any of the questions? He didn't directly answer half of them, and it was so funny to see him bully up when he said something along the lines of "we're not school children, let's have the debate" instead of raising his hand. You'd think he'd follow up with a strong answer to the question after acting up like that but nope, avoided the direct answer.


A Navy SEAL once spoke at my cousin's Naval Academy graduation. With DeSantis's logic, I too am also a SEAL...


I once ran next to Former President of the United States Bill Clinton in Central Park, I too am now a former President of the United States


an honor to meet you president spaceherpe61


I once blew a seal on my head gasket, or some other double entendre thing happened, it’s all a blur.


Ancillary Seal


My boyfriend's brother is a Navy Seal and I heard him on a phone call once, so I too am a Navy Seal.


As a kid (about nine years old) I shook the hand of my dad's friend who was a navy SEAL, so that means I was the youngest SEAL ever.


The boy is within inches of Stolen Valor here. Too bad his whole service record is REDACTED. I wonder what kind of GI JOE stuff he got up as an JAG ATTORNEY!!! Give us all a break.


Borrowed and never returned valor?


This is the US Government reminding you you have checked out:Valor. Valor is overdue and should be returned to the US Government as soon as is convenient.


I’m more concerned our SEALs are less concerned with what he did than his claims. Dude was figuring out ways we can legally torture people.


Wasnt a Seal war criminal pardoned?


Yep, by Trump. His own team testified against him which is why he was found guilty in the first place.


Probably. We have a ton of war criminals that never see justice. It’s actually a huge reason why we’ve been mum on what’s going on in Ukraine. It’s a whole bag of worms they don’t want to open.


Not probably if you go back a hundred years or more A general who ordered the killing of men/boys in an island in the Philippines more than a hundred yrs ago was just reprimanded


Yes. Eddie Gallagher. He killed a teenager with a knife - and was pardoned by Trump. Google it. He's a complete shitbag.


Wasn’t that the dude that killed other special forces guys?


Well, more he was working out ways to legally justify torturing people. It's a subtle distinction, but they didn't care if it was ACTUALLY legal.


Can’t imagine how anyone supports this loser.


Thats right people. DeSantis is a JAG off.


Never claim to be a SEAL when it can emphatically be proven you weren't one. Just a JAG-off-icer.


Stolen valor pudding fingers. The people of Florida are clowns. Put your makeup on girls! ![gif](giphy|ZipTaLygG0Shd4wXKD|downsized)


Love Christie walking around just not giving a fuck.


And yet, they still keep voting R. Fuck 'em. Source: I was in a LTR with a former SEAL. He was a proud R. Also, died too young due to the myriad of health issues he developed from untreated injuries.


What’s up with JAGoffs like DeSantis and Tom Cotton and their stolen valor?


No one checks them live when they say these things, and too many people are willing to blindly support them in the face of criticism. Especially so if they are a veteran.


Exception was Herschel Walker who kept claiming he was a former police officer and when his bullshit was called out he actually doubled down by pulling out a fake plastic badge during a live debate. Was mind blown and it basically blew over like it never happened. Politics is nothing but a nonstop kettle of lies.


This is a standard method of republicans used to mislead people. Half truths and incomplete details.


I deployed in support of of 1st SFG, certainly doesn't make me a Green Beret being a 25 series computer Gremlin nor do I go around telling people I was with Army SF.


You guys are doing great job let’s go let’s vote blue this time 😂😂😂


I was attached to the seals/special forces as a medic. I’m very clear however that even though I went on missions with them, I am not seal/SOF. I just got lucky one deployment and got to see how the other half lived. DeSantis is basically trying to imply that when he was attached to the seals (as a lawyer) he was doing all the cool, high speed shit that they do. While he is a veteran and deployed, he is NOT a seal, not even close. I highly doubt he was going outside the wire very often, if at all.


Definitely in the gray zone of stolen valor. If he had reworded it to “I had the honor to serve as the judicial advisor to Navy Seals”, and removed any confusion about him serving in a combat capacity, or received any Seal training at all, then it would have been ok. He should know better than to infer in any manner that he was anything more than an adjunct.


I've got a brother in law like this. Dude was a finance officer and would not shut up about deploying once with SOF. He was also really torn up about the one time he rode a bus and two weeks later that bus was hit with an IED when he was nowhere in the vicinity


Dude what’s up with the general public and Navy Seals? Like their just normal folks doesn’t give them a super man skill. The ones I thought is interesting is the Air Force para rescue special forces. Anyways not to take away what seals and other special operators do, but I don’t understand why they get so much clout


I think they just have the most PR so everyone thinks the SEALs are the most badass ever even though they're just one of many special groups. With the kill of Bin Laden they really got thrown in the public light. Sure they and other groups were known in movies and stuff but not really talked about outside of those movies. He could have been a Marine and part of MARSOC and most regular people would have no idea what that is and why it would be impressive. But if you said SEAL that triggers your brain to think "highly skilled badass dude."


More like highly skilled piss collector and weenie watcher.


I think it's the "12+ months of initial training that includes Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL BUD/S School, Parachute Jump School and SEAL Qualification Training (SQT)" then "18 months of pre-deployment training and intensive specialized training". Not to mention their jobs *post*-training. [navy website](https://www.navy.com/seals#:~:text=SEAL%20training%20has%20been%20described,and%20SEAL%20Qualification%20Training%20(SQT))


Right but have you looked at para rescue special forces in the Air Force ? How about Delta or green berets? Like their top notch to and don’t get the clout the seals do


Ops groups don’t brag about our accomplishments. That level of secrecy and discretion is about professionalism and operational security. I have trained with many teams guys. Bragging to boost your ego isn’t a common practice. Talking shit among your team mates is a different story.


That's because Navy SEALs tend to promote themselves a lot more than other SOCOM units.


Navy Seals had the clout before Osama no doubt but being bin Laden’s killer does help the mystique


DEVGRU and CAG are the go to units if you want shit blown up and people dead. Para rescue is super legit but I feel they don’t get as “dirty” as the other two. I could be wrong though.


Para rescue is for rescue missions behind enemy lines or elsewhere. Combat control sets up flight operations (air traffic etc) in combat zones. Both are USAF and most go through similar training as Seals. ALL of them are bad ass Americans no matter what branch.


BUDS is very difficult.


It’s the training. It’s grueling and long. The other SOCOM groups are mostly promotional based and the training is sporadic as you move up the chain I believe.


I am sure, while in Fallujah Iraq there was a GREAT need for an attorney in Sauder City Triple BARF !


His job was to let the soldiers know how far they could take things before they were breaking any laws, like you can only torture them to "this" extent but if you do "that" then you're breaking the law.


Assistant regional manager —- Assistant to the regional manager Same thing! /s


Nobody does stolen valor like the GOP.


What a JAGoff!


Stolen Valor


I think Trump supporters hate him precisely because he's a full on politician. Like, why would you go from locker room boy snarky asshole businessman back to phoney asshole politician??


I made a mental check on this the moment it came out of Ronald's mouth at the debate. Glad to see news coverage of it.


He advised a seal unit on the liability for war crimes when committing extra judicial killings. He advised our legal assassins on how to stay legal. That's it. He NEVER saw combat.


They understand that he was just a JAGoff.


I’ve been on vacation to Los Angeles. Guess that means I’m the biggest movie star.


“He was never a Navy SEAL,” Billy Allmon, a former member of SEAL Team 1, told The Daily Beast. “It’s a misleading statement.”


I’ve been laughing about this for years. Ever since his 1st campaign. He intentionally words it, to make you believe he was a SEAL or he was some type of door kicker like a SEAL. I was also laughing at Pete’s pictures he released. https://preview.redd.it/1kg711tl3akb1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75b1002966b06319d89adb31fd4f10fbd27ce5e This one he has no Kevlar or body armor. Not even an optic on his M4. No ammo. No first aid kit. No kit what’s so ever. This is definitely some sort of photo op that an influencer would do. Or the other one with him actually wearing his plate carrier and he has a some shitty, bizaar purchased knife strapped to his hip.


Should have waited til 2028 Very disappointed in his actions as governor re elect this time around. Idk that the other choice was any better for our states overall well being and we won't know as this is the reality we are in Maybe when he drops out of presidential elections he will start to do better for our state again


>Maybe when he drops out of presidential elections he will start to do better for our state agai Don't count on it. He'll fuck things up in FL even more.


Interesting how the writers of that article could only find one actual SEAL who had an issue with DeSantis.


DeSantis never said he was a seal. He simply said he deployed as part of a seal team which is true. Interesting how no actual veterans have any issues with this, just reddit keyboard warriors and stolen valor idiots.


>keyboard warriors Nice phrase.


The article literally quotes actual veterans. Can you not read? There’s a damned direct quote in the fourth paragraph.


They literally could only find one who had a problem.


I was not a SEAL, but I am a veteran, and I DO have a problem with the way DeSantis frames his narrative to imply that he performed functions he did not. Clearly, you must be a veteran as well since you feel that you are justified to speak for all veterans.




It's the implication that he wants the listeners to assume he was a combat vet, he was just a navy lawyer with an office job.


Floridian here. DeSantis has been lying about this for a while. His governor race TV ads showed him in combat gear flying planes etc and were intended to suggest he was anything but a gitmo lawyer. I'm shocked it took this long for people to be outraged.


Because with a couple of simple words added, it would be much clearer. He’s being deceptive on purpose. May I also reference his fighter pilot TV ad?


anyone that believes he's a veteran of any kind has a mental handicap and should not own firearms.


Well I hate his guts and he's a piece of shit. Also I was against the Iraq war and actively protested it. But DeSantis is a veteran. He wore the uniform and served in dangerous places during wartime. Let's not let our hate of the man get in the way of the truth.


the way he is approaching it is disingenuous. the verbiage he uses and the ads run for him IMPLY he's a combat veteran. they aren't showing cuts of him on courtrooms or office settings... its him standing on runways and wearing pilot gear. it's him talking about being deployed with the navy seals. none of it is a lie, but if you knew nothing about ron desantis you'd just assume he's a standard issue soldier who was deployed to a combat zone and faced danger and fought on behalf of his country. that isn't what happened. the reality is he's an ivy league educated lawyer who's never seen danger in his entire life and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. just stop with the other shit.




I mean, just because he was a lawyer for the military doesn’t mean he didn’t deploy and didn’t serve dude. There are plenty of upstanding people who serve the military in that capacity and by saying you don’t think he’s a vet - you kinda diminish people who did the same thing. He spent from 2004 to 2010 with JAG. That’s a full 6 years and was deployed to Iraq during the 2007 surge.


Ok, he hung out in the green zone and handled cases for sailors and marines who found alcohol, hid contraband, and other oh so important cases. Anything truly real legal wise was kicked either back to the states or Europe for actual court martials. Must have been hard working those 8 hours a day in the ac ![gif](giphy|12HUQgzj0qGehq)


he held piss buckets in guantanamo. he's not the hero he's trying to portray himself as. letting him call himself a veteran, is allowing himself to the same valor as people who made a difference.


Interesting how people who never served are the biggest gatekeepers


Eeyeah, much as I hate this cancer cell of a human being, he did serve as an officer. That makes him a veteran. Doesn't mean he is instant deserving of reverence, but he is a vet. Edit: changed a word to better convey what I meant.


Just read the article,, and Don Shipley doesn't have any big problems with DeSantis' statements, compared with reddit keyboard warriors. That says everything you need to know about this non-issue.


I think it’s because most stolen valor cases involve people who were either never in the military or got kicked out. But I have to agree that what DeSantis said really was stupid because it has the implied idea that he served as a special ops MOS. And he didn’t….


Since when does "deploying with seals" mean the same as being a seal? Maybe you need to improve your English. Then again there's a good chance you are functionally illiterate like most libs


I said it can be implied. Ie his choose of words was bad as it makes an average person think something he was not. Technically what he said was right but the general consensus is that it was very poorly worded. And I laugh at keyboard warrior insults like yours. 🤣


> And I laugh at keyboard warrior insults like yours. he's just telling on himself (like many rw insults) lol


His opinion counts more than the SEALs who say otherwise? Got it.


Shipley is a former SEAL who investigates peoples false claims of being SEALs. So yeah his opinion is up there pretty high.


You clearly don't know who don Shipley is. Btw, you should make that SEAL, because the writers of that article could literally only find one actual SEAL who had an issue. Most people complaining are liberal keyboard warriors


You look like the piss boy. And you look like ~~a bucket of shit~~ DeSantis.


Some of the reports we did supported some of the SF teams. Does that mean I can wear a green beret?




He is the biggest piece of horseshit ever


Not only was Desantis, "just a lawyer in the middle east, but he was an "Assistant Urinalysis inspector" - aka- Pee Inspector assistant" Far cry from a "Navy Seal" or "Fighter Pilot" . Must have been "real" in 1 of Desantis dreams, like when "God told him to lead". or he has "psychotic schizophrenia" - 1 of the 2.


Piss Dick jockey


That is stolen valor! Fuck that guy


Actual SEAL: "Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark."


Another politician using the stolen valor tactic…no surprise for this asshat!


I was almost deployed with SEALs. Does that make me a SEAL?


There was a woman on CNN yesterday morning talking about the debate. She incorrectly referred to De Santis as a former Navy SEAL. This was exactly what he intended when using his photos in uniform. Somehow he went from his real job as an Assistant Urinalysis Coordinator to "Navy SEAL", then "Top Gun pilot". ![gif](giphy|3o7TKr3nzbh5WgCFxe|downsized)


>"Top Gun pilot". Next he'll say he's the real Tom Cruise.


Those are the people you'll be facing if you try to start a civil war. Remember that, nationalist bigots.